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Chapter -3

Artificial Intelligence
Multiple Choice Questions: -
1) Artificial Intelligence is about .
a) Playing a game on Computer
b) Making a machine Intelligent
c) Programming on Machine with your Own Intelligence
d) Putting your intelligence in Machine
2) Who is known as the -Father of AI"?
a) Fisher Ada b) Alan Turing
c) School McCarthy d) Allen Newell
3) Select the most appropriate situation for that a blind search can be used.
a) Real-life situation b) Small Search Space
c) Complex game d) All of the above
4) The application/applications of Artificial Intelligence is/are:-
a) Expert Systems b) Gaming c) Vision Systems d) All of the above
5) If a robot can change its own trajectory as per the external conditions, then the
robot is considered as the _____
a. Mobile b. Non-Servo c. Open Loop d. Intelligent
6) The component of an Expert system is .
a) Knowledge Base b) Inference Engine
c) User Interface d) All of the above
7) Ways to achieve AI in real-life are _____.
a) Machine Learning b) Deep Learning c) Both a & b d) None of the above
8) A strong AI is labelled as
a) Artificial general intelligence b) Artificial generate intelligence
c) Artificial general intro d) Art general intelligence
9) AI can solve both simple and complex type of problems using
a) Unnatural intelligence b) Natural intelligence
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
10) Which of the following are the software languages used in AI?
a) JAVA b) C++ c) Lisp d) All the above
Short Answer type questions:-
1. What is the full form of AI?
Ans. Artificial Intelligence
2. AEG bot is an example of which field of AI applications?
Ans. Data Security
3. Putting a hash tag in social media environment is an example of which field of AI
Ans. AI in social media
4. Strong AI belongs to which Type of Artificial Intelligence?
Ans. Artificial General Intelligence
5. Theory of Minds belongs which type of Artificial Intelligence?
Ans. Artificial Neural Network
6. Give one example of Reactive Machines.
Ans. IBM’s Deep Blue system

Long Answer type questions:

1. Write the names of major domains of AI. Explain Computer Vision
technique in this regard.
Ans. Major domains of AI are:
a) Machine learning b) Deep learning c) Robotics d) Expert systems
e) Fuzzy logic f) Natural language processing g) Computer
Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers
and systems to derive meaningful information from digital images, videos
and other visual inputs — and take actions or make recommendations based on
that information.

2. Explain Robotics, their types and use cases in detail.

Ans. Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design,
manufacture, and operation of robots. This fields overlaps with electronics,
computer science, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, nanotechnology, and
Different types of robots
a) Pre-programmed robots b) Humanoid robots c) Autonomous
d) Teleoperated robots e) Augmenting robots
Use cases
a) Manufacturing b) Logistics c) Healthcare d) Home

3. Write down the main Steps of AI Project Cycle.

Ans. 1. Problem Scoping: Understanding the problem
2. Data Acquisition : Collecting accurate and reliable data
3. Data Exploration : Arranging the data uniformly
4. Modelling : Creating Models from the data
5. Evaluation: Evaluating the project

4. Explain Problem Scoping in terms of AI.

Ans. Problem Scoping refers to understanding a problem finding out various
factors which affect the problem, define the goal or aim of the project.
The 4W's of Problem Scoping are Who, What, Where and Why. These W’s helps
in identifying and understanding the problem in a better and efficient manner.
1. Who - "Who" part helps us in comprehending and categorizing who all are
affected directly and indirectly with the problem and who are called the Stake
2. What - "What" part helps us in understanding and identifying the nature of the
problem and how do we get to know what helps to get us know the evidence.
3. Where - "Where" does the problem arises, situation and the location.
4. Why - "Why" is the given problem worth solving.
5. How is Data Acquisition different from Data Exploration? Explain.
Ans. Data Acquisition or Collection: Acquiring and merging the data from all
the appropriate sources. Data Exploration and Pre-processing: Cleaning and pre-
processing the data to create homogeneity, performing exploratory data analysis and
statistical analysis to understand the relationships between the variables.
6. How does Neural Network work?
Ans. Neural network is divided into different layers and each layer is divided into
a block that accomplish its own task and then passes to the next layer. The first
layer of neural network is known as input layer that acquires the data and feed it
to the neural network. Some hidden layers are there which are not visible, but all
processing occurs in these layers. These hidden layers have its own machine
learning algorithm which is executes on the data received from the input layer.
Then the processed output is fed to subsequent hidden layer. Similarly, at the last
hidden layer passes the final processed data to the output layer.

7. Explain the need of AI Ethics in detail.

Ans. AI ethics is a system of moral principles and techniques intended to inform
the development and responsible use of artificial intelligence technology. As
AI has become integral to products and services, organizations are starting to
develop AI codes of ethics.

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