Escapefrom Colditz Player Aid

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Escape from Colditz ​Security Officer​ Player Aid

● Movement (see General below):

❏ Guards can move through drops and wire fences only when there is Escape Attempt marker.
❏ Guards cannot move into safe areas, or rooms.
❏ Guards can move freely through doors and inspection points.
❏ Guards cannot end movement on walkway space, appel, safe area, above tunnel.
❏ Can move over POW's inside tunnels.
❏ Cannot move through space occupied by a pawn.
❏ For 1 point movement, move Guard from Barracks to any guard post.
● Escape Marker:
❏ Guards can enter a room with Escape Attempt marker.
❏ Can use marker to follow POW.
❏ Can remove marker as they go through, but no other guards can follow.
❏ Guards cannot remain in room with no marker - must follow a drop, or go directly to Commander's Office.
❏ Guards cannot go in reverse direction of Escape Marker route.
● Arresting POW's (see General below):
❏ Move into Pawn space.
❏ Move POW to solitary, move Guard to Commander's Office.
● Cards:
❏ Maximum of 3 Security cards in hand.
● Tunnels:
❏ Guards may only arrest POW's inside tunnel if Security Officer has played 'Tunnel Discovered' card and nominated
that particular tunnel.
❏ If less than 2 POW's in tunnel, tunnel collapses, POW's sent to solitary.
● On escape:
❏ Any or all Escape Attempt markers of that POW color may be removed at Security Officer discretion.
❏ If any guards were pursuing POW in that area, those guards sent to Commander's Office.
● At end of turn move pawns from Commander's Office to Barracks.

● Movement:
❏ Re-roll on doubles up to twice. Add to total.
❏ Rolling 5 or less on movement roll - optional draw of Security or Opportunity card, once per turn.
● Cards:
❏ Cards can be used at any time during your turn, unless 'interrupt', or Security Card 'Appel' card must use before rolling.
Any cards used discarded to bottom of proper deck.
● POW can be arrested if (POW sent to solitary):
❏ Inner courtyard, their Escape Officer is holding Escape Equipment (does not discard equipment card) (sent to inside
solitary), or
❏ They are outside the inner courtyard (discard equipment card if has one) (sent to outside solitary), or
❏ They end their movement on a guard post (if guard deployed to post with POW), or
❏ They are ignoring an 'Appel' card - follow instruction on 'Appel' card.
❏ POW force arrest if move over into a guard.
❏ If one solitary is full, send to other solitary.
● POW cannot be arrested in:
❏ Safe area.
❏ Appel area.
❏ In tunnel that has not been discovered.
❏ If returning from solitary promptly from the outer solitary cells without Equipment.
● Win:
❏ If timer goes down to 0, Security Officer wins.
❏ If 2 of any one Nationality POW's escape, that Escape Officer wins.
Escape from Colditz ​Escape Officer​ Player Aid
● Movement (see General below):
❏ Roll double on movement roll - can take out POW from solitary for 1 point per double rolled.
❏ POW's pass drops, wire fences, inspection points, doors only with proper card.
❏ POW's cannot end movement on searchlight space, above tunnel, unless inside tunnel.
❏ Can move over POW's inside tunnels.
❏ Cannot move through space occupied by a pawn.
● Cards:
❏ Freely exchange equipment cards with other players, but not on Security Officer's turn. Opportunity cards cannot be
❏ Maximum of 3 Opportunity cards in hand.
❏ Gain equipment card - 2 POW's in proper rooms. Same room or separate. Then return pawns any starting point in
❏ Escape Officer can hold one Escape Kit at a time. See Win below for exception.
❏ Build Escape Kit - must place one pawn in each required room. Gain Escape Kit. Move pawns to any starting point in
appel. Escape Kit part card count toward full kit, no need to place pawn in that room.
● Escape Attempt:
❏ When attempt, must place Escape Attempt marker of own nationality. Only such nationality can use that route.
❏ POW can go in reverse direction of Escape (if Escape Attempt marker still there), but must have proper equipment
❏ Other nationality can replace marker with own using proper equipment card.
● Tunnels:
❏ Can used only Escape Officer uses matching tunnel card, and moves 2 POW's into tunnel.
❏ When tunnel open, any nationality can use it.
❏ If less than 2 POW's in tunnel, tunnel collapses, POW's sent to solitary.
● To Escape:
❏ Pow must reach a target spot with Escape Kit.
❏ Escape Kit can be shared by 2 POW's of same nationality if they both escape on the same turn.

● Movement:
❏ Re-roll on doubles up to twice. Add to total.
❏ Rolling 5 or less on movement roll - optional draw of Security or Opportunity card, once per turn.
● Cards:
❏ Cards can be used at any time during your turn, unless 'interrupt', or Security Card 'Appel' card must use before rolling.
Any cards used discarded to bottom of proper deck.
● POW can be arrested if (POW sent to solitary):
❏ Inner courtyard, their Escape Officer is holding Escape Equipment (does not discard equipment card) (sent to inside
solitary), or
❏ They are outside the inner courtyard (discard equipment card if has one) (sent to outside solitary), or
❏ They end their movement on a guard post (if guard deployed to post with POW), or
❏ They are ignoring an 'Appel' card - follow instruction on 'Appel' card.
❏ POW force arrest if move over into a guard.
❏ If one solitary is full, send to other solitary.
● POW cannot be arrested in:
❏ Safe area.
❏ Appel area.
❏ In tunnel that has not been discovered.
❏ If returning from solitary promptly from the outer solitary cells without Equipment.
● Win:
❏ If timer goes down to 0, Security Officer wins.
❏ If 2 of any one Nationality POW's escape, that Escape Officer wins.

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