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Project Title

Hardware purchase and Sales System Visual Basic 6.0 Microsoft Access 2000 Windows

Front End Back End Operating System Project Duration Guide Submitted by Submitted To

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Hardware Parts System is a stock maintenance or management process and

inventory keeping of type data processing application, done by software named Purchase And Sales System used by retailers that sales product to their customer. This application is characterized by a high volume of data processing. Data processing consists of four major tasks: data gathering, data manipulation, and data storage and document preparation. General concept The areas of computer applications are literally too numerous too numerous to mention. Computer have become an integral part of mans everyday life. They dominate every sphere of life be it entertainment, education, banking, insurance, research, medicine, design or manufacturing. They continue to grow and open new horizons of discovery and application. At the present time a facility increases and people want qualitative and better services, all types of products which they require without wastage of time where price does not matter and record are maintain properly of each and every transaction. So the concept of stock management comes into existence. From where the customer gets hardware parts, which is used and require by them, thus this way of proper interface provide satisfaction to both customers and shopkeeper. The system keeps the control over each and every purchase, stock maintenance and sales activity of the store. Any system would normally consist of the following activities: Obtain data from outside the system. Process the data to get the information. Give reports as output to the users.

About Hardware Store The Purchase And Sales system is developed for Challenger Computer Ltd. The store is situated near the milk city of India, Anand i.e. Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat. Vallabh Vidyanagar is one of the well-known town across the state and also known as Education Town. There are many computer colleges and other colleges are situated with well established infra structure so there is a need of such kind of hardware parts. You can also find many stores that are sales and purchase of hardware parts. As in the computer store due to increase in the use. With respect to this there are several transactions done at each and every computer store have to keep up their daily records up-to-date. It happens sometimes as the stock has to be maintained or any other thing to be maintained if not properly it causes some problems. To overcome such type of problems a computerized system of the stock maintenance and management is done by me and my partner. The system is developed for: Name Address : : Challenger Computer Ltd. First Floor, Shiv Shakti Complex Opp Vaibhav Cinema, V.V. Nagar. 388 120. Guajrat , India. Present Status It works regarding to purchase, sales & stock management of hardware parts. They provide according to customers requirement. They open the store during Monday to Saturday. Store is closed on Sunday. Working time during MON to SAT is 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8p.m. they have two working people. They work for 3 years. They contain all types of childrens Games Cd , Floppy Disk , CD ROM Drives , All types of hardware parts, computer to sale and also other parts. Currently yearly turnover of Medical store is Rs.1.5 lakhs.


As the proposed system has large amount of memory, huge amount of data can be stored in it and large amount of data can be retrieved from the memory. Computer can store data for long period of time as well as it can also maintain data of the previous years. The basic concepts of DBMS commercial application development are already in place. The combination of a sharp drop in hardware prices and quantum jump upward in software technology makes working in Client/Server very much within the financial budgets of most organizations. This releases to users, the power of working with a G.U.I. based front-end to manipulate data in any RDBMS back-end. Programmers capable of writing fine tuned code are really invaluable today. As we are preparing a computerized system, obviously the most basic hardware need of the system is a computer. To run Visual Basic, You must have certain hardware and software installed on your computer. The minimum requirements for this computer must be as described in the below table: Hardware Configuration: For the successful run of the proposed system the required stand alone Personal Computer with, minimum hardware required to run the system is as below. Hardware SYSTEM PROCESSOR CACHE MEMORY RAM HARD DISK Minimum Requirement IBM INTEL P-III 550 MHZ 256 KB 64 MB or 128 MB 10.2 GB

It is to be understood that the computer always requires a keyboard and a mouse. So there is no need to specify it. The cost of the above mentioned hardware will be approximately Rs.25, 000/- to Rs.30, 000/-.

Software Configuration: The minimum software required by the Proposed System are follows: Software VISUAL BASIC 6.0 MICROSOFT ACCESS 2000 WINDOWS 98 Remarks Used for creating Forms, Menus as Front End tool Used for storing the data as Back End tool. Operating System require to run the all the programs.

Here the manual system is to be computerized. Computerizing the existing system and producing the application with the help of some programming language and Database Package ease the work of system. Nobody works without detailed information nowadays. In the Computerized system, system starts with splash window and system login window. The initial step is to ask for a login name and a valid password. If the combination of the password and the login name is valid then and only then the user will be allowed to enter in the system. Now after the person is allowed to enter in the system the next screen he will view will be the screen of MDI form the main menu containing the options of either select the Data Operation, Order Preparation, Reports, Utility, and Help. In the Data Operation the person can add the details of Customers record, Suppliers Record, Products Record. Delete or update the all above mentioned things information is also available. These changes are required as there is change in the price of the product or any change regarding to the suppliers or Customers information. These information that is stored in the respective database. The person doing all this work can carry on doing more transactions of this type if he wants to do or he can then come out of the system by Exit button. In each Computer store it is necessary to keep all the Hardware parts as per customers demand. With the help of stockmaintaining report storekeeper quickly find which parts are required to purchase for a store. Storekeeper takes enquiry about current stock, if some parts are less and some parts are required to purchase for store, storekeeper immediately contact an supplier from which storekeeper purchased parts for store. Procedure for Ordering Hardware Parts

The duty of storekeeper is very important to handle the store with gentle working and with good management. One of the most important role of storekeeper is to give order of require hardware parts for a store or as per customers demand. Storekeeper only orders those hardware parts whose quantity is very less and also order those parts whose demand very high in the market. If quotation is inside the budget then storekeeper gives order of

those parts. The amount is given at the delivery time or some in advance for surety of order or dealing of order.

SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM The main job of this system is to make entry of purchasing parts and to provide information regarding to the purchased parts for a store and store it in a file. In any store sales play an important role to produce great image in market. The role of this system is to make entry of sales parts and to provide information regarding to the sold parts from a store and stored it in file. Another job of this system is giving the full information about the parts of hardware. It gives the information like how many parts are sold from the store and how many parts are required for the store. During the sales procedure the store will interact with the customer and Supplier as external entity and with other entity inside the environment of system.

The various boundaries of the system are Customers Suppliers Inventory

Maintaining Supplier related details. Maintaining Hardware Parts related details. Recording all the day-to-day transaction which includes Generation of cash bills Handling product receipts. Updation of stock at the time of selling.

Updation of stock at the time of receipt of product.

In order to keep all the activities of the store under control. Keeper needs the following report.

Sales report

Stock level report Other Miscellaneous report Supplier Information report Item Purchase report Bill Information report


The stock management system of computer store is developed to overcome these most of the problems. By computerizing the system we can solve many problems which are exists in the manual system. After computerizing the system, they can finish their work in least amount of efforts. The computerized system has many gain & features which manual system cant give in any circumstances. In manual system, main problem is to maintain the stock & hardware parts information. This problem is removed by computerizing process because system is itself capable to store the data and give accurate result by using its features. They have lots of parts & its information maintaining is very hard & difficult task. But in computerized system once you enter the data system takes care by itself. By feeding information in computer it is very helpful & easy to know all type of related information like Hardware name, Supplier Information, available stock, its quantity etc. Thus, computerized system gives advantages of both DBMS/RDBMS and Front-End tool. Once you prepare or build system fully computerize then below advantages we can obtain. Minimized data redundancy Data security Maintenance is easy Provide accurate and relevant information Timely generation of Reports Enhanced data integrity

Minimized data redundancy The system maintains the data in organized table structure that minimizes the data redundancy. Data security

The system incorporates a certain level of security by using user rights. Thus the user is allowed to access and modify only those data that are given in user rights. Maintenance is easy We can maintain or manage stock properly. By display the stock information from computer we know the current status of stock of particular hardware part & its price. Thus, we can take decision for purchase order taking of different hardware parts. Provide accurate and relevant information. It is most essential that the information supplied is fully correct and relevant to context in which it is required. The system satisfies these basic criteria by generating accurate and relevant information. Timely generation of Reports Reports are generated whenever require for the specific time duration. Report generating scheme or section provides very easy way to generate specific type of report in very sort time & less efforts. Enhanced data integrity The system incorporates the various data validation checks and thus provides the integrity and consistency in the data. Anomalies in the data are avoided. The gain of accuracy, speed, processing, memory storage, efficiency all are provide from computerized system. System Features Easiest software to learn and use. Purchase and Sales System is completely Y2K compliant. System security and authorization. Manage stock visually. The system has built-in data integrity across the system.

Menu driven, Tabs and multiple windows for a logical division of information. Extensive usage of standard screen to ensure user friendliness. Reduce training time and cost, no prior knowledge of computers require. You can start working immediately.

Greater Help. Tool tips, buttons, message and prompts detailed are provided.

Requirement analysis is one of the vital phases of system development. During this phase, we found what they are expected from a new system. I had spent considerable time in the interaction with the user and gathering all relevant requirements. They want to computerize the system in such a way that some information of Purchase Order can be made from this stored information and they can generate Purchase Reports. For customer where there is fixed price for each hardware product so, it can be stored in the computer so that the price of orders of type can be automatically calculated and changes in it can also be made. They require that, this new computerized system is giving the full information about the hardware products, supplier record and transaction performed on day to day. The requirement is to know the information like how many hardware parts are sold from the store? And how many parts are required for the store? Also how much stock is available in store of a particular part? I had found the following vital needs during the Fact Gathering Techniques Storage of information for the financial year Reducing the data entry efforts To maintain up-to-date and proper parts information regarding to stock Generation of various reports as and when needed like Supplier Information, Monthly Sales , Current Stock, Customer Record Item Purchased Computerized billing process Fact Gathering Techniques: A fact finding study was undertaken to study the activity involve in the Computer store system. I found interviewing as the most important method of gathering information. I had prepared the checklist also after meeting the individual users. That system was studied by means of Interview

Checklist Record Review

Interview User interviews were conducted to determine the qualitative information. Those interviews, which were the unstructured interviews provided opportunity to gather information from respondents who are, involve in the process for a long time. This interview provided into such as: Activities involve in the process of the system Types of Reports Checklist Find out what area of computer store system operation and activities need to be analyzed Find out the reasons for performing the particular operation and what benefits they foresee Find out their priorities Record Review To gather details about the Computer store system, many kinds of record and reports were reviewed. The study covered: Standard operating procedure Forms and documents used for system

The architect process is partitioned into set of similarly struct segments called phases. Usually a phase represents a state in the evaluation of software and has an associated project deliverable. Project Development Phase : Depending on the scope of the project, the operational process may contain some or all of the phases. The phase in a typical development project is following : Project start-up / Transition-in Requirement Analysis High level design Low level design Construction Unit testing System testing Acceptance testing Package and release / Transition-out Project wind up

SPLASH SCREEN : This is the splash screen. This screen appears when the project is run and after this screen all the other tasks of the project can be performed. It will give the name of the software and gives the company name for which this system is made. This system also gives the name of the developers and licensed to our college that is NVPAS.

LOGIN SCREEN : This is the login screen. Here the user will enter the name and password and if they are valid than the below login wait screen will be displayed and the user can access the system

This is the login screen. Here the user will enter the name and password and if they are not valid than the message like Invalid Password, Try again will be displayed.

LOGGING IN : This is the logging in screen. This screen appears when the user is logging in the system. It will display the progress bar that how much time is remaining to display the main screen.

MAIN SCREEN : This is the main screen of the system. From this screen the user can do various transactions on the system. The different menus are Data Operation, Order Preparation, Reports, Utility, Help and Exit.

DATA OPERATION SCREEN : This screen show the use of Data Operation. The menu contain the three things like Customer Records, Supplier Records, Products Records.

CUSTOMER INFORMATION SCREEN : This screen will give you the information of the Customers. This screen is the sub menu of the Data Operation men. This screen will allow you to add, update, delete, search, view, save the Customers Record. At last it will show you the status bar. It will display the current number of the record out of how many records, display the project name, current date and time, and another feature like it will enable the CAPS dark if the Caps Lock is enabled and same for the Num lock.

SUPPLIER INFORMATION SCREEN : This screen will display the record of the Supplier. This screen is the sub menu of the Data Operation men. This screen will allow you to add, update, delete, search, view, save the Suppliers Record. At last it will show you the status bar. It will display the current number of the record out of how many records; display the project name, current date and time, and another feature like it will enable the CAPS dark if the Caps Lock is enabled and same for the Num lock.

PRODUCT INFORMATION SCREEN : This report shows the information of the product. It will also enabled us to view, edit, search the records of the product.

ORDER PREPARATION SCREEN : This screen will allow us to perform the necessary operations like Purchase Order, Sales Order and Bill Order information.

PURCHASE ORDER SCREEN : This screen will allow the user to input the information about the purchase made by the customer and save in the database file and also allow us to print the record and it will display the appropriate report.

SALES ORDER SCREEN : This screen will allow the user to input the information about the sale and save in the database file and also allow us to print the record and it will display the appropriate report.

BILL ORDER SCREEN : This screen will allow the user to input the information about the bill and save in the database file and also allow us to print the record and it will display the appropriate report.

UTILITY : This screen enabled the user to select the utility like calendar and calculator.

CALENDAR : The calendar will help us view the date of any month of any year.

CALCULATOR : The calculator will enable the user to perform the necessary mathematical operation.

HELP SCREEN : This screen will give the menu of the help screen from which you can get the information about the help.

ABOUT SYSTEM SCREEN: This screen will give the information about the system run on the platform and display the title of the system.

SYSTEM INFORMATION SCREEN : This screen will give the information about the system or we can say that it will give the information about the processor.

EXIT SCREEN : This is the screen exiting from the system.

LOGGING OFF SCREEN : This is the logging off screen. This screen appears when the user is logging of the system.


REPORT SCREEN : This is the main screen shows the Report menu of the project and display the Appropriate Reports. It contains reports like Item Purchased, Current Stock, Supplier Information and Monthly Selling Report.

PURCHASE ORDER BILL INFORMATION REPORT : This report shows the item purchase by the store keeper and how much quantity of the item is purchased the date of the order and purchase order number and the supplier name.

SALES ORDER BILL INFORMATION REPORT : This report shows the product number and how much the quantity has been sold to the customer and the rate of the product. It will also display the sales order date and the sales order number and the customer code so it will easy to identify the customer name from the customer code.

BILL INFORMATION REPORT : This report shows the information about the bill. It will display the bill numberl order date, sales order number, customer code , product number and the quantity dispatch.

ITEM PURCHASED REPORT : This screen shows the report of the Item Purchased. It will display the information like Purchase Order Number, Description and Quantity. At last it will display the total quantity that has been purchased.

CURRENT STOCK OF INFORMATION REPORT : This screen shows the report of the Current Stock. It will display the information like Product Number, Description, Quantity, Product Rate, Total Rate. At last it will display the total of quantity.

SUPPLIER INFORMATION REPORT : This screen shows the report of the Supplier Information. It will display the information like Supplier Code, Supplier Name and Address.

MONTH WISE REPORT : This screen shows the report of the Monthly Selling. It will ask us to enter the month that we want to view the report. It will display the report about the appropriate month that we have entered.


This screen shows the report of the Monthly Selling. It will display the information like Sales Order Number, Sales Order Date, Customer Code, Sales Order Number, Product Number, Quantity, and Rate.

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