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125 ees) ais Rati Crot ef) ol al IG Pt gL wa rgb Program ‘#include ‘void main () { int a[] ={2, 3, 54, 22, 67, 34, 29, 19); 5, 73, 26, 10, 4, 2, 84, 26): int b[) for (inti = 0; i B Le =) hye | 1 Ey | te V encsé | o. 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Li to ay Error: Parenthesis is not used in array initialization and Single curly braces are used for 1d array. Error:iSemicolon is missing inside the loop. Error: ).Square bracket is used instead of parenthesis in printf statement. Error: Loop condition never be false. Error: Outer loop never be false. Semicolon is missing at the end of printf statement. 128 Ges) atectges Segh gd Grote) liga at. etal Sur? Ef bit Sr a) OP ‘Output: 25 for (p= 5; p <= 25; p=p +5) sum = sum + 5; printf (‘sum is %d *, sum); b) inti; + for (|= 34; <= 60; i* 2) Ounput! printf"); ¢) for (int i = 50; i<= 50; I++) 4) °) { for G= i,j >= 48, j--) printf (7 =9%d \ n printf (i= Sed, ) inti, ant] = B.,7, 8) int i,j float art{]= (1.1, 1.2.1 float ar2{]= (2.1, 2.2, 2.3}; for (I= 0;1<3;144) for j= i;)<3;j++) Print(afin", ar if * aczuy* ij) 129 G5) petty eth Gat Cth A) lg set 1 apSxrgefag ILI OUR Program Finclude #include int main) { clrscr(); inti j; forti=t: { S344) for(i=t}<=5:j++) printf"): pet } getch(): } ‘Output A Bc DEF GH KLMN a rgeja, IPL Amps 2 Program Finclude #include int main() forint j=1 <=; j++) printf("%c",ch++); printf("\n"); [Output A BC DEF GHIs cata) Sit Gadd roth ee) gt st Lig FLIR te Cheger tfosin mcd vert Sg hind” Program #include #include #include int main() { cirser(); int a, b, result; . Output printf(‘Enter a base number: "); Enter a base number: 2 scanf("%d", &a); printf(’Enter an exponen scanf("%d", &b); result = pow(a, b); printf("%d*%d = %d", a, b, result); getch (); } EBL Se (GOD A a y Spied Larger Anat hrghiad” Program Fincude #include int maing) { clrscr(); intm, 9; printf("Enter two integer numbers: "); scanf ("%d \n %d", &m, &n); while (n > 0) 1 intr=m %n; m=n; nen } printf ("GCD = %d \n"\m); getch (); } Output Enter two integer numbers: 5 15 GCD=5 131 (<6 ly tl id (roth Jee) paige Sintl (AEA ait) LV get UI £1 RS hin” ‘Solution: #include #include int maing { inti; unsigned long int fact = 1; for(i =n; i> 0; +) fact = fact *i; } printf("%d It" fact); fact=1; } getch); } ‘Output 1 z & 24) 420 720 5040 ath Ail ep hat al hel era fas aackiba Lat fughi so” getch 0; its Program #include include int maing Enter 10 Numbers : 9 { 8 cirsor(); 7 int nurm(10}; 9 printfEnter 10 Numbers :"); 6 for{int i =0;i<10;i++) 5 { 26 scanf("%d\n",&num(iD; s } 4 intf( luct of 1st and | a ” printf("Product of 1st and last number is =%d",num[O}*num[9)); Product of tat and last number is = 36 132 Ges oat) a Lit oth Zee) goign Sill EL tS Lt g ie SHEN BS ILS TA Salhi 6” -Ue%e10 Program Finclude int main © etsery) 4 t= ae ie 2,14,15,16},count=0; Output { “ The Elements greater than 10 in array are: 5 i(aum{i>10) count++; - printf(‘The Elements greater than 10 in array are :%d" count); getch(); Program include include int main) { clrser int 4; i= 10; +4) printf("%d * %d = %d \n*, n, i, n* i): } getch (); 133 & #include int main() { clrser(); int marks{30),total=0; float avg: printf("Enter Marks of 30 students \n"); for(int i= 0;i<30;i+) { scanf("%d\n", &marks[i]}; totalstotal+marks{i; } avg = total/30; printf("Average Marks is =%f *,avg); getch (); } Output Note: All values are entered in consecutive 30 lines; the table refer only example. Enter Marks of 30 students 515 | 600 | 450 | 750 | 650 | 477 | 965 | 1052 | 1014 | 914 614 | 715 | 625 J 525 | 423] 496) | 476. | 1011 | 615 | 698 674 | 748 | 987 | 769°) 87S" | G54") 7546 |" S46 [S64 | 456 Average Marks is = 701.733333 134 (es) patie) Bae int Cot Zed) pig Saal (2g hE 6.51 564,32 a Sgbirs as t> Program Solution: Output: include at1=2 5t1=5 #include 27254 5*2=10 int main() 2°3=6 5°3=15 { 2°4=8 5*4=20 int n=2; 2°5=10 5°8=25 for (int i = 1; is= 10; ++i) 2°6=12 5*6=30 { 2°75 14 5*7=35 printf("%ed * %d = %d \n",n, i," i);, 2°8=16 5*8=40 ye 2°9=18 5°9=45 Pete nier: 2°10=20 5*10=50 n=3; for (int i= 1; i<= 10; ++i) 3423 er1=6 { +28 “25 printf("%ed * 9d = %d \n"pn, i, nD? ars eee ) = = “nin past “— te) te ee n=4; ' ee for (int i= 1; i<= 10; +4i) sea ergs { ‘g= “B= printf("%d * %d =%d Wren, Ina * i); an agea } “4102 *W= prntfCnin"); 3*10= 30 6*10=60 n=5; for (int i= 1; i<= 10; ++i) 4° 1A. { 7 “ 4°28 printf("%ed * %d = %d \n", n,n"); 4°3242 } . » 4°4=16 printf("\n\n"); 4*5=20 n=6; _— 4°6=24 freien 10; ++i) 4*7=28 rintf("%ed * %d = %d In", n, i," i): } . b sascgy 4°10=40 } Output Note: Table should display below to next table and vice versa.

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