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Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Class Code and Schedule: ________________________________ Date __________________

Course/Year: __________________________________________Instructor: _______________________

Define Population Explosion (5 points)

The rapid increase in the number of babies being born in the Philippines is creating a demand
for basic needs that strains the nation's resources. Population Explosion has significant social and
economic implications, including an increase in poverty in urban areas. However, controlling population
growth is difficult due to cultural and religious reasons. Despite these challenges, population growth
presents an opportunity for economic growth through human resource development and has attracted
foreign investment.

It is crucial to be responsible stewards of the country's abundant natural resources, including

the human resource pool, and to take care of the environment. Every Filipino has a role to play in
protecting the country's natural resources and promoting sustainable development.

In conclusion, controlling population growth is a significant challenge that the government and
people of the Philippines must work together to address. While population growth presents challenges,
it also presents opportunities for the country's economy and development. It is essential to take care of
the country's resources and promote sustainable development for a better future.

Directions: Enumerate the following:

Forms of Child Abuse
1. Deception
2. Child Trafficking
3. Child Labor
Characteristics of Abusive Parents
4. They often come from families with violent parents.
5. They are socially isolated, especially from community resources and lack of social support system.
6. Emotional immaturity with poor impulse control is often demonstrated.
7. Inadequate parenting skills and lack of knowledge concerning normal child development are

Ways on How to help the Young Child Cope with the Child Abuse
8. A child’s own internal coping resources will have an impact effect if the child has not had any serious
life stressors other than those she has already encountered, life stressors such as physical abuse and
domestic violence.
9. The child’s developmental level, age and gender influence the effect of sexual behavior
10. The child appears to be more seriously affected when physical abuse, threats or intimidation
accompany the sexual abuse
11. Tell the child that she/he believes her/him, and failure to believe can be far from devastating than
the abuse itself.
12. The child who is sexually abused by the person whom she trusts and has a type of parental type of
relationship with the perpetrator has a more serious effect on the victim than a child who is a victim of a
non-friendly member
13. The most significant factor that can reduce the negative impact of sexual abuse is the support and
belief by parents and significant other adults
14. There is a stronger impact on girl victims than on boys. The latter are more apt to act out their anger
about the abuse while the former is prone to keep their anger inside and direct it to themselves
15. Stay calm. You should not show to your child that you are shocked with what she discloses to you
and don’t get hysterical.

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