Psy 03 Biopsychology Ch. 9 Activity

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1 Neurodevelopment Brain’s development of neurological pathways that influence
performance of functioning.
2 Phases of Development Ovum + Sperm = Zygote. Developing neurons accomplish these
things in five phases; induction of the neural plate, neural
proliferation, migration and aggregation, axon growth and
synapse formation, neuron death and and synapse rearrangement.
3 Induction of the Neural A patch of tissue on the dorsal surface of the embryo becomes
Plate the neural plate. Development is induced by chemical signals
from the mesoderm (the “organizer”).
4 Neural Proliferation Neural tube cells proliferate in species-specific ways.
Proliferation is chemically guided by the organizer areas which is
the roof late and the floor plate.
5 Migration and Aggregation Once cells have been created through cell division in the
ventricular zone of the neural tube, they migrate to the
appropriate target location. After migration, cells align
themselves with others cells and form structures.
6 Axon Growth and Synapse In axon growth, once neurons have migrated to their appropriate
Formation positions and aggregated into neural structures, axons and
dendrites begin to grow from them. While in synapse formation,
once an axons have reached their intended sites, they must
establish an appropriate pattern of synapses.
7 Postnatal Cerebral Postnatal growth is consequence of synaptogenesis, myelination
Development of Human of sensory and motor areas, increased dendritic branches.
Infants Overproduction of synapse may underline the greater plasticity
of the young brain.
8 Effects of experience The effects of experience on brain development has two general
on Postnatal development types: permissive or instructive. Permissive experiences are those
of Neural Circuits that permit the information in genetic programs of brain
development to be expressed and maintained while instructive
experiences are those that contribute to the information in genetic
programs and influence the course of development.
9 Neroplasticity in Adults The mature brain changes and adapts. Enriched environments
and exercise can promote neurogenesis.
10 Disorders of There are two disorders of neurodevelopment: Autism and
Neurodevelopment Williams syndrome. Autism is almost always apparent before the
age of 3 and typically does not increase in severity after that age
and Like autism, William syndrome is a neurodevelopmental
disorder associated with mental retardation and a hetero geneous
pattern of abilities and disabilities

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