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Communicative English skill 2

Unit 1
Act. 1.1

1. Life skill is any skill that’s useful in your life and it’s acquired through learning or direct -
2. Elements of life skill
-critical thinking or decision making
-interpersonal or communication skills
-coping and self-management

3. importance of life skill; helps to critically think which leads individuals to find new ways of thinking
and problem solving, helps to take responsibility, builds confidence.

4. No

Act 1.2

1. definitions of life skill

2. forms of life skill

act 1.5

1. values of interpersonal relationships are gaining self knowledge, self confidence, self esteem
and feeling less loneliness.
2. Creats self awareness; develops empathy with the others
Empathy;learn to understand and care about other peoples need, desires, feelings
Decision making; making the right decision or choice
Effective communication with others and sharing feelings
3.sense of belonging is developed by seeking activities with whom you share common interests,
making ones mind open to try new activities and meet new people, recognize others have
different ways of being which don’t have to change you.
A sense of belonging is a key to our life satisfaction, brings happiness, self confidence, self
esteem and others.

T or f

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
1. b
2. c/b
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. cx

1. life skills
2. people
3. personal skills
4. people who possess life skill
5. need for belonging
6. belonging

refer 2
1. welfare
2. self knowledge
3. influence from members of one peer group
4. confidence
5. ones worth
6. known
7. numerous
8. important
9. blood relation
10. follow

Tense Active Passive Tense Active Passive

Present simple I do my hw My hw is done Past perfect I had done my My hw had
hw been done

Present I’m doing my My hw is being Future simple I will do my hw My hw will be

continuous hw done done

Past simple I did my hw My hw was Be going to Im going to do My hw is going

done my hw to be done

Past I was doing my My hw was Modal I must do my My hw must

continuous hw being done hw be done

Present perfect I have done my My hw has mOdal perfect I should have My hw should
hw been done done my hw have been

1. are presented
2. are nominated
3. is chosen
4. were presented
5. was attended
6. are presented
7. are sent
8. are presented
9. were already known
10. published
11. are placed
12. aren’t opened
13. has been televised
14. is seen

1. grew up
2. were given
3. were concerned
4. designed
5. were allowed
6. were selected
7. were performed
8. uniformed as
9. drew
10. had been developed

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