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School MORENO INTEGRATED Grade Grade 8

DAILY LESSON PLAN Teaching Date and April 18, 2023 Quarter 4th
Grade 8 Time 2:30-5:30PM
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory,
respiratory, and excretory systems in providing the body
with nutrients for energy.
B. Performance Present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases
Standards resulting from nutrient deficiency
C. Learning The learners should be able to explain ingestion,
Competencies/ absorption, assimilation, and excretion.
Objectives (S8LT-IVa-13)

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Describe the process of ingestion, digestion,
absorption, assimilation, and egestion;
b. Distinguish the difference between the 5
processes in the digestive system; and
c. Explain the pathway of food in the digestive

II. CONTENT Digestive System

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Science Learner’s Materials pp. 291-295
3. Textbook Pages Science and Technology 8 pp. 169-172
4. Additional Materials What is Digestion, absorption, and assimilation? (2022,
from LR July 4).; BYJU’S.

Egestion. (2021, August 9). Biology Articles, Tutorials &

Dictionary Online; Biology Online.

Lumen Learning, & OpenStax. (n.d.). Digestive system

processes and regulation.
Retrieved April 2, 2023, from

Shoemaker, S. (2011, July 2). The 6 stages of

digestion, and how enzymes break down food.

B. Other Learning Laptop, projector/ monitor, speaker, cellphone,

Resources Digestive System Model
C. Learning Game, inquiry based instruction, Paper and Pencil Test,
Strategies Picture Analysis
Routinary activity Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Customary greetings
“Good afternoon class.”
“Good afternoon
2. Seating arrangement Ma’am Ellaii.”
“Before we start, please go back to your proper and
assigned seats.

3. Attendance
“Okay, so may I ask representatives of each group
to report to me who are the absents today?”
“Good afternoon
“Okay, thank you.” Ma’am, I am glad to
report to you that
there is no absent

A. ELICIT “Last time, we discussed about the parts of the “I have learned the
digestive system and their functions. What have you parts of the digestive
learned from our previous discussion?” system, which is the
mouth, pharynx,
esophagus, liver,
pancreas, stomach,
small intestine, large
intestine, rectum, and
“Very good. Who else wants to share their learnings?” anus.”

“I learned that we are

able to eat and
breathe at the same
“That’s right. The epiglottis is like a lid that prevents time because of our
food from being transported into our airway. It epiglottis which closes
separates the tube for airway and the pathway of food.” when we swallow food
that enters into our
“Any other answer?”

“Okay, very good. I see that you have learned so much

from our previous discussion.” “Ma’am our stomach
has enzymes such as
pepsin that helps
break down the food
we eat and aids in
B. ENGAGE “Now I have prepared a simple activity, what you have
to do is to find all the words you can in this box. Every
word you find corresponds to 1 point. If you find a word
raise your hand and then circle the word you found. The
points you gain will be added to your score in the
activity later.”

“Are you ready class?” “AYE! AYE!


participated in the

“Okay, now we’ll have a group game. In this game, the
winning team will be given additional 5 points to their
activity later. So this game is called the gutsy game.”

1. Find someone whom you can play the board
game with.
2. Choose a playing token for you and your
playmate; place your tokens on the board’s
starting line.
3. Take turns in rolling the dice.
4. The number on the dice tells the number of
boxes you may move your token.
5. Should your token land on a box with
instructions beside it, execute the instructions;
6. The player who first makes it all the way
throughout the digestive system and down to
finish line wins the game.
“Are you ready class?”
“Yes Ma’am!”

execute the activity)

D. EXPLAIN “How did you find the activity?” “It was fun and
exciting Ma’am!”

“What do you think the token represents?”

“The token represents
the food that we eat.”
“That’s right, the token is like the food we eat that
breaks down into our organs.”

“Then what does the boxes on the game represents?” “The boxes on the
board game
represents the
different organs
involved in the
digestion of food.”

“Very good. And what do the instructions beside the

boxes tell you about the digestive system?” “The instructions on
some of the boxes
refer to the chemical
and physical factors
that affect the
digestive system's
ability to function
“Correct. So the game simply shows the process and
pathway of digestion of food. Starting from the mouth,
swallowed down into the esophagus and goes down to
the stomach, being digested in the intestine, and
pushed out into the anus.”
“Let us proceed with our discussion, for today we will be
tackling about the process in the digestive system. And
what are those Mr._________?” “The process that
happens in the
digestive system are
ingestion, digestion,
assimilation, and
“Thank you. And what do we mean by ingestion? Kindly
read the definition of ingestion in your assignment
“The process of taking
food, drink, or another
substance into the
body by swallowing or
“Thank you. So ingestion is the first process and it absorbing it.”
happens when the food is taken into the mouth and
subsequently broken down into smaller particles by the
teeth. Mechanical digestion refers to the process of
breaking down food into digestible pieces, which is
primarily accomplished by the teeth. Thus, when we
chew our food it is called mechanical digestion.”

“Digestion is the
“Next is the digestion. What is digestion?” process by which
large insoluble food
molecules are broken
down into little water-
soluble food
molecules that can be
absorbed into the
watery blood plasma.”

“Okay, thank you. Ingestion and digestion are not (students raising
synonymous. There is a significant distinction between their hand)
the two terms. The process of taking in food or drink
through the mouth is known as ingestion. Digestion,
on the other hand, is the process by which the body
converts food into substances that may be used by the
body. In ingestion it refers to mechanical digestion,
while in digestion there is an occurrence of chemical “Absorption, the
digestion as foods are converted into nutrients used by absorption of nutrients
the body.” takes place by
diffusion through the
wall of the small
intestine which is a
part of the
gastrointestinal tract
between the stomach
and the large
intestine. The main
function of the small
intestine is the
absorption of minerals
and nutrients found in

“And what is the 3rd process?”

“Okay, so after being digested in the stomach, the

converted nutrients are then absorbed. The small
intestine collects the majority of nutrients from food, and
your circulatory system transports them to various parts
of your body for storage or utilization.”

“Now the 4th process is called the assimilation. What “It is the transport of
do we mean by that?” digested food
molecules into the
body's cells, where
they are utilized.”
“In assimilation, the nutrients converted by the digested
food are then sent into our blood vessels, wherein these
nutrients are then used by our body as a source of
energy for us to function every day.”
“Egestion is the act or
“The last process is the egestion. Kindly read your process of voiding or
assignment Ms._________?” releasing undigested
food as feces is
known as egestion. To
egest is to expel
undigested particles
or food.”

“Okay, so after all the processes that the food we take

went through. It then goes down to the last process
which is egestion, meaning the secretion or pushing
out of the stool or waster material out of our body.”

“Do you now understood the processes in the digestive “Yes Ma’am!”


“If the mouth is where mechanical digestion happens,

then where does chemical digestion occurs and why is “Chemical digestion
it so?” takes place in the
stomach, as there are
digestive enzymes
and gastric acids that
helps in dissolving the
food particles into
Valuing: nutrients.”

“Then why is it important to study these processes in

the digestive system?”
“Because it can be
helpful in maintaining
a healthy digestive
“Refer to this diagram, and explain the pathway of

“As we chew our food

and swallows it, the
food then passes
through the
esophagus down to
the stomach. Then, it
gets digested there
because of the
presence of enzymes
and gastric juices or
acids. After that, it
gets transported into
the small intestine
where the nutrients
converted are
absorbed. Then these
nutrients are then
moved into the blood
vessels to supply our
body with energy.
Then the waste
material or
unabsorbed food goes
to the large intestine,
gets stored into the
rectum, and is
egested out on the
“Very good explanation. Does everyone understand the anus.”
pathway of food?”

“Now, as your activity, I have here some questions that
you must be able to answer. Your answers should be
written in a ½ sheet of paper. I’ll give you 10 minutes to
do it.”

“Any more questions? If you have any queries you may “None Ma’am.”
ask me.”

“Time’s up!”

“For your assignment, search for the following diseases

that results from nutrient deficiency, it’s causes, and
prevention or cure. Write it in a table form.”

Diseases Causes Symptom Prevention

DIARRHEA “Goodbye Ma’am


“Make sure to do your assignments, because it will be

of help for tomorrow’s activity.”
“Goodbye class, see you next meeting.”


Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked and Approved by:

Teacher III

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