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School MORENO INTEGRATED Grade Grade 8

DAILY LESSON PLAN Teaching Date April 19, 2023 Quarter 4th
Grade 8 and Time 2:30-5:30PM
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of
diseases that result from nutrient deficiency and
ingestion of harmful substances, and their
prevention and treatment
B. Performance Present an analysis of the data gathered on
Standards diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency.
C. Learning The learners should be able to explain how
Competencies/ diseases of the digestive system are prevented,
Objectives detected, and treated.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able

a. Discuss various nutritional deficiency
b. Demonstrate understanding on the
importance of nutrition.
c. Create tips on maintaining a healthy
digestive system.

II. CONTENT Nutritional Deficiency Diseases

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Science Learner’s Materials pp. 307-315
3. Textbook Pages Science and Technology 8 pp. 178-184
4. Additional Materials Cirino, E. (2017, June 14). Iodine deficiency:
from LR Symptoms, related conditions, and treatment.
10 diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies.
(2018, April 10). Allergy Symptoms.
Bjarnadottir, A., MS, & (Ice), R. D. N. (2019, May
21). 7 nutrient deficiencies that are incredibly
common. Healthline.

B. Other Learning
C. Learning Cooperative Learning, Game, Inquiry Based
Strategies Instruction, Think Pair Share
Routinary activity Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Customary greetings
“Good afternoon class.”
“Good afternoon Ma’am
2. Seating arrangement Ellaii.”
“Before we start, please go back to your
proper and assigned seats.

3. Attendance
“Okay, so may I ask representatives of each
group to report to me who are the absents

“Okay, thank you.” “Good afternoon Ma’am, I

am glad to report to you that
there is no absent today.”

A. ELICIT “Last time what did we discussed about “We tackled about the
Mr._____?” processes that happens in
the digestive system, which
are ingestion, digestion,
absorption, assimilation, and

“Very good. And what kind of digestion is it when

food is broken down mainly by the use of teeth?” “Mechanical digestion.”

“And when it is broken down with the aid of

enzymes and acid, it is called the______.” “Chemical digestion.”

“What else have you learned yesterday?” “Ingestion happens when

food is mechanically broken
down by the us of our teeth.
On the other hand, it is
chemically digested in the
stomach due to enzymes
“Very good. Thank you.” and gastric juices.”

B. ENGAGE “Now, I have here jumbled words that you must

unjumble to find the correct word. Each correct
word you got will be rewarded with the emoji
sticker as proof of your participation which
corresponds to 1 point in your recitation.”

“Are you ready class?” “AYE! AYE! CAPTAIN!”

Jumbled words:
“Okay, I see that some of you can quickly
unjumble the words. Now, let us proceed with
our activity today. for this activity, you will be
working as a group. I have given you an
assignment last time, am I right?” “Yes Ma’am.”

“I will check and sign your assignment while you

are doing your group activity. What you have to
do is to write your answers on a 1 whole sheet of
paper and present the disease, its causes,
symptoms, and prevention. For group 1, you are
assigned to present ANEMIA, group 2 is about
OSTEOPOROSIS, group 3 SCURVY, group 4
GOITER, and lastly, group 5 is about
“None Ma’am.”
“Any questions, class?”

“Okay. You may proceed with your activity, I will

give you 10 minutes to do it, and 5 minutes to
“Group 1, are you ready now for your “Yes Ma’am.”

“Okay then, you may start with your “The disease assigned to us
presentation.” is peptic ulcer, are open
sores that develop on the
inside lining of your stomach
and the upper portion of your
small intestine. The most
common symptom of a
peptic ulcer is stomach pain.
Other symptoms are
 Burning stomach pain
 Feeling of fullness,
bloating or belching
 Intolerance to fatty foods
 Heartburn
 Nausea
Peptic ulcers occur when
acid in the digestive tract
eats away at the inner
surface of the stomach or
small intestine. The acid can
create a painful open sore
that may bleed.

Your digestive tract is coated

with a mucous layer that
normally protects against
acid. But if the amount of
acid is increased or the
amount of mucus is
decreased, you could
develop an ulcer.

You may reduce your risk of

peptic ulcer if you follow the
same strategies
recommended as home
remedies to treat ulcers. It
also may be helpful to:

Protect yourself from

infections. Use caution with
pain relievers. not drinking
more than two alcoholic
beverages a day
not mixing alcohol with
medication. That’s it for our
presentation. Thank you.”

“Alright, let us give group 1 a very good clap.” “Very good! Very good! Very

(students cooperatively
execute the clap)

“Next, let us have the group 2.” “Good afternoon everyone,

so we will be discussing
about Diarrhea, Diarrhea —
loose, watery and possibly
more-frequent bowel
movements — is a common
problem. It may be present
alone or be associated with
other symptoms, such as
nausea, vomiting, abdominal
pain or weight loss.

Luckily, diarrhea is usually

short-lived, lasting no more
than a few days. But when
diarrhea lasts beyond a few
days into weeks, it usually
indicates that there's another
problem — such as irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS) or a
more serious disorder,
including persistent infection,
celiac disease or
inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD). Signs and symptoms
associated with diarrhea
(loose, watery stools) may
 Abdominal cramps or
 Bloating
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Fever
 Blood in the stool
 Mucus in the stool
 Urgent need to have a
bowel movement
Diarrhea commonly affects
people who travel to
countries where there's
inadequate sanitation and
contaminated food. To
reduce your risk:
 Watch what you eat and
 Drink purified water
 Avoid street foods
 Avoid eating raw or
undercooked meat or
seafood. That is the end
of our presentation.
Thank you for listening.”
“Okay, now let us give group 2 an awesome
clap. Stomp your feet thrice, clap your hands (students cooperatively
thrice, and say awesome!” execute the clap)

“Next, group 3.”

“Gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD) occurs
when stomach acid
repeatedly flows back into
the tube connecting your
mouth and stomach
(esophagus). This backwash
(acid reflux) can irritate the
lining of your esophagus.
Common signs and
symptoms of GERD include:
 A burning sensation in
your chest (heartburn),
usually after eating,
which might be worse at
night or while lying down
 Backwash (regurgitation)
of food or sour liquid
 Upper abdominal or
chest pain
 Trouble swallowing
 Sensation of a lump in
your throat
Tips for preventing GERD:
 Lose weight
 Eat small meals
 Avoid food which are
fatty or spicy
 Do not lie down
immediately after eating
 Elevate your bed while
 Try a gluten-free diet
 Quit smoking
 Avoid alcohol

“That is all, thank you.”

“Let’s give group 3 a good job clap.”

(students cooperatively
execute the clap)

“Now, may we hear from group 4?”

“Gastritis is a general term
for a group of conditions with
one thing in common:
Inflammation of the lining of
the stomach. The
inflammation of gastritis is
most often the result of
infection with the same
bacterium that causes most
stomach ulcers or the
regular use of certain pain
relievers. Drinking too much
alcohol also can contribute
to gastritis. he signs and
symptoms of gastritis
 Gnawing or burning ache
or pain (indigestion) in
your upper abdomen that
may become either
worse or better with
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 A feeling of fullness in
your upper abdomen
after eating

Gastritis can be prevented

by certain precautionary
measures such as:
 Limit alcohol
 Avoid excessive use of
over-the-counter drugs
such as Aspirin,
 Consume completely
cooked foods

So that ends our

“Thank you Group 4, let us give them an Aling presentation. Thank you.”
Dionisia clap.”

“For the last presentation, group 5 you may


“Appendicitis is an
inflammation of the
appendix, a finger-shaped
pouch that projects from
your colon on the lower right
side of your abdomen.

Appendicitis causes pain in

your lower right abdomen.
However, in most people,
pain begins around the navel
and then moves. As
inflammation worsens,
appendicitis pain typically
increases and eventually
becomes severe. Signs and
symptoms of appendicitis
may include:
 Sudden pain that begins
on the right side of the
lower abdomen
 Sudden pain that begins
around your navel and
often shifts to your lower
right abdomen
 Pain that worsens if you
cough, walk or make
other jarring movements
 Nausea and vomiting
 Loss of appetite
 Low-grade fever that
may worsen as the
illness progresses
 Constipation or diarrhea
 Abdominal bloating
 Flatulence
Your doctor’s recommended
treatment plan for
appendicitis will most likely
involve antibiotics followed
by surgery to remove your
appendix. This is known as
an appendectomy.

Treatment may also include

one or more of the following:

needle drainage or surgery

to drain an abscess before
undergoing surgery, if your
abscess has not ruptured
pain relievers
IV fluids
liquid diet
In rare cases, mild
appendicitis may get better
with antibiotics alone. But in
most cases, you will need
surgery to remove your

(students cooperatively
“Thank you so much. Let’s give group 5 a very execute the clap)
good clap.”

“Now, those are some of the common nutritional
deficiency diseases. Some are caused by
inflammation in our organs because of unhealthy
and sedentary lifestyle.”

“Appendicitis, and diarrhea is the most common

digestive disease that we encounter. And
sometimes it can be dangerous, there are
instances that when the appendicitis ruptured it
can be poisonous to our body. And diarrhea can
cause dehydration, which can be life-threatening
if untreated. Dehydration is particularly
dangerous in children, older adults and those
with weakened immune systems.”


“Based from the reporting, why is it important to

study these diseases, their causes, symptoms,
and prevention? What is its relevance in our “To avoid unhealthy lifestyle,
daily life?” to be aware of what we eat
in order to take good care
and safety measures for our
body, specifically our
digestive system.”

“Why is it important to have a diet plan?”

“Having a diet plan allows us
to be aware of our food
intake. And helps us in
maintaining a healthy body.”

“Why do we need to study about these kind of
diseases?” “Because studying about
these diseases will help us
to prevent acquiring such
Generalization: diseases.”
“What are your key takeaways for today?”

“These diseases will mainly

cause us to become weak.
Thus, it is important to keep
track on our diet and make a
plan on how to keep a
healthy lifestyle.”
“For your take home activity, as a group you will
make an infographic on HOW TO MAINTAIN A

“You can either draw, or create it in an online

platform and print it, it’s up to you. Your
infographics must provide tips on healthy living.
The submission will be next Monday. “Yes Ma’am.”

(provide sample infographic)

“For your assignment, what is meiosis.”

“That is all for today, goodbye class. See you “Goodbye Ma’am Ellaii!”
next meeting.”


Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher
Checked and Approved by:

Teacher III

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