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It is an under construction modern theory as part of the process of investigation of how to

explain the current international relations and it is a competing theory. It is perceived as a
revolutionary theory as it evolved against the traditional theories and their knowledge

Human being develops knowledge regarding their excision and knowledge (ontological
and epistemological basis), so this theory revolted in terms of methodology in terms of
relation between knowledge and power and in terms of relation between subject and

Traditional theories focus on objectivity in the sense of separation between subject and
object and in the sense that knowledge is free from any influences. This is not the case of
postmodernism which existed in each scientific domain.

Postmodernism believe that knowledge should not be immune or free from any
influences. For them knowledge produce power and power produce knowledge (Rule if
imminence). One is necessary for the other. Knowledge got no limits.

Within this theory we have two strands of thoughts:

1- Skeptic
2- Affirmative
Both of them depends on questioning and interpretation

Affirmative believe that the existing systems were produced as part of exclusionary
process of claiming knowledge should not be recognized as they brought injustice. For
them to come up with a second reading we need to go back to the origin of those systems
and how they were produced then come up with an inclusionary process that would bring
a knowledge that is influenced by power.

Skeptic believe that truth doesn’t exist, it was created by human beings and hardened
with time to become truth. Things need to be interpreted, investigated and questions
endlessly. (Niche)

The theory is not clearly established or defined but anyone who comes close to its themes
they call him postmodernism.

Man is the source of knowledge and man produced the laws, for them knowledge and
power are related. As man represent power as he invented the prison which is part of the
knowledge and necessary for the power.
Prison is a punishment that would be given to criminals which means that man will use
legitimate violence.

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Sovereignty represents power, a stable a sovereign state is necessary for knowledge and
education, in the lack of it and existence of chaos there would be no knowledge as the
existence of educational institutions requires stability.

Man is the center and he is the center of knowledge and power. To establish state you
need power which reflects sovereignty, sovereignty and power creates stability which
produce knowledge. Sovereignty and power are not fixed and they change over time.

To examine power and knowledge relation and understand them postmodernism has its
own methodology to do so.

Genealogy is to re histories the history which is beyond history (metaphysics), which
means going back to the origin of things and look what is beyond the origin of things.
They claimed that in the context of producing knowledge many ideas have been
marginalized, buried and ignored so they need to go back and investigate and examine
the buried marginalized ideas.

It is an inclusionary theory but does not give concern on ethical discourse.

They follow textual strategy as for them everything has to do with existentially is a text.
They interpretate the interpretations more than the text through the deconstruction and
double reading.

Deconstruction is to unsettle the settled and examine binderies and opposites. For
example we deconstruct day to apply pressure on how we developed knowledge about
day and discover the buried missed ideas that have not been taken into consideration.
There is no clear cut differences between opposites, for them opposites have correlations.
For example we can have anarchy within sovereignty and vice versa, in a sovereign state
a citizen can violate the law which is anarchic and the state can practice a legitimate
power to punish the criminal. Within the international system for realists for example the
state is anarchic but international laws and institutions are there which reflects a form of
Another example is democracy in the Greek time, as women were marginalized and
history didn’t have their views regarding democracy.

Double reading is the second reading after the deconstruction brings out the buried ideas
through investigating both sides of opposites and binderies.
It is using deconstruction through two readings.
Deconstruction of text through applying pressure in the form of questioning and
reasoning which can reveal weaknesses in the first reading and come out with new
conclusion which is considered as a second reading.
Traditional Zionist Vs Revisionist School is an example in the Arab Israeli conflict in
which revisionist came up with new narrative as they took into consideration the
Palestinian element which was marginalized.

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Double reading was applied on the state violence, identity, boundaries and sovereignty. It
believed that violence is necessary for the state stability specially that it is not an ethical

Double reading in IR
Rule of violence in making the state.

For postmodernism in IR is concerned with the state, it presented a narrative of how the
state is a political entity as a greater force has been established.
Violence is necessary for the creation and functioning of the state in the sense that
violence is good and bad (poison as much as it is a cure).

State would use legitimate violence (use of force) which is necessary for its making and
functioning. If criminal or the state violated the law the use of violence would be
illegitimate. Violence can as well destroy the state.

War is part of the violence that help creating the state as for them creating the state is not
natural. State use violence to protect itself.

State is a regulatory force governed by boundaries that reflect the identity of the state,
when the state protects itself and its boundaries by using power and violence it will be
delineating its frontier and its identity. Protecting the frontier is protecting the identity.

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