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Republic of the Philippines


J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education


Name: _______________________________________________________Date: ____________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________________Score: ___________________

Directions: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The process of changing distance or position from another object

A. reference point
B. location
C. acceleration
D. motion

2. A starting point that can be used to locate a place or thing is...

A. reference point
B. dimension
C. position point
D. first position

3. Displacement is the difference between the initial position of an object and its ______ position.
A. Resting
B. Motion
C. Final
D. Upright

4. What is the term used to describe the material through which some wave travels from one point to
another? A. Wave pulse
B. Wave train
C. Medium
D. Wave motion

5. What word describes the energy propagation caused by the motion of the waves caused by a
disturbance? A. Wave pulse
B. Wave train
C. Medium
D. Wave motion

6. What happens when light hits a mirror?

A. It makes colors
B. It makes rainbow
C. It reflects
D. It passes through

7. What are the two parts of a longitudinal wave that correspond to high pressure and low-pressure areas?
A. Crest and trough
B. Compression and rarefaction
C. Amplitude and wavelength
D. Wavelength and rarefaction
Republic of the Philippines
J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

8. What is the essential component of the wave that determines the pitch of a sound?
A. Amplitude
B. Frequency
C. Wavelength
D. Crest

9. Which of the following group of colors of the visible light is listed from lowest to highest frequency?
A. Blue, Green, Red
B. Red, Violet, Green
C. Red, Violet, Green
D. Red, Green, Violet

10. It refers to the transfer of heat that occurs within a body or between two bodies in contact.
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Fusion
D. Radiation

11. The transfer of heat due to electromagnetic waves and does not need a material medium.
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Fusion
D. Radiation

12. This describes the one direction, natural flow of heat.

A. Hot to cold
B. Cold to hot
C. Both A and C
D. None of the above

13. Jeofrey walked 300 m East from home to visit Mattheus. He then walked another 500 m East to fetch
Jhen and both of them walked 300 m West to watch the birds. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Jeofrey went home.
B. Jeofrey has travelled a total distance of 1,000 m.
C. Jeofrey’s displacement is shorter than the total distance he has travelled.
D. Jeofrey’s displacement is zero if he has travelled 700 m West together with Jhen.

14. Jenelene was asked by her science teacher if an object’s displacement can be longer than distance. She
answered no. Is Jenelene’s answer, correct?
A. Yes, displacement can be longer to the distance.
B. No, displacement is the total length covered by an object in motion.
C. Yes, displacement is the longest length between two object’s point of origin and its point of destination.
D. No, displacement is the shortest length between two object’s point of origin and its point of

15. Which of the following is true about an object that travels 5 meters to the left, then another 5 meters to
the right?
A. The displacement of the object is equal to 10 meters.
B. The displacement of the object is equal to 10 meters, right.
C. The total distance travelled by the object is equal to 10 meters.
Republic of the Philippines
J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

D. The total distance travelled by the object is equal to 10 meters, right.

16. Waves can be classified into 2 types based on their ability or inability to transmit energy through a
medium. Which of the following categories includes this classification? A. As transverse or longitudinal
A. As transverse or longitudinal
B. As fast or slow waves.
C. As electromagnetic or mechanical waves.
D. As energy or matter waves.

17. Suppose you put a spoon in a glass with water what characteristic of wave are involved that causes the
apparent bending of spoon placed in a glass?
A. Reflection
B. Refraction
C. Diffraction
D. Interference

18. Radio waves diffract around buildings more than light waves do because, compared to light waves, radio
A. Move faster
B. Have a higher frequency
C. Move slower
D. Have a longer wavelength

19. What is an echo?

A. A sound waves that bounces off a surface and returns to the source.
B. A light wave
C. A vibrating particle
D. A refraction of sound waves.

20. One example of refraction of light is the bending of spoon, which states that if light travels faster than in
medium 1 (air) than when it goes to medium 2 (water), it slows down as evident by ___________.
A. Decrease in angle.
B. Decrease in amplitude.
C. Increase in frequency.
D. Increase and decrease in the incident ray.

21. What will happen to the energy of the pure spectral colors when the frequency increases?
A. It decreases
B. It increases
C. It remains the same
D. Increase then decrease

22. Inside an air-conditioned room, metallic objects generally feel cooler to touch than wooden objects. Why
is this so?
A. Heat tends to flow from metal to wood
B. Metal conducts heat better than wood
C. Wood contains more heat than a metal of the same mass.
D. The human body resembles wood more closely than it resembles metal.
Republic of the Philippines
J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

23. You’re holding hands with your best friend. Your friend’s hands are really warm and yours are really cold.
After a few minutes, this has changed. How do you explain what happened?
A. The energy from your friend’s hand transferred to your hand through conduction.
B. The energy from your hand transferred to your friends’ hand through convection.
C. The energy from your friend’s hand transferred to your hand through convection.
D. The energy from your hand transferred to your friends’ hand through conduction.

24.On a summer morning, Johnny walks barefoot across his paved driveway with no problem. However, later
that afternoon he steps barefoot onto the same driveway and must quickly run off because the bottoms of his
feet feel like they are burning. Why is this so?
A. As the temperature increased during the day, the particles in the pavement moved slower and
the thermal energy increased.
B. As the temperature increased during the day, the particles in the pavement moved slower and the
thermal energy decreased.
C. As the temperature increased during the day, the particles in the pavement moved faster and the
thermal energy increased.
D. As the temperature increased during the day, the particles in the pavement moved faster and the
thermal energy decreased.

25-27. Refer to the illustration.

25. Identify the correct graph that represents the given data above.

26. Identify the line formed in the graph.

A. Curve
B. Vertical
C. Linear
D. Horizontal
Republic of the Philippines
J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

27. Compute the speed of the block with the blue fill.
A. 4 cm/s
B. 5 cm/s
C. 6 cm/s
D. 7 cm/s

28.What is the wavelength of a sound wave that is traveling at 343 m/s and has a frequency of 440 Hz?
A. 0.78m
B. 0.77m
C. 0.75m
D. 0.9m

29. Radio waves travel at a speed of 300,000,000 m/s. WFNX broadcasts radio waves at a frequency of
101,700,000 Hertz. What is the wavelength of WFNX’s radio waves?
A. 3m
B. 2m
C. 3.5m
D. 2.94m

30. The speed of light is 3.0x10m/s. If microwave has a wavelength of 350nm, what is its frequency?
A. 8.57 Hz
B. 10Hz
C. 8Hz
D. 7.5Hz

31. A wave has a frequency of 46 Hz and a wavelength of 1.7 meters. What is the speed of the wave?
A. 79m/s
B. 78.2m/s
C. 77.8m/s
D. 77m/s

32. The speed of a wave is 65 m/sec. If the wavelength of the wave is 0.8 meters, what is the frequency of
the wave?
A. 81.3Hz
B. 82 Hz
C. 81.25Hz
D. 83Hz


DIRECTION: In 2-5 sentences answer and explain the following set of questions.

33-34. Explain how does the human ear receive and hear sounds?
Republic of the Philippines
J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

35-37. There are objects that we cannot see when there is no light, the moon is classified as a non-luminous
object. Explain how are we able to see non-luminous object?

38-40. Briefly explain how heat can be transferred through the process of conduction, convection and
radiation using the image provided below.

Prepared by:

Abenio, Maristella
Barruga, Sunshine R.
Borja, Jayven C.
Lalaqui, Pierre S.
Orbita, Ramon Alfredo J.

Approved by:


Cooperating Teacher

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