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UPS Deal Manager Training

Instructor Led Training (ILT) Facilitator Guide

Fall 2021

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UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

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UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Welcome to UPS Deal Manager Training!

Welcome to UPS Deal Manager, our new global pricing platform that will deliver a simplified pricing
experience to our customers and our people, and a key enabler of UPS’s corporate strategy. Your role
as a training for the UPS Deal Manager training program is an important contribution for the
successful adoption of UPS Deal Manager

This guide has been prepared to help you deliver live, instructor-led training for UPS Deal Manager to
your respective teams in sales, pricing, and field marketing. This guide includes:

 A refresher on the Pricing 2021 project

 An overview of the UPS Deal Manager training program
 Guidance and advice to delivery UPS Deal Manager instructor-led training to end users

Thank you in advance for being part of UPS Deal Manager and delivering this important training
program. Good luck! For questions or additional resources, please contact the training lead for your
function, check out the UPS Deal Manager site on Seismic, or email the inbox.

With thanks,
UPS Deal Manager Team

Sales Training Contact Marketing Training Contact &

Trainer Tech Support

Tim Johnson Joe Pullano

Email: Email:
Office: 205.945.6878 Office: 201.828.8037
Mobile: 205.914.8792

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Table of Contents
Overview of Pricing 2021 6
About the Training Program 7
How to Use This Facilitator’s Guide 8
Classroom Setup 9
To Do’s and Materials Checklist 10
Pre-Training To Do List 10
Classroom Materials Checklist 10
Post-Training To Do List 10
Troubleshooting: System Access, Issues, and Tech Support 11
Pricing 2021 Help & Support Resources 13
MODULE: Welcome & About Pricing 2021 14
PRESENT: Welcome and About Pricing 2021 15
PRESENT: UPS DRIVE & Deal Manager Basics, Terminology 20
DEMO: System Tour & Basic Navigation 24
MODULE: Pricing Processes & Creating a New Deal 29
PRESENT: Pricing Processes & Creating a New Deal 30
DEMO: Overview of the Deals Section 33
DEMO: Deal Header 35
DEMO: Account Association 38
DEMO: Opportunity Details 39
DEMO: Templates 41
DEMO: Create a New Bid 42
EXERCISE: Scenario 1 – Inside Sales/Account Executive 45
EXERCISE: Scenario 1 – SAE/MAM 47
EXERCISE: Scenario 1 – IAE 49
MODULE: View and Edit Your Deal 51
DEMO: Prices Tab (Tiers, Services, Accessorials) 52
DEMO: Other Terms 57
EXERCISE: Scenario 3 – Inside Sales/Account Executive 60
EXERCISE: Scenario 3 – SAE/MAM 63
EXERCISE: Scenario 3 – IAE 66

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

MODULE: Appeal Submission and Management 68

DEMO: Appeal Submission & Management 69
EXERCISE: Scenario 2 – Inside Sales/Account Executive 71
EXERCISE: Scenario 2 – SAE/MAM 74
EXERCISE: Scenario 2 – IAE 77
PRESENT: Appeal Workflow & Processes and DocuSign 80
DEMO: Appeal Workflow 83
DEMO: View and Print Contracts with DocuSign 85
EXERCISE: Scenario 4 & 5 – Inside Sales/Account Executive 88
EXERCISE: Scenario 4 & 5 – SAE/MAM 90
EXERCISE: Scenario 4 & 5 – IAE 92
DEMO: Shipping Profile View (Optional) 94
DEMO: Analyzer – Sales User (Optional) 97
MODULE: Preparing for Day 1 99
PRESENT: Preparing for Day 1, Resources, Next Steps 100

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Overview of Pricing 2021

The Pricing 2021 project and UPS Deal Manager pricing platform aim to deliver a simplified pricing
experience to our customers and our people, and are key enablers of UPS’s corporate strategy.

To learn more about Pricing 2021 and UPS Deal Manager, go to the project Seismic site.

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

About the Training Program

The UPS Deal Manager training program will prepare end users in sales, pricing, and field marketing
to use the new pricing platform. They will receive training through a variety of learning methods,
including (virtual) instructor-led training.

• Pre-Course: Before getting into the (virtual) classroom, we will send pre-work in “bite-sized”
chunks so that you can understand the vision and goals for the Pricing 2021 project, gain
familiarity with UPS Deal Manager, and see a “day in the life” in the future state. You will also
need to take the Effective Pricing Training e-learning for a refresher on pricing fundamentals
• “Day in the Life” demo: view a demo provided by the Pricing 2021 project team
• Highlights video: watch a video about UPS Deal Manager featured functionalities,
benefits, and key concepts
• Mythbusters UPS Deal Manager Edition: take the “Mythbusters” challenge to see
whether you know key concepts, behavior changes, and mindset shifts that come with
UPS Deal Manager
• Effective Pricing eLearning: refresh yourself on how to have meaningful pricing
discussions internally and externally, and build effective pricing strategies
• Instructor-led Training: You will also participate in a live training event to learn how to use
UPS Deal Manager, play in a training sandbox environment, and walk through sample case
studies. After training, take the UPS Deal manager learning assessment to demonstrate your
proficiency with the new pricing platform
• Ongoing Support: After go-live, you will have in-app support through UPS DRIVE Assist, job
aids, and FAQs. You will also be supported by Pricing 2021 change agents and your managers.
• UPS DRIVE Assist: end users will have in-app support with process walk-throughs
and hover tool tips as they are using the system
• Job Aids: quick reference guides and FAQs to help users with key processes and
troubleshoot issues
• Office Hours: change agents will host office hours within each of their districts for the
first two weeks after their geography goes live
• Manager Check-ins: direct supervisors will connect with their people 30, 60, and 90
days after go live and provide coaching as necessary to support their teams

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

How to Use This Facilitator’s Guide

This instructor-led training program for UPS Deal Manager follows the end-to-end deal process, and
provides trainers with guidance on presenting classroom slide content, demonstrating UPS Deal
Manager features and functionality, and leading classroom exercises.

For each module in this training, this facilitator guide provides the elements below. We have also
color-coded the section types (PowerPoint presentation, UPS Deal Manager demonstration, and
classroom exercise).

 Module header/cover sheet that summarizes the module’s learning objectives, key learning
points, expected delivery time, and a table of contents.

 Slide-by-slide breakdown of the classroom presentation slides, with timing, slide

overview/key learning points, teaching methods, and facilitator notes.

 Demonstration guide with step-by-step click paths and annotations for the presenter.

 Classroom exercise guide with trainee instructions, facilitator to-do’s and information to
facilitate discussions and debrief table teams.

This guide is meant to help you deliver UPS Deal Manager training, and we understand that you may
want to make additional annotations and callouts for yourself. We have embedded “Additional Notes”
sections throughout the document for you to write in facilitation notes and key discussion points.
Based on your preference, you can also either print and mark up this training guide or make
electronic changes (e.g., highlights, comments, etc.) and have it pulled up on your personal device.

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Classroom Setup
Pricing 2021 is expected to launch in Fall 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will be planning for
virtual-only training sessions, facilitated and recorded via Zoom. If UPS and project leadership shift to
an in-person model, we will adjust our training formatting accordingly.

In the event that we need to plan for in-person training, please work with the training venue (local
UPS office, hotel, conference center, etc.) to secure:

 Tables and chairs for your training class (est. 15-20 per classroom)
 Podium
 Audio/Visual (A/V) equipment
o Projector & screen (or equivalent)
o Lapel or hand microphone, if needed
o Compatible connectors and dongles, if applicable
o [Optional] Second monitor
 Internet access (wireless network and password)
 Two flipcharts (one for questions/parking lot, one for discussion and exercises), or whiteboard
 Markers
 For each classroom table:
o Flip Charts (one per table)
o Markers
o Classroom Table Numbers
o Name Card & Name Tags
o Classroom Handout Packets
o Feedback Forms

Zoom Classroom Setup

After enrolling for UPS Deal Manager training via UPS U, you will receive a calendar invite with a
Zoom meeting link. Please use that Zoom login information to join your training session.

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

To Do’s and Materials Checklist

Pre-Training To Do List
□ Delete your deals and rate cards from the previous training day
□ Align with your co-trainer on how you will divide and conquer the training experience (e.g.,
who will be presenting which sections, who will be taking down action items, what trainer
sandbox account to use, etc.)

□ Test A/V equipment (at home or in a live venue) to ensure screensharing, video, and audio are
working properly

□ [Optional] Set up your second monitor

□ Have key links bookmarked and handy to share with trainees
□ Be prepared to document trainee attendance
□ Have a designated place (on your laptop or pen and paper) to document parking lot items
□ Familiarize yourself with Zoom features; practice as needed

Classroom Materials Checklist

• Laptop

• Facilitator Guide

• Classroom Deck

Post-Training To Do List
□ Email session attendance to Tim Johnson, Joe Pullano, and John Schaub
□ Transfer action items, Parking Lot questions, and training issues into an e-mail and send to
Tim Johnson and Joe Pullano

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Troubleshooting: System Access, Issues, and Tech Support

System Access: UPS DRIVE, UPS Deal Manager, DocuSign

 UPS DRIVE and UPS Deal Manager User Credentials

o Username: <email>.trn1
o Password: please use the auto-generated email from Salesforce to reset your password

 DocuSign User Credentials

o Username: XXX
o Password: please use the auto-generated email from DocuSign to activate your account
and reset your password

 If you have been locked out of your account, please contact Joe Pullano (
to reset your password.

General Issues

 UPS DRIVE and UPS Deal Manager have been optimized for Google Chrome and Microsoft
Edge. Please use these browsers to avoid display and functionality issues.

 If changes to your deal are not loading or your deal is not progressing forward, try refreshing
the page. UPS Deal Manager may need time for processes to complete.

Common Issues

 I don’t see a Deals tab on my screen. Check to see that you are in the UPS Deal Manager
app, and not UPS DRIVE.

 DocuSign does not work. Did you receive your activation email and complete the process?

 My Planned Revenue is $0. In Opportunity Details, check to see that you have associated
an Account and tagged Opportunity to this deal.

 No template options are appearing. In the training environment, you need to select the
“Training” initiative from the drop-down list of the Competitors & Initiatives section of
Opportunity Details.

 Deal score and deal status are not updating. Click “Get Shipping Profile,” apply your
template, and “Refresh Score and Status” for UPS Deal Manager to assess your deal.

 My Prices tab has no services. Go to the Deal Header tab, select a template (“Training
Template”), and click “Apply Template.”

Training Tech Support

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

 Urgent issues are defined as problems that prevent you from moving forward with instructor-
led training (i.e., “showstoppers”). For urgent issues, please call Joe Pullano at 201.828.8037
to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
 If there is a non-urgent issue, please email Joe Pullano ( with:
o Your training environment username and user role (sales resource, sales
manager/approver, pricing, dispatcher, etc.)
o Your deal number, if applicable
o A description of your issue
o A screenshot showing the error

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Pricing 2021 Help & Support Resources

Resource Description
DRIVE Assist In-app guidance (e.g., hover definitions, step-by-step instructions)
with real-time support as users are in the system

Resource Pages Pricing 2021 Seismic Resource Page and Revenue Management
SharePoint site where users can self-serve and access resources in
a file repositories
Learning Materials Learning materials on UPS U for end users to engage in self-paced
learning about pricing and the new pricing platform

Get Help in UPS DRIVE Support ticket creation and issue routing via the “Get Help” feature
in UPS DRIVE to the functional and technical support teams

Manager/Coach Coaching support from direct managers on pricing and sales

Change Agent Office Hours Sessions held by change agents to show planned content
(#protips for system usage) and have an open forum for peer
questions in the first few weeks after their geography is
UPS Help Desk UPS Help Desk number for end users to request support

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

MODULE: Welcome & About Pricing 2021

Module Objectives
● Welcome trainees and confirm they have access to the training environment
● Walk through the UPS Deal Manager training agenda and learning objectives
● Share the vision for the Pricing 2021 project and how it relates to UPS’s corporate strategy
● Outline key pricing concepts and behaviors for our tomorrow
● Provide a high-level overview of how UPS DRIVE and UPS Deal Manager are integrated to
provide a simpler and smarter pricing experience
Key Learning Points Duration
● Pricing 2021 project vision, pricing pain points, and how it all relates to the 30 minutes
UPS corporate strategy
● What it means for you: key pricing concepts and behaviors and retired
pricing policies
● Overview of UPS DRIVE and UPS DM, and key integration points
Training Methods Materials
Presentation Classroom deck
Demo Training Environment

Topic Slide(s) Method/ Content Duration (min)

Troubleshooting: training environment access 2 UPS IT Support on 15 mins
Zoom bridge (before class)
Welcome & training environment access 2 Slides 2 mins
Training agenda and learning objectives 3-4 Slides 3 mins
Voice of the customer and Pricing 2021 vision 6-7 Slides 5 mins
Key pricing concepts and behaviors 8-9 Slides 10 mins
Overview of UPS DRIVE and UPS DM 11-12 Slides 5 mins
Key Terminology for UPS Deal Manager 14 Slides 5 mins
Transition to demo 15 Slides N/A
Demo: Basic Navigation and System Tour N/A TRN1 10 mins

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

PRESENT: Welcome and About Pricing 2021

Key Points
● Welcome
● Start-up instructions as trainees log on

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Help trainees troubleshoot access issues as they log on __________________
 They should have received an email in the 24 hours
prior to training from with
instructions on how to reset their password __________________
 If needed, refer them to Joe Pullano ( for __________________
additional support
Key Points
● Today’s agenda

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Introduce yourself __________________
 Walk through the day’s agenda

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Key Points
● UPS Deal Manager learning objectives

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 The purpose of today’s training is to prepare to use UPS __________________
Deal Manager, our new pricing platform
 Walk through learning objectives on the slide __________________
 We do not expect you to be UPS Deal Manager experts after __________________
today’s training – the goal is for you to learn the __________________
fundamentals, give you opportunities to practice, and know
where to go if you have more questions
Key Points
● Section divider to provide information about Pricing 2021
project vision and objectives

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Go to the next slide to provide information about customer __________________
and sales pricing pain points, the Pricing 2021 project vision,
and objectives __________________

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Key Points
● Voice of the customer: pricing pain points
● Pricing inefficiencies take Sales away from selling

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 We conducted surveys and held focus groups to learn about __________________
pricing and billing pain points customers and sales
professionals face __________________
 We heard loud and clear that the pricing experience needs __________________
to be simple, fast, and transparent __________________
 UPS Deal Manager will help us standardize and simplify
pricing so that we can de-mystify it for customers and focus
our sales professionals on selling __________________
Key Points
● Pricing 2021 vision
● Alignment UPS strategy

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 The Pricing 2021 project and UPS Deal Manager are key __________________
enablers of UPS’s corporate strategy
 We can deliver a best-in-class customer pricing experience, __________________
to make it easy and fast to get pricing and do business with __________________
UPS __________________
 We can empower sales with easy access to pricing,
guidance, and trade-offs
 This will all be enabled by pricing science and Zilliant, a __________________
leader in price optimization solutions __________________
Key Points
● Key concepts and behaviors

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Put UPS’s data to work __________________
 No more customer samples; use actual shipping
transaction history for your customer and their peer
group to get smart pricing __________________
 For conversion opportunities, you will have the ability __________________
to add to UPS DRIVE opportunity data by answering
Opportunity Details questions to get a shipping profile
for your customer __________________
 Get the power of smart price guidance __________________
 UPS Deal Manager will give you feedback as your flex
your pricing terms and incentives as you negotiate
with customers
 Get auto-approved and close deals on the spot
 Deliver profitable growth
 Deal score is your proxy for profitability
 Red means no – in the few instances where UPS Deal
Manager indicates that a deal is “ineligible,” review
your appeal reasons to critically assess your
requested incentives

Key Points
● Key Pricing Policies

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 One agreement per customer: UPS DM requires all __________________
incentives to appear on the same deal
 Examples: Flex Parcel, Community and Bolt-On’s as __________________
separate deals will not be supported __________________
 In UPS Deal Manager, these services will be added to __________________
the main bid as a post-accept modification
 Valid exceptions to have multiple shipper numbers

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

per customer (TBD: when does it make sense?) __________________

 For each customer, all shippers are on the deal, all shippers
get all incentives, and all have the same duration dates (no __________________
bolt-on or stand-alone deals)
 Only create single terms: do not set multiple durations for
incentives (DWD step down)
 Promos (Release 2 enhancement) can be used as an
override to give customers an incentive for 52 weeks
 No more rate caps: all deals will take the GRI. No rate GRI
mitigation in 2021; use rate-type strategy
 Next year, you will be able to build custom rates with
fixed annual rate increases (Release 2 enhancement)
Key Points
● Key Pricing Policies (cont’d)

Slide Notes Additional Notes

UPS Deal Manager is not supporting: __________________
 Differentiation of incentives by billing options; cannot be
modified for individual billing options until Release 2 (target __________________
2022) – offsets __________________
 Different services by portfolio or basic period tiers; individual __________________
services cannot be removed from the tier commitments

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

PRESENT: UPS DRIVE & Deal Manager Basics, Terminology

Key Points
● Section divider to introduce UPS DRIVE and UPS Deal
Manager, and how the two are integrated

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Go to the next slide __________________
Key Points
● Pricing within the overall UPS Sales Process
● Where UPS Deal Manager plays a role

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Pricing activities span the Explore, Build, and Present stages __________________
of the UPS Sales Process
 UPS Deal Manager helps you build pricing, which is shown in __________________
the “Establish Pricing” step, highlighted in purple __________________

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Key Points
● UPS DRIVE integration with UPS Deal Manager
● Types of UPS DRIVE data that pull into UPS DM

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Accounts __________________
 Customer account information will automatically
populate into your deal header (same as what was
the first page of IWA) to save you time and reduce __________________
data errors __________________
 UPS Deal Manager will map your customer to a
shipping profile of “lookalike” buyers using actual
transactional package-level data (PLD) data __________________
 Opportunities __________________
 Pull your UPS DRIVE opportunities into your deal and
answer a few questions (Opportunity Details) to get
an inferred shipping profile
 You’re not locked in; edit Opportunity Details in UPS
Deal Manager if information has changed
 Total Customer Spend
 Shows an estimate of the customer’s full shipping
spend, including spend they have with UPS and its

Key Points
● Section divider to introduce UPS Deal Manager
terminology and key concepts

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Go to the next slide __________________
Key Points
● UPS Deal Manager terminology
● Key pricing concepts for our tomorrow

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Walk through terminology listed on the slide; key terms to __________________
spend time on include:
 Template __________________
 Deal Score __________________
 Ineligible (appeal status) __________________
Key Points
● Transition slide to demo

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 This is a transition slide for you to pull up UPS Deal Manager __________________
 In this upcoming section, you will:
 Log into the training sandbox
 Provide an overview of basic navigation __________________
 Walk trainees through a tour of the system __________________

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: System Tour & Basic Navigation

System Tour & Basic Navigation
● Accessing UPS DRIVE and UPS Deal
● Basic system navigation
● Highlights of key features

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. UPS Deal Manager has been optimized for

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge; please
use these browsers; using others may
result in issues with display and
2. Access Deal Manager via the “waffle” icon
 If the users don’t see Deal
Manager, select “View All” to see
the full list of apps
 You can use the drag and drop
function in “View All” to reorder
apps. Moving UPS Deal Manager up
means you can save yourself an
extra click each time you sign in
 NOTE: Users can also access deal
manager by navigating straight to
an account and then selecting
 Account Number/Name: 189941,
Matthews International
3. UPS DRIVE is UPS’s branded name for
Salesforce CRM, which sales uses to
manage their sales activities. UPS Deal
Manager is a Salesforce “App”
4. When you open the app, it defaults to the
Account list view. Other terms you should
grow familiar with:
 Object: Each data type in Salesforce
is an object (e.g., Accounts, Deals,
Opportunities, Contacts, etc.)
 Records: Each of the rows in the
list view is a data record
 List View: The list view provides

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

you with a report (or table) with

your hyperlinked records
 NOTE: the default list view is
“Recently Viewed” accounts
 Permissions – Unless the
pricing user is added to the
account team they will have
limited visibility into the
5. Click to select from the drop-down to see
different list views
 Next to each individual field, users
will be able to click the arrow to sort
records alphabetically or
chronologically in the list view
 In the top, right-hand corner there is
an area to search this list for users
to search for specific accounts
instead of trying to sort and scroll
until they find an account
 To the right of this search list
view, users can use the filter icon
for segmented views of their records
 This search bar is known as
the Object Search Bar
 The Search Bar at the very
top of the page searches
everything in the DRIVE
environment and not just the
list view of accounts
 NOTE: On the drop-
down to the left of this
search bar, users can
select from the drop-
down list to narrow
their search (ex.
Accounts, Deals,
Dashboards). If not
selected, the search
bar will look in every
single item in the
 The Browser bar will
completely take you away

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

from the DRIVE environment

all together, like surfing on
the internet
 NOTE: there are tons of list type
options to change the list view to
and they act very similar to a filter
6. Sales users can use the New button to
create a prospect account in the system.
Today in IWA, sales users use “Create a
Temporary Account.” In UPS Deal Manager,
sales users will be able to create pricing for
prospect accounts. They will need to add
the 6-digit account number before sending
a deal to a customer for signature. 
 This creates a new prospect account
7. To change the view of accounts from only
recent ones, click the drop-down arrow
next to Recently Viewed
 These options to choose from can
act as a filter for finding specific
8. Once you select an account, users will be
taken to the account profile
9. In the top pane, under the Details tab,
users can see some key information about
the account
 Account Type: Account hierarchy
level or prospect account
 Account Number: Unique number
that is associated with the account
 Business Unit: Details which
specific sales region this account
belongs to
 Industry: Explains which type of
industry the company falls into
 Site Link: A direct link to the
company website for the account
 Account Owner: What sales user
currently owns the account
10. On the right-hand side of the top pane
there is a range of options to choose from:
 Follow: Selecting this allows you to
“follow” the account by receiving
notifications about all things related
 New Deal: From here, you can

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

create a brand new deal for the

specific account
 Contact: This is where users can
add any new contacts associated
with the account
 New Customer Profile:
 NOTE: There is a range of
other options to perform on
the account by selecting the
drop-down next to these
11. Towards the middle of the page, users will
see a Related Quick Links section
 This is where users can quickly
navigate between opportunities,
specific deals, contacts, etc.
 Secure Account Details: current
activities sales has with an account.
Pricing will only be able to see
secure account details if they are
added to the account team
 Total Customer Spend: shows an
estimate of the customer’s full
shipping spend, including spend they
have with UPS and its competitors
 Customer Growth Roadmap:
overview of the customer with high-
level intelligence and sales strategy
 NOTE: Everything in this section
that is hyperlinked allows for direct
access to that specific record
12. If the users continue to scroll down the
Related section of the account page, they
will start to see all the fields associated with
the account (Deals, Opportunities,
Contacts, etc.).
 NOTE: Trainers should hover over
these quick links rather than clicking
all the way through. We will hit
these tabs later on in training.
13. At the top, right-hand corner the profile
icon users will see a “?” symbol. This is
where they can click to receive quick help
while in UPS DRIVE

Additional Notes

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide


Go back to the classroom slide deck

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

MODULE: Pricing Processes & Creating a New Deal

Module Objectives
● Show an end-to-end view of the pricing process
● Highlight key desired pricing behaviors for sales users
● Walk through and provide an overview of Deals in UPS Deal Manager
● Practice creating a new deal
Key Learning Points Duration
● End-to-end pricing process overview 55 minutes
● Do’s and don’ts for sales users when creating pricing
● Deals in UPS Deal Manager and how to navigate them
Training Methods Materials
Presentation Classroom deck
Demo Training Environment
Classroom Exercise

Topic Slide(s) Method/ Content Duration (min)

End-to-end pricing process 17 Slides 5 mins
Key pricing behaviors for deals 18 Slides 10 mins
Transition to demo 19 Slides N/A
Demo: Overview of a deal and its components N/A TRN1 15 mins
Demo: Create a new deal N/A TRN1 15 mins
Exercise: Creating a deal for a prospect N/A TRN1 10 mins
 IS/AE: AFC Department Store LLC
 SAE/MAM: Integrated Security Systems
 IAE: Cumberland Farms

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

PRESENT: Pricing Processes & Creating a New Deal

Key Points
● Section divider to provide an end-to-end view of pricing
processes and key behaviors when creating deals

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Go to the next slide __________________
Key Points
● End-to-End Pricing Process

Slide Notes Additional Notes

Below is an overview of the end-to-end pricing process in UPS Deal __________________
 As part of creating a deal in UPS DM, you will typically __________________
associate a customer account and pull in a UPS DRIVE __________________
opportunity. However, these are not required. To give you __________________
flexibility and speed, you will be able to start a deal with as
little as a prospect account and no opportunity __________________
 You will be able to use the prospect account to build __________________
pricing, but will need a six-digit account number __________________
before sending to the customer for signature and
 If you did not already create an opportunity in UPS
DRIVE, you can answer a few key questions in the
opportunity details section to get a shipping profile

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

and price guidance for your customer

 After completing your opportunity details, you will be able to
get a shipping profile. Your shipping profiles is a view of
your customer’s typical shipping behaviors based on
historical transactions, opportunity details, and “lookalike”
 You will then be provided with one or more templates to
choose from – you can go back and forth and see what the
different templates have to offer. Note that templates in UPS
Deal Manager are different from our templates today. They
are a starting point with pricing you can flex
 After reviewing price guidance and editing your deal as
needed, you will refresh your score and appeal status. This
will let you know if your appeal is auto-approved, requires
appeal, or is ineligible for appeal
 If your deal is auto-approved, you will be able to send
it to the customer for signature using DocuSign,
which has been integrated with UPS Deal Manager
 If your deal is ineligible for appeal, review your
appeal reasons to critically assess your requested
incentives. If you have exhausted all options, then
remember that red means no
 We will talk more about appeals in a later section

Key Points
● Key behaviors for deals

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Keep it simple in the Opportunity Details section – aside __________________
from the Competitor, nothing is required
 Use the templates provided by UPS Deal Manager – don’t __________________
overcomplicate your deals by overengineering bids __________________
 When building pricing, start with the Tiers tab before going __________________
to Services
 Generate and preview DocuSign contracts to see a summary
of your customer’s incentives __________________
 It will be increasingly importantly for you to update and __________________
maintain your UPS DRIVE opportunity data
 Update contact information for your customer in UPS DRIVE
to accelerate DocuSign processes

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Key Points
● Transition slide to demo

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 This is a transition slide for you to pull up UPS Deal Manager __________________
 In this upcoming section, you will:
 Create a New Deal
 View and Edit Your Deal, including: __________________
 View the Analyzer (net spend analysis) __________________

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Overview of the Deals Section

 Overview of Deals section

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Once in Deal Manager, navigate to the

deals list from the choices in the top
2. This list view will automatically populate
with “Recently Viewed” deals. However,
selecting the drop-down arrow to the right
will allow you to change the view.
 NOTE: Pricing users will be able to
view all of their assigned appeals by
selecting the “My Appeals” list view
from the options
3. Find the Matthews International –
Training deal
 NOTE: The account can also be
found by searching the
corresponding deal number:
4. Once you click into a deal and see the
Deals view, you will notice 8 tabs across
the top
 Deal Header: Basic information
about the particular deal, such as
approval details, opportunities to pull
in, check conflicts, and templates to
apply based on the shipping profile.
 Shipping Profile: Allows you to see
historical (52-week) and inferred
(future/planned) spend for services
and accessorials; this information is
refreshed on a weekly basis
 Prices: Where users can go to flex
incentive levels, tiers, and
accessorials for a certain deal
 Other Terms: This tab allows users

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

to add any special addenda as well

as special terms, such as, Dim
weight divisor and additional
 Documents: DocuSign will be
integrated into UPS DRIVE; users will
be able to view their DocuSign files
and manage pricing documents in
this tab
 Analyzer: Allows users the ability to
view metrics for the:
▪ Original Deal: current draft
▪ Comparison Deal: scenario
and requested deals
▪ Different: difference between
the original and comparison
▪ % Difference: % difference
between the original and
comparison deals
 History: Here system users can
view all of the deal and appeal
status history related to this deal

5. All of these tabs will help sales users build a

specific deal for a related account
Additional Notes

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Deal Header

 Overview of Deal Header and its
 Header Details
 General Information
 Financial Details
 Approval Details

General Information

1. The first sub-sector under the Deal

Header is the General Information tab,
which includes basic details related to your
deal. This information will auto-populate
through UPS DRIVE, which will save you
time entering and validating data
 NOTE: The general information tab
should automatically be expanded
once you click on Deal Header
2. Once in the General Information tab,
you will see a summary snapshot of
characteristics associated with the deal,
such as:
 Duration: The length of time that
the deal will be available for
 Industry: The industry that the
messaging account related to the
deal falls under
 Messaging Account: The customer
account that the deal is attached to
 Rate Type: Daily rates, Regional
rates, Retail rates, and Standard list
 Deal Reason: Conversion,
 Deal Category: Anything besides
Healthcare don’t select
 Scenario Deal: A draft deal the
sales user can play around with;
checking this box will exclude this

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

deal from revenue enablement and

pricing reporting
3. To quickly edit information in the UI, you
can double-click on the text to enable
editing. You can also click on the pencil
icon or use the edit button. In some cases,
you may need to click on the arrow to the
right of a field to see the edit option

Financial Details

1. Under Header Details you will see a

section labeled Financial Details, which
contains an overview of the current and net
spend details of the account; annual net
spend, total transportation net spend, and
net new spend are auto-populated based
on your data in UPS DRIVE
2. To access this, just click on the drop-down
icon located next to the titles
 The Financial Details section
provides users with a summary view
of the accounts spend:
 Total Transportation Net
Spend: The amount that the
particular customer spends on
transportation services
 Annual Net Spend: The
annual spend that the
customer currently has with
 Plan New Spend: The spend
that the UPS sales user
intends to add

Approval Details

1. Under Header Details you will see a

section labeled Approval Details, which
provides general information about the deal
approval process, such as appeal status
and highest approval level required. You
can use information provided to track your
appeals and directly contact the pricing

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

team member with your questions and to

resolve issues
2. To access this, just click on the drop-down
icon located next to the titles
● The Approval Details section
provides users a holistic view of
everything relating to the deal
appeal process so that they can stay
up to date with pricing
● NOTE: After a sales manager
approves an appeal, a dispatcher
will need to assign it or a pricing
team member will need to self-
assign for Pricing Level 1 and the
other fields to populate
Additional Notes

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Account Association

 Overview of Account Association

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Under the Deal Header, scroll down to

find Account Association
2. This gives users a view of all opportunities
associated with the account along with the
option of choosing specific ones
3. You can add accounts to the association
tool either by searching by name or
entering the account number, then
selecting Add; all accounts but enterprise
will be available for you to find and select
4. Once you have added the accounts you
want, you can then check for any conflicts
by selecting the account via checkbox and
then choosing the Check Conflicts tab to
the top right to see whether there are
existing deals for this customer in IWA and
IAS (this is the same conflict checks
process that we have today)
 NOTE: If there are conflicts, then a
window will pop up with the error. If
there is a conflict, you will still be
able to proceed with creating the
deal. You will need to resolve the
conflict for the deal to be accepted
 NOTE: Conflict checks are in place
to determine whether an account
already has an active deal in place.
There can only be 1 active deal per
 NOTE: If you want to cancel an
existing deal and replace it with a
new one, then you will need to
contact the Pricing Clearinghouse
5. You can also choose which opportunities to

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

include or exclude by selecting the

checkbox and choosing which action you
want to take
6. This allows users to have multiple
opportunities created for the account and
only utilize certain ones for certain deals

DEMO: Opportunity Details

 Overview of Opportunity Details

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Keep scrolling down to find the

Opportunity Details section
2. Information from your UPS DRIVE
opportunities and customer’s historical
transaction data will be pre-populated.
From here, you can answer a few key
questions to build an inferred shipping
profile, which will be used to develop
tailored pricing for your customer:
 Services: UPS services, with
information on new, DRIVE, current,
and total volume share, volume,
RPP, and spend (scroll to the right to
show columns)
 Zones: Domestic zones in this deal
o NOTE: Volume share should
add up to 100%
 Lanes: Destination countries
included in this opportunity (Note
that zone and lane information in
Opportunity Details are for inferring
the customer’s shipping profile; rate
cards will enable you to view and
adjust zone and lane pricing)
 Weight: Volume share of packages
by weight classes
o NOTE: Volume share for
weights should add up to

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

 Accessorials: Volume of packages
that are expected to apply each of
the included accessorials
 Competitors and Initiative:
Competitors based on your DRIVE
opportunity data; you can edit here
if there have been changes and
select any relevant initiatives

Additional Notes

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Templates
 Overview of Templates

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. From the Deal Header section, scroll all

the way to the bottom and you will see the
Templates sub section
 NOTE: Click “Get Shipping Profile”
to get relevant templates related to
the deal.
● Here, you will see all the templates
available for use in the specific deal
and have the ability to choose one to
2. You can click to select your template, then
Apply Template; choosing one does not
lock you in – you can go back and apply
other templates at any time before
finalizing your deal and submitting it for
● Once applied, your deal will contain
all elements of that specific template
(services, accessorials, rate cards,
minimums, etc.)
● If needed, sales users will be able to
add individual services and
accessorials to their deals

Additional Notes

DEMO: Create a New Bid

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

 Create a new bid
 Deal cancellation

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. To create a new bid, go to the customer

Account in UPS Deal Manager. Users can
find their customer in the My Deals list
view, or use the search function
 Account: AFC Department Store LLC
2. Click the New Deal button
 NOTE: Users can also create a new
deal by clicking on the New Deal
button and adding their customer in
the Messaging Account field
3. In the pop-up that appears, modify the
fields as needed. Note that after populating
the Messaging Account, the Deal Name and
Start Date will auto-populate
 Deal Name: What will appear on
 Start Date: Similar to today, the
start date will be the Saturday of the
following week (if asked, the cut-off
is Saturday at 12 noon)
 Deal Owner: Search for your name
to make yourself the Deal Owner
(note: deal owners can be any sales
person on the account team,
including IAEs)
 Deal Category: Leave the default
selection; only Healthcare sales
professionals should select
“Healthcare & Life Sciences”
4. Click OK to create your deal 
5. To apply a specific opportunity to the new
deal, navigate to account association
section under the Deal Header tab. To
include the opportunity, mark the checkbox
and then select “Include” in the top right-
hand corner
6. Once the opportunity has been included,
scroll down below account association to
UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

opportunity details. This is where users can

enter the specifics of the services included
7. To apply a template, scroll one more
section down under Deal Header to
 NOTE: In order to be able to apply
a template, the user must hit “Get
Shipping Profile” first. The available
templates will then populate and
allow for selection.

Deal Cancellation

1. Once you have an accepted or active deal,

you will notice a button labeled Cancel
2. After you have hit the Cancel button, a
cancellation letter will be automatically sent
to the customer, and the end date will be
updated to the current date plus 30 days.
3. After you have issued a cancellation,
another button will become available
labeled Rescind Cancellation.
4. If you click on Rescind Cancellation then
your end date will return to what it
originally was and the cancellation letter
will be revoked.
Additional Notes

NEXT: Classroom Exercise


AFC Department Store Integrated Security Systems Cumberland Farms
Go to page 44 Go to page 46 Go to page 48

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UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 1 – Inside Sales/Account Executive

Exercise 1 [SCENARIO 1 – IS/AE]

 Create a new deal using a prospect account

Question Prompt

You received a call from your customer at AFC

Department Store LLC.

1. Play the call recording for trainees

2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Access Deal Manager via the “waffle”

2. Select or search for AFC Department Store in Accounts
3. Click the New Deal button
4. Make yourself the Deal Owner and fill out the rest of the information accordingly, then hit
5. Once you hit Save, the deal will be started and you will be able to customize it further
through the use of all the different tabs
6. To input the services, users are bidding on we need to add: 800 Ground Residential, 500
Next Day Air, and 1,100 SurePost simply navigate to Opportunity Details by scrolling down
 NOTE: Adding these services can be done in conjunction with other opportunities
7. Here, we can select the different services we need to include and then hit Edit
8. After you have hit Edit, you will need to input the volume and revenue per package numbers
for each service
9. Hit Save and your services will now be added to the deal you just created

Additional Notes
Prospect Account ID: 0013C00000XbwMf

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 1 – SAE/MAM

Exercise 1 [SCENARIO 1 – SAE/MAM]

 Create a new deal using a prospect account

Question Prompt

You received a call from your customer at

Integrated Security Systems

1. Play the call recording for trainees

2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Access Deal Manager via the “waffle”

2. Select or search for Integrated Security Systems in Accounts
3. Click the New Deal button
4. Make yourself the Deal Owner and fill out the rest of the information accordingly, then hit
5. Once you hit Save, the deal will be created and you will be able to customize it further
through the use of all the different tabs
6. To input the services users are bidding on we need to add (8000 Ground Commercial and
8500 Next Day Air) simply navigate to Opportunity Details by scrolling down
7. Here, we can select the different services we need to include and then hit Edit
8. After you have hit Edit, you will need to input the volume and revenue per package numbers
for each service
9. Hit Save and your services will now be added to the deal you just created

Additional Notes
Account Number: 0000302WW8

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 1 – IAE

Exercise 1 [SCENARIO 1 – IAE]

 Create a new deal using a prospect account

Question Prompt

You received a phone call from your contact at

Cumberland Farms

1. Play the call recording for trainees

2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Access Deal Manager via the “waffle”

2. Select or search for Cumberland Farms in Accounts
3. Click the New Deal button
4. Make yourself the Deal Owner and fill out the rest of the information accordingly, then hit
5. Once you hit Save, the deal will be created and you will be able to customize it further
through the use of all the different tabs
6. To input the services users are bidding on we need to add: (1800 express shipments and
6000 expedited shipments) simply navigate to Opportunity Details by scrolling down
7. Here, we can select the different services we need to include and then hit Edit
8. After you have hit Edit, you will need to input the volume and revenue per package numbers
for each service
9. Hit Save and your services will now be added to the deal you just created

Additional Notes
Account Number: 11629

MODULE: View and Edit Your Deal

Module Objectives
● Walk through the Prices tab in UPS Deal Manager, where you modify and build pricing
● Practice creating a post-accept modify deal
● Provide an overview of the sales user Analyzer view (net spend analysis)
Key Learning Points Duration
● Prices tab in UPS Deal Manager: tiers, services, accessorials XX minutes
● Adding services and accessorials, and editing pricing incentives
● Post-accept modify deals

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

● Sales user Analyzer view

Training Methods Materials
Presentation Classroom deck
Demo Training Environment
Classroom Exercise

Topic Slide(s) Method/ Content Duration (min)

Demo: Prices tab (tiers, services, accessorials) N/A TRN1 10 mins
Exercise: Creating a post-accept modify deal N/A TRN1 10 mins
 IS/AE: Midland Motors
 SAE/MAM: UnitedHealth Group
 IAE: Highway Industries Limited

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Prices Tab (Tiers, Services, Accessorials)

 Overview of Prices
 Tiers
 Services
 Accessorials
 Use Matthews International – Training
 Deal #: 00000449

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. To the right of the Shipping Profile is

where you can find the Prices tab that
contains 3 sub-sections:
 Tiers: This is where sales users can
apply discounts based on volume
and spend tiers
 Services: This is where the sales
user can view all the flat incentives
for services that have been applied
 Accessorials: Here the sales user
can add any accessorials and other
 NOTE: The total incentives is
calculated by adding tier
incentives and core service

Additional Notes

Step-by-Step Instructions


UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Tiers Note: If you change the CWT Tier

Classification for an account to 3 or less, this will
cause an appeal. In this case, the pricing user will
require the tier determination worksheet as proof,
and they will request this via email, through the
approval process.

1. Navigate to the deal named Matthews

International – Training
 Deal #: 00000449
2. Once users click into tiers, they can create
new tiers by selecting the New button on
the right side of the screen
 NOTE: If users have not created
any tiers or pulled in a template,
then there will be no items in the
tiers section
 NOTE: Tiers are a level 2 incentive
and are added with core services to
represent the total incentive.
3. To create the tier, will have to fill out fields
related to the discounts and incentives they
want to add
4. Once the necessary fields have been
created, to create the tier, select the Save
button at the bottom
5. To edit a premade tier, click on the tier
name and then go to the tier bands section
to edit individual bands
6. Select the service you want to incent and
then select Recalculate Tier Band
Target Incentive
7. To add a service to the tier, navigate to
Add Services under tier bands
8. Under the Parameters tab, please check
that you are using one of either “Use Prior
History” or “Ramp Up # of Periods”
 If they have 52 weeks of prior history
and are shipping at their target tier
level, you can check “Use Prior
History” (generally for retention bids)
 Populate Ramp Up # of Periods to
indicate the number of periods (weeks)
your customer will receive the target

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

tier incentive before their weekly

averages are used to determine their
incentive (generally for conversion and
penetration bids)
 #ProTip: To go back to your deal from
the Parameters tab, click on the
hyperlinked deal name
9. To go back to the deal from tiers, scroll
down to the parameters section and the
deal will be linked in that section

1. Find the Services tab, which is directly to
the right of Tiers
 NOTE: If there are no services
incentives created or no template in
use, users will see no services show
2. Once in the Services tab, users can drill
down each service for guidance on pricing
3. Once drilled down all the way, users will
see the rate card for each service
 NOTE: Rate cards might not be
available for every service. The rate
card will also only exist if Revenue
Management includes it in the
 NOTE: You will be able to make
changes to incentives at the weight
break level by double-clicking in the
corresponding cell.
4. Available in the rate cards are the zone,
weight, and lane breaks. All of these
influence the pricing science
 NOTE: Use “All Lanes” when
conducting a domestic deal.
5. Minimums will be located directly under the
rate cards. For the most part, there will be
minimums included on every service
(except NDA or express saver)
 NOTE: If sales users try to change a
minimum, most of the time it results
in an appeal
6. If users want to add a service, simply click
Add Services, which is located to the

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

right-hand side of the Core Services

7. Once users have selected Add Services,
they will be prompted with a list of all
services offered by UPS. Select which
services users would like to add to the deal
and then hit the Add Lines button in the
top right-hand corner.
8. Add the service WW Expedited Export to
the deal.

1. Find the Accessorials tab, which is directly
to the right of Services
 NOTE: The process of adding
accessorials to the deal is very
similar to adding services in the
previous process
2. Here users will be able to see all the
accessorials currently in use and add new
ones if desired
 NOTE: If users are not using a
template or have not added any
accessorials there will be none that
show up
3. To add an accessorial to the deal, simply
click Add Accessorials to the right of the
Accessorial ribbon
 Add smart pick up to the accessorials
▪ NOTE: If you are in the
AccessorialType list view
and add an accessorial
(pickup and delivery) you will
add all of the types under this
bucket. To drill down into 1
specific service, change the
list view to
▪ NOTE: Now you can add a
filter to search for Smart
4. Once selected, users will see all of the
possible acccessorials available for use.
Simply select Add Lines to add them in the

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide


Other Terms
1. You will see a tab labeled Other Terms,
which contains Account Terms and Special
 Other Terms: This section contains
services such as dimensional
 Account Terms: Contains credit
card eligibility and payment terms,
▪ NOTE: Sales will not need
this section too much.
 Special Addenda: This includes
specialized contract language
services to give sales much more
flexibility (e.g., early termination
language, offer expiration, and
paperless invoice)
2. Here you can view the Applied Services
or navigate to Add Services to add
additional ones for each “Other Term”
 NOTE: You can change the list view
of services by clicking the drop-
down next to Movement.
 NOTE: If you add a service at the
Mode level, then it will add
everything under that bucket. For
example, if you add the Air mode,
then it will add all air services to the
deal. In order to apply a specific
service you must select the Core
Service list view.

DEMO: Other Terms

 Overview of the Other Terms tab,
 Other Terms
 Account Terms
 Special Addenda

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Step-by-Step Instructions

Other Terms
1. Find the Other Terms, which is located to
the right of the Prices tab
2. You will notice that there are 3 separate
sub-sections within Other Terms:
 Other Terms: This contains
elements, such as AHC and LPS
 Account Terms: This is where sales
users can specify payment terms
and credit card eligibility
 Special Addenda: Sales users can
view their applied special addenda
and add those they want to use

Account Terms
1. Find the Account Terms, which is located
to the right of the Other Terms sub-
2. This is where you can add any account
terms to the deal. This includes credit card
eligibility, payment terms (days), etc.
3. To add any of these you just have to select
“edit” and then fill out the necessary fields.

Special Addenda
1. Find the Special Addenda, which is
located to the right of the Account Terms
2. This is where the sales user can view
applied special addenda on the deal or add
special addenda to the deal
3. To add special addenda just select the ones
you want from the list and select Add

Additional Notes

NEXT: Classroom Exercise

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide


Midland Motors UnitedHealth Group Highway Industries Limited
Go to page 58 Go to page 46 Go to page 48

EXERCISE: Scenario 3 – Inside Sales/Account Executive

Exercise 3 [SCENARIO 3 – IS/AE]

 Create a post-accept modify deal
 NOTE: UPS is trying to discourage irregular
packages or AHS

Question Prompt

You received an email from Rachel, your contact

with Midland Motors

1. Flash the example client email up on the

screen and allow 5 minutes for trainees to
read through the scenario
2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

NOTE: Post Accept Modify is only done for accepted deals

1. Search for the account named Midland Motors

2. Select or search for the deal that you would like to post-accept modify under Deals in the
Related Quick Links section of the home page
3. Once in the deal, click on the drop-down located at the top right of the deal (next to Copy)
4. Click Post Accept Modify from the drop-down
5. After you have selected Post Accept Modify a new deal will be created with an identical
deal number, but notice the “Deal Status” is now labeled as Deal Started
6. Once created, scroll down to see the Original Deal that the Post Accept Modify is
attached to
7. Now that you have created the post accept modify, navigate to the Services section and add
the customer’s needs of 2,400 tires annually via ground residential for a total of $60,000.
8. Once the Post Accept Modify reaches its accepted status, then it will automatically replace
the original deal

Additional Notes
Account number: 0000000R7A

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide


UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 3 – SAE/MAM

Exercise 3 [SCENARIO 3 – SAE/MAM]

 Create a post-accept modify deal

Question Prompt

Heather, your contact at UnitedHealth Group has

emailed you with a concern

1. Flash the example client email up on the

screen and allow 5 minutes for trainees to
read through the scenario
2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

NOTE: Post Accept Modify can only be done for accepted deals

1. Search for the account named UnitedHealth Group

2. Select or search for the deal that you would like to post-accept modify under Deals in the
Related Quick Links section of the home page
3. Once in the deal, click on the drop-down located at the top right of the deal (next to Copy)
4. Click Post Accept Modify from the drop-down
5. After you have selected Post Accept Modify a new deal will be created with an identical
deal number, but notice the “Deal Status” is now labeled as Deal Started
6. Once created, scroll down to General Information see the Original Deal that the Post
Accept Modify is attached to
7. After you have created the post accept modify, navigate over to the services tab to input the
additional needs your customer has. In this case, they need 9,000 additional NDA shipments
for a total of $450,000.
8. Once the Post Accept Modify reaches its accepted status, then it will automatically replace
the original deal

Additional Notes
Account number: 3728010
UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 3 – IAE

Exercise 3 [SCENARIO 3 – IAE]

 Create a post-accept modify deal

Question Prompt

Jennifer, your contact at Highway Industries

Limited has emailed you with a potential add-on

1. Flash the example client email up on the

screen and allow 5 minutes for trainees to
read through the scenario
2. Give trainees 5 minutes time to complete
this exercise
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

Answer: Exercise/Activity

NOTE: Post Accept Modify can only be done for accepted deals

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

1. Search for the account named Highway Industries Ltd.

2. Select or search for the deal that you would like to post-accept modify under Deals in the
Related Quick Links section of the home page
3. Once in the deal, click on the drop-down located at the top right of the deal (next to Copy)
4. Click Post Accept Modify from the drop-down
5. After you have selected Post Accept Modify a new deal will be created with an identical
deal number, but notice the “Deal Status” is now labeled as Deal Started
6. Once created, scroll down to see the Original Deal that the Post Accept Modify is
attached to
7. After you have created your post accept modify, you need to add the additional services that
the customer requests. For this one, they need 12 units shipped annually with worldwide
express freight for a total of $145,000.
8. Once the Post Accept Modify reaches its accepted status, then it will automatically replace
the original deal

Additional Notes
Account number: 0000A6672X

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

MODULE: Appeal Submission and Management

Module Objectives
● Walk through the appeal submission process
● Practice creating a new deal with an account and opportunity
● Show the end-to-end appeal process and workflow
● Outline process for generating and sending pricing to customers via DocuSign
Key Learning Points Duration
● Appeal submission and management processes, including appeal workflow XX minutes
● Pricing agreements and DocuSign processes

Training Methods Materials
Presentation Classroom deck
Demo Training Environment
Classroom Exercise

Topic Slide(s) Method/ Content Duration (min)

Demo: Appeal submission and management N/A TRN1 5 mins
Exercise: Creating a new deal N/A TRN1 10 mins
 IS/AE: Package Express Center
 SAE/MAM: Kelley Engineering
 IAE: Matthews International
End-to-end appeals process and workflow 34 Slides 5 mins
Key appeal behaviors for sales users 35 Slides 5 mins
Demo: Appeal workflow and DocuSign N/A TRN1 15 mins
Exercise: “My Deals” list view, view a N/A TRN1 10 mins
returned appeal, and view/print a DocuSign
 IS/AE: Midland Motors
 SAE/MAM: UnitedHealth Group
 IAE: Highway Industries Limited
Demo: Shipper Profile View N/A TRN1 5 mins
Demo: Analyzer for Sales N/A TRN1 5 mins

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Appeal Submission & Management

 Overview of the Appeal Submission

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Navigate back to the Matthews

International – Training deal
 Deal #: 00000449
2. When associating accounts with your deal,
you should have checked for conflicts. If
you have not already, please be sure to
navigate to the Account Association
section, which is located under the Deal
Header tab and click the “Check
Conflicts” button.
 NOTE: These are soft conflicts that
won’t keep you from being able to
submit the deal.
3. After checking for conflicts, users can then
use the Refresh Score and Status
button in the top right-hand corner to see
if the deal has triggered any appeal rules.
4. To view the appeal reasons, you will see a
box populate right under the main ribbon
up top. This will give the reasons that
your deal has been pushed to appeal.
 NOTE: If your deal does not
trigger any appeals when
submitted, then it will be auto-
5. Once you have seen the appeal reasons
and determined you are ready to submit
the deal, choose Submit for Approval
6. In the pop-up window that appears,
please provide information in the
comments data field explaining your
rationale for triggering each of the appeal
reasons listed at the top of the page. Your
comments should be able to answer the

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

What incentives do you need?

Why are you requesting these
incentives over alternatives?
 How did you determine this was
7. To view approval history and appeals
tracking, navigate to the History tab,
which will populate with past
 Just as they do today, sales
managers will be able to accept the
deal to send it to pricing or reject
the deal to send it back to the sales
 Sales managers will have more
flexibility and permissions than
they used to have. In some cases,
they will be able to be able to be
the sole reviewer/approver on a
deal without involvement from
 When reviewing, they will be able
to edit deal incentives. Based on
their changes, they may be able to
directly approve or progress the
deal to the pricing team based on
their approval authority level
 The Approval Requests tab is
useful when an appeal has been
re-assigned to you. Re-assigns
don’t appear in the “My Appeals”
tab, but you can find them in the
“Approval Requests” tab. It’s a
good practice to review the
“Approval Requests” tab
periodically (applicable only for
sales managers).

NEXT: Classroom Exercise


Package Express Center Kelley Engineering Matthews International

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Go to page 58 Go to page 46 Go to page 48

EXERCISE: Scenario 2 – Inside Sales/Account Executive

Exercise 2 [SCENARIO 2 – IS/AE]

 Create a new deal using an existing
account and opportunity

Question Prompt

Daniel had a recent zoom call with his contact at

Package Express Center

1. Play the Vyond video for trainees

2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Access Deal Manager via the “waffle”

2. Select or search for Package Express Center in Accounts
 Account #: 1168524010
3. Click the New Deal button
 NOTE: There is more than one way to create a new deal. If you navigate to the
“Deals” list view, you can select New in the top right-hand corner. For this alternative,
you will need to have the messaging account # that your deal will be tied to.
4. Make yourself the Deal Owner and fill out the rest of the information accordingly, then hit
5. Once the new deal has been created, scroll down under Deal Header to the Account
Association tab
6. From here, you will see a pre-created opportunity for the Next Day Air, Ground Residential,
and SurePost services requested available for Package Express Center
7. Mark the checkbox for the NDA SurePost Residential opportunity that you want to include
in your new deal and select Include in the top right-hand corner
 NOTE: The opportunity may already be included so be sure to notice whether it is
labeled as include or exluded
8. The opportunity will now be reflected within the new deal you have just created for Package
Express Center

Additional Notes
Account Number: 1168524010
UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide


Go back to the classroom slide deck

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 2 – SAE/MAM

Exercise 2 [SCENARIO 2 – SAE/MAM]

 Create a new deal using an existing
account and opportunity

Question Prompt

Michelle just had a zoom call with her contact at

Kelley Engineering

1. Play the Vyond video for trainees

2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Access Deal Manager via the “waffle”

2. Select or search for Kelley Engineering in Accounts

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

 Account #: 00003R681W
3. Click the New Deal button
 NOTE: There is more than one way to create a new deal. If you navigate to the
“Deals” list view, you can select New in the top right-hand corner. For this alternative,
you will need to have the messaging account # that your deal will be tied to.
4. Make yourself the Deal Owner and fill out the rest of the information accordingly, then hit
5. Once the new deal has been created, scroll down under Deal Header to the Account
Association tab
6. From here, you will see a pre-created opportunity for the Ground Commercial and Next Day
Air services requested available for Kelley Engineering
7. Mark the checkbox for the opportunity named 2021 Commercial & Air that you want to
include in your new deal and select Include in the top right-hand corner
8. The opportunity will now be reflected within the new deal you have just created for Kelley

Additional Notes
Account Number: 00003R681W

Go back to the classroom slide deck

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 2 – IAE

Exercise 2 [SCENARIO 2 – IAE]

 Create a new deal using an existing
account and opportunity

Question Prompt

Julian just had a zoom call with his contact Megan

at Matthews International

1. Play the Vyond video for trainees

2. Give trainees 5 minutes to complete this
3. Debrief trainees on the exercise – what did
they learn? Did they use different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Access Deal Manager via the “waffle”

2. Select or search for Matthews International in Accounts
 Account #: 189941
3. Click the New Deal button
 NOTE: There is more than one way to create a new deal. If you navigate to the
“Deals” list view, you can select New in the top right-hand corner. For this alternative,
you will need to have the messaging account # that your deal will be tied to.
4. Make yourself the Deal Owner and fill out the rest of the information accordingly, then hit
5. Once the new deal has been created, scroll down under Deal Header to the Account
Association tab
6. Mark the checkbox for the opportunity named 2021 Export that you want to include in your
new deal and select Include in the top right-hand corner
7. The opportunity is for the 1000 Express and 1500 Expedited services requested for Matthews

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

8. The opportunity will now be reflected within the new deal you have just created for Matthews

Additional Notes
Account Number: 189941

Go back to the classroom slide deck

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

PRESENT: Appeal Workflow & Processes and DocuSign

Key Points
● Section divider to provide an end-to-end view of the
appeal process and workflow, and key behaviors

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Go to the next slide __________________
Key Points
● End to End Appeal Process (Sales)

Slide Notes Additional Notes

Below is a description of the end-to-end appeals process: __________________
 After a sales user has submitted an appeal, it will be routed
to the sales manager of the deal owner. If a sales manager __________________
is covering for a sales resource and creates a deal (rather __________________
than taking over a deal that a sales resource created), then __________________
it will be sent to a sales director
 If the sales manager (or any pricing user) rejects it, the deal
status will change to “rejected” and it will be sent back to __________________
the sales user. If the sales user re-opens the deal and starts
editing it, the deal status will change to “deal started”
 If the sales manager approves it and they are the highest
level of approval required, then it will go back to the sales
user to initiate customer signature and acceptance. If they

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

are not the highest level of authority, the appeal will move
to the appeal queue
 Depending on the district, either a dispatcher will assign the
appeal or the pricing user will self-assign
 The pricing user who picks up the appeal will be considered
Pricing Level 1, and their reporting hierarchy will determine
who is Pricing Levels 2, 3, and 4
 The pricing reviewer can review and approve as submitted,
approve with changes to proposed pricing, or reject the
appeal. If the appeal requires a higher level of approval, it
will keep moving through pricing reviewer until the highest
level has been reached

Key Points
● Key behaviors for creating and submitting appeals

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Use the templates provided by UPS Deal Manager – don’t __________________
overcomplicate your deals by overengineering bids
 Don’t submit appeals to re-create past deals __________________
 Provide rationale for why you are triggering each appeal __________________
reason __________________
 Red means no – assess appeal reasons to see whether you
can seek alternatives to make your deal eligible for appeal; if
you have exhausted all options, then red means no – your __________________
deal is ineligible for appeal __________________
 Update your customer growth roadmap in UPS DRIVE; add
the appeal owner to the Account Team to give them access
to your CGR

Key Points
● Transition slide to demo

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 This is a transition slide for you to pull up UPS Deal Manager

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

 In this upcoming section, you will: __________________

o Submit and manage an appeal, which includes:
 Checking for conflicts
 Evaluating appeal rules __________________
 Tracking appeals __________________
o Generate, view, and print a contract using DocuSign
o Use the Shipping Profile view to understand your
customer’s historical and inferred shipping profile __________________

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Appeal Workflow

 Overview of Appeal Workflow

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Use the Matthews International –

Training deal
 Deal #: 00000449
2. Under the Header Details tab users will
notice an Approval Details tab. This is
where users can see all information related
to appeals on the deal.
 Highest Approval Required: The
last appeal level that the deal must
flow through before being fully
 NOTE: The appeal first goes
to the sales manager and is
then pushed to pricing levels
1-4 depending on appeals
that are needed.
 Pricing Owner: The pricing user
that is responsible for seeing that
the appeal is pushed through to the
correct levels.
 Appeal Age: How long the appeal
has been in the approval process.
 Current Approver: The current
pricing user/sales manager that has
to approve/reject the deal before it
moves to the next pricing level or is
 Current Approver Role: The role
of the current user assigned to
approve/reject the deal.
 Sales Level 1: The sales user
required for the first level of appeal.
 Pricing Levels 1-4: The different

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

pricing users assigned to the appeal

broken down by specific levels in the
appeal process.
 NOTE: For MAM’s all appeals
will be handles by DOS
 NOTE: For inside sales, all
appeals will go to the inside
sales lead rep. If warranted,
it will go to pricing
3. Once a deal has been appealed or
approved, you will be able to see the
history of the approval, by who it was
approved, and so on by navigating to the
History tab.
4. For most terms, if you stretch beyond the
threshold, appeals will trigger. In the case
of rate cards or minimum cards, you can
flex the values but not the structure i.e.,
you cannot break out an extra column or
row. If you wanted to do so, you’d force an
appeal (if the deal was auto approved) and
call out your request in the appeal notes.

Additional Notes

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: View and Print Contracts with DocuSign

 Overview of Documents
 How to Create Documents
 How to Initiate Contract Signature
 Link to demo: Docusign Demo
 Password: 6pb?O7Ag

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Once your deal has been approved, you will

have the option to create final documents.
2. In the top right-hand corner Create
Documents will be available from the
drop-down options.
 NOTE: You can create “Draft”
documents at any stage of the deal
process even if you have not
submitted the deal for approval. The
deal needs to be approved to create
a “Final” version of the documents.
3. Select the Create Documents button and
then fill out the necessary fields.
 NOTE: Please remember to either
select draft or Final in the version
4. After creation, if you navigate to the
Documents tab you will notice a pdf file of
the created contract.
 NOTE: Sales users will need to
create a draft document in order to
see any edits made to the tier
 NOTE: If you have created a final
version, once you click into the pdf
you will notice that it no longer says
Draft in the title.
 NOTE: Once you have created the
documents after approval, the deal
status will change to Offered.
5. If you click onto the pdf file, it will load the

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

contract that was just generated for the

6. After you have created the Final
documents, navigate to the same drop-
down in the top right-hand corner and
select Initiate Contract Signature.
7. You will notice that when you go to initiate
signature, the system will display any soft
conflicts associated with the deal.
 NOTE: For wet signature, the sales
rep will have to go in and manually
upload the document and manually
click accept after everything has
been signed.
 NOTE: Whoever creates the deal,
will be the one notified via email
when it has been initiated for
8. Once you have received the email, you will
need to select the link to add contacts
needed for the e-signature.
 NOTE: You will be able to either
select one of the default contacts for
the deal or someone custom by
inputting their name and email.
 NOTE: You can also customize what
you want the email body to say by
inputting the information in the
Email Body field.
9. Once you have completed the first step of
the form, select Complete.
10. You will then be prompted to go
back and review the first step. Once you hit
Complete for the second time the contract
will be sent to the signer and the
description of the document under the
Documents tab of the deal will read as
 NOTE: The deal status will also
changed to Proposed.
Key Changes from IWA:
 The print order and set up leverages the service hierarchy. This means lines will expand and
contract based on how the incentives are set up in Deal Manager (movement, mode, service
group or core service group level).
 There will now be an Addendum C (if required), which will contain all of the special language.

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

(ex. GSR waiver, minimum commitment, etc.)

 Deferred incentives will now be incorporated into Addendum B and will NOT require a
separate deal or agreement like they do today.

Additional Notes

NEXT: Classroom Exercise


Midland Motors, Solinco UnitedHealth Group, Highway Industries Limited,
Go to page 58 Wine Expedite Solinco
Go to page 46 Go to page 48

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 4 & 5 – Inside Sales/Account Executive

Exercise 4 & 5 [SCENARIO 4 & 5 – IS/AE]

 View list of “My Deals” to see deal statuses,
including an expired deal
 View an appeal that has been approved
with changes by the Pricing team
 View/Print a contract using DocuSign

Question Prompt

Scenario 4: Josh just got a call from his

customer at Midland Motors. They forgot to act on
the deal offered earlier and request 2400
packages shipped using ground residential. This
deal will be worth a total of $60,000.

Scenario 5: Melanie just received a note from

her customer at Solinco. They are requesting an
official contract for 1200 NDA shipments for a
total of $60,000.

1. View the expired deal in the “My Deals” list

2. View the Solinco deal that has been
approved with changes, and create

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Navigate the “Deals” section and select the drop-down to select the “My Deals” list view.
2. Once here, you will be able to look for the expired Midland Motors deal. After seeing that it is
expired, create a new deal for the Midland Motors account by selecting New Deal from the
master account page.
3. Add the 2400 ground residential shipments in services for a total amount of $60,000.
4. After you have created the deal for scenario 4, navigate to the Solinco - Scenario 5 deal.
Here, you will notice that the deal has been approved with changes and you can go ahead
and create documents by selecting the Create Documents button in the drop-down located
next to Refresh Score and Status.
5. Once the documents have been created, verify that they are for 1200 NDA shipments for a
total of $60,000.

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Additional Notes
Account Numbers: Midland Motors (0000000R7A), Solinco (0000860EY8)

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 4 & 5 – SAE/MAM

Exercise 4 & 5 [SCENARIO 4 & 5 –

 View list of “My Deals” to see deal statuses,
including an expired deal
 View an appeal that has been approved
with changes by the Pricing team
 View/Print a contract using DocuSign

Question Prompt

Scenario 4: Mike just got a call from his

customer at UnitedHealth Group. They forgot to
act on the deal offered earlier and request 9000
packages shipped using ground residential. This
deal will be worth a total of $450,000.

Scenario 5: Melanie just received a note from

her customer at Solinco. They are requesting an
official contract for 9000 NDA shipments for a
total of $450,000.

1. View the expired deal in the “My Deals” list

2. View the Wine Expedite deal that has been
approved with changes, and create

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Navigate the “Deals” section and select the drop-down to select the “My Deals” list view.
2. Once here, you will be able to look for the expired UnitedHealth Group deal. After seeing that
it is expired, create a new deal for the UnitedHealth Group account by selecting New Deal
from the master account page.
3. Add the 9000 ground residential shipments in services for a total amount of $450,000.
4. After you have created the deal for scenario 4, navigate to the Wine Expedite - Scenario 5
deal. Here, you will notice that the deal has been approved with changes and you can go
ahead and create documents by selecting the Create Documents button in the drop-down
located next to Refresh Score and Status.
5. Once the documents have been created, verify that they are for 9000 NDA shipments for a
total of $450,000.

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Additional Notes
Account Numbers: UnitedHealth Group (3728010), Wine Expedite (00004YA257)

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

EXERCISE: Scenario 4 & 5 – IAE

Exercise 4 & 5 [SCENARIO 4 & 5 – IAE]

 View list of “My Deals” to see deal statuses,
including an expired deal
 View an appeal that has been approved
with changes by the Pricing team
 View/Print a contract using DocuSign

Question Prompt

Scenario 4: Mike just got a call from his

customer at Highway Industries Limited. They
forgot to act on the deal offered earlier and
request 2300 packages shipped worldwide express
freight. This deal will be worth a total of

Scenario 5: Melanie just received a note from

her customer at Solinco. They are requesting an
official contract for 3300 worldwide express saver
shipments for a total of $190,000.

1. View the expired deal in the “My Deals” list

2. View the Wine Expedite deal that has been
approved with changes, and create

Answer: Exercise/Activity

1. Navigate the “Deals” section and select the drop-down to select the “My Deals” list view.
2. Once here, you will be able to look for the expired Highway Industries Limited deal. After
seeing that it is expired, create a new deal for the Highway Industries Limited account by
selecting New Deal from the master account page.
3. Add the 2300 worldwide express freight shipments in services for a total amount of $115,000.
4. After you have created the deal for scenario 4, navigate to the Solinco - Scenario 5 deal.
Here, you will notice that the deal has been approved with changes and you can go ahead
and create documents by selecting the Create Documents button in the drop-down located
next to Refresh Score and Status.
5. Once the documents have been created, verify that they are for 3300 worldwide saver
shipments for a total of $190,000.

Additional Notes
UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

Account Numbers: Highway Industries (0000A6672X), Solinco (0000860EY8)


UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Shipping Profile View (Optional)

 Overview of Shipping Profile
 Services
 Accessorials
 Services Trends
 Accessorials Trends

Step-by-Step Instructions


1. Navigate to Matthews International –

Training deal
 Deal #: 00000449
2. Once you are in the main deal view, click
on the tab labeled Shipping Profile
 NOTE: The Shipping Profile differs
from the Analyzer in that it is a
backward-looking tool instead of
metrics for a point-in-time offer
 NOTE: Shipping Profile View shows
historical data for the past rolling 52
weeks, and this data is refreshed on
a weekly basis
3. You will notice that there are 4 sub sectors
of the Shipping Profile
 Services: Compares all the sales
metrics broken down by service type
 Accessorials: Compares sales
metrics broken down by accessorial
 Services Trends: Compares sales
metrics broken down weekly
 Accessorials Trends
4. Click on the Services sub sector
5. Here you will see the Shipping Profile
view spliced by different services
6. You will notice filters across the top, that
allow you to further split the data based on
historic or inferred data, import/export, and
different service types

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide


1. Once you are in the Shipping Profile

section, click on Accessorials located
directly below
 This will pull up the same view as
the Services sub sector, but filters
accessorial related will be added to
the existing options
2. This will allow you to view the Shipping
Profile broken down based on different
accessorial attributes

Services Trends

1. Once you are in the Shipping Profile

section, click on Services Trends located
directly below
 This will pull up the same view as
the Services Trends sub sector,
but filters accessorial related will be
added to the existing options
2. This will allow you to view the Shipping
Profile broken down based on different
accessorial attributes

Accessorials Trends

1. Once you are in the Shipping Profile

section, click on Accessorials Trends
located below
 This will pull up the same view as
the Accessorials Trends sub
sector, but filters accessorial related
will be added to the existing options
This will allow you to view the Shipping Profile
broken down based on different accessorial

Additional Notes
UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide


UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

DEMO: Analyzer – Sales User (Optional)

 Overview of Analyzer

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Navigate back to the Matthews

International – Training deal
 Deal #: 00000449
2. Find the Analyzer tab next to the
Documents tab
3. This is where the sales user will be able to
analyze the prices they are offering by
services and accessorials
 This will allow for more informed
decisions when it comes to
determining the most affective deal
 If pricing made changes to the deal
that was submitted, this is where a
sales user would go to see them
 NOTE: Sales users will only
be able to view the first 2
sections “Offer Impact
Services” and “Offer Impact
 NOTE: These numbers are
being drawn from CLOR and
iCLOR, which store data on
historical customer spend and
total customer spend
4. Under Offer Impact Services, sales users
will see 4 different charts:
 This Deal: This consists of all the
metrics of the deal that the sales
user is currently on
 Comparison Deal: This chart
allows pricing users to compare this
particular deal with others.
 NOTE: On the right-hand
side there is a list of all

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

scenario deals that users can

compare the current deal
with. Select one and it will act
as an action filter in the chart.
 Change: This functions very
similarly to Comparison Deal. The
change chart shows the difference in
metrics between the selected deal
and the scenario deal.
 Change %: This is the same as
change but puts the change in
metrics in percentage form for

Additional Notes

Go back to the classroom slide deck

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

MODULE: Preparing for Day 1

Module Objectives
● Walk through key topics end users need to know for go live
● Understand what UPS Deal Manager resources are available to them
● Manage housekeeping and know next steps
Key Learning Points Duration
● Navigating between UPS Deal Manager and IWA 20 minutes
● Data & contract migration, IWA/IAS sunset policies, and cutover dates
● Deal cancellation processes
● Setting delegates in UPS Deal Manager
● UPS Deal Manager resources
● Housekeeping and next steps for trainees
Training Methods Materials
Presentation Classroom deck
Demo Training Environment
Classroom Exercise

Topic Slide(s) Method/ Content Duration (min)

What you need to know for Day 1 38 Slides 10 mins
Your UPS Deal Manager resources 40 Slides 5 mins
Next steps and action items 41 Slides 5 mins

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

PRESENT: Preparing for Day 1, Resources, Next Steps

Key Points
● Section divider to discuss day one readiness activities,
UPS Deal Manager resources, and next steps

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Go to the next slide __________________
Key Points
● Feedback form
● Learning assessment
● UPS Deal Manager page on Seismic
● Go Live reminder

Slide Notes Additional Notes

Training Feedback Form __________________
Prior to closing the training session, please ask all participants to
complete a brief survey. __________________
1. Copy/Paste the following link into the Chat: __________________ __________________
2. Ask participants to click through and complete the survey. __________________
Allow 5-7 minutes. __________________
Other Reminders
 Take your learning assessment before your geography’s go
live date
 Visit the UPS Deal Manager site on Seismic

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

 Our geography’s go live date is on __________

Key Points
● Day 1: preparing to go live

Slide Notes Additional Notes

 Access UPS Deal Manager (SSO enabled) on Day 1 via: __________________
 Set your delegate in UPS Deal Manager __________________
 Remember to cancel legacy deals in IWA after negotiating __________________
new deals using UPS Deal Manager __________________
Key Points
● Your UPS Deal Manager resources
● Where you can go for help after go live

Slide Notes Additional Notes

You will have plenty of resources to support you after you go live: __________________
 DRIVE Assist: In-app guidance (e.g., hover definitions,
step-by-step instructions) with real-time support as users __________________
are in the system; help requests intake for support __________________
resources and processes for DRIVE-related issues __________________
 Resource Pages (Seismic, SharePoint): Pricing 2021
Seismic Resource Page and Revenue Management
SharePoint site where users can self-serve and access __________________
resources in a file repositories __________________
 Learning Materials: Learning materials on UPS U for end
users to engage in self-paced learning about pricing and the
new pricing platform
 Get Help in UPS DRIVE: Support ticket creation and issue
routing via the “Get Help” feature in UPS DRIVE to the

UPS Deal Manager Training
ILT Facilitator Guide

functional and technical support teams

 Manager/Coach: Coaching support from direct managers
on pricing and sales
 Change Agent Office Hours: Sessions held by change
agents to show planned content (#protips for system usage)
and have an open forum for peer questions in the first few
weeks after their geography is onboarded
 UPS TSG [1-888-UPS-TECH]: UPS Help Desk number for
end users to request support
 [Wave 1 Only] Pricing 2021 Bridge Line: Zoom
conference line for end users to dial into for answers to
Pricing 2021 questions

Key Points
Wave release-specific notes for end users
● Contract migration
[Wave Addendum] ● Valid exceptions to create pricing in IWA
● Workarounds, if any

Slide Notes Additional Notes

You will receive a training addendum for your wave so that you can __________________
provide end users with notes specific to their release.


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