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15 Steps to Craft

Emails that Convert

Your customers are inundated with emails every day, so it’s worth taking
the time to ensure yours stand out and encourage your recipients to take
the desired action. To create highly engaging emails, consider trying out
these guidelines that follow email best practices:

Subject line and preview text

Keep subject lines to seven words (or less!)

Include personalisation where possible

 ersonalisation doesn’t just mean including someone’s first

name. Including references to actions someone has taken
onsite or products they’ve viewed or bought will help catch
their eye straight from the subject line.

Create a sense of urgency

Avoid using too many emojis

Open rates fall as the number of emojis increase.

Use the preview text to continue teasing the recipient’s interest to open

Include punctuation after the preview text

Punctuation at the end of the preview text ensures it doesn’t

blend into the rest of the email preview.


Preview images on desktop and mobile

Keep images below 1MB to decrease load time

Add links and alt text to all images


Focus on one key message

Have one primary call-to-action (CTA) button

If you want to include multiple CTAs, which might make sense

depending on what you’re trying to convey in your email,
make it clear what the primary CTA is so that recipients don’t
get too distracted and end up not clicking through.


Include evergreen links (such as customer support)

Include options to change preferences or unsubscribe

More advanced steps

Test different versions of your email

Create an A/B test for 10% of your audience that compares

either different subject lines or in-email content to see what
messages and/or visuals resonate best. Then, send the winning
version to the rest of your list to maximise engagement.

Use segments to scale personalisation

Create different versions for different segments to appeal to

what matters most to different parts of your target audience.
For example, you could send unique sale offers to subscribers
at different stages of their customer journey – never purchased,
new customers, or repeat buyers.

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Want to know more about using automation to craft
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Read the ebook
Build a thriving,
g engaged marketing list
Personalise experiences
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ISBN: 978-1-394-18173-5
Not For Resale

Stephanie Diamond Klaviyo Special Edition

For Dummies is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Wiley part no.: 9781394181773
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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