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Freedom Riders

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Freedom Riders

The Freedom Rides was launched by student activists from CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)

with the aim of challenging the segregation on bus terminals and interstate buses. Traveling from

Washington DC on buses to Mississippi and Jackson, the CORE activists of the Freedom riders

(also supported by Martin Luther Jr) faced violent resistance from Deep South. This garnered

extensive attention from the U.S media resulting in a federal investigation by F. Kennedy's

administration. The freedom rides backed by leaders such as Famer finally won through the

court, declaring segregation of buses and racism unconstitutional. However, racism did not end


The past decade of the 22nd century has witnessed various incidences of racism, the most

critical ones resulting in death. Not long after, Recently, on August 10, 2020, the United States

police, who had actively extended their brutality to people of color, beat Floyd to death. More

Black people such as Jordan Davis, Botham Jean, Emmet Till, and Trayvon Martin (Nicole and

Tensley). This, and looking back after the 1964 Civil Rights Act, shows that despite the Freedom

riders succeeding through the law, which made segregation and persecution of people of color

unconstitutional, it is quite evident that racism is still embedded in the very fabric of American
culture and eradicating it extremely difficult. That said, it and the fact that our history is difficult

to see, discuss what it entails, or watch, understanding American culture can only lead to

deteriorating the already worse situation

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