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IMPLEMENTING: Kogelo Empowerment for Economic
Development Organization
ADDRESS: Mama Sarah Obama Cultural Centre, Kogelo,
South East Alego, Kenya
P O BOX :7.40603 NGIYA, Kenya,
CONTACT PERSONS: Robinson Stanley Obadha +254711759941
Darrel Onyango +254704451372
exchange rate $1= 130

Kogelo Empowerment for Economic Development Organization herein referred to as KOEEDO is

seeking for financial support to implement, set forth and launch a Soap and Soap Products
Processing Facility in Alego Usonga Constituency, Kenya. The idea was birthed from the economic
hardships that the 47.56% of the residents of Siaya County who statistically and poor and food
insecure, were going through.

97% of Siaya lives in the rural areas and mainly engage in smallholder subsistence farming. A portion
of the produce is sold locally at inexplicably lower prices. With the effects of Climate Change, i.e.
least forest cover nationally at 0.42% has greatly affected agricultural productivity and other
economic activities in the region. This, definitely is a challenge that this project seeks to solve, by
coming up with ways through which the smallholder farmers in rural Siaya County could get value
for their produce.

Soap is made up of a number of raw materials which can be grown locally. Introducing and
enhancing the adoption of high value crops like Moringa, Coconut, Neem tree, Sheer, Aloe vera,
Avocado etc. would bring back to life the long-dead agricultural value chain. With the processing
factory at the farmers’ disposal, there will be guaranteed market for their produce, the ripple effect
would be economic empowerment of the rural communities.

The initiative will create a chain of employment opportunities within the agricultural and processing
value chains, at different stages of the preproduction, production, post harvesting and marketing
phases. Input suppliers, production planners, researchers, the farmers themselves, agricultural
extension officers, transporters, processors, packagers, certifiers, distributors, wholesalers and
retailers are amongst the potential actors within this value chain that if and when this project is
implemented would benefit directly.


The funding will go on purchasing the complete soap production machine that KOEEDO will use to
do production of soap. KOEEDO is partnering with over 30 groups of both women, youth and
persons with disability in Siaya, through this project we intend to empower the same group
economically by selling the soap to them at the production cost of 130 per Kg of bar soap and they
sell to retailers and wholesalers at 170 or 180, market price of soap at now is between 230 to 200 at
the retail shops.

KOEEDO is also intending to work with farmers in buying the farm end product for value addition to
the soap product i.e. Neem soap, Avocado and Aloe vera: this will empower our community
economically if we secure these machine. The organization will manage to sustain its self after the
funding from the sale of the soap products.
The key success factors include:

• A first-mover branding campaign to build awareness of Our products as the standard for ensuring
hand washing compliance.

• Patent protection to defend our time-sensitive dye and product concept from competitors.

• Complementary relationships with organizations interested in increasing hand washing


The Soap Production is going to operate a standard and licensed soap production whose product will
not only be sold in Siaya but also throughout Kenya. We are in the soap production line of business
to make profits and also to give our customers value for their money and we are going to do all that
is permitted by the law of the Kenya to achieve our goals.

Our products and services offering are listed below;

• Toilet Soap / Bathing Soap (Bar Soap) with different fragrance

• Baby Soap (Bar and liquid) with different fragrance

• Body Wash (Liquid Soap) with different fragrance

• Hand Wash (Liquid Soap) with different fragrance

• Dish Washer (Liquid Soap)

• Clothe Washing Soap

• Car Wash (Liquid Soap)

• Detergent


Before choosing a location to launch Our Liquid Soap Production we conduct a thorough market
survey and feasibility studies in order for us to be able to penetrate the available market in our
target market locations.

We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure our business to
attract the numbers of customers we want to attract per time and also for our soap and detergent to
favorable compete with other leading brands.
We hired experts who have good understanding of the soap and detergent production industry to
help us develop marketing strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning a larger
percentage of the available market in Siaya County and other Counties in throughout.

In order to continue to be in business and grow, we must continue to sell our soaps and detergents
to the available market which is why we will go all out to empower or sales and marketing team to
deliver our corporate sales goals.

In summary, Our Liquid Soap Production will adopt the following sales and marketing approach to
sell our soaps and detergents;

1. Introduce our Liquid soap and detergent brand by sending introductory letters to households,
retailers, supermarkets, hotels, laundries, merchants and other stakeholders.

2. Open our soap and detergent production company with a party so as to capture the attention of
residence who are our first targets.

3. Engage in road show in targeted communities from time to time to sell our products

4. Advertise our products in community-based newspapers, local TV and radio stations

5. List our business and products on yellow pages ads (local directories)

6. Leverage on the internet to promote our soap and detergent brands

7. Engage in direct marketing and sales

8. Encourage the use of Word-of-mouth marketing (referrals)

The use of qualified staff and quality Tools ensures the quality neatness and good of the products
are maintained. This gives the business a competitive edge over others.


Experience of your organization in project management

Experience of partners in the project

KOEEDO has vast experience in project management and this is not an exception. We have
implemented an array of projects with several partners since inception. The partners are from
various organizations both local and international in scope and reach.

The partners this project will bring on board equally have experience in soap production. We are
uniquely open to more training and refresher in project and business management. We have
developed a unique formula of soap production as follows:

✓ Dissolve caustic soda with a liter of water and keep it overnight for fermentation to take place.

✓ Dissolve soda ash with 1 tin milk of water and keep it overnight.
✓ The next day, dissolve STPP with 1 cup of water and keep aside

✓ Dissolve SLS with 1 cup of water and keep aside

✓ Dissolve Texapon with sulphonic acid and keep aside

✓ Finally dissolve the colourant with 1 cup of water (make sure you dissolve the colour completely)
Packaging and sealing.

The products are sent through quality control unit to checkmate for errors in packaging before they
are supplied.

Soap is a universal product that can be found in all homes, offices, industries, canteens, laundries,
hotels and toilets et al. Soaps are used for washing and bathing hence the demand for soap is hardly
affected by economic meltdown due to the important role the product plays in our daily lives, for
this reason our Soap production will be involved in making bar soap, liquid soaps, and detergent
with different scent and packaging.

Our vision is to establish a standard Soap Production Value Chain whose product will not only be
sold in Siaya county, but also throughout all the counties in Kenya, establish a standard and world
class Liquid Soap and bar soap Production that in our own capacity will favorably compete with
leaders in the industry

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