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Emergent Vocabulary from 24.03.


Task 1: Using the following vocabulary from the previous lesson, make 3-4 questions to ask
your partner next time.

• Declutter (verb)
to remove things you do not need from a place, in order to make it more pleasant
and more useful:

I try to declutter as much as possible, but it's a constant battle.

Declutter by getting rid of the pointless celebrity books collecting dust on your shelf.

• Clutter (noun)

(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy.

Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen. My desk is covered in/full of clutter.

• I occasionally go through my closet and declutter.

It’s good to get rid of old stuff and make room for new things.

I went through my kids’ clothes. The have outgrown most of their clothes. So, I’m
gonna donate them to church.

• A hoarder (noun) (плюшкин)

someone who suffers from a mental condition that makes
them want to keep a large number of things that are not needed or have no value:

He was one of those hoarders who can't throw anything away. I soon realized the
woman was a compulsive hoarder.

• It’s time to put winter shoes away.

Task 2: Answer the following questions:

1. When was the last time you tried something new? What was it? How did you feel?
2. Is there something that you’ve been meaning to try but never got around to it?

• Get around to doing smth (phrasal verb) to find time to do something that you have
intended or would like to do:

I wanted to see that movie but never got around to it.

After weeks of putting it off, she finally got around to painting the bedroom.
Task 3: Match the highlighted phrases with their definitions

1. Being chronically sleep - a. completely from the beginning.

deprived may cause a person to
feel sick all the time.

2. I need to change jobs – after 15 b. Sitting at the desk or working on

years here I feel like I’m stuck in a computer for many hours and
a rut. being inactive
3. If you make small, sustainable c. not having had enough sleep,
changes, they are more likely to especially for several days or
become a part of your life. more.
4. I could never have a desk- d. doing the same old thing for too
dwelling job. I need to be on my long.
feet and moving.

5. He had no money and no rich e. able to be maintained or kept

friends, so he had to build his going.
business from scratch

Watch the video and check your answers (use dictionary if necessary).

Video link:

Task 4. Watch the video again and answer the questions.

Task 5. Complete the following sentences with phrases from the box, change the form of the
verbs if necessary. There is one EXTRA phrase/word (you do not need to use it).

a. To end up
b. To stick to
c. from scratch
d. give smth a try
e. sleep deprived
f. sustainable
g. desk-dwelling
h. stuck in a rut

1. I have never tried mussels but I’m ready to ___________ today.

2. I'm __________ at this job and need to find something more interesting and

3. The aim of __________ transport is to reduce the negative impacts on the

environment. It includes both public transport (electric buses, zero emissions buses,
metro, train, trams, etc.) and private transport (pedestrians, bikes, scooters, electric
vehicles, etc.).

4. There were so many spelling mistakes, I had to write the letter again ____________.

5. They took the wrong bus and __________ at a small station.

6. It’s easy to make a plan, but a lot harder to __________ it.

7. People who are ____________ are also more likely to make errors and omissions.

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