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 Aims
 It envisions/ set out to do something …..
 This organization/ charity is intended to do something/ puts an emphasis on
doing something
 How
 They can accomplish this aim by doing something
 One approach they may adopt to fulfill/ realize this aim is by doing …….
 What they do at the center of their action plan is that ……

Exercise 3: Discussion

Provide support network // children in need /disadvantaged/

marginalized/ underprivileged groups of children (Trẻ em cơ
nhỡ, thiếu thốn)
Save the
 Financial aid // illiterate children // access to educational
 Community center // abused or sexually-harassed girls //
sheltered + brought up in a healthier environment

Solutions to environmental degradation (Sự suy thoái môi

trường) in a peaceful manner:

 Educational programs // awareness raising

 In a macro sense, facilitate // negotiations and signing of
treaties // government leaders  Bring out a sustainable

Worldwide fund Protect endangered species from extinction + maintain biological


 Activists + authorities and conservationists  safeguard

for Nature untouched areas (khu vực chưa bị khai phá)  Provide
favourable/ pleasant environment (môi trường thuận lợi) for cho
các loài hiếm (rare species) sống sót

Guarantee sustainable development / no one is left behind in the

development agenda (chính sách phát triển)

 Bridge rich-poor gaps (Giảm thiểu sự chênh lệch giàu

nghèo) : Provide education for the poor // vocational skills +
specialist knowledge  Land a job + escape from extreme poverty
 Eradicate inequality: Workshops or seminars // stress the
importance of gender equality + Raise voice to boycott domestic
violence (Tẩy chay bạo lực gia đình) against women

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