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 Be intellectual (adj): có trí tuệ // have strong wit (n)

 A genius (n) // be gifted = endowed with extraordinary ability (được trời phú cho
khả năng đặc biệt)
- someone have good memory // strong memory capacity (có trí nhớ tốt) 
memorize dates, facts, past events vividly and recall/ retrieve the information effortlessly
 Find it easy to make things etched in their memory
 make something etched in memory (nhớ kĩ cái gì đó) >< be always forgetful
about things (hay quên)

 easily lose track of things

 everything seems to fall off their mind

1. How to increase the memory capacity/ boost memory?

- Do regular exercise  facilitate the flow of blood circulation to the brain system
(sự lưu thông máu lên não)  brain has enough resources to acquire and retain
- Have regular intake of supplementary medications that nourish the brain
functioning/ provide a vehicle for the brain to function better
- Have enough and sound sleep + avoid bad habits that cause sleep deprivation (sự
mất ngủ) (e.g., overuse of electronic devices before the bedtime)  If // sleep disorders //
neural cells malfunction + the brain gets more drained

2. Are you good at memorizing things?

3. Why do more people rely on cellphones to remember things?

- Rely/count/depend on external memory such as cellphones and consider them as
an assistive device for memorization
- Too much flow of information in a short time // note-taking applications on the
phone // jot down details + restore them
- Reminder apps  be on the track of their tasks at hand (Biết và theo dõi được
những công việc cần phải làm) (E.g., business meetings and appoinments or due dates
at work or school) >< The past // getting information down on physical notes: Time-
consuming, let alone // the notes // go missing

4. Why do some people have a good memory and others don’t?


- Pharmaceutical companies (các công ty dược phẩm)

E.g., Pharmaceutical companies have become increasingly unethical in their

operations (đang trở nên vô đạo đức trong cách vận hành của họ) as they are
launching (tung ra) lots of low-quality medical products to the market.

- Voluntary work (community service)

E.g., Aside from success in business activities, many entrepreneurs these days have
contributed a lot to the community through voluntary work for the needy people =
marginalized groups of people (nhóm người yếu thế), which is an inspirational tale to
young generations.

- Look on the bright side = be optimistic about something

E.g., Although it may be difficult to look on the bright side during social distancing
of Covid-19, it’s still an invaluable (= very helpful) time for a person to reflect on
oneself and identify weaknesses, through which one may sketch out // plan on (vẽ ra)
future paths for self-development (con đường phát triển cho sau này).

- Know something inside out = know something very clearly

E.g., My best friend appears to be knowledgeable and intelligent. Aside from the
ability to memorize things well, he is capable of knowing inside out many different fields
ranging from politics to economics and culture.

- Stand in one’s way (v) cản đường ai

E.g., Whenever we encounter difficulties (gặp phải khó khăn) standing in our way,
what matters is not to feel discouraged, but to be willing to overcome them.


1. C

My dreams are boring (dream of making a cup of tea or a sandwich)

Nothing strange or unusual happened.

2. E

Dream about things that happened that day = recent events

Things normally work out better (= end up better) in my dreams

3. A

Dreams  unpleasant (adj)

Feel anxious because things are not going how I want them to go (= things do not
happen as I expected = things going wrong)

I know I am messing things up….

4. F

People in my dream are all new  strangers

If I came across someone (= meet someone by chance) from my dreams, I’d be


5. D
Jump about from one place to another = unconnected

My brother is always going on about (= talking too much about something) his

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