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According to the field investigation of 19 boreholes (BH-05 to BH-23), the subsurface condition of this

selected area mainly dominated by sandy soil and clay soil.

Upper part of the clay soil mainly comprises very soft to soft, grey and dark grey Silty CLAY/Clayey
SILT with traces of organic compound but with increasing depth it becomes soft to medium stiff.

Sandy soil are mainly medium dense to dense in nature and comprises grey to dark grey SAND/Silty
SAND with Gravel. With increasing depth, it becomes dense to very dense.
(BH-05 to BH-23)

The subsurface soil stratification of this selected area may be broadly categorized into the following

Layer 01: The upper layer (right beneath the filling soil) of this area mainly comprises grey and dark grey
Silty CLAY/Clayey SILT with traces of organic compound. The consistency indices of this layer are very
soft to soft and with increasing depth it becomes soft to medium stiff. There is no cohesive soil
encountered in BH-15.

Layer 02: This is a granular layer underlying the upper cohesive layer that mainly consists of grey to dark
grey and brown SAND/Silty SAND with Gravel. The density indices of this layer indicate that, initially
this layer is medium dense to dense in nature but with increasing depth it becomes dense to very dense.
There are few intermittent cohesive layers encountered around 9.00 m to 12.45 m BGL in BH-10, 9.00m
to 19.95m BGL in BH-11, 9.00m to 18.95m BGL in BH-18, 10.50m to 13.95m BGL in BH-19.

The base of this granular layer is not seen up to the termination depth where the maximum depth of
termination is 28.95 m BGL in BH-11.

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