TTS 57 Optimizing The Efficiency of Gas Turbine Compressor Packages Odom

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Turbomachinery Technology Seminar Optimizing the Efficiency of Gas Turbine Compressor Packages Solar Turbines ‘Acari Company Contents INTROOUCTION MATCHING THE COMPRESSOR SPEED TO THE OPTIMUM OUTPUT SPEED OF THE GAS TURBINE OPERATING A CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR IN THE PEAK EFFICIENCY AREA OF ITS CURVE KEEPING A GAS TURBINE CLEAN SUMMARY BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX wwe petrmrecratrytomenttes ahs Page srt 87-3 87-7 87-13 87-17 87-17 87-19 Optimizing the Efficiency of Gas Turbine Compressor Packages F.M. Odom Manager, Systems Analysis INTRODUCTION Asigniticant portion of the life-cycle cost of a gas turbine compressor package is the fuel con- sumption. This paper describes three tunda- mental steps for obtaining the lowest fuel consumption and, thus, the maximum efficiency of gas turbine compressor packages. ‘When evaluating equipment for purchase, one of the first objectives should be to match the ‘compressor speed to the optimum output speed of the gas turbine. Today's gas turbines achieve very high thermal efficiency, and centrifugal compressors can also be designed to achieve a very high efficiency for @ particular operating condition. However, if the compressor speed Is different from the optimum speed of the gas turbine, the combination of the two may not achieve the lowest total fuel consumption. This paper discusses criteria for selecting the most 87-1 efficient combination of gas turbine and centrifugal compressor packaged together. Step 1 should be to select a compressor frame size whose nominal speed is closest to the ‘optimum speed of the gas turbine Once the equipment is operating, Step 2 is to ‘operate the driven compressor in the peak etti- clency area of its curve. This paper discusses the correct use of various types of compressor performance curves and how to monitor the com- pressor condition in order to determine where the ‘operating point is on the curve. Step 3 is to keep the gas turbine clean. Con- temination from foreign material contained In the fuel, air, and water decreases the efficlency of a gas turbine. This paper discusses methods for ‘monitoring the condition and maintaining the best possible opereting efficiency of a gas turbine over ts ife cycle. ite MATCHING THE COMPRESSOR SPEED TO ‘THE OPTIMUM OUTPUT SPEED OF THE GAS TURBINE ‘When selecting a gas turbine-driven centrifugal compressor for a speciic application, it seems logical at first to determine the most efficient ‘compressor design and speed. However, the optimum speed of the available gas turbine drivers may not be the same as the speed of the most efficient compressor. The problem is to determine the most efficient combination of gas turbine and centrifugal compressor for the application. The solution is the combination of gas turbine and centrifugal compressor that consumes the east amount of fuel over the entire operating range. Additionally, the most efficient combina- ton of centrifugal compressor and gas turbine is ‘usually the one in which the compressor operates, at the optimum speed of the gas turbine. Thus, to maximize the efficiency of a mechanical-drive Package. the compressor speed should be matched to the optimum output speed of the gas turbine Two-shalt gas turbines (Figure 1) have two separate rotors — the gas producer and the power turbine - that can rotate Independently at two separate speeds. The gas producer compresses and heats air, and detivers Itto the power turbine. The power turbine rotates freely in the flow of hot, compressed alt at @ speed determined by the driven equipment. Two-shaft gas turbines are preferred for mechanical-drive applications be- cause they can produce rated output power at variable output shaft speeds. This varlable out- put speed is desirable to utlize the entire oper Ing range of centrifugal compressors. Because the power of the gas turbine Is @ func- tlon of the gas producer speed (NGP) and the turbine rotor inlet temperature (TRIT), the output shaft speed - power turbine speed (NPT) — can vary to meet the needs of the driven equipment. — cenrmirucat Eournesson ComPResson “— as proouce SUneine Power SURO Figure 1. Simple-Cycle, Two-Shatt Gas Turbine 87-3 The speed of the power turbine has little or no effect on the NGP or TRIT and, thus, no effect on the energy delivered to the power turbine. However, there is an optimum NPT at which the two-shaft gas turbine achieves Its peak officien- cy. This speed is a function of the geometry of the power turbine and the mass flow through the power turbine, The power turbine can operate faster or slower than its optimum speed, but, It It does. it simply will not achieve its peak efficien- oy, resulting in less energy being converted to ‘output power and more of the available energy being diverted to the exhaust. Figure 2 Is a simple diagram of the flow of hot {ges through a typical power turbine stage. The absolute velocity of the hot gas is shown as vector c. Vector ¢ represents the amount of power being delivered to the power turbine and, for this, ‘example, remains constant, The velocity of the rotating blades fs shown as vector U. The relative velocity of the hot gas entering the rotating power turbine blades is the resultant of vectors c and U. Note that for optimum NPT (Figure 2a) the rela- tive velocity vector w is exactly parallel to the flow path formed by the turbine blades. This is the most efficient angle of the relative velocity vector wand, thus. is the most efficient (optimum) power turbine speed. If the velocity of the turbine blades (U) Is reduced (rpm slower than optimum) while the absolute velocity of the hot gas c remains the same, then the relative velocity vector w will begin to impinge upon the pressure side of the rotating blades (Figure 2b). Energy that other- wise could have been transferred to the rotating blades must be used to change the direction of the hot gas as it passes between the turbine blades. This reduces the amount of power produced by the power turbine W vELoomy RELATE WW coassoure ea ee vo ¢ vy : = “pe wee) yy Nelo, 24. OPTIMUMNPT 2b, SLOWER NET c yya xs 2c. FASTERNET Figure 2. Power Turbine Flow Path Diagram Conversely, if the velocity of the turbine blades, (U) is increased (rpm faster than optimum), the relative velocity vector w will begin to impinge upon the back side of the rotating blades (Figure 2c}. In this situation, not as much energy is trans- ferred from the hot gas to the rotating blades, This also reduces the power produced by the power turbine The speed of the power turbine, therefore. does not affect the amount of energy generated by the gas producer (vector c). But it does affect, how much of that energy is converted to output, power (vector w).. Optimum power turbine speed is not a con- stant; It varies with engine inlet air temperature and output power. As the output power or engine inlet air temperature increases, the optimum power turbine speed is faster. Conversely. as the output power or engine inlet air temperature decreases, the optimum power turbine speed is. slower. Figure 3 shows lines of constant optimum, power turbine speed on coordinates of oulput Power and engine inlet air temperature. In this figure, find the point where the desired iniet air temperature and output power intersect. At that Point, read the optimum power turbine speed, For example, Figure 3 shows the optimum power turbine speed to be 8600 rpm. The amount of power lost as the turbine runs ‘oll-optimum” speed is affected by several tac- tors, including the number of stages in the power turbine and the loading of each stage of the Power turbine, Figure 4 shows the effect of ‘operating ‘olf-optimum* speed. Note that the amount of power lost is not significant as long as. the power turbine speed Is neer the optimum speed. However, if the power turbine speed is significantly faster or slower than the optimum oureur power INLET AIR TEMPERATURE Figure 3. Optimum Powar Turbine Speed 57-4 os 1 L os RATIO SpeedOplimum Speed ~- Figure 4. Power Correction for Off-Optimum Power Turbine Speed speed (20% of greater). the power loss becomes significant Figure 5 plots the output power of a two-shatt gas turbine at gas producer speeds from idie speed 0 rated speed (105%). At any gas producer speed, the amount of output power Peaks at the optimum power turbine speed and decreases as the power turbine speed Is faster or slower than the optimum speed. Note that the optimum power turbine speed is not constant: it Is slower at lower gas producer speeds (part loads). However, most users are interested in the full- load power (rated gas producer speed) over a range of engine inlet air temperatures. Plotting the full-load gas producer speed line (or various inlet ait temperatures gives the familiar power versus output speed curve shown in Figure 6. hie Ae Soe = see f i te ‘Opin NPT Spee, 100 20 3640 60 0070 8 90700 POWER TURBINE SPEED, Se Figure 5. Output Power versus Power Turbine Speed at One Engine Inlet Air Temperature Begsesesey Engine Aline Tompertra °F ‘ourur poweR —> Figure 6. Output Power versus Power Turbine ‘Speed for Engine inlet Air Temperatures This curve Is only for full-load output power itis. not valid for part-ioad performance. To find how much power Is fost if the output speed is faster or slower than the optimum speed. first find what the optimum speed should be for the power and engine iniet air temperature in question (Figure 3). Then take the ratio of the actual output speed to the optimum speed. With this ratio, find the factor for output power (hp/hpops) (Figure 4). This gives: Power @ actual rpm = hp/hpopt x Power @ optimum rpm (1) Applying Centritugal Compressors to Variable Speed Gas Turbine Drivers Application engineers responsible for selecting compressor size, diameter, staging and gear ratio have certain criteria for choosing the opti- mum configuration. The first priority is speed. Direct drive is almost always chosen over a ‘gear-driven compressor because of the adaition- ‘al package length, expense, and power con- sumption caused by the gear. The first step Is to choose 2 compressor frame size whose nominal speed is closest to the optimum output speed of the gas turbine. There may be more than one {frame size that satisfies that requirement, and the nex! step will eliminate some. Once the best com- pressor frame size has been determined, the next step is to choose the optimum number of stages and the exact rotor configuration and diameter. The application engineer can adjust the speed of the compressor by changing the number and diameter of the Impellers. The optimum rotor configuration is a com- promise between compressor efficiency and gas 87-5 turbine efficiency. All other parameters being equal, the best speed at which to operate the ‘compressor is the optimum speed of the gas tur- bine driver. This will give the highest overall pack- age efficiency. However, there are several reasons why this cannot always be done: 1, Most applications are not for a single operat- ing point but for a range of operating condi- tions, which means the speed varies with the operating conditions. Therefore, not all of the points can be at the optimum speed of the gas turbine driver. Some compromise of efficiency may be necessary al the rated Point in order to provide acceptable efficien- cy at the alternate points. The “normal” operating speed may have to be chosen slower than the optimum speed in order to have enough speed left over to ‘meet the highest head or flow point The capability to predict the actual speed of a centrifugal compressor Is usually 42% Thus. a 2% speed margin left between the highast predicted speed and the maximum continuous speed of the com- pressor rotor. ‘As shown in Figure 7, American Petroleum Institute (API) Standards 616 & 617 require that the maximum continuous speed of the compressor be at least 105% of the “rated” ‘speed. To meet API and also allow for a 2% IseWTROPIC HEAD — | reandown ange = —t souee:| inte TWLET CAPAERY Figura 7. Centrifugal Compressor Terminology (aPr617) accuracy of prediction, the application ‘engineer should choose the compressor to operate at a "rated" point speed not faster than 4/1.07 of maximum continuous speed. In summary, the most efficient combination of ges turbine and centrifugal compressor for any application is the combination that consumes the least amount of fuel. In adition, the combination that consumes the least amount of fuel may not necessarily be the combination of the most effi- clent compressor and most efficient gas turbine Ii the two do not operate at the same speed. When selecting a centrifugal compressor for @ specific application, the application engineer 57-6 first determines the most efficient compressor design and speed, However, the most efficient ‘compressor speed may not be the same es the optimum power turbine speed of the gas turbine driver. in that case, the thermal efficiency of the gas turbine will be lower, and the total fuel con- ‘sumption of the package may be higher than an alternative compressor selection which operates ‘near the optimum power turbine speed but at 2 lower compressor efficiency. To maximize the efficiency of a mechanical drive package, therefore, the compressor speed should be matched to the optimum output speed of the gas turbine. OPERATING A CENTRIFUGAL. COMPRESSOR IN THE PEAK EFFICIENCY AREA OF ITS CURVE Operating a compressor at its peak efficiency requires, among other things, an understanding of its performance curve(s). There are many different formats for graphically showing the expected performance of centrifugal compres- ‘sors, Understanding centrifugal compressor per- formance curves can be condensed into a single rule: The head versus capacity curve is the only curve necessary. Head versus Capacity Curve The head versus capacity curve (Figure 8) shows, on coordinates of isentropic head and actual inlet volumetric flow rate. lines of constant ‘speed, lines of constant adiabatic efficiency, and a single line showing the approximate location of the surge limit. To plot a performance curve, the gas composition, suction temperature, and a pressure (either suction or discharge) must be constant. The curve may not be accurate if It Is used for other values than those assumed when itis plotted. The head versus capacity curve is used most often because it is only slightly affected by even very large changes In the base conditions of gas composition, suction tempera- ture, and pressure. It is also used to check the condition of an operating compressor, by com- paring the actual efficiency and speed to the efficiency and speed that the curve says the com- pressor ought to have. Besides speed, head and capacity are the only two parameters that directly affect the per- formance of a centrifugal compressor. All other Parameters, such as pressure, temperature, ep 100 Force Design 4 7 &: 254060 e900 120 140 700 ‘DESIGN INLET VOLUME FLOW. Figure 8. Typical Head versus Capacity Curve 57-7 molecular weight, and standard volumetric flow rate, only affect the performance indirectly Changes in any of these parameters do not sig- nificantly change the shape of the head versus, capacity curve but simply change the location of the operating point on the curve. Head. ‘Head’ is @ term used to describe the amount of energy added to one unit of mass of the gas being compressed. It is the enthalpy rise from suction to discharge. Enthalpy is a measure of the energy contained in one unit of mass. Head is a function of the properties of the gas being Compressed, the suction temperature, and the pressure ratio. Head can be described with a pressure-enthalpy diagram, as presented in Figure 9 for methane. The pressure-enthalpy diagram provides all of the thermodynamic information needed to calcu- fate the head for the gas mixture to be com- pressed. Point 1 represents the suction condition of pressure and temperature. To increase the pressure, a perfectly efficient process must fol- low a fine of constant entropy (Internally revers- ible process). shown in Figure 9 as the dashed line from point 1 to point Zisen. The enthalpy at 2isen minus the enthalpy at 1 is defined as ‘isentropic head. Isentropic is defined as being measured along a constant entropy path. Notice that the discharge temperature at point 2isen is, hhigher then the suction temperature at point 1 Thus, an ideal compression process increases the temperature of the gas. However, because no compression process is pertectly efficient, It cannot follow @ constant entropy peth. It must follow a path of increasing entropy, shown in Figure 9 as the solid line from point 1 to point 2. The discharge temperature at point 2 is even higher than at point Zisen. The en- thalpy at point 2 minus the enthalpy at point 1 1s, the actual enthalpy rise of a real compression process. 1 = Suction 22 Denese Figure 8. Isentropic Compression Process ‘The isentropic head Is a function only of the 92s properties and the pressure ratio, The actual enthalpy rise is also a function of the compressor efficiency, defined as: Enthalpy(2isen) - Enthalpy(1) ett cleney = —Erthalpy(a) - Enthalpy() This otticiency is known as “isentropic efficien- cy" or ‘adiabatic efficiency". Adiabatic means with no heat transfer to or from the surroundings. The heat transfer to the surroundings from most centrifugal compressors is negligible, so adi abatic efficiency is used as a synonym tor Isentropic efficiency and is a suitable means of determining the efficiency and power consump- tion of a compressor. Capacity. Capacity is a term used to describe inlet volumetric flow rate. tt is actually the velocity of the gas entering the impeller that affects the performance of the compressor. However, be- cause the internal geometry of a compressor Is fixed, the velocity Is directly proportional to the inlet volumetric flow rate, and flow rate is more easily measured than velocity Figure 10 shows the velocity vectors atthe inlet and outlet of a single impeller. The resultant vector C is the sum of the gas velocity vector w and the impeller rotation vector u. The vector Cu is the resultant gas tangential velocity vector. Figure 10. impel ler Velocity Triangles 87-8 The velocity (u) is perpendicular to the radius, while the relative velocity (w) is tangential to the blades; thus, its direction depends on the blade angle. Assuming that the impeller rotates at @ constant speed, the impeller rotation vector u femains constant. Then, the only other thing which can affect the resultant vector is the gas velocity vector w. Euler's equation: Head = U2 x Cuz - Ur x Cur @ shows that the head rise is related to the velocity triangles at the inlet and exit of the impeller. For simplicity, assume that Cus = 0. Thus, Head = Uz x Cus. Any increase in flow (gas velocity, wz) reduces Cuz. thus reducing head. This shows that the relative velocity (or flow into the Impeller) directly affects the energy imparted to the flow- ing gas; thus, it directly affects the performance of the compressor. Effect of Changing Gas Conditions on the Head versus Capacity Curve Because the head versus capacity curve is the feast affected by changes In gas composition and suction temperature, it is preferred over all other curves For applications at a relatively low Mach num- ber. the head versus capacity curve Is accurate, ‘even if significant changes in gas composition or suction temperature occur. However, for applica- tions that are at @ relatively high Mach number (about 0.7 of higher), a small change in gas com- Position or suction temperature may make a Roticeable change in the head versus capacity ‘curve. For these high Mach number applications, ‘even the head versus capacity curve may not be accurate enough for performance evaluation. By definition, Mach number Is the ratio be- tween the gas velocity and the speed of sound in the gas at the same conditions of pressure and temperature. The compressor Mach number, also called “machine Mach number" or ‘reference Mach number’, Is defined by the ASME PTC-10 as: vw Mach Number = Jax K, x1 XZ,xTt = 920001054 x Diam x rpm JK, XZ, x HSS (4) The effect of higher Mach number is to move the surge limit to a higher tlow and move the choke flow to a lower flow. Thus, higher Mach number reduces the range from surge to choke for a given speed. A higher Mach num- ber also lowers efficiency slightly. The param- eters which increase Mach number are higher speed, higher gas molecular weight, and lower suction temperature. Figure 11 shows the typical effect of Mach number on compressor stage Performance However, this does not mean that changing Mach number will affect the shape of the head versus capacity curve. As shown in Figure 12. 2 hypothetical curve shape factor, as a function of ‘Mach number, remains relatively unchanged until the Mach number increases above 0.7. For most applications, the Mach number remains relatively low and constant (below 0.7), 0 the effect on the shape of the head versus capacity curve is negligible. For relatively low Mach numbers (less than 0.7). ittakes avery sig- nificant change in suction temperature or gas molecular weight to make even a slight change in the head versus capacity curve. As an ex- ample. applications for commercial natural gas ‘at notmal ground temperatures have relatively low Mach numbers. In these applications. change as large as 100F" (56C") in suction temperature or 15% in gas molecular weight will have very litle effect on the shape of the head versus capacity curve. Examination of Eq. 4 for Mach number shows that pressure does not directly affect Mach number; thus, pressure does not directly affect | g : I ET FLOW — 87-9 ‘CURVE SHAPE FACTOR 8 a2 a 06 ac WUMBER ef eae Figure 12. Mach Number Ettect the shape of the head versus capacity curve. Pressure does affect the compressibility factor (2) which, In turn, affects Mach number. Never- theless, it takes such a significant change in pressure to affect the shape of the head versus capacity curve that the effects of pressure may be neglected, Figures 13, 14, 15, and 16 show the effect of ‘Mach number on the head versus capacity curve plotted for the same compressor at four different gas conditions. The four gas conditions cause four Mach numbers: 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8. There is almost no change in the curve for a Mach num- ber change from 0.5 to 0.6. Also, there is very Iitte change in the curve for a Mach number ‘change from 0.6 to 0.7. However, the same com- pressor curve changes noticeably when the Mach number increases from 0.7 10 0.8 Therefore, for low Mach number applications, unless the application has extremely large ‘changes in suction temperature or gas molecular weight, the head versus capacity curve can be considered valid for any operating condition. However, for applications which are already at a relatively high Mach number (about 0.7 or higher), changing gas conditions that make an additional increase in Mach number may make a noticeable change in the head versus capacity curve. For these high Mach number applications, even the head versus capacity curve may not be accurate enough for performance evaluation. Computer analysis Is better sulted for these applications. The computer accurately computes the gas properties and compressor performance prediction for every operating condition, high Mach number or tow. IsentRoPIC HEAD ISENTROPIC HEAD Cem ~ Figure 13. Head versus Capacity Curve at 0.5 Mach Number Figure 16. Head versus Capacity Curve at 0.7 Mach Number ISeNTROPIC HEAD ISENTROPIC HEAD Figure 14, Head versus Capacity Curve at 0.6 Mach Number ‘Checking the Condition of an Operating Compressor To check the physical condition of an operating compressor, calculate the actual efficiency of the compressor using the adiabatic efficlency equa- tion in the Appendix. Then, compare the actual efficiency and speed to the efficiency and speed that the curve for the compressor shows it should have. If they agree within measurement toler- ances, about 6%, then the compressor is in good condition. If the actual efficiency is more than 6% ower than the curve says is should be. then investigate for reasons. Some causes of perfor: mance changes are contamination from foreign material such as paraffin, asphalt, sand and salt. Erosion and corrosion can cause performance deterioration. Worn or heat-damaged seals may cause excessive internal recirculation, thus towering the efficiency. Figure 16. Head veraus Capacity Curve at 0.8 Mach Number Centrifugal compressors have a peak efficien- cy Island. If operation is maintained within this is- land, the power required and, thus, the fuel consumed are minimized. Find out where the operating point is on the curve by calculating head and inlet volumetric flow with the equations provided in the Appendix. Read the head versus capacity curve for the compressor to determine what the efficiency and speed should be at that operating condition, If the compressor is not in the peak efficiency island, determine if something can be done to move toward the peak efficiency. For example, for muttiple units In parallel, starting another unit will move the operating point of each compressor 108 lower flow. Likewise, shutting down a unit will move the operating point of each compressor to a higher flow. Adding units at upstream or down- stream pipeline stations will lower the head and, 87-10 thus. move the operating point lower on the curve. Shutting down units at upstream or down- stream stations will ikewise move the operating point higher on the curve Prolonged operation in the lower efficiency area of the curve can cost a lot of fuel. If the ‘operating conditions are expected to stay in the lower efficiency area. restaging the compressor may be advantageous. Restaging is simply changing the impellers and/or stators (and. thereby, the curve), 80 that it is most efficient where itis going to operate most of the time. To maximize efficiency, keep the compressor in the peak efficiency area of the head versus capacity curve. Other Compressor Curve Formats There are other curve formats which have specific, limited purposes. such as the dimen- sional, Semi-dimensional, and composite tandem curves. To plot a performance curve, certain Parameters must be held constant. These param- eters are gas composition, suction temperature, and pressure (either suction or discharge). The compressor performance curve is plotted based ‘on assumed values for these parameters. If these parameters change, the curve may no longer be valid Dimensional Curve. The purpose of the dimen- sional curve is merely to ald the potential pur- chaser in determining the operating range of the Compressor. Plotted in units of pressure versus standard volumetric tlow rate (Figure 17), this curve Is solely for the purpose of bid evaluation. Hf the curve is based upon a constant suction pressure (P1), the ordinate Is a range of dis- charge pressure (P2). If the curve is based on a constant P2. then the ordinate fs a range of P1 In order to have the ordinate in the customary ascending order, the dimensional curve appears upside-down when plotted for a constant P2. The dimensional curve enables the user to read the power and speed required for a spec- ified operating condition. Once the decision to purchase has been made, the dimensional curve isno longer of any value. The shape and location of the dimensional curve change significantly for ‘any gas composition, suction temperature, or pressure other than those assumed as base Parameters. This makes the dimensional curve completely useless for any parameters other than those printed on the curve. SemI-Dimensional Curve. The semi-dimension- al curve Is Identical to the dimensional curve. except that the abscissa and the ordinate scales and the lines of constant power have been divided by the base pressure. This is useful for applications that have very stable, constant suction temperature and gas composition but with fluctuating suction and discharge pressures ‘The semi-dimensional curve is accurate for any pressures, but like the dimensional curve, is limited to only that gas composition and suction temperature printed on the curve. To use the semi-dimensional curve simply muttiply the values of pressure. standard flow rate, and power by the actual base pressure. ‘Assume that the semi-dimensional curve in Figure 18, based on a constant Pt of 500 psi (8450 kPa absolute), Is used for an operating condition that actually has @ P1 of 700 psia (4825, KPa absolute). Also, assume all other base con- Gitions remain the same. The desired P2 is 1400 8 DOASCHARGE PRESSURE, pela (0) a. Taam oon specs Ee] Hosts 1.286 i “secon, : ta 7] "+ Suction Press. a aes 4 een W100 120 46a) a FLOW, MMSCFD (60% and 147 pia) = Figure 17. Dimensional Curve ‘o05_ato ors ass 08090 LON, MISCO (60% and 47 pieyPr - Figura 18. Semi-Dimensional Curve 87-11 sla (9650 kPa absolute) and the power available is 3500 hp (2610 kW): hp/P1 = 3500/70 = 5.0 P2/P1 = 1490/70 = 2.0 From Figure 18 at P2/P'1 = 2.0 and hp/Pt = 5.0. mmsctd/P1 should be 0.115: mmscid/Pt x P1 = mmscfd 0.115 x 700 = 80.5 Thus, the flow to be expected is 80.5 mmscid (1500 Nm3/min). Composite Tandem Curve. Dimensional and ‘semi-dimensional curves are also used to depict, the performance of a multiple-body tandem ‘compressor, as if the tandem compressor were a single-compressor body. This type of curve is known as a composite curve. The composite curve is only useful to assist the purchaser to see the operating range of the tandem compressor unit, In addition to the assumptions which are made to plot a single-body curve, more assumptions must be made to plot a composite tandem curve. The interstage pressure drop, heat extracted via interstage cooling, flow shrinkage due to inter- stage condensation, and sidestream flow(s) must be assumed to remain constant. If the actual operating conditions do not agree exactly with these assumptions, then the composite tandem curve is of little value. The only accurate way to evaluate the perfor- mance of a multiple-body tandem compressor is, to evaluate each body individually, using the head versus capacity curve for that body, Untor- tunately, using individual head versus capacity curves to determine the overall performance of a multiple-body tandem is a time consuming, trial- and-error calculation which Is best sulted for computers. S712 KEEPING A GAS TURBINE CLEAN Gas turbines require occasional cleaning to maintain peak efficiency. Performance degra- dation can be categorized into two types: recoverable and non-recoverable. Recoverable degradation (Figure 19) is that amount of per- formance degradation that can be recovered with thorough detergent washing on the starter crank cycle. Non-recoverable degradation (Figure 20) is that amount of performance degradation that ‘can only be recovered with @ major in-shop inspection. In the time between detergent washes, the recoverable degradation must be added to the non-recoverable degradation. Figure 21 shows the sum of recoverable and non- recoverable performance degradation. ‘These figures assume that the application is full load, continuous duty. Gas turbines that are un at lower power levels will be affected by the <= ENGINE OPERATING HOURS — Wear Rare INCREASE Power toss Figure 19. Recoverable Performance Degradation = ENGINE OPERATING HOURS: INCREASE Power Loss Figure 20. Non-Recoverable Performance Degradation Wear rare ncrEAS Powen Loss ‘ENGNE OPERATING HOURS —> Figure 21. Total Performance Degradation same performance losses but at a slower rate, depending upon their individual operating cycle. The recoverable performance degradation is atfected primarily by the amount of contaminants that enter the gas turbine with the inlet ai, fuel, and water and the frequency and thoroughness of the detergent washes. Each site has its unique operating condition, and there is an infinite variety of atmospheric conditions in which gas turbines operate. Unusual conditions such as ex- haust reingestion, substandard inlet filters, and locally generated contaminants will accelerate the rate of performance degradation. Because of this, itis impossible to predict the exact amount of performance degradation. Specific site exper- ience will determine how much recoverable per- formance degradation is enough to indicate the ‘need for detergent washing, Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring Gas turbine performance testing tor condition monitoring is usually limited to operating the gas turbine at Its normal steady-state conditions, recording the performance related parameters, and comparing these measured parameters to the performance curves provided by the manu- facturer. For condition monitoring purposes. special tests measuring gas turbine airfiow and shaft output torque or power are rarely run in the field because of the difficulty and expense involved in obtaining and using a venturi and torque measuring shaft The most important thing to watch for in perfor- mance testing is not the absolute values of per- formance but trends of changing gas turbine performance indicating degradation of power and efficiency. 57-13 The curves furnished by the manufacturer are for a nominal gas turbine operating at sea level with no losses. Normal manutacturing tolerances, control tolerances. and field testing uncertainty can cause measured performance to vary from the curves by up to 6% for a zero-time gas turbine Typical nominal performance for two-shatt mechanical-drive gas turbines is presented with a series of curves. These curves assume no gas turbine compressor air extraction and no gas producer power-takeotf. There are several curves that show performance parameters plotted on coordinates of output power versus inlet air temperature. The most common parameters plotted on these coordinates are: + Fuel flow (Wf) * Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) * Gas producer speed (NGP) * Optimum power turbine speed (NPTopt) * Pressure of compressor discharge (PCD) ‘* Power turbine inlet temperature (T5) Tne parameters which affect gas turbine performance are inlet air temperature, baro- metric pressure, inlet and exhaust duct losses. power turbine speed. and output gear losses It applicable, ‘Some typical gas turbine performance curves are shown in Figure 22. Other curves are avall- able that show correction factors for barometric pressure, inlet and exhaust duct losses. and power turbine speed In order to determine the condition of a gas turbine, the actual measured performance values must be compared to the nominal performance values obtained from the curves. However, the data obtained from the curves must first be corrected to the same operating conditions of barometric pressure, duct losses, and power turbine speed at which the actual data were 1s . “J "i Bl gu er gx | ea ea Ey Ey ee 3 5 | a mois i aoe a rr a INLET AR TEMPERATURE, = INLET AR TEMPERATURE, °F oo A. Gas Producer Spoed. % B, PowerTurbine nit Temperstur, * * we E =] ‘ ze Se ni a Ee» ON" B i . oN x of 23 5 Ss an = ge n Ss ' 7 abo ee | 7 at mao eee vibra FEMPERATURE, = INLET Am TEMPERATURE, = . Pressure of Compressor Discharge, psig Figure 22. Typical Gas Turbine Performance Curves D. Fuel Consumption, milion Btuchr-LHV 57-14 measured. This requires some manual calcula- tlons. A summary of performance calculations is provided in the Appendix. ‘Again, the curves represent a nominal gas turbine. and the performance of a given gas turbine will vary from the curves. Therefore, the performance evaluation should consider trends ‘or changes in performance versus the curves, father than the absolute values of performance. Because important measurements such as out- put power are not usually available, itis extreme- ly difficult to accurately calculate gas turbine performance at site, which means the gas turbine condition must be determined by comparative method. With this method, "base" data should be ‘obtained whenever a new or replacement gas tur- bine is installed, or when the gas turbine has had @ major repair. Use the performance curves to calculate what the performance of a zero-time nominal gas turbine should be. The base data consist of the ratio of measured Wi, NGP, PCD, and T5 to the calculated nominal values from the curves, when the gas turbine is new and clean. ‘Then. at regular time intervals, again compare measured values of WI, NGP, PCD, and TS to the nominal values calculated from the curves and calculate the new ratios. Actual performance will vary from nominal performance, as expected. These differences should be recorded for comparison to past and future test data. The trends of performance changes should be plotted to visualize how the gas turbine is changing with time. For instance, a trend of Increasing difference between actual measured data and calculated nominal data from the curves is an indication of performance deterioration. A trend of performance is more meaningful than the absolute value. The plot in Figure 23 fs typical of how the performance will vary with time. This example shows PCD and efficiency drop- ping to about 4% below its original condition. The {92s turbine was then detergent washed. which DEVIATION FROM NOMINAL, Seevebbansonnes ME — Figure 23. Performance Trends Improved PCD and efficiency but not entirely back to Its original condition. Climatic conditions, type of duty, and specific gas turbine experience will determine how much ‘degradation of performance Is enough to warrant detergent washing. As these typical curves show, regular detergent washing will keep the gas tur- bine operating as efficiently as possible. Using the performance curves to calculate what the performance of a like-new gas turbine should be is a time-consuming task and, If care is not taken, errors may result in reading the curves. The problem can be overcome with a per- sonal computer program that can be obtained for any Solar® gas turbine rating. Run on any IBM@- compatible personal computer with at least 512-kB of memory, this program calculates the nominal performanos of a zero-time gas turbine at the user-specified operating conditions. The user Inputs the actual values of performance that are available. The computer then calculates the percent differences between actual and nominal and plots trends of changing performance. The program stores the actual performance values for future trend plotting. The nominal performance curves, corrected for actual site operating condl- tions, can be displayed and printed at any time, 87-15 ‘SUMMARY A significant portion of the life-cycle cost of a gas turbine mechanical-drive package is the fuel consumption. Three steps toward minimizing the fuel consumption and, thus, minimizing life-cycle ‘costs of gas turbine-driven centrifugal compres- sors are: * Match the compressor speed to the opti- mum gas turbine speed * Operate the compressor in the peak efficien- cy area of Its head versus capacity curve * Keep the gas turbine clean There Is an optimum power turbine speed at which the two-shaft gas turbine achieves its peak efficiency. The optimum speed is not constant; vaties with engine inlet air temperature and out- put power. When selecting a gas turbine-driven centrifugal compressor for a specitic application, it seems logical at first to determine the most ef- ficient compressor design and speed. However, the optimum speed of the available gas turbine drivers may not be the same as the speed of the most efficient compressor. The most efficient combination of gas turbine and centrifugal com- pressor is the one that consumes the least amount of fuel. In addition, the most efficient combination of centrifugal compressor and gas turbine is usually the one for which the com- Pressor operates at the optimum speed of the gas turbine. To maximize the efficiency of & ‘mechanical-drive package, therefore, the com- pressor speed should be matched to the opti- ‘mum output speed of the gas turbine. The operation of the driven centrifugal com- pressor should be kept in the peak efficiency area of its curve. The parameters of gas compos- tion, suction temperature, and pressure are printed on the curve. I these parameters change, the curve may no longer be valid, The curve that Is least affected by changes in these parameters is the head versus capacity curve. For this teason, this curve is preferred over all others. For most applications, unless there are ‘extremely large changes in suction temperature or gas molecular weight. the head versus capacity curve can be considered valid for any operating condition. However, for the few applications which are already at a relatively high Mach number. changing gas conditions which make an additional increase in Mach number will make a noticeable change in the head versus capacity curve. For these high Mach number applications, even the head versus capacity curve may not be accurate enough for perfor- mance evaluation Finally, the gas turbine should be kept clean. ‘Contamination trom foreign material contained in the fuel, air, and water decreases the efficiency of a ges turbine, Recoverable performance ‘degradation Is that which can be recovered with thorough detergent washing. Regular monitoring ‘of the condition of the gas turbine and regular detergent washing will keep the gas turbine operating as efficiently as possible. These are the three fundamental steps in maximizing the efficiency of gas turbine mechanical-drive pack- ages. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Heard. T.C., "Compressor Selection to Match Gas Turbine Rated Speed.” Turbo- Machinery international, September 1982. 2. Odom, FM., ‘Performance Maps for Centrit- ugal Compressors." 28M. Solar Turbines Incorporated. Aprit 1987. 3. Sapiro, L., ‘Centrifugal Gas Compressors, Basic Aero-Thermodynamic Concepts for Selection and Performance Evaluation,” T28C, Solar Turbines Incorporated, March 1980. 87-17 Appendix Performance Calculations CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS Perlormance calculations for a centrifugal com- pressor require the following information. For the {gas to be compressed: * Specific gravity (SG), the ratio of molecular weight of the gas to that of air * Ratio of specific heats (k), Cp/Cy * Temperature at the compressor suction (T1) in°C CF) © Compressibility factor (Z1), the ratio of actual volume occupied by the gas at suction conditions (P1, T1, and SG) to the volume occupied by an ideal gas at the ‘same conditions, + Average compressibility (Zave) Is the com- pressibility factor at the average suction and discharge pressure and temperature. This Information is then used in the following ‘equations: isentropic Head ket e (3) 4 Qact = C3 Qstd 21 (Tt + C2y/P1 (11+ C2) Zave Head = 1 Te Actual Inlet Flow Adi atic Efficiency ke a tisce |/e2 ey sao (2) 7 Power Required Power = C4 Head Qstd SG/Efty w kPa abeote | bere © c 207.04 v2 was as arsserot | e177 xt0* aaasxtot | sen7x 10% GAS TURBINES Available site power (shp) is calculated from the following formula: shp = hp/hpopt (8 (hpsi) - Lin - Lex] - Lgear Un = APin Bin Lex = APex Bex where: shp = Shaft power output at site conditions pst = Output power (hp) at sea level, no losses (value from curve) 8 = Evaluation correction factor (barometric pressure/ 29.92 inches Hg) Bin = Inlet hp loss per unit of Pressure drop (from curves) Bex = Exhaust hp loss per unit of pressure drop (from curves) APin = Inlet duct pressure loss aPex Exhaust duot pressure loss hpihpopt = Power turbine speed correction factor 1 57-19 {gear = Gear power loss, if any Actual {uel flow (W!) al site conditions is found, by correcting {uel flow read from the curves as follows: 5. oP Whe s Wise ae: where: Po = Barometric pressure (in same units as APin) Wt = Fuel flow (million Btu/hr - LHV) at site Wis = Fuel flow (million Btu/hr - LHV) at sea level, no losses (value from curves) In the same manner, actual exhaust flow (Wex) Is found by correcting exhaust flow at sea level (Wexst) read from the curves as follows: APin Wex = We le lex = Wexst f = ) Also, actual PCD (pressure of compressor dis- charge) is found by correcting sea level (PCDs.) read from the curves as follows: PCD = PCDsL (- ae) Po Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is found by correcting EGT with no losses (EGTsi) read from the curves as follows: shes EGT=EGTs. +0.26EGTs (1- —— pst Gas producer speed (NGP), optimum power turbine speed (NPTopt), and power turbine inlet temperature (TS) are exactly as read from the curve; no correction for elevation or duct losses is required. 57-20 Turbomachinery Technology Seminar Reference Library (1989) Paper Title ‘Author st Turbomachinery Development and Solar's Product Line Evolution Bart/D. Jones Trs2 ‘Turbomachinery Design Philosophy Lehmann TTs3 Gas Turbine Generator Unit and Gas Compression System Performance Rating Philosophy Odom rss Gas Turbine Controls Advancements Fistere Iss Primary Surface Recuperator Update Parsons Tse Turbomachinery Maintenance Planning Chandler TTs9 Turbomachinery Overhaul and Remanufacture McQueen Trsi2 Centrifugal Gas Compressor Design Philosophy Fozi T1818, Power and Thermal Energy Cycle Optimization Leland Trsis Utility Interconnection for Cogeneration Systems Evjen Trs21 Balancing Environmental Responsibility in Gas Turbine Permitting Solt Trszz Evaluating Cogeneration Economics M. Jones T1s29 Mars Gas Turbine Technology Development Waldheim TTS30 Centaur Gas Turbine Technology Da TTs39 ‘Turbomachinery Rating and Performance Testing Philosophy Odom TTs40 Centrifugal Compressor Technology Update Criqui Trsa3 Cogeneration in the Oil and Gas Industry Solt/McNelll TTS49__Saturn Gas Turbine Product Development Eddy TTSS0 Mars Gas Turbine Durability and Performance Improvements Waldheim TTss1 Development of a New Centaur Gas Turbine Padgett Trss2 Gas Turbine Combustion System Technology Sood T1s53 Gas Turbine Fuels Hung Trss4 Gas Turbine Air/Fuel/Water Management Hsu TTS55 Gas Turbine NOx Emissions Control Technologies ‘Smith TTss6 Turbomachinery Condition Monitoring Systems Tushinski Trss7 Optimizing the Efficiency of Gas Turbine Compressor Packages Odom TTs58 Documenting and Reducing Gas Compression Equipment Maintenance Costs Jepson Isso Design Factors for Centrifugal Natural Gas Compressors Criqui TTs60 The Application of Dry Seals and Magnetic Bearings to Centrifugal Gas Compressors Ediebeck T1361 Advanced Combustion Systems for Low-Grade Fuels, LeCren TTS62 Advancements in Gas Turbine Materials, Brentnall T1863 High Temperature Combined-Cycle Technology Schneider TTs64 High Speed Alternator Technology Development in Small Gas Turbines Lindsey/Ludwig For further information oF to order any of the above Turbomachinery Technology Seminar Papers ‘please, contact your nearest Solar Sales Otfice Crear anc CAT a rar of Carpe ne he wor Sour ator Cant we art stesicenngewmowtntes Solar Turbines Te ‘Solar Turbines Incorporated P.O, Box 85376 ‘San Diego, CA 82186-5376 usa,

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