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1.) Who is the main character? Does this person’s character change during the course of the story? Do you feel
sympathetic toward the main character? What sort of person is she/he?

The main character of the story was Montresor and Fortunato. The character of the two main characters of the
story was a flat character or there are no changes at all as they continue throughout the story what their
characters are since the beginning. Of course, I felt sympathy for both characters Montresor was insulted and
injured by Fortunato, who would not think of revenge if you were hurt and insulted by a person right? And on
Fortunato’s side even though some might say he deserves to be trapped in the catacomb forever as a
punishment because he was an insensitive person but is not it too much to entomb him in the catacombs
forever. That is why I felt sympathy for these two characters because if you understand well their situations,
they both have a pitiful situation based on the story. For me, Montresor is a type of person who can endure
insulting words but if he had enough, he will take revenge and will find ways to get back to what you did one
hundred times just like what he did on Fortunato, in addition to this, based on how well he deceive Fortunato
for his plan to be successful indeed we can call him a cunning and a wise person as he used the weakness of
Fortunato to make his plan of revenge successful. And for Fortunato, I mentioned earlier that he is an
insensitive person indeed he is because of what Montresor plans to take revenge to him because he hurt and
insulted the man and in addition, he has also a character of a pride full person as there is a plot on the story that
he will not allow other people other than him will know a lot about wines.

2.) What pattern or structure is there to the development of the plot?

The pattern or structure of the story has beginning, middle, and end so we can say that the pattern of the story
was Linear Plot.

3.) What is the setting-the time and location?

The setting of the story happened at the supreme madness of carnival season at the catacombs of the
Montresor’s home it was evening when the two of them met so it was given that inside the catacomb was dark
and cold. The true intension of Montresor was exposed when on the way he gave drink to Fortunato to let him
be more drunk and will not be in his right mind as he do his plan on trapping Fortunato on the Montresor’s
catacomb where no one will know that he is there for half a century.

4.) Describe the atmosphere of the story if it is important. How does the author create this atmosphere?

The atmosphere of a story is very important as it is the one who sets the mood of the story and make the story
life and excitement to the audience. In the story of a Cask of Amontillado it started in a not good relationship
between the main characters since Fortunato is an insensitive person, he did not know he already insulted and
hurt Montresor. So, all in all the story started the narrator’s pov as revenge until he invited Fortunato which is
really suspicious as he mentioned that no one was in his house, this shows that Montresor has any intention to
harm Fortunato. As the story goes on the plot is getting intense because of the things that were on the vault and
catacomb not to mention he keeps offering drinks to Fortunato. Lastly, the peak of the story where he betrayed
Fortunato by telling him the Amontillado was on the inside of a small room where he will be trapped using the
chains. In addition, the atmosphere inside the catacomb is dark, ire since the bones was scattered everywhere,
and cold just like another stories where murders mostly happened but this time Fortunato was alive and trapped
inside the catacomb of the Montresor where no one will be able to see him again. The author creates the
atmosphere little by little, he slowly added some parts of the story so that when it reached on the stories peak it
will create the whole mood and atmosphere of the story scene. He creates the atmosphere on the story slowly
until its reach its peak and this is where he will put all the atmosphere needed on that part of the story by
describing what is happening and its surroundings. And I noticed that the author makes an atmosphere where
the story gives hint about what will happened in the story or when the scene is really important.

5.) Who narrates the story? Is the narrator reliable?

The narrator of the story was a main character he himself on the story and that is Montresor he was an internal
narrator because he uses his perspective as the story goes on. I believe that the narrator is very reliable on the
whole story since he describes well what are the expressions of Fortunato, what he heard when he trapped
Fortunato inside the catacomb, and also explained the surroundings of their family’s catacomb and vault. But at
some point, since he was only an internal narrator and only describe and explain in his perspective what about
the perspective of Fortunato? What does he think when Montresor offered him drink of Amontillado? What is
his reaction when he saw he was betrayed by his friend? On the other hand, I still believe the narrator is reliable
because he describes well the story and explained the scenarios, atmosphere, and the plot was constructed

6.) What is the theme of the story? How is this theme carried out?

The main theme of the story was revenge as it was that feeling that makes the whole story possible up until the
end, the insult of Fortunato that was stuck on Montresor’s head and hurt his feelings pushed him to have a
revenge on Fortunato. We can also include betrayal on the last part as a theme where Montresor trapped the
drunk Fortunato on their family’s catacomb, where in Fortunato trusted Montresor to get a taste of the
Amontillado but was betrayed and trapped by Montresor for his revenge.

The setting of the story happened on the night of the carnival where
there were no workers on the Montresor’s mansion as they were allowed
to enjoy the carnival. At the catacomb of the Montresor’s where
everything happened as catacombs where the dead was buried, it was
obvious that Montresor had an objective to harm Fortunato and not just
a simple revenge but a punishment of him chained up on the small room
inside the catacomb where he was trapped and closed by using the stone
and mortar so that no one will find him that he was there.

Character/s: Include their

brief descriptions FORTUNATO: Fortunato was a full of pride man which can be found on
the story that he will not let other people surpass him on the knowledge
of wine which was his weakness. He is also an insensitive person just like
what he did on Montresor whom he did not know was insulted by him
that lead him to his death.

MONTRESOR: Montresor was a kind of person who can take on with

anything but if you hurt him, he will definitely do something to get back
on what you did to him just like what he did on Fortunato. Montresor
was a cunning and a wise person as he used the weakness of Fortunato
to do his revenge successfully and also, he successfully persuades
Fortunato to have an Amontillado but it was all just a plan so that he can
do his revenge without the knowledge of other people.

LUCHESI: He was a wine expert just like Fortunato who was mentioned by
Montresor to have a taste of this Amontillado, he never appeared on the
story but he was the reason why Fortunato was lured to the Montresor’s
Summary of the plot: Exposition: The main characters of this story was Fortunato and
Montresor because of Fortunato’s insult that hurt Montresor he planned
of having a revenge on the night where it is the madness of the carnival
happening on there place. They met that evening just like what
Montresor had planned using the weakness of Fortunato on wines he
used the amontillado and his wine expert to lure him to have a taste of
the wine on the Montresor’s mansion.

Rising Action: As Montresor successfully lured Fortunato on their

mansion, he brought him to have an amontillado which is non-existent
wine on the catacomb of the Montresor’s. This is where the objective of
Montresor on punishing Fortunato was visible, along the way he gave
Fortunato two kinds of wine first so that he will not be cold because of
the dampness and coldness inside the catacomb. He also gave hints to
Fortunato on what he will do to him but what only one the man’s head
was to have to taste this fine wine called Amontillado.

Climax: As they reached the end of the catacomb this is where Montresor
did his plan as he chained the drunk Fortunato on the cold and damp wall
of the catacomb. He did his plan as Fortunato was confused at the
moment and finding where is this Amontillado, he then started to get the
stone, mortar, and the use of trowel he started building up a wall to trap
Fortunato inside.

Falling Action: Montresor continued to build up a wall, in the middle of it

he hesitated and was afraid of what he did at the moment but he was
snapped out of it and continued his work as this was already started, he
will finish it soon. His work started to get over when he heard the voice of
Fortunato saying that they will just forget and laugh about what is
currently happening and encourage Montresor to end this and they will
get home but Montresor was still doing his job.

Denouement: The last word of Fortunato was “For the love of God,
Montresor!” Montresor waited for his response but he did not hear
anything so he threw the torch inside the last small whole of the
catacomb where he gets the response of Fortunato through the jingling
bell he wore. He grew sick because of the dampness of the catacomb so
he putted the last stone on the small hole and putted a pile of bones in
front of the new wall where no one will find that Fortunato was trapped
inside there. As Montresor said before leaving “Rest in Peace”
Point of View
The point of view of this story was Internal Narrator as it was
Montresor’s point of view that was written in the story. And it uses “I”
pronoun as I remembered which represents a first-person narrator.

Theme: include brief

explination The theme of this story was revenge just like what I said earlier because
of the insult Fortunato said to Montresor and this hurt Montresor greatly
that he decided to have a revenge on Fortunato through luring him on his
weakness which is wine to seek and make his revenge successfully. And
this theme makes the whole story possible because without this theme
the whole story might have a different plot.

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