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Pool of Important Questions in E Commerce

1. Explain the Value Chain Model.

2. Also explain the relationship between value chain model and its competitive strength.

3. What are E-payment methods? Discuss the functions of E-Payment system?

4. Discuss the security provisions used in managing threats in E-Payment systems.

5. Discuss the various threats involved in client server communications and how are they
encountered in E-Commerce.

6. Explain the two basic methods of cryptography with diagram.

7. Explain how SSL helps an E-Commerce system to be secure?

8. Explain the components of E-Commerce architecture.

9. Explain Secure Electronic Transaction protocol for any one internet payment system.

10. Explain the features of payment methods as highlighted in ACID in ICES test?

11. Explain briefly the OSI model?

12. What are the common e-commerce security protocols?

13. Explain the ethical and legal issues involved in e-commerce?

14. How do firewalls work?

15. Explain briefly the working of EDI?

16. What are the different 4C payment methods?

17. What are the various properties of money transfer that are addressed by the ACID test and
ICES test?

18. Describe various security issues in online payment system?

19. Write short notes on any two:

(a) SWOT analysis of Internet Technology

(b) Porter’s 5 Forces
(c) Role and support of E-commerce in Real Estate Business
(d) VPN
(e) Ethical Issues in E commerce
(f) VPN
(g) Building and hosting website
(h) CRM and e-value

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