Latihan Uts Bahasa Inggris KLS 4

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : …………………………........

Kelas : IV (Empat) Nama : ……………………………….

Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 23 September 2020 Nomor : ……………………………….

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c atau d yang merupakan jawaban yang
paling benar pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !

1. “Berkebun” in English is ……………………

a. Gardening c. Painting
b. Drawing d. Fishing
2. Arga : What is that ?
Budi : That is a ……………………….
a. Watering can c. Gloves
b. Trowel d. Bucket
3. What is that ? That is a …………………………….
a. Bucket c. Trowel
b. Wheelbarrow d. Watering can
4. We can use our ………………… to read book, see movies, etc.
a. Eyes c. Nose
b. Ears d. Hand
5. We use nose for ……………………….
a. Hearing c. Smelling
b. Seeing d. Reading
6. The taste of ice cream is ………………………….
a. Bitter c. Sweet
b. Sour d. Salty

7. “School Bag” The underlined word in Indonesia means ………………………

a. Kacamata c. Tas sekolah
b. Jam tangan d. Kalung
8. Jaya : Wow, this is your new ……………. ?
Bima : Yes, my father give it on my birthday
a. Watch c. Shoes
b. Tie d. Hat
9. Mother : Darling, do you know where is my ………………….?
Hatta : I know mom, it is on the table
a. Shoes c. Bag
b. Jacket d. Glasses
10. He is my …………………….He works as a pilot.
a. Uncle c. Aunt
b. Grandfather d. Mother
11. Daffa : Who is she ?
Danis : She is my ………………..She is 75 years old.
a. Father c. Grandmother
b. Brother d. Grandfather
12. Andien : Hi Celline, your ………………………… very beautiful.
Celline : Thank you. My mother give it to me on my birthday.
a. Necklace c. Ring
b. Bracelet d. Wallet
13. Kimora : What do you do on Sunday morning ?
Naqia : I usually help my mother to ……………………………..
a. Sweep the floor c. Clean the blackboard
b. Close the window d. Open the door
14. My mother is …………….in the kitchen. She is preparing breakfast.
a. Gardening c. Teaching
b. Washing d. Cooking

15. The most suitable sentences for the picture is…………………

a. Liza always helps her mother to wash the dishes
b. Liza always helps her mother to cook the food
c. Liza always helps her mother to dry the clothes
d. Liza always helps her mother to clean the house

This text is for number 16-18

Hello, My name is Boy. I study at SD Singojoyo. I am the third grade student. My
school is clean and big. There are six classrooms, two toilets, a canteen and a library. I
love my school so much.

16. Where does Boy studies?

a. He is a student c. He studies at SD Singojoyo
b. He is at third grade d. He is at the library
17. How many classrooms in his school ?
a. 5 rooms c. 6 rooms
b. 7 rooms d. 4 rooms
18. Is there any laboratory in his school ?
a. Yes, it is c. No, it is not
b. Yes, it does d. No, it does not
19. “Stasiun Kereta Api”in English is ……………………
a. Train Station c. Harbour
b. Bus station d. Parking lot
20. We can buy food and drink in the …………………
a. Library c. Classroom
b. Canteen d. Toilet
II. Bacalah text dibawah dengan cermat kemudian jawablah pertanyaan !

Hello, my name is Indira. I live in Brawijaya street number 22 Malang.

I study in Sawojajar 01 elementary school. I am in grade three now.

I am eight years old. I have one brother and one sister.

My brother’s name is Dion. He is eleven years old. He is in grade six.

My sister’s name is Cindy. She is twelve years old.

I love my sister and my brother.

21. Where does Indira live ?

22. Where does indira study ?
23. Who is the name of Indira’s sister ?
24. What grade is Dion ?
25. Does Indira love her sister and brother ?

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