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Angelica's Coat
Melissa Wehrle
Originally published in Interweave Knits, Fall 2009

Kathryn Martin

Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

Angelica's Coat originally published in Interweave Knits, Fall 2009. Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. publishers of Interweave Knits magazinejoin the online knitting community at Visit for more great patterns!
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AngelicAs coAt
M E l i S S A W E h r l E

Stitch Guide
Edge Stitch: (1 st at each side of body) (RS) Sl 1 kwise, work to last st, k1; (WS) Sl 1

pwise, work to last st, p1.

Th is garment can fit a range of sizes. Measure your back width at the underarm, then

choose a size with a back-width measurement (see schematic) closest to your back width. Body is worked in one piece up to the armholes, then separated into three sections worked at the same time, then rejoined into one piece. W hen working 22 rib neck trim, the cable pattern is reversed, with right-side rows of cable being worked on the wrong side, to allow for fold over of neck trim/collar.

With smaller needles, CO 214 (226, 238, 250, 262) sts, do not join. Next row: (WS) Sl 1 (edge st; see Stitch Guide), work Row 1 of Cable chart over 29 sts, place marker (pm), [p2, k2] 13 (14, 15, 16, 17) times, p1, pm (side seam), p1, [k2, p2] 11 (12, 13, 14, 15) times, k2, p1, pm (side seam), p1, [k2, p2] 13 (14, 15, 16, 17) times, pm, work Row 1 of Cable chart over 29 sts, p1 (edge st). Keeping edge sts in edge patt and 29 sts each side in cable patt, work center 154 (166, 178, 190, 202) sts in 22 rib until piece measures 2" from CO, ending with a WS row. Change to larger needles. Keeping 30 sts each side in patt, work center sts in rev St st (purl on RS; knit on WS). Work even until body measures 16 (17, 18, 19, 20)" from CO, ending with a WS row. Next row: (RS) Work in patt to 2nd m (side seam), sl m, work Row 1 of Double Moss Stitch chart over 48 (52, 56, 60, 64) back sts, sl m, work in patt to end. Cont in patt until body measures 18 (19, 20, 21, 22)", ending with a WS row. Armholes: (RS) Work to 2nd m in patt, remove m83 (87, 91, 95, 99) sts for right front. Join new yarn and work across back in patt, remove m. Join 3rd yarn, work in patt to end83 (87, 91, 95, 99) sts for left front. Work all 3 sections separately at the same time until body

MEliSSA WEhrlE, a full-time knitwear designer living in New York City, is also creative director of One Planet Yarn and Fiber. You can explore her line of knitting patterns at

measures 24 (2512, 27, 2812, 30)" from COarmholes measure 6 (612, 7, 712, 8)". Next row: Work in patt across all sections with same yarn3 sections rejoined into one piece. Work even in one piece until body measures 27 (2812, 30, 3134 , 3314)" from CO, ending with WS Row 4 of double moss st. Neck: Change to smaller needles. Next row: (RS) Work edge st, work Row 1

Finished Size 5814 (6134 , 65, 6814 , 7134)" wide and 34 (3512, 37, 3914 , 40 34)" long. Coat shown measures 6134" wide, modeled on 34" actual bust. See Notes on sizing. Yarn Beaverslide Dry Goods McTaggart Tweeds & Heathers (100% merino; 160 yd [146 m]/114 g): big sky blue, 12 (13, 15, 17, 18) skeins. Needles Bodysize 10 (6 mm): 36" circular (cir) or longer. Ribbingsize 9 (5.5 mm): 36" cir. Adjust needle sizes if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Notions Markers (m); cable needle (cn); tapestry needle. Gauge 14 sts and 21 rows = 4" in rev St st on larger needles; 14 sts and 22 rows = 4" in double moss st on larger needles; 16 sts and 22 rows = 4" in 22 rib on smaller needles after blocking; 29 sts of cable panel measure 7" wide.

Angelica's Coat originally published in Interweave Knits, Fall 2009. Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. publishers of Interweave Knits magazinejoin the online knitting community at Visit for more great patterns!
page 2

of cable patt over 29 sts (to reverse cable; see Notes), sl m, *k2, p2; rep from * to 2 sts before last m, k2, sl m, work Row 1 of cable patt over 29 sts, work edge st. Cont in patt, working RS of cable patt on WS of body as established, until rib measures 7 (7, 7, 712, 712)". BO all sts loosely in patt.

of next 2 rows. Work 1 row even. Dec 1 st each edge every WS row 6 (4, 5, 6, 6) times, then every row 2 (6, 6, 6, 8) times. BO 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows14 sts rem. BO all sts.

Block pieces to measurements. Sew sleeve seams. Sew sleeves into armholes. Belt: With smaller needles, CO 9 sts. Work in 11 rib until belt measures 65 (65, 67, 69, 71)" long or desired length. BO all sts in patt. Weave in ends.

With smaller needles, CO 30 (34, 34, 34, 38) sts. Next row: (WS) *P2, k2; rep from * to last 2 sts, p2. Work in 22 rib until sleeve measures 4", ending with a RS row. Change to larger needles and beg working in rev St st. Inc row: (WS) K1, M1 (see Glossary), work to last st, M1, k12 sts incd. Rep Inc row every 16 (16, 16, 12, 12) rows 2 (1, 2, 4, 3) more time(s), then every 18 (18, 18, 14, 14) rows 2 (3, 3, 2, 3) times40 (44, 46, 48, 52) sts. Work even until sleeve measures 18 (1812, 1912, 1912, 20)" from CO. Shape cap: BO 2 sts at beg

Raised (M1) Increases

312 (312, 4, 412, 434)" 9 (9, 10, 11.5, 12) cm

4" 10 cm

Figure 1

Figure 2

18 (1812, 1912, 1912, 20)" 46 (47, 49, 49, 51) cm

left Slant (M1l) and Standard M1 With left needle tip, lift strand between needles from front to back (Figure 1). Knit lifted loop through the back (Figure 2).


Right Slant (M1R) With left needle tip, lift strand between needles from back to front (Figure 1). Knit lifted loop through the front (Figure 2).
3 (3, 3, 314, 314)" 7.5 (7.5, 7.5, 8.5, 8.5) cm

712 (812, 812, 812, 912)" 19 (21.5, 21.5, 21.5, 24) cm

Figure 1

Figure 2
armhole depth: 6 (612, 7, 712, 8)" 15 (16.5, 18, 19, 20) cm

left front
18 (19, 20, 21, 22)" 46 (48, 51, 53, 56) cm

1112 (1212, 1314, 1334, 15)" 29 (31.5, 33.5, 35, 38) cm

right front

back width: 1334 (1434, 16, 17, 1814)" 35 (37.5, 41, 43, 46.5) cm

5814 (6134, 65, 6812, 72)" 148 (157, 165, 174, 183) cm

Angelica's Coat originally published in Interweave Knits, Fall 2009. Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. publishers of Interweave Knits magazinejoin the online knitting community at Visit for more great patterns!
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k on RS; p on WS p on RS; k on WS ssk on RS yo 14 st repeat p2tog on WS sl 3 sts to cn, hold in back, k3, k3 from cn sl 3 sts to cn, hold in front, k3, k3 from cn pattern repeat 4 st repeat 8 6 4 2

Double Moss
3 1

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Angelica's Coat originally published in Interweave Knits, Fall 2009. Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. publishers of Interweave Knits magazinejoin the online knitting community at Visit for more great patterns!
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