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Artificial Intelligence: A vivid future

The dream of utopia is coming true with the creation of artificial intelligence. With a single click

of button we can surf through world of information and face time with our loved ones. Artificial

Intelligence has made our life easier and has potential to change various aspects of our life

including health care, education, leading to a community which is more innovative and efficient.

Artificial Intelligence was created by John McCarthy in 1950, since then the way we live and

work has become easy and efficient. According to Koch artificial intelligence have led to several

benefits across multiple industries and processes are effective, efficient and forecast are more

accurate (2022). As the world is becoming digitalized, governments, business and banks is

becoming treat to hacker but thanks to artificial intelligence in cyber security hackers can be

easily traced. Some people argue that artificial intelligence can eventually be a threat to

humanity and have the potential to end humanity. Although artificial intelligence may have

threat to existence of humanity, if inspected and programed carefully, AI can be a trump card to

humanity. Artificial intelligence has made the lives of human effective and efficient by

increasing the productivity, strengthening the economy and in health sector.

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to increase the productivity in different industries by

automating and streamlining tasks that were done manually. Around the world 64% of industries

and business depend upon AI-based application to increase the productivity. Artificial

Intelligence have the capacity to manage and work on highly computational task that demand

maximum time and effort. According to a study by Accenture, AI has the potential to increase

labor productivity by up to 40% by 2035(2018). For instance people around the world has

developed a Legal robot which uses machine learning to analyze the situation and legal

documents and has the capacity to elucidate legal terms. According to McKinsey, machine
Artificial Intelligence: A vivid future

learning will cut expenses associated with transportation, warehousing, and supply chain

management by 5 to 10 percent and 25 to 40 percent, respectively (2021). It will also cut supply

chain forecasting mistakes by 50 percent. Over all artificial intelligence increasing the

productivity of industries and businesses and reduce the human error. Artificial intelligence also

helps to strengths economy.

Artificial Intelligence is helping people and countries around the world to strengths its economy.

According to a World Economic Forum research, AI can assist in resolving some of the most

serious global problems, such as poverty, sickness, and climate change (WEF, 2018). Artificial

Intelligence is expected to contribute over $15 trillion to world economy by 2030. People around

the world has made money using Artificial Intelligence. For example Jackson Greathouse Fall

gave CPT-4 a budget of $100 and told it to make as much as possible and using the instructions

given by GPT-4, He said that he managed to raise $1378.84 for his company in just one day. The

company is now valued at $25000. In that way if we use Artificial intelligence effectively it can

generate us income without doing much work, even countries like China and North America is

accounted for 70% of global economic impact. Artificial Intelligence is helping people to make

income and is also saving lives through health secor.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is expanding as a way to enhance patient

outcomes and cut costs. Artificial intelligence can be used to treat patients with critical medical

conditions. Artificial intelligence has the capacity to do surgery with more precision thereby

reducing risks. Drexel University Information Science Professor Christopher C. Yang, PhD,

Artificial Intelligence: A vivid future

says, “As AI technology is becoming more advanced, more data can be collected than traditional

medical institutions could ever possibly accumulate.” Robot surgeons have precision, flexibility

and accuracy which can perform delicate and complex surgeries. Artificial Intelligence is

transforming healthcare by improving the accuracy, efficiency and reducing the risks.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field that has the potential to

greatly advance humanity in a variety of ways. Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing

education sector and health sector. Artificial Intelligence has proven to be a beneficial platform

to humanity by simplify operations and solve difficult issues. As we continue to develop and

integrate AI into various industries, it is crucial that we prioritize responsible and ethical

implementation to ensure that the benefits of AI are realized while minimizing potential negative

consequences. Ultimately, if developed and used responsibly, AI has the power to transform our

world for the better and create a more efficient, productive, and equitable future for all.
Artificial Intelligence: A vivid future


Lateef, Z. (2023). Top 10 Benefits Of Artificial

Intelligence. Edureka.


Koch, R. (2022, December 12). Benefits of AI: How it Contributes to Our Society and


blog/benefits- of-ai/

Let There Be Change, Accenture. (n.d.-b). Accenture | Let There Be



Iftikhar, Z. (2021, September 7). How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Boost

Productivity. Schneider Electric Blog.


Artificial Intelligence: A vivid future

World Economic Forum. (n.d.). World Economic


Redirecting. (n.d.).


Pros & Cons of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  - College of Computing &

Informatics. (2021, July 21). College of Computing &


pros- and-cons/
Artificial Intelligence: A vivid future

Tshering Wangchuk

BE. Civil


College of science and Technology

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