Tutorial 2

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MGT 162
1. Define planning

 The benefits of outlining the activities to achieve the goals of the organization

determine the ways to achieve the goals.

2. List five (5) benefits of planning

i. Coordinates managers of different functions and division

ii. Focus on forward thinking

iii. Participatory work environment

iv. More effective control system

v. Reduce overlapping

3. Give two (2)types of planning

 Strategic planning and Tactical / Operational Planning

4. Briefly explain what is strategic plan.

 The process by which an organization make decisions and takes actions that effect

its long-run performance.

5. Identify three (3)types of standing plan

 Policy, Procedure, Rules

6. Identify three (3)types of single use plan.

 Program, Project, Budgets

7. List five (5 )barriers to effective planning

i. Demands on the leader’s time

ii. Lack of commitment

iii. Resistance to change

iv. Inappropriate goals

v. Lack of top management support

8. Identify any three (3) ways to overcome the barriers to effective planning

i. Planning must be clear and definite

ii. Planning must be organized

iii. Involve employees in decision making

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