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1. Scalp
2. Parotid gland
3. Submandibular gland.
4. Maxillary artery
5. Mandibular nerve
6. Temporo-mandibular joint
7. Muscles of mastication
8. Thyroid gland.
9. Tongue.
10. Pharynx
11. Larynx
12. Lateral wall of nose
13. Middle ear
14. Extra ocular muscle
15. Classify dural venous sinuses. Describe the cavernous sinus in detail
16. Facial nerve
17. Explain sulci, gyri and functional areas of the supero-lateral surface of cerebrum.

Gross Anatomy:

1. Orbicularis oris
2. Lacrimal apparatus
3. Facial artery
4. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
5. Posterior triangle: boundaries, subdivisions and contents
6. External carotid artery and its branches
7. Internal jugular vein
8. Carotid triangle
9. digastric triangle
10. sub occipital triangle
11. infra temporal fossa
12. maxillary nerve
13. pterygopalatine fossa
14. palatine tonsil
15. Soft palate
16. Hyoglossus muscle
17. muscles of pharynx
18. Muscles of larynx - attachments, actions and nerve supply
19. Cavity of larynx
20. Nasal septum
21. para nasal sinuses
22. tympanic membrane
23. Vocal folds
24. pituitary gland
25. dural folds

Neuroanatomy :
1. Cerebellum
2. Fourth ventricle
3. Lateral ventricle
4. Spinal cord

Gross Anatomy:

1. Synovial joint
2. Facial vein
3. Orbicularis oris
4. Buccinator
5. Carotid sheath
6. Styloid apparatus
7. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
8. Erb ‘s point
9. External jugular vein
10. Mylohyoid muscle
11. Digastric muscle
12. Ansa cervicalis
13. Otic ganglion
14. Sub mandibular ganglion
15. Pterygo-palatine ganglion
16. Lateral pterygoid muscle
17. Naso-pharynx
18. Piriform fossa
19. Auditory tube
20. Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring
21. Cartilages of larynx
22. Uveal tract
23. Ciliary ganglion
24. Hypoglossal nerve
25. Glossopharyngeal nerve

Neuroanatomy :

1. External features of medulla oblongata

2. External features of pons
3. External features of midbrain
4. Basal ganglia
5. Corpus callosum
6. Internal capsule
7. Inter peduncular fossa
8. Circle of Willis

1. Spermiogenesis
2. Oogenesis
3. Graafian follicle
4. Fertilization
5. Morula
6. Blastocyst
7. Notochord
8. Placenta
9. Development of face
10. Neural tube and neural crest cells
11. Intra embryonic mesoderm
12. Development of pituitary gland
13. Development of thyroid gland
14. Development of palate
15. development of tongue
16. derivatives of pharyngeal pouches
17. derivatives of pharyngeal arches

1. Down syndrome
2. Turner’s syndrome
3. Klinefelter’s syndrome
4. Karyotyping
5. Barr body

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