Macakova 2011

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Tribology International 44 (2011) 956–962

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Influence of ionic strength on the tribological properties of

pre-adsorbed salivary films
Lubica Macakova a,b,n,1, Gleb E. Yakubov a, Mark A. Plunkett b, Jason R. Stokes a,c,n,2
Unilever Discover, Colworth Science Park, Sharnbrook, Bedford, MK44 1LQ, United Kingdom
Institute for Surface Chemistry, Drottning Kristinas vag 45, Stockholm, Sweden
School of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We have studied tribological properties of pre-adsorbed salivary films formed in vitro on compliant
Received 3 May 2010 hydrophobic surfaces. The adsorbed salivary film significantly decreases boundary friction under
Received in revised form physiological ionic strength, which is related to a hydrophilic character of the adsorbed film and its
8 December 2010
structure. Decrease in the ionic strength below physiological conditions affects film’s structure, but it
Accepted 19 December 2010
does not significantly affect boundary lubrication at low loads. Applications of high loads led to a
Available online 4 January 2011
gradual loss of lubrication due to shear-induced wear of the films. The wear became more extensive as
Keywords: the ionic strength of the solvent was lowered below physiological conditions.
Saliva & 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Boundary lubrication
Ionic strength

1. Introduction response of a pre-adsorbed salivary film following exposure to a

decrease in the ionic strength from physiological values of
Water-based lubrication is present in many biological systems, 70 mM, in order to develop a more fundamental understanding
including tribological contacts within human and animal synovial on how saliva functions as a lubricant when interacting with
joints, between the eye and eyelid, as well as in oral and throat beverages. Saliva ionic strength, being lower than that of blood
environment to facilitate tongue movements and oral food plasma ( 150 mM), varies due to individual differences and
processing [1]. Oral lubrication is provided by saliva, which is a various other factors; 70 mM is chosen because it is around the
solution containing a multitude of various proteins [2] that gives upper limit of saliva’s natural variation [14].
rise to saliva’s specific bulk and interfacial properties, including While mucins are believed to be the main functional compo-
its highly viscoelastic rheology [3–5]. An extended and highly nents of the salivary pellicles [6,15], and purified mucin-like
hydrated proteinaceous film is rapidly adsorbed on surfaces glycoproteins were shown to form highly lubricious layers
exposed to saliva [6,7], and it is this film that is likely to play a [1,16–19], we found that the structural response of adsorbed
significant role in providing a low boundary friction between salivary films is notably different to that observed for model
these rubbing surfaces [8–11]. Good lubrication is important for layers comprising only purified mucins [15,20]. This arises
maintaining oral health and therefore it is one of the factors because of the interactions between the multiple components
evaluated when developing salivary substitutes intended for within the salivary film [7]. Considering the high number of
patients suffering from dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia) [11]. components within saliva, we have taken a top-down approach
Oral friction is also considered to play a role in the perception of by using films adsorbed from ex vivo saliva to mimic the oral
the food texture during eating [12] and in the mouthfeel of surface chemistry in its complexity.
beverages [4,13]. In this paper, we focus on the tribological It has been previously observed that solvent properties have a
significant effect on the structure of absorbed polymeric films as
well as its lubrication properties; in particular, environments that
Corresponding authors. promote pre-adsorbed polymeric layers to become more
E-mail addresses: (L. Macakova), extended and hydrated were observed to enhance the boundary (J.R. Stokes). lubrication between surfaces carrying such layers [21,22]. In our
Institute for Surface Chemistry, Drottning Kristinas vag 45, SE-114 86
Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +46 10 516 6092.
recent publication [7], we reported that structural changes also
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, occur for salivary films that were pre-adsorbed on hydrophobic
4072 Australia. Tel.: + 61 7 336 54361. surfaces following exposure to ionic strengths lower than that of

0301-679X/$ - see front matter & 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

L. Macakova et al. / Tribology International 44 (2011) 956–962 957

saliva. We found that a decrease in the ionic strength down to palate [23]. PDMS was obtained from Dow Corning under a trade
1 mM leads to an increase in the film thickness of the pre- name Sylgards184, and the elastomers were prepared according
adsorbed film due to an increase in hydration. In addition, the to manufacturers recommendation; the base and curing agent
viscoelasticity of the adsorbed saliva film also became more were mixed in a weight ratio of 10:1, deaerated under vacuum
viscous and less elastic in response to high frequency deforma- and cured overnight in an oven set to 70 1C. The rubbing contact
tions. However, the heterogeneous salivary film collapse when consisted of PDMS ball with a radius of 0.95 cm and a disk with
exposed to deionised water due to intralayer electrostatic attrac- radius of 23 mm and thickness of 4 mm. Young’s modulus of the
tion and the film became thin and rigid [7]. In this study, we used PDMS elastomer was 2.4 MPa. The ball and disk were
investigate how these changes in the preadsorbed salivary layer prepared according to a procedure described in previous articles
influence the lubrication properties in a soft-tribological contact. by our group [9,24]. The root-mean-square roughness of the
resulting balls and disks were 26 nm and 9 nm, respectively, as
determined from 80  80 mm2 AFM height image [24]. The effect
2. Material and methods of surface wettability and surface roughness on the tribological
behavior of PDMS tribopairs in our experimental set up was
2.1. Saliva measured and discussed by Bongaerts et al. [24].
The details of the instrumental set-up are presented elsewhere
Mechanically stimulated saliva was obtained from a single [25,26] and therefore we will summarize only the main features
volunteer with good oral health. Salivary flow was stimulated by here. A normal load, FN, is applied by pressing the ball against the
chewing a piece of silicon tubing, and the collected saliva was disk and it is continuously monitored by a gage force sensor.
immediately centrifuged for 10 min at 7200g at room tempera- The lateral friction force Ff is measured by a force transducer. The
ture. The saliva collection protocol is detailed elsewhere [7]. The sphere and the disk can rotate at different speeds maintained by
centrifugation has been shown not to significantly affect the high precision motors, which results in a relative motion between
boundary lubricating properties of the expectorated saliva, even the surfaces of the ball and the disk. By adjusting these speeds, it
though centrifugation nearly completely removes shear thinning is possible to achieve different slide-to-roll ratios defined as
and elastic nature of the bulk salivary liquid [9]. SRR¼(Vball–Vdisk)/U, where U is entrainment speed defined as
U¼(Vball + Vdisk)/2, Vball is the surface velocity of the ball and Vdisk
2.2. Solvents of different ionic strengths is the surface velocity of the disk at the contact point. Throughout
measurements reported in this paper, SRR was kept equal to 50%,
All solutions were prepared in deionised and filtered water the value chosen to mimic a friction between tongue and soft
(filters pore size 0.22 mm) with a resistivity of 18 MO cm provided palate in oral cavity, which has both sliding and rolling compo-
by a Barnstead NanoPure Diamond water purification unit nents. For the hydrophobic PDMS tribopair, denoted HB-PDMS,
(Triple Reds). Sodium chloride salt of analytical grade was used the highest applied load of 5 N results in an elastic contact radius
to adjust the ionic strength. Solvents of four different ionic of 2 mm and hence a pressure of 0.4 MPa.
strengths were used: 70, 10, 1 mM NaCl and deionised water. PDMS tribopairs with hydrophilic surface, HL-PDMS, were
All solvents were adjusted to pH of 7.3 70.2 by addition of prepared by exposure of the clean hydrophobic surfaces to air
NaOH shortly before measurements in order to achieve the pH plasma for 99 s (Cressington, 0.2 mBarr, 15 mA). HB-PDMS tribo-
measured for the collected saliva. pairs with adsorbed salivary films, HWS-HB-PDMS, were pre-
pared by application of 500 ml of saliva in front of the
2.3. Friction measurements hydrophobic ball–disk contact during rotation. Salivary film was
allowed to adsorb on both the disk and the sphere at the contact
areas, which were wetted by saliva, for half an hour. The bulk
Friction measurements were performed with a Mini Traction
salivary liquid was then replaced by protein-free solvent of
Machine (MTM, PCS Instruments Ltd., UK). The schematic of the
similar ionic strength. To this end, the chamber was filled with
experimental set up is shown in Fig. 1. The temperature was set to
50 ml of 70 mM NaCl solution, and then it was emptied and filled
37 1C. The tribopairs consisted of elastomeric polydimethylsilox-
with another 50 ml dose of 70 mM NaCl to ensure a complete
ane (PDMS) substrates in order to mimic the intrinsically hydro-
exchange. Then the pre-adsorbed saliva film was left to equili-
phobic and soft nature of the oral surfaces of interest, tongue and
brate in the new solvent for half an hour. Analogously, when a
change in the ionic strength of the solvent was desired, the
measurement chamber was emptied, re-filled with 50 ml of a
new solution, then emptied and re-filled by another 50 ml dose of
the new solution to ensure full exchange of solvents and then left
to equilibrate with the film for half an hour. During this process
(salivary film adsorption and exposure to different solutions), the
ball and disk were kept close to each other but not in contact, by
setting the load to  0.15 N, in order to avoid possible wear of the
adsorbed film prior to data collection.

3. Results

3.1. The effect of adsorbed salivary film on the friction between

PDMS tribopairs

Fig. 1. The schematic of the experimental set-up. Rotating elastomeric sphere and
disk, both with pre-adsorbed salivary films, are brought into contact while
A basic insight into a tribological behavior of HWS-HB-PDMS
immersed in solvent with adjusted ionic strength. The load is varied while friction tribopairs (hydrophobic PDMS modified by the adsorbed salivary
force between disk and sphere is monitored. film) can be obtained by its comparison with the behavior of two
958 L. Macakova et al. / Tribology International 44 (2011) 956–962

tribopairs with a distinctive and well-defined surface chemistry; a the interaction between the asperities of the hydrophobic PDMS
hydrophobic tribopair (HB-PDMS); a hydrophilic tribopair (HL- substrates in a boundary lubrication regime indicated by the
PDMS). For these three tribopairs we recorded Stribeck curves plateau below 20 mm/s with a friction coefficient of about 2.0.
(Fig. 2a) showing a dependence of the friction coefficient on an For HL-PDMS tribopair, the friction coefficients are signifi-
entrainment speed. The curves were recorded at a constant load cantly lower than those measured for the HB-PDMS tribopair at
of 1 N, while the entrainment speed was first stepwise decreased all entrainment speeds. A plateau in the friction coefficient is not
from 750 to 1 mm/s and then stepwise increased back from 1 to observed at low entrainment speeds, which would otherwise
750 mm/s. indicate an onset of the boundary regime; this lack of a true
For HB-PDMS tribopair, the Stribeck curve shows an increase boundary regime arises because the HL-PDMS hydrophilic and
in the friction coefficient with decrease in the entrainment speed negatively charged surfaces make it more difficult to remove a
for speeds between 750 and 20 mm/s. This part of the Stribeck solvent layer from space between them [24,27]. The friction
curve corresponds to a mixed lubrication regime, when surfaces coefficients continue to increase with decrease in speed all the
are only partially lubricated by the solvent residing in the contact. way down to the minimum sampled speed of 1 mm/s, a behavior
The solvent is gradually removed from the contact area as the indicative of the mixed lubrication regime. At the highest speeds,
entrainment speed decreases, until the friction is dominated by a slight increase in the friction coefficient with entrainment speed

Fig. 2. The effect of surface modification on a tribological behavior of PDMS tribopairs in 70 mM NaCl at 37 1C. (a) Stribeck friction curves at a load of 1 N for different
tribopairs: hydrophobic (HB-PDMS), hydrophilic (HL-PDMS) and saliva-coated hydrophobic (HWS-HB-PDMS) polydimethylsiloxane surfaces. The entrainment speed was
first step-wise decreased from 750 to 1 mm/s (filled symbols), and then increased in a step-wise manner back to 750 mm/s (empty symbols). The error bars correspond to
a standard deviation between five data points, which were collected at each speed during one experimental run. (b) Friction coefficient as a function of applied load at an
entrainment speed of 5 mm/s for each tribopair. An additional point (gray diamond) corresponds to a friction coefficient for HWS-HB-PDMS at 1 N obtained following the
measurement at loads increasing up to 5 N; this indicates that the film has undergone an irreversible alteration. The error bars correspond to standard deviation between
at least three independent experiments. (Fit of the HB PDMS data using a model (explained in the text) that accounts for adhesion contribution to the total load, i.e.
FN_total ¼FN_applied +Fadhesion. The best fit was obtained with Fadhesion equal to 0.5 N and mintrinsic equal to 1.2.)
L. Macakova et al. / Tribology International 44 (2011) 956–962 959

is observed, indicative of the system entering the elastohydrody- increase in the entrainment speed back to high values; this may
namic lubrication regime where the surfaces are separated by a be caused by a wear of the adsorbed film following a rubbing in
full liquid film and friction is determined by the gap between the boundary contact at low speeds.
shearing surfaces and lubricant viscosity. The measured Stribeck A dependence of the effective friction coefficients on the
curves for both the HL-PDMS and HB-PDMS tribopairs, lubricated applied load for the three different tribopairs is shown in
by 70 mM NaCl, are essentially the same as those previously Fig. 2b. The load was gradually increased from 0 to 5 N, while
found for the same surfaces lubricated by ion-free deionised the entrainment speed was kept constant at 5 mm/s, which
water [24]. This indicates that the presence of Na + and Cl  ions corresponds to the boundary lubrication regime for the HB-PDMS
in the aqueous lubricant has a negligible effect on the friction and HWS-HB-PDMS substrates at a load of 1 N. The friction
between these tribopairs. coefficient for HB-PDMS decreases with the applied load, whilst
The presence of the adsorbed salivary films on surfaces of HB- for HL-PDMS surfaces in accordance with Amonton’s law friction
PDMS renders surfaces hydrophilic; this was possible to observe coefficient stays practically constant at  0.03. From these data
by eye as water droplets visibly spread over the saliva coated we infer that the decrease in Ffriction/FN_applied values with an
substrates. The Stribeck curve for HWS-HB-PDMS tribopair increase in applied load observed for HB-PDMS surfaces is a
resembles that of the HL-PDMS for all sampled entrainment resulting effect from adhesive forces between hydrophobic PDMS
speeds, while the friction coefficients are significantly lower in surfaces. We further suggest that the adhesion force additively
comparison to those measured for unmodified HB-PDMS. How- contributes to the effective load [28], so that
ever, in difference to HL-PDMS, the Stribeck curve for HWS-HB-
FN_total ¼ FN_applied þ Fadhesion
PDMS shows a distinctive plateau at the entrainment speeds
lower than 20 mm/s that we consider to correspond to the As a result, the effective (measured) friction coefficient, meff,
boundary regime with a friction coefficient arising from the which is calculated as a ratio between detected friction force and
adsorbed salivary film of  0.06. The adsorbed film is irregular load applied by the instrument, can be written as
[6] and has a mean thickness of about 20 nm [7], which is greater
than the surface roughness of the underlying disk (rms roughness
Ffriction ðFN_applied þ Fadhesion Þ  mintrinsic
of 9 nm) [24]. Another distinctive feature of the Stribeck curve for meff ¼ ¼
HWS-HB-PDMS is a hysteresis, which is observed upon an FN_applied FN_applied

d HWS-70-10
1.0 1.0
Friction coefficient

Friction coefficient

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Load (N) Load (N)

b HWS-70 e HWS-70-1
1.0 1.0
Friction coefficient

Friction coefficient

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Load (N) Load (N)

c HWS-70-70-70 f HWS-70-DIW
1.0 1.0
Friction coefficient
Friction coefficient

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Load (N) Load (N)

Fig. 3. Friction coefficients as a function of an applied load for HB-PDMS tribopairs with the adsorbed salivary film. The error bars correspond to standard deviations
between at least three independent experiments using different tribopairs and saliva collected on different occasions. Data were collected by MTM at an entrainment
speed of 5 mm/s for adsorbed salivary film in contact with bulk saliva (a), after a single rinse with 70 mM NaCl (b), after repetitive rinses with 70 mM NaCl (c) and after a
single rinse with 70 mM NaCl followed by a decrease in the ionic strength to (a) 10 mM NaCl, (e) 1 mM NaCl, (f) deionised water.
960 L. Macakova et al. / Tribology International 44 (2011) 956–962

Thus, for adhesive contacts, the effective friction coefficient

will decrease with the applied load and also, the effective friction
coefficient will asymptotically approach the intrinsic (and load
independent) friction coefficient at high loads. The best fit to the
data using the above model is presented in Fig. 2b), with resulting
values of fitting parameters being mintrinsic ¼1.2 and Fadhesion ¼0.5 N.
The friction between HWS-HB-PDMS surfaces shows an inter-
mediate behavior; the friction coefficient is constant within the
experimental error and equal to about 0.02 for loads below 2 N,
while for loads above 2 N it increases with an increase in load. We
assign this load-related increase in the boundary friction between
HWS-HB-PDMS surfaces to a wear of the adsorbed salivary layers,
since the friction coefficient measured after decreasing the load
back to 1 N is higher than the friction coefficient measured for the
same HWS-HB-PDMS tribopair at the load 1 N before the high
loads were applied.

3.2. A dependence of the wear of pre-adsorbed salivary films on

ionic strength Fig. 4. Wear of the salivary film exposed to solutions with different ionic
strengths. The values of friction coefficients at load 1 N obtained during the
stepwise increase in load (black columns), at 5 N (gray columns) and after
Fig. 2 shows the boundary friction coefficients for HWS-HB- decrease in the load back to 1 N (transparent columns). The entrainment speed
PDMS tribopairs exposed to solvents of different ionic strengths. was 5 mm/s. The error bars correspond to standard deviations between at least
The friction coefficient of the film exposed to additional saliva is three independent experiments.
very low and it does not alter with increase in applied loads,
which indicates essentially no wear of the adsorbed film (Fig. 3a).
This shows that saliva is a highly effective lubricant on its own.
When the bulk volume of saliva is exchanged with 70 mM NaCl,
which has a similar ionic strength to the saliva, the friction
coefficient from the adsorbed salivary film does not alter at low
loads but gradually increases for loads higher than 2 N (Fig. 3b).
While the exchange of saliva to the salt solution removes
adsorbents (salivary proteins) from the bulk lubricant, we have
previously shown that the mass of the adsorbed salivary film is
only weakly affected by the rinse [7]. We therefore suspect that Fig. 5. Tentative schematic picture of the adsorbed salivary film according to
increase in friction coefficient at the high loads is primarily observations reported in Refs. [6] and [7]. The heterogeneous film consists of an
associated with a wear of the adsorbed film rather than arising anchoring sublayer and a lubricious outer layer. The anchoring sublayer contains
small salivary proteins and non-glycosylated parts of large salivary glycoproteins
from desorption. This view is supported by the fact that a
(different colors represent the whole host of different globular salivary proteins
prolonged exposure to 70 mM NaCl does not significantly affect forming this sub-layer). The lubricious outer layer consists of glycosylated
the film’s lubricious properties in comparison to the case of a hydrated chains of the glycoproteins (some of the glycosylated groups are drown
shorter exposure (90 min versus 30 min; Fig. 3c versus 3b). When in blue color to illustrate that some of them carry a negative charge originating
the pre-adsorbed salivary film is exposed to solvents of a lower chiefly the sialic acid residues [28]). (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
ionic strength following an initial rinse with 70 mM NaCl, the
adsorbed film is still highly lubricious at loads below 1 N. On the
other hand, at higher loads there is a greater increase in friction 4. Discussion
coefficient with load as the ionic strength is lowered (Fig. 3d and
e). In de-ionized water (Fig. 3f), the friction between HWS-HB- 4.1. Boundary lubrication by adsorbed salivary films
PDMS tribopair rapidly increases already from very little loads
(about 0.3 N), and the friction coefficient levels off at a value of We consider here the boundary lubricating properties of saliva in
approximately 0.9 at the load of about 2 N. the context of our companion study that focused on the adsorption
After the gradual increase in a load from 0 to 5 N, we of saliva under similar conditions and characterized the adsorbed
decreased the load back to 1 N. Fig. 4 shows that the re-measured mass, hydration and film viscoelasticity [7]. Our previous study
friction coefficients at a load of 1 N were considerably higher than highlighted that saliva adsorbs to hydrophobic surfaces in the form
those measured originally at the same load. Also, the values re- of a film that is highly hydrated and viscoelastic [7], and we
measured at 1 N are higher than the values measured at the anticipate that the nature of this film is promoting good boundary
highest applied load of 5 N, which strongly suggests that the lubrication between these surfaces at low loads. An adsorbed
difference in the two values measured at 1 N is rather caused by a salivary film has a heterogeneous structure consisting of an anchor-
removal of the adsorbed layer than by some structural changes in ing sublayer, which contains small salivary proteins and non-
the layer that might be induced by a high compression of the film glycosylated parts (hydrophobic ‘naked’ polypeptide region) of
at high loads. The wear of the layer is clearly more extensive for glycoproteins, and a lubricious outer layer consisting of glycosylated
the layers that are exposed to lubricants with low ionic strengths. hydrated chains (hydrophilic region) of the glycoproteins [6].
The data collected for the adsorbed films that were left in contact A schematic picture of the heterogeneous salivary film is presented
with bulk saliva indicated no wear of the film (Fig. 3a); we in Fig. 4 from our previous study [7]. The glycoproteins incorporated
suspect that the salivary proteins could rapidly re-adsorb from in the adsorbed salivary films are most likely mucins, which are
the bulk reservoir and heal eventual worn patches even if some amphiphilic molecules with partly negatively charged glycosylated
wear of the film eventually occurs Fig. 5. chains [29]. The observed low friction provided by the presence of
L. Macakova et al. / Tribology International 44 (2011) 956–962 961

Table 1 lower the ionic strength from physiological conditions. These

Properties of the pre-adsorbed salivary films exposed to solvents of different ionic include: (a) increasing adhesion between the saliva coated sur-
faces; (b) a decrease in viscoelasticity and cohesiveness of the
Solvent Film thicknessa Solvent content Debye length in adsorbed films related to a decrease in the Na + counter ions in
(nm) in filma (%) the solvent (nm) solution; (c) a partial desorption of the extended lubricious
components of the heterogeneous salivary film. We consider each
70 mM NaCl 20.1 83.3 1 of these potential mechanisms in the following discussion.
10 mM NaCl 27.7 88.6 3
1 mM NaCl 34.3 90.9 9.5
Our favoured mechanism is that adhesion between adsorbed
Deionised 44.4 92.9 300 polymers on opposing surfaces may arise due to a change in a
water conformation of the polymers at low ionic strength. Our adsorp-
tion study showed that decrease in ionic strength led to an
From Ref. [7]. expanded, more open structure, and we consider that this
structure will be more susceptible to entanglements and/or
extended salivary films at the surfaces can be understood in the attractive electrostatic interactions. This was reflected in the
context of boundary lubrication provided by other polyelectrolyte average thickness of the adsorbed layer that swelled from 20.1
structures in good solvents. The good boundary lubrication proper- to 34.3 nm when the ionic strength decreased from 70 to 1 mM
ties of the extended and hydrated polymers and polymer brushes NaCl [7]. This has the potential to lead to a thicker interpenetra-
arise from a strong anchoring of the polymers onto the tribopair tion zone between the adsorbed brushes upon compressive load
surfaces [16] and from their ability to support applied loads [30–32]. and thus to more entanglements. Bridging between the polymers
The friction appears mainly due to viscous loses during movement on opposing tribopair surfaces is expected due to attractive
of the molecules residing in the contact zone between the sliding electrostatic interactions between negatively charged glycosy-
surfaces. In the presence of an adsorbed polymer brush, a compres- lated chains within the lubricious layer on one surface and
sion due to an applied load causes an increase in the osmotic oppositely charged proteins within the anchoring layer on the
pressure within the interpenetration zone of the adsorbed polymer other surface. As the ionic strength is decreased from physiolo-
chains and this pressure acts opposite to the compression [30]. This gical conditions, there is a corresponding increase in the range of
leads to a decrease in an effective load and to lower friction the electrostatic forces. The screening Debye lengths are equal to
coefficients defined as a ratio between friction force and the applied 1, 3 and 9.5 nm in 70, 10 and 1 mM NaCl, respectively, and as
load. Beside the grafting density of the extended polymer chains, large as 300 nm in deionised water at pH 7.3 (Table 1). In order to
another important parameter affecting the lubricious properties of experience sufficiently strong attractive forces, the oppositely
an adsorbed film is its hydration (solvent content) [21]. Highly charged species need to be separated by a distance comparable
hydrated polymer chains can easily slide along each other within to or less than the Debye length. Such condition was demon-
the interpenetration zone, which contains a low monomer concen- strated by Pasche et al.[35] for the attraction between proteins
tration due to extensive presence of the solvent and therefore, the and oppositely charged surfaces, which were coated with an
viscous energy dissipation and related friction coefficient remains adsorbed layer of highly hydrated polyethylene glycol brushes,
low even in the boundary regime. across which the proteins and the surfaces interacted. The
The ionic strength of the solvent has a large impact on the necessity of the critical approach would also explain the fact that
conformation and on the strength of the polymers–substrate the wear was not observed at higher ionic strengths unless high
interaction and thus, on the ability of the adsorbed polymers to compressive loads were applied.
reduce the friction as well as resist film and surface wear. It was An alternative explanation to polymer bridging induced wear
previously reported that increasing hydration of the adsorbed/ arises from our observation of a change in viscoelasticity of the
grafted polymer brush layers [21,22] and polyelectrolyte layers adsorbed film with decrease in ionic strength [7]. This decrease in
[33,34] leads to lower boundary friction coefficients. However, for viscoelasticity and cohesiveness of the adsorbed film may result from
our system the film thickness and hydration of the adsorbed a loss of salt ion mediated cross-linking between the adsorbed
salivary films increase with decrease in ionic strength down to protein chains, and we suspect that this weakening of the net-
1 mM (Table 1) [7] but the boundary friction coefficient at low work structure makes the film less adhered to the surface and
loads ( o0.5 N) stays relatively constant despite these structural more susceptible to removal from wear. Cross-linking of adsorbed
changes. In deionised water, we also observed a similarly low films increase its elasticity and cohesiveness, and several studies
friction coefficient at these low loads, while the adsorption show that this generally improves wear resistance; for example,
studies showed an initial increase in film thickness and hydration Kampf et al. [36] for adsorbed chitosan layers and by Bongaerts
with time before collapse of the film at 10 min after solvent et al. [37] for multilayers of chitosan and hyaluronic acid. Cross-
exchange. linking of extended glycosylated chains of salivary films by a
At high loads, the lubrication behavior is dominated by the monovalent counterions might be expected to be rather weak.
adsorbed films’ susceptibility to wear that increases with However, such a weak cross-linking by Na + ions was previously
decrease in ionic strength. This directly leads to deterioration of suggested as a mechanism of wear-protection by Raviv et al. [38]
boundary lubrication with decrease in ionic strength, which is for grafted poly(ethylene glycol) layers, which were more wear
opposite to what may be anticipated based on the film thickness resistant in 0.1 mM NaCl than in deionised water.
and hydration measured under load-free conditions; however, A partial desorption with a preferential removal of the lubricious
such measurements assist in providing an explanation for this part of the salivary film is another possible explanation of the
increase in friction as discussed in the next section. increased susceptibility of the layers to a shear-induced wear at
low ionic strengths. Such a selective removal may still be
consistent with our observation of only limited desorption of
4.2. The origin of the increased susceptibility to wear in the solvents the film in low ionic strengths, which has been shown to amount
of low ionic strengths to less than 10% in terms of a mass of adsorbed salivary
proteins [7]. If this corresponds to desorption of the most
There may be several reasons why we observe an increase in lubricious molecules that are present in the outer extended and
the shear-induced removal of the adsorbed salivary films as we hydrated sublayer of heterogeneous salivary film, it would lead
962 L. Macakova et al. / Tribology International 44 (2011) 956–962

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