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1. a) Using a diagram, show the various components of the computer hardware.

(10 marks)
b) Discuss any five classifications of a system. (10 marks)

2. a) As a new manager in XYZ Company, discuss any five advantages of introducing cloud
computing in the company. (10 marks)

b) State the various advantages accruing to Organization XYZ, which has no specialist in
“Data Analysis,” outsourcing the Data Analyst from organization ABC to support with
offering Data Analytic Consultancy job to a new customer. (10 marks)

3. a) Define a computer network. (1 marks)

b) Discuss three types of networks, giving an example for each. (9 marks)

c) Explain any five security threats that would affect data stored within an organization.
(10 marks)
4. a) Identify any five advantages of end user development system. (10 marks)

b) Discuss the various levels of classification of information within an organization.

(10 marks)
5. a) Discuss any five data processing mode under electronic method. (10 marks)

b) Highlight any five roles of Database Administrator. (10 marks)

6. a) Differentiate between the following terms as used in management Information system.

i) Formal and informal MIS
ii) Manual and computerized
iii) Information Technology and Information system
iv) Analog and digital computers. (8 marks)

b) With an aid of a diagram, illustrate the following levels of information system within
an organization
i) Management information system
ii) Decision support system
iii) Transaction support system (12 marks)

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