Metropolitan Hotel

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Marketing & Advertising - Strategy

Marketing refers to the activities that are undertaken by a business to promote its products or
services to potential customers. Advertising refers to the paid form of communication that is
used to promote products or services. Both marketing and advertising are crucial for the success
of any business, including hotels.

For The metropolitan hotel, Downtown Vancouver, the marketing and advertising strategy
should be focused on promoting the brand and attracting potential customers to book their stay at
the hotel. The following are the two main strategies that can be implemented.

Marketing Activity

The marketing activities that can be carried out to promote the Metropolitan hotel are as follows:

● Email marketing - Sending promotional offers and updates to the subscribers. This can
be done by collecting email addresses from customers during the booking process or
through sign-up forms on the hotel's website.

● Social media marketing - The Metropolitan Hotel should use platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach a wider audience and engage with customers.
This can be done by creating and sharing engaging content, running promotions, and
responding to customer inquiries promptly.

● Influencer marketing - The Metropolitan Hotel should Partner with influencers to

promote the hotel on their platforms and reach a new audience. This can be done by
offering complimentary stays to influencers in exchange for a review or post about the

● Content marketing - Sharing relevant and informative content such as blog posts,
videos, and infographics to educate and engage potential customers, highlighting the
hotel's unique features and amenities


The advertising budget for The metropolitan hotel, Downtown Vancouver, should be allocated to
the following:
● Paid social media advertising - Using Facebook and Instagram ads to reach a wider
audience and drive more bookings. This can be done by targeting specific demographics,
such as travelers visiting Vancouver, and running promotions to encourage bookings.

● Search engine advertising - The Metropolitan Hotel should use Google AdWords to
promote the hotel when people search for hotels in Downtown Vancouver. This can be
done by creating targeted ads that appear when people search for keywords related to
hotels in the area.

● Influencer collaborations - Invest in partnerships with influencers to promote the hotel

on their platforms. This can be done by offering a percentage of each booking made
through the influencer's referral link.

● Online travel agencies (OTA) -The metropolitan hotel should Invest in promotions on
popular OTA websites (, Expedia, TripAdvisor) to reach a wider audience
and increase bookings by offering special promotions and discounts for bookings made
through these websites

Room Forecast & Rate Strategy

Room Forecast

Room forecast is a critical aspect of the hotel industry and plays a crucial role in the success of a
hotel. It helps the hotel in determining its revenue potential and creating a budget. The room
forecast strategy for The Metropolitan Hotel, Downtown Vancouver, should focus on creating a
demand-driven forecast that takes into consideration the hotel's current position, future trends,
and market dynamics.

● Market research: The first step in creating an accurate room forecast is to conduct
market research. This involves analyzing the local and regional markets to understand
consumer behavior, preferences, and competition.

● Historical data analysis: The hotel should also analyze its historical data to understand
how occupancy, average daily rate (ADR), and revenue per available room (RevPAR)
have performed over time.
● Competition analysis: Understanding the competition is critical to creating a room
forecast that accurately reflects the demand for the hotel. The hotel should analyze the
rates and occupancy of its competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

● Sales and marketing efforts: The Metropolitan hotel should also consider its sales and
marketing efforts when creating a room forecast. This includes analyzing the impact of
promotions, discounts, and other marketing initiatives on occupancy and ADR.

● Future trends: The Metropolitan Hotel should also consider future trends and market
conditions when creating a room forecast. This includes factors such as seasonal
fluctuations, economic conditions, and political events that may impact demand for the

Rate Strategy

The rating strategy for The Metropolitan Hotel, Downtown Vancouver, should focus on
maximizing revenue while providing value to the guests. The following are the key components
of a rate strategy for the hotel.

● Market analysis: Understanding the market and consumer behavior is crucial to creating
an effective rate strategy. The metropolitan hotel should analyze the local and regional
markets to understand the price points that are most appealing to customers.

● Competitive analysis: The Metropolitan hotel should also analyze the rates of its
competitors to understand the market price points and their rate strategies.

● Occupancy forecasting: The hotel should also consider its occupancy forecast when
creating a rate strategy. This includes understanding the demand for the hotel and the
price points that are most likely to generate demand.

● Dynamic pricing: The hotel should consider implementing dynamic pricing, which
involves adjusting rates based on demand, seasonality, and other factors. This allows the
hotel to maximize revenue while providing value to customers.

● Package deals and promotions: The Metropolitan hotel should also consider offering
package deals and promotions to attract customers. This can include offering discounts,
added amenities, or other incentives to book a stay at the hotel.

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