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Pastor E.A. Adeboye

Matt 16:18. “I will build my church” In that statement lies the basic fundamental for church growth. “I”
here refers to God. Exo 3:15. The only fellow qualify to use I is god. John 8:58-59

When you say my ministry is not growing, it’s not growing because it’s yours.

Next word is “will”. He will build. Ps 33:8-9; Num 33:19

“Build” God is a master builder. He build house Exo 1:21. He builds marriages -Gen 2:18. He builds family
because his called father-Gen 14:1; Matt 6:9. He build people -1 Cor 3:19, he will build people to do the
work if we allow him. Let’s don’t look at the outside of people. He build cities- Heb 11:8-10. He build

Because his a builder, he is an articate - Heb 11:10. He builds according to purpose -Ps 33:11. If you are
not building what he design there will be no success- Jer 1:4-5, he will first of all get a blue print before

I’m I building according to his plan? I’m I were he wants me to be?

He will build his church, not my church or ministry. The church he will build is the church without
blemish-Eph 5:25-27, God’s church must be holy because he is holy - Amos 3:3. Those who are blood
wash 1 John 1:7, ensure those who join the church must be serve. For every service make altar call. The
church he wants to build are the call out ones- 2Cor 6:14-18.

“The gate of hell shall not prevail”- if you are truly building His church, get ready for battle - Eph 6:10-18

Where do I come in? We have our part to play- 1 Cor 3:6, 9. The basic fundamental secret of church
growth is play your part but make sure you get God involved.

How do I play my part and getting God involved - Ps 121:1-2? I NEED HELP. If the church is to grow, you
need his help. So you need prayer, when you are facing a battle you cannot win, call for help. If god help
you, you will win. The greatest problem with young minister is that we don’t pray. Pray because he
made it clear “without me you can do nothing”. STOP GOING TO YOUR ALTAR ALONE. The latter kills.

When we take about prayer, it must be preceded with worship- Ish 55:6. John 4:23-24, he is seeking for
worshiper, if worship him he will come close. Begin with worship. Devil doesn’t stay when you worship

Learn to worship God and he will do great things for you.

1. Partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Zech 4:6

Anything you archive including church growth won’t be by your strength.

Your going to need God to succeed in ministry. We are in the reign of the Holy Spirit, he is the one in
charge. Because if you are connected with the one in power you can get a lot done. The one you must
be connected to vigorously is the Holy Spirit. Your church will not grow until you’re in partnership with
the Holy Spirit.

Luke 24:49; Act 1:8;

Act 2:1-4

Act 8:5-8. Philip full of the holy spirit.

If you want healthy growth, you must walk in association with the Holy Ghost. Unhealthy growth - act

If you are in partnership with the holy certain thing will happen that will glorify Jesus and when Jesus is
glorified he will draw men to the church. jh 16:13-14. “if I’m lifted up I will draw men to myself” (draw
men to yourself Jesus.

If you partner with the Holy Spirit he will draw men.

2. Miracles

Act 3:1-11; Act 4:4- miracle might do much more than years of preaching. Partnership with the Holy
Spirit is what produce miracle.

3. The need for self-discipline. If you want to walk with the Holy Spirit there must be no carnality. Rom
8:6-8; Gal 5:17; 1 cor 9; 24-27.

You must tell the body you won’t control me, put the body under. If you learn to fast, it will be easy to
walk with the Holy Spirit. Control your eyes, tell it when to sleep for tonight I want to do vigil.

4. We need faith. The bible say four times, “the just shall live by faith”. , habk 2:4; rom 1:17; gal 3:11;
heb 10:38. Jude 20, you want to build up your faith, pray in the spirit. Know what to pray. Rom 8:26.
Don’t joke with praying with the spirit. (3 days before the Holy Ghost conference I’m shot in staying with
the Holy Ghost praying in the spirit). You don’t go from the dining table. Get acquainted with the Holy

5. Learn to delegate when the church is growing. Exo 18:14-26. When you delegate supervise. Exo 32:1-

6. remain forever grateful. PS 18:1-3. If you are grateful for what he has done now he will do more.
Solomon was grateful and he offer sacrifice and god do more.

Bishop David Oyedepo

Jesus owns the church he bought it with his blood - Act 20:28. Let’s let the owner own it and he will be
committed to building it. It I god that gives the increase, we must plant and water and look on jesus for
the increase.

1. Everything in the kingdom starts with a vision. Gen 13:14-15. Joel Ish 2:1-3, micah 4:1-2 church
growth explosion of the end time plan for the church. The vision of all. The end time church is
ordain an ever explosive growing church. It doesn’t matter where you are, look from where you
are. Ps 87

Vision is what gives you your place in an end time church. You must be able to catch the vision of church
growth in the end time.

2. Faith. Every vision is delivered by faith. 1 King 8:15,24. Faith is the only way to bring the arm of
god to rest on any man or vision. The hand of god that build to last is provoked by faith. Ish 53:1;
Zech 4:6. Faith is our access to tap into virtue/spirit of life that makes the impossible happen. Is
not about what you know but what you do with what you do.

3. Ish 66:7-8 every growing church is a praying church and every pairing church will be a growing
church, the place of prayer is the birth place of church growth. Luke 11:21-22. We are praying
for this wicked capture to lose his grip from the life of those destiny for enternity. Ezk 36:
Church growth will respond to our prayer. Act 13:48. Gal 4:19; ps 2:8.
The problem in most cases is people not knowing what to pray. Supernatural church growth is
about heavenly forces growing the church.
- Among the force of church growth is the Holy Spirit and hi respond only to prayer -Luke
11:13. He convict of sin, prick the heart of men to conviction. He is the wind Num 11:31.
“Holy spirit blow across the harvest field of this church and blow in multitude the kind we
have never seen and that no human can bring”.
- The reaper are the angel. Matt 13:39. “in the name of Jesus reaper angel come down across
our harvest field and draft in soul. Bring in all ordain for eternal life”. God will not answer an
unsprayed prayer. Pray what you must pray.

Matt 19:21 prayer and fasting deals with the forces for growth. The gate of hell what to stop the
growth and when you build they want to scatter the growth. Buy consistent fasting and prayer
you build a resistance against them and you keep experiencing gods hand on the church. The
impact of prayer Zech 8:20-23. Turn the church to praying church. Praying what to pray. :Pray
for continues utterance and flow of the word. “Prayer is everybody’s ministry. 1 Tim 2:4; 2 pet
2:9. Praying for soul to be save. Daily prayer.

4. Passionate pursue after souls for their salvation. You just wont let go this man must be save. We
are empowered by the holy spirit to be a witness of jesus. Act 26:22- witness to both great and
small as a lifestyle. No callinf excusses anyone from witnessing. Luke 14:23. 2 cor 5:17-20. Its
everybody calling. Soul winning is the core of our ministry. You are not sent by the people, but
sent to the people.
It’s your heart and stand with god that determine what happens. You can get church growth
having fun.
5. The word. It’s a principal factor for growth. Eagles don’t feed on death kills, but fresh kill. If you
must gather eagle, then get fresh kill. The preparation of the heart is man aand answer of the
touge is god so preparation is ours. Zech 3:17- settle down to hear from god, people wont hear
you until you hear from god. Study to show yourself approved. Matt 24:28; Act . “when goods
increase they increase that eat it”. Increase in the word is a factor for continues increase in
disciples. You come with a heart panting to touch the people. Don’t raise money, raise men.

Church growth is warfare, be aware of this.

1. Engage in fasting and fasting to destroy the enemy. 100 days of fasting, 8 hour prayer daily 11-
2. Advitise and invite people to see what god is doing. Weekly handbill.
3. Keep the word fresh.
4. “thou through your power shall your enemy..” “to see your power and glory..”

Life is a race and only committed runners win the race.


1. HE MUST BE STRONG IN THE LORD. EPH . build strength into his spirit
2. Must be word lighted. “light shine in darkness…” go beyond revelation to illumination. When a
pastor is illuminated he natural dispel darckness. “we restle not against…” pray and fast into the
deep things of God.
3. He must be perfect hearted, no alterioeus motive. Not adding to the truth or testimony. 2 Chro
16:9; 25:2. You are sensititve to the things that please god and you are craving for it. “I the lord I
search the heart”. You are not serving a church you are saving God, is God that will reward you.
God relate with you from your heart. Its your heart that determine what god does with you.
Your destiny is a product of your heart. He must be meek spirited –“blessed are the meek” “I am
who I am by the grace of god” Num 12:1; john 14:10, matt 11:28-29. It takes a testimony of
meakness to test greatness. God will never enlarge you beyong your rating of meekness before
4. The pastor must be spiritualy sensitive. The leading of the spirit is key to church growth.
Knowing what to do per time as the lord leads. When he leads no barrier can stand. “cyrus”.
Sensitivity to the matter at the moment. God does not only speak by what he says, but also
speak through what we see.
5. The pastor must be loving and compassionate. Don’t force it over the people, serve the people.
Loving, careing and compassionate. Dive into their problem. No one reject love. Father case for
their children. Touch with the feelings of the infirmity of the people.
6. He must be wise and discreet. prov 23: Jer 10:12. They are the requirement for unending
7. He must be absolutely god depended. At the root of the supernatural is god. “unless the lord
builds..” “it is god that brings the increase”. Anyone god brings will be establish. Thank god for
anyone that come, give the glory back to god or he will stop bringing the people. Act 2:47.
8. He must be gratefull at every turn of event. You must be grateful and praiseful.
9. Joy and rejoicing. Joel 1:12. Radiate the joy of the lord continuously.
10. The pastor must take the lead in driving the growth. He must strive to be an example of what
he want to see. 1 pet 5:2-5. You cannot delegate prayer. Exo 17:11-13. Take the lead in
compassionate pursue for soul, take the lead to follow up the soul, take the lead to pray. Hosea
4:9. Is the pastor that set the pace for the event in every church.
11. Walk in obedience to God’s instruction.


1. Prayer. Ish 66:7-8. We can birth a whole nation in one day, that’s how powerful prayer is.
2. The force of soul winning. John 15:16. It’s every believer’s ministry.
3. The force of ingathering. John 16: there are many people roaming on the street. Luke 14:17-23.
Compel them to come. John 1. Come and see force. Never an ordinary Sunday service, every
Sunday must target something. You can’t invite them to come for what they don’t know.
4. The force of order. You don’t grow big to manage well, you manage well to grow big. There must
be order to wish the pastor subscribed. Act 16:4-5. Order facilitate growth. You don’t start a
service that doesn’t have a time to end. 1 cor 14:30-33. Order must be install. It can be done
when you know your only a servant of god, you are not the owner. Order in finances ( have a
budget, 30% for recurrence) have a budget and leave within the budget. A church without order
will lead to crises. there should be an accountant and auditor for finances. God will not entrust
any treasure to a waster. You don’t spend as you go, spend according to budget. People know
what to do and their time
5. The force of word impact. We must sit up and receive from the lord for every meeting, father
what are your saying for tomorrow( sent word) hosea 12:10. Word in season(get by search the
scripture). Right word(study to show yourself approved, meditation life). Wait on the word to
get the appropriate message.
6. Obedience is a weapon of war.

Most churches won’t grow because of commanded project. Lam 3:37. Do nothing except its
commanded. You are not sent by the people, your sent to the people. God is responsible for his


Behind every growing church is the God of increase.1 Cor 3:6; ps 127:1-2; john 15:5; act 2:47; jer 30:19.

Behind every growing church is Jesus the master builder. Matt 16:18; john 12:32. Lifting jesus draws
multitude. Jesus is the one at work, every good thing in the church jesus did and every bad thing is me.
The Holy ghost is the lord of the hearvest. The church was domant in the upper room until the holy spirit
came. The church exploded act 2:41; act 4: act5:14; 6:7.

Great preparation is the reason for great impact.

We access revelation through prayer, fasting, study, meditation. Study of the word, study the work of

Faith is a key to church growth. Anything supernatural is powered by faith. You need to build your faith
to experience supernatural church growth. Fait is the master key to a world of unlimited possibilities.
Faith is key to all thing.” If you can believe”. You need to build your faith capacity to receive what god
has for now. There is no limit to growth of faith.

Testimony are product of our raw obedience of faith, they don’t just occur.


Every thing work by faith. Faith is key to take your place in Gods end time, if we don’t believe it will not
be established.

Without faith its impossible to please god.

Prayer require faith for answer.

No weak faith can stand. Strong faith equal trust.

Invest in building strong faith. Build it in the word, go to women and men who got it and consume their
books.( consume all of Hagin book).

The capacity to belive has to be builded. The capacity to believe all thngs has to be built. Everything god
say to you to do, is already done but deliverd by faith.


1. It takes away all fear.

2. Destroy all doubt. You say it and its settle in your spirit.
3. Provoke the supernatural at will.
4. It never craw in battle, its stronger in battle.
5. Believe all things as long as it drops from Gods mouth.

No church grows without the hand of god and without faith the hand of god will not work. We provoke
the hand of god by faith.

God of increase, God of addition, God of multiplication.

Deu 32:36- his a city taking god. City delivering god.

Act 13:44; act 5:28.

Is to everyone according to their faith.


Luke 8:4-

Faith draws on gods power to bring about out desire result.

Ps 66:3

God confirm his word by our faith. 1 king 5:15.

Faith brings god person into our situation.

Rom 8:31

Faith trigger angelic intervention, Daniel..

Eccl 5:6

Faith reverses all slimily irreversible. John 11:39.

Faith provokes sings and wonders at will.

Faith connect us to heaven to determine the activities in our life.

Feed your life with the word of faith.

Rom 10:6

Buy from idahosa, kennth hagin, oyedepo, david ogbueli.

Every faith believer is addicted addicted to study.

5 key factos for church growth

Pastor Chris Oyakilome

Church is people, Jesus didn’t die for facility.

Gen 30:25

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