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Name: Marlyn T.

Orticio   Date: 02-06-23

Y/r & Course : GBA-1E Subject: SMP 103

Activity #1 : The Animal in you

1. The animal in you: Is an animal who can do anything he/she does

It will reflect someone’s personality and their traits or characteristics. It represent their
personality and behaviors . she/he can do anything they can or what animal represents
them the best.

2. If you were an animal, what would you be?

I’m a mountain goat, Mountain goat personalities are very much loners. Observing the
goings-on from their unique perch, they are consummate voyeurs and when mingling with
other terrestrial animal personalities they feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. After brief
forays into their world, they must return to their place of security. Mountain goats enjoy
nothing more than open-air rendezvous with their lovers, and the goat's courting behavior is
simple and charming. It prefers a picnic basket on a checkered table cloth to formal dinners
with champagne and crystal, and this style is reflected in its choice of mates -- casual, quirky
types with laid back personalities

3. If you were to describe your own unique talent and potential what you love to do and
dream to be?
I am pretty good at making english poem and writing stories that I usually came out of
nowhere. I love drawing and reading in a quite place and typically have small group of
friends around me. My dream since I was a kid is to travel the world, because of the stories
I’ve read before and those out of this world views that I can only imagine .

4. How would you draw your own animal ? Expressing your dreams and self through a
fantastic animal can be easier and more liberating than trying to imagine it as yourself .
I will draw a wide grass field near the left and the green mountains on its right. I slowly
draw the outline and next the base and slowly paint it with colors till it looks so real that
you can feel the wind and hear the sounds of the mountains and grassy field .
Mountain goat

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