Uas Uts Semantic

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Submitted to take the mid-semester exam in the JIA Foreign Language College English
Literature study program.

Dinda Pahira Mardiana

NIM: 43131510200015

Lecturer: Elsan Arvian. S.S., M.Hum.

Curse: Semantics




The reason I chose this topic is I want to learn more about my understanding of entailment in this
semantic, especially in a song because many songs have implied meaning in it but sometimes we
don't know the truth in the song, therefore I chose this entailment topic. as the title of my
assignment. And the object chosen is a song from Eminem, one of which is entitled "Mockingbird".
in the end I made the topic of research regarding this entailment.

The phenomenon that has been happening lately on all music platforms, especially tick tock, this
song is very trending topic, they make this song the soundtrack of a father's day video or about
people who are very meritorious in their lives, so it's not just a father, but can be a mother, sister
or a member other families can even other people though. The song itself actually tells about a
father who is willing to do anything for his child. He will give anything even diamonds and even
give the world for his son not to cry when he asks his mother where they don't know where his
father will try to calm him down.

Then the problem is that even though this song has become a trending song lately, the writer has
difficulty finding data related to this song, including finding previous research about this song.
With this feeling of difficulty the author still chooses this song as the topic or title of his
assignment, even so the writer tries to find problems and research them as much as possible so that
they can help readers understand the analysis of the song.
As an object of research, I only take the first stanza in the last part of the lyrics to identify the
problem or analyze the lyrics of the song.
Theoretical Framework
based on the data above, the song from Eminem entitled Mocking bird will have an increase in
the number of listeners in 2022, because the song is very well known in every circle and on any
music platform, especially on the tiktok application because at first this song was again famous
and skyrocketed again through the application the. Some of the factors that might make this song
very famous again include: a song that is very related to people's lives at this time even though
this song has been out for a long time, both of these songs have good lyrics, especially for a
father out there who hears this song . The third is a singer who is quite famous, namely Eminem,
the owner of this song, he is famous or popular in every circle. The variable in this song has 2
Vocal variable or input variable: which is the value of vocal quality, namely with the following
assessment categories: Intonation, the accuracy of the loud tone and pleasant to hear.
Articulation, the pronunciation of words in singing so as to form a clear and loud sound.
The independent variable is the influence or influencing this song to become a very popular song
Explanation of the relationship between variables

The vocal quality possessed by Eminem, the singer of this song, has good sound quality so that it
can influence listeners to enjoy the song. Especially in the Mockingbird song, apart from having
a good meaning, the singer's voice also contributed to the popularity of this song so that many
listeners were not disappointed and really admired Eminem, who has good voice quality and also
intonation and precise pitch also influences every music listener in the world. any group.

The influence of sound and good lyrics also causes the popularity of a song, or the popularity of
a singer, usually known by the songs before they see the body or something else. Eminem does
have many fans through his inspiring works, therefore his work is timeless even though it has
been many years. this year, the song will always be heard by many people on all music
The data mentioned above affects the popularity of this song and the popularity of the singer and
the policy of listeners in listening to this song. from a singer and also the quality of the songs that
are made really influence people in listening to the song.
The policy that a singer has must be in accordance with what is appropriate to hear or maybe it
can be in accordance with what they experience because many singers make songs based on
personal experience, in fact it is better because there are not a few people who have the same
feelings as we or have even experienced the same thing as what singers feel, therefore the policy
or honesty of the songwriter is very important so that it reaches the listeners properly and is well

Lack of song or sound quality will affect the popularity of a song or the fame of a singer. Many
music listeners don't even care about the background of a singer, if the sound quality and work
they have is very good, the most important thing is the sound quality and also the lyrics that are
sung can be heard. listen well especially also related to life.

Risk Identification
Identify risks to the problems that will be faced when achieving goals. Some of the risks that
may be experienced when achieving this learning objective are as follows:
1. Difficulties in finding data related to learning topics.
2. Different data sources can make it difficult for the writer to determine which data is valid for
the learning topic.
3. The data collection techniques used can affect the objectives achieved, for example using
quantitative techniques that predominantly use large numbers which will make it difficult for
writers to also find or calculate the data they take.
The problems above can be handled when we already know or identify the problem before
carrying out the study or discussing the topic that has been taken so as to prevent difficulties in
the middle of the road while doing research in this entailment case.

Formulation of the problem

1. What is the importance of analysis for a student.
2. Why did the writer choose this song.
3. How much interest do readers have in the analysis of this song
4. The impact of this song on listeners.

Develop a frame of mind

• Theoretical framework
This song is very popular lately, based on the research of the songwriter, it is very well known,
especially for tik tok and YouTube users.

• Conceptual framework
The concept possessed by this theoretical framework is a concept based on phenomena that have
occurred lately, such as on Father's Day, many people use this song to wish Father's Day.
• operational framework
As already explained in the theoretical framework section regarding the relationship between the
variables that are owned in this song is
The vocal quality possessed by Eminem, the singer of this song, has good sound quality so that it
can influence listeners to enjoy the song. Especially in the Mockingbird song, apart from having
a good meaning, the singer's voice also contributed to the popularity of this song so that many
listeners were not disappointed and really admired Eminem, who has good voice quality and also
intonation and precise pitch also influences every music listener in the world. any group.

The influence of sound and good lyrics also causes the popularity of a song, or the popularity of
a singer, usually known by the songs before they see the body or something else. Eminem does
have many fans through his inspiring works, therefore his work is timeless even though it has
been many years. this year, the song will always be heard by many people on all music

• Hypothesis
1. Research objectives
The purpose of this analytical research is for the reader to be able to understand the
analysis in the song and also be able to understand the entailment in the song, so that
readers have the same ability as the writer to do analysis on other songs, especially using
entailment. The activity that will be carried out in this lesson is to read the lines of the
lyrics which have an entailment element in them which the author has written in it with
the hope that the readers can take knowledge from this research.
2. Place and time of research
Because using a qualitative method of place can be done anywhere flexible and uncertain
3. Research methods.
The method used uses qualitative methods.
• Hypothesis test
1. The variables studied
Vocal variable or input variable which is the value of vocal quality, namely the assessment
The independent variable is the influence or influencing this song to become a very popular
song lately.
2. Conclusion of data analysis.
The result of this data analysis is that some of the listeners of this song are mostly young
people, especially active social media users, especially on YouTube or other music
platforms such as Spotify and others. This analysis is carried out in addition to the author
completing his task, it also aims to be able to help readers better understand song analysis,
especially in the Entailment section on semantics.
• Draw a conclusion
The conclusion from the data above is that many music listeners are more concerned with
the sound quality of the singer and also the meaning of the lyrics which makes them happier
to hear songs that are more related to the life they are experiencing, especially if the song
is the personal experience of the singer from the popularity of the song. This dang famous
singer does have a lot to contribute to the world of music with the many listeners of this
song proving that Eminem has good sound quality and good work.
According to Curses

Entailment is the relationship between two sentences as in sentences P and Q below:

Q: It's a dog

John kills the wasp. All dogs are purple.

Q: This is an animal. The wasp died. My dog is purple.

In these sentences express propositions. A proposition is a statement that can be judged to be true
or false. And of course we will assume that the first sentence or P and the second Q, have the same
context Dog and Wasp refer to the same context, therefore the truth of the second sentence requires
the truth of the first sentence. Vice versa if the first sentence is wrong then the second sentence
also does not rule out being wrong.

We're definitely going to assume it's a dog and it's definitely an animal and if it's not an animal it's
not a dog. Likewise, in the second pair, John kills the wasp, so it will not avoid the conclusion that
the wasp is dead. If the wasp doesn't die, it's impossible for John to kill it.

According to John I Saeed

Some semantic experts claim that there is a fixed truth relationship in these empirical sentences.
We can check it through semantic relations and compulsion. Let's see from the relationship
between sentence A where what is said by A requires sentence B.

A: The anarchist assassinated the emperor

B: The emperor died.

Conjunctions and the truth that the same individual is denoted by the emperor here sentence A and
sentence B Entailment is defined by truth:

A p sentence requires a q sentence when the first truth (p) guarantees the second truth (q), and the
second falsity (q) guarantees the first falsity (p). We can see how this would work for our example:
Step 1: If p (Anarchist kills emperor) is true, is q (Emperor dies) automatically true? Yes. Step 2:
If q (Emperor dies) is wrong, is p (Anarchist kills emperor) also wrong? Yes. Step 3: Then p
requires q. Note that if p is false then we can say nothing about q; it can be right or wrong.

1. Daddy's gonna buy you a Mockingbird

The first song lyrics can be called with the first sentence P and Q

P: Daddy’s goona buy you Mockingbird.

Q: Daddy bought the animals

We can see from these two sentences P and Q that they both refer to the same entity, that is, they
can also be called prepositional sentences which can be true or false. P and of course we will have
the assumption that sentences P and Q have the same context. Mockingbird and World refer to the
same context, therefore the truth of Q will be followed by the truth of P and vice versa.
Furthermore, we will definitely assume that it is a bird and it is certain that it is an animal if it is
not an animal then it is not a bird.

2. I'm give you the world

The second song lyrics can be called with P and Q

P: I’m give you the world

Q: world is given

likewise, in the second part I'm giving you the world then it does not prevent us from concluding
that the father will give the world even though it unlikely but our assumption will definitely be
that way.
3. I’m buy diamond ring for you.

The third song lyrics can be called with P and Q

P: I’m buy diamond ring for you

Q: ring bought

Entailment is the relationship between two sentences, therefore these two sentences are of course
related, the first I bought a ring, which means the ring was bought. everyone will think like that
when they see these two sentences.
The conclusion from the results of this overall analysis is that the author hopes that the reader can
understand what the author conveys and also understand the examples given. And the writer really
hopes that the results of this analysis can fulfill his assignment in the semantics course entitled
"Entailment on Eminem Song Mockingbird". This analytical research contains a lot of information
about data regarding the analysis of a song, especially on Entailment. This song has good lyrical
quality apart from the fact that the singer is very popular with his works. Apart from that, the song
is indeed very good and this song also succeeds in conveying a feeling to the listeners because
based on the sources obtained, this song was made based on the personal experience of a singer or
what is felt. by a singer so that it is formed as a song. Entailment is very important if we want to
understand a meaning in a sentence including songs. I hope this research can help many readers
and create interest in readers to increasingly want to do research on songs because not only novels
can be researched, songs make it easier for all of us to do research task assignment, hope it helps.
Jhon I Saeed.
First published: 2016.
Title: Semantics fourth edition
Blackwell publisher, Ltd (le,1997), Blackwell publisher Ltd (2e, 2003);3e, 2009).

Alan Curse
First published: 2000
Title: Meaning in Language an Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics.
United States Oxford University Press 2000.

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