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Quantitative determination sum of flavonoids in fruit Capersand spiny capers (Latin:

Capparis spinosa
S. R. Burkhonova, Sh. N. Madrakhimov.
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
e-mail:, tel: (93)805-55-25

Relevance: Capers prickly (Latin. Caparis spinosa) is a member of the family Capers. It is
a perennial herbaceous plant with a powerful root system. The stems are creeping, up to 1.5 m
long, and above-ground parts, fruits and roots are used in folk medicine. The composition of the
above-ground organs includes flavonoids (rutin, quercetin and others), vitamin C, stachydrin,
thioglycoside, saponins and other substances. In folk medicine, a decoction of the roots is used
for colds, hysterical seizures, paralysis and diseases of the spleen. The fruits are used for
diseases of the thyroid gland, hemorrhoids, gum disease and toothache. Tincture and decoction
of the root have an effect that accelerates blood clotting. The natural distribution of Capparis
spinosa L. in Uzbekistan depends on various soil-climatic and other conditions. In particular, it
can be found on rocky hills, sometimes in fields, on roadsides, on adyrs, around railways, on dry
canal banks, near old walls.
This plant is valued by many peoples of the world as a potential source of nutrients,
vitamins, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, as well as for its strong antioxidant properties and the
ability to grow in arid conditions.
Purpose of the study: development of a method for quantitative determination of the
sumsof flavonoids in the fruits of Capers prickly (Latin. Capparis spinosa ) .
Materials and methods: for the quantitative determination of flavonoids, it is necessary to
obtain an extract from the fruits of Capers. Extraction of flavonoids is usually carried out with
ethyl alcohol or boiling water. We used ethyl alcohol to obtain an extract from the fruit of Capers
A spectrophotometric method for the quantitative determination of the content of
flavonoids in spiny capers (Latin Candpparis spinosa) has been developed. In the UV spectrum
of the alcohol solution of Capers extract in the region from 220 nm to 380 nm there is a
maximum of 330 nm.
To determine the amount of flavonoids in the Capres extract of an alcohol solution with
absorption under the same conditions of CO (standard sample) of Luteolin WFM UZ - 0194-
2012) of a known concentration, for which also at wavelength the absorption of the solution is
directly proportional to the concentration of 1.5-5 μg / l.
Results: on the basis of actual data and taking into account the error of spectrophotometric
determination of 5%, we regulate the content of the amount of flavonoids in Capers in terms of
luteolin of at least 1.4%.
Conclusions: developed a method for quantifying the sum of Capers flavonoids. At least
1.4% of the amount of flavonoids was established.

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