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Resource Recovery and safe Reuse (RR&R)

Implementing Resource Recovery and Safe Reuse –

Preparation for Scaling Sanitation Safety Planning
The Sanitation Safety Planning (SSP) is a
step-by-step risk based approach to assist
in the implementation of the 2006 WHO
Guidelines for Safe Use of Wastewater,
Excreta and Greywater. The approach can be
Region applied to all san-itary systems to ensure the
Global system is managed to meet health objec-
Partners RR&R Phase 2 will build global capacity on
WHO in collaboration with SSP and support selected coun-tries and ear- Intervention strategy and expected results
Swiss TPH, IWMI, CEWAS ly adopters to managed health risks in reuse In the long term WHO’s vision is to support Member
businesses and faecal sludge management States to ensure health risk based management for
Background information (FSM) services. sanitation systems is used at policy, city and system
SSP is a health risk based level following the principles of the 2006 WHO Gui-
tool for managing, mo- Context and Rationale of Project delines.
nitoring and improving There is increasing interest and demand from Mem- The immediate goal of this Phase is to further prove
sanitation systems. ber States and the emerging sanitation private sec- the SSP concept and build a foundation of capacity
SSP was developed in tor to go beyond access to household latrines and and experience among trainers, early adopters and
RR&R Phase 1. Phase 2 ensure sanitation services are safely managed. Sa- several Member States to support global SSP scale-
outlined here will prepares fely managed services prevent human contact with up.
for global scaling of the excreta along the sanitation chain and where pos-
approach. sible derive value from sanitation waste. This more Result 1: Sufficient global and regional
ambitious approach to sanitation service delivery is SSP expertise and learning resources widely
Project objectives reflected in many national and regional plans and available to support global scale-up
• Building global capacity most significantly targets 6.2 and 6.3 in the new su- 1. SSP training package and policy roadmap do-
and resources on SSP stainable development goal (SDG) agenda. cument
• Prove SSP concept at po- Moving from informal or absent sanitation chain 2. Global level SSP expert trainers and trained re-
licy and implementation management and reuse to safely managed services gional trainers
level in high potential poses many challenges, Defining and communica- 3. SSP case examples showing SSP application in
countries ting what “safe” means in this context, establishing specific contexts
• Support early adopters risk assessment and management pro-cesses, and 4. Online platform established for all SSP resour-
to integrate SSP in revisiting outdated policies and standards across ces
reuse busi-ness and FSM sectors is critical if progress is to be made.
services. Sanitation Safety Planning (SSP) is a management Result 2: The SSP concept is proved
tool to assist countries to implement the 2006 WHO through application at policy and implementa-
Beneficiaries Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta tion level in high potential countries
Direct: public authorities, and Greywater and apply the principle of risk asses- 1. SSP implemented in 3-4 countries in with direct
NGO and private sector sment and management to sanitation systems. SSP technical support from WHO and partners
authorities at various is useful to all actors working in sanitation service 2. Policy and institutional barriers identified and
scales , small / medium delivery to systematically identify and address real priority policy actions imple-mented
enterprises and perceived health risks and to ensure measures 3. Policy analysis paper on incentives, barriers and
and monitoring are in place with the various actors enablers for SSP
Costs along the sanitation chain.
CHF 1,000,000 WHO and RR&R Phase 1 partners developed the Result 3: SSP early adopters are apply-
SSP manual and tested it in 6 countries (India Peru, ing, innovating and communi-cating SSP and
Duration Philippines, Portugal, Uganda and Vietnam) n con- catalysing wider uptake
06.2015 – 05.2017 junction with conjunction with business models for 1. SSP embedded in the operations of early ad-
waste reuse. WHO foresees a global scale-up of the opters
Contact SSP approach following a similar trajectory global 2. Generic SSPs for different typologies of SSP
Global Programme Water scaling of Water Safety Planning (WSP) now used in over 77 countries. This Preparation for scaling-up -----------------------------
SSP strategy builds on activities started in Phase 1 Additional information:
of the RR&R project and focuses on developing a
foundation of experience and capacity to underpin
a global scale-up in 2018 and beyond.

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