Ethics Presentation

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Slide 7:

gave an introduction of our topic and now I will show the situation in some Western countries and as
well as Azerbaijan.

As you can see from the graph, the most common triggers are gender, age, racism and sexual
orientation. In this chart the main focus is on the 4 countries; namely, GERMANY; USA; UK and FRANCE.
61 percent of American employees experienced workplace discrimination while 55 percent of British
employees also experienced it, along with 43 percent in France and 37 percent in Germany.

Slide 8:
Now, I would like to talk about the industries with the most reported sexual harassment claims. The first
is the accommodation and food services industry. Restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, and other
hospitality establishments account for 14.2% (fourteen point two percent) of sexual harassment claims
whereas The retail industry accounted for 13.4 (thirteen point four) percent of all claims. Experts claim
that women who work in restaurants and retail stores appear to be at a higher risk of being subjected to
unwelcome approaches at work. Ninety percent of women workers indicated they had come-ons at
work, and more than half state that it happened on a weekly basis.

Then, Manufacturing was another largest source of claims, accounting for 11.7 (eleven point seven)
percent of all claims. The issue appears to be the historical shortage of women employed in that field.
Because many manufacturing industries have traditionally been dominated by men, such as machinists
and craft workers, women who enter the area may lack power or be perceived as outsiders, making
them targets for harassment.

Slide 9:
When it comes to our country, In Azerbaijan, gender segregation is very strong in the workplace. As
indicated in the graph, Certain sectors, such as human health and social work, education, and arts,
entertainment, are dominated by women. 55 percent of all women in the labor force work in education,
health, and social services. Women make up fewer than 20% of those employed in higher-paying
industries including mining, building, and electricity and gas production.

Slide 10:
Actually, Azerbaijani legislation ensures equal pay for the same labor, position and profession for both
men and women. Only work experience and academic degree might affect the salary for the same
position. However, there is still a significant income gap between men and women in the country.

Now we can look at the graph, which indicates women’s average monthly earnings as percentage of
men’s in Azerbaijan. Women earn only 34% of what males do in the professional, scientific, and
technical fields. Working women in the mining industry earn only half of what males do. The next
highest-paying occupations are finance and insurance, where women make up barely one-third of the
workforce and earn only 66 percent of what males do. The income gap varies by industry; women earn
more than men in agriculture, but less in all other industries.

Slide 11:
After all these statistics that I indicated during my speech, we can come to the conclusion that
Workplace Discrimination against women is one of the major issues even today. From the ethical
perspective, Sexual harassment in any profession violates universal fundamental ethical principles,
including human rights and dignity; respect for human vulnerability; and personal integrity. Remind the
Golden Rule. The golden rule is a philosophy for leading one's life that suggests that other people should
be treated fairly and with respect. The positive formulation of the golden rule states that you should
treat others the same way you would want to be treated yourself.

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