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Excel Exercise # 1: Tips, Hints and Solution Screenshot

Welcome, hope you have done the best to complete the exercise on your own
before rushing to this document.

Well, let’s get started.

This exercise aims at introducing the students to the following skills:
- Workbook and worksheet manipulation
- Using simple formulas and basic Excel functions (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX,
MIN), using Relative Cell references only.
- Performing basic worksheet formatting tasks
NB: It is crucial that the student enter the data in worksheet as given!!
Part 1:
Question # Instructions / tips
3 This a very cool and useful Excel feature. It can be used to fill
weekdays, months and many more data tasks. Start by selecting cell
C3; then move the mouse to the lower, right corner of the cell and
ensure that the shape of the pointer turns into a black cross one;
drag the cursor down and voila, Excel has typed all other grades! [
you can try the trick again by typing elsewhere in another cell
January or Monday and proceed as just explained ]
4 In cell D2, type =B2-C2 and press Enter [Start always with sign =
when entering formulas, remember this golden rule in Excel!]. Spend
some time analyzing this formula where relative cell references (B2,
C2) were used…
5 In cell B8 enter the formula =SUM(B2:B6), the press Enter. Now we
copy the formula, this time across the worksheet. Just proceed like
before, but we drag the black cross point horizontally, to the right
6 In cell C10 enter the formula =AVERAGE(E2:E6), then press Enter.
This function finds the average value of the values confined in the
7 In cell C11 enter the formula =MAX(E2:E6), then press Enter. The
function finds out the highest value in the range
8 In cell C12 enter the formula =MIN(E2:E6), then press Enter. The
function finds out the lowest value in the range
We have just applied three of the most used Excel functions! Each
function has a Name (e.g. AVERAGE, COUNT, etc.); within the
brackets we have the Argument of the function. More on this later…

9 This time we learn how to insert a new row anywhere in the

worksheet whenever it is needed; in this specific exercise, a new row
for needed the title.
To achieve that, we right-click on the row heading 1 [the square
where the number is in], then we click on Insert. That is it! A brand
new row pops above. (We can insert as much rows as we need by
repeating the operation). We can now then type the title
10 Select the range A1:E1, then from the Alignment group of tools on
the Ribbon, click on Merge & Center tool. Perform other text
formatting actions as indicated
11 Select the range A1:E13, he from Font group of tools, use Borders
tool to apply the indicate border style
12 Select the title, then from Font group of tools, use the Fill Color tool
to choose one of your choice

Here it goes the snapshot of finished Excel exercise, Part 1:

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