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Excel Exercise # 2


Imperial Car Rental business needs our help to calculate the weekly income,
making using of spreadsheet software. They do rent out cars at a flat, fixed rate of
NAD 355.00 per hour.

1. Create a workbook named Weekly_Income, enter the data shown in snapshot

below and save it in appropriate location in your device

2. Enter additional data as given below, in rows 6 and 7 respectively

Toyota 2009 8 22
Fiat 1999 6 18
3. In cell E5 enter the formula to calculate the gross income, taking in
consideration the fixed rate per hour, the quantity of cars and the hours rented
out and copy the formula as appropriate

4. Calculate the taxation at 15% rate in cell F5 and copy the formula accordingly
5. In cell G5, calculate the Net Income and copy the formula
6. In cell G9 enter a formula to calculate the total Net Income. Enter an
appropriate label in cell A8
7. In cell G11 enter the function that calculates the average Net Income. Add
appropriate label in cell A10; reduce the number decimal places to zero
8. Insert a new, top row and enter the following text: Imperial Car Rental Co
9. Select the entire worksheet and increase the font size to 14 pts.
10. Select the range A1:G12, apply the All Borders format; Merge and Center the
range A1:G1 and increase the font size to 19 pts; fill the range with yellow color
11. Merge the cell range A2:G2, then left align its contents
12. Give a 33 degree positive rotation to row 5; apply a Thin Diagonal Strip fill
pattern to cell range A5:G5, Bold its contents
13. Rename Sheet 1 to Income Data and change the tab color to Red;
14. Apply the NAD currency format where appropriate (you may need to adjust
columns width in order to fully display cell contents)

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