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Prepared by


Submitted to

Dhanapati Subedi, PhD

Internship Tutor

22nd of March, 2023


A school leader training needs assessment is the method of determining if a training need

exists among school leaders and if it does, what training or support is required to bridge their

knowledge, skills, and capacity gap(s). It is evident that the expectations of knowledge, skills,

and abilities of school leaders at different levels are different, so their training needs are also

different. However, for this purpose, we considered a wholistic view of school leaders’

competency gaps and expectations of what they wish to learn about school leadership and

management in the context characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity

(VUCA). Importantly, the focus was given to understanding how school leaders can adapt to

sudden disruptions and changes and demonstrate agility and flexibility in responding to such

changes so as to gain a competitive advantage.


The main objective of the program was to explore the training needs of academic heads

of public/ private schools.

Tools and Process

In depth interview and focus group discussion were the tools to elicit information from

the participants. The data thus obtained were tabulated and analysed. On the basis of the results

and findings, conclusions were arrived at.

The Team

There were ……. members of group -------- to assess the training needs of academic

heads of public/ private schools.




On the basis analysis of the information gathered from the participants, we found some

areas to be focused on in order to fulfil the gap between desire level of performances and actual

level of performances of academic heads. Some findings are listed below.

a. It was found that academic head demanded supports on

b. We found that

c. We learned that

d. Recommendations

 In order to scale up the leadership and managerial capacities of academic heads the

following measures should be taken.

A 12-hour teacher-training programme

(To be conducted before the start of next academic session)

Content Hours Mentor

Developing a leadership mindset: 2

Persuasion and influence

Instructional Leadership 2

Developing entrepreneurial skills 2

Digital leadership 2
Parenting and counselling 2

Resource generation and mobilization 2

(including Building strategic


Total 12

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