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Day 1

As of today, April 26, 2023 our teacher Mr. Dexter go us to the RBSPI (Rural Bank of
San Pascual Inc) to start our OJT (On the Job Training). Im working at the RBSPI for our subject
work immersion. So I start my day 1 by introducing myself to their staff and workers. After that
the head assistant of the company Ms. Tess assign me in loan department and start to work with
Day 2
For my day 2, April 27 2023 HR (Human Resources) Ms. Mona told us about their
company of how been its long, and I remember it has a 49 years that they are working at the
bank. Ms. Mona told us that we need to respect every workers even if it’s a manager, staff,
janitor, cook or even if it’s a guard. Im happy to hear that because I know that this company is
being fair to each other. And im proud that im here to the RBSPI h.m delpilar Navarrete Arkong
Bato. Because I know that that they will boost my knowledge and skills to pursue my dreams.
Day 3
My day 3, April 28 2023 start with the morning prayer im shock that there are a morning
prayer every day before they start to work, because sometimes other company start their duty
immediately. So it gives me more comfortable to work here in the RBSPI. And after that they
start to work. Ms. Rio is my manager to the loan division. She had some command that i need to
do but Ms. Rio is so kind and so calm when she command. Ms. Rio tell me about the drawer. Its
contain many folder that had a name. and every drawer that has a sign. The unsecured, secured,
ILP, and salary. The unsecured contains the costumer loan with a collateral like they loan with
the company and if it’s not paid their collateral or pawn that they give is will get the company,
The amount of debt required the amount the collateral is need. Example you borrowed
500,000.00 you need to pawn things that worth of 5000,000.00 like cars, jewelry or house. And
for the secured this contains with the due date with the costumer and if there is not paid, there is
another name that need to be paid, that is called co-maker. And for the ILP this are the loan of
every barangay. And lastly the salary this contains the costumer salary of course. The salary of
the costumer will be directed to the company's account but not all salaries will be taken. So that's
what I learned today, by fixing the folder in the right place and next step is to follow the
alphabetical letter.
Day 4
My day 4, May 2 2023 start again with the morning prayer and after that every workers
of them is saying a good morning, I think it is some sign of respect. So this day I attaching a scan
sticker this is a sign sticker that this folder s already scanned or already check. And another
thing’s to do is filling old documents to the other drawer, it means if its old file the costumer is
already paid.
Day 5
This is my half day in the RBSPI, May 3, 2023 All the lessons I've learned from the past
are still a sign that this is the guide for me today. As of today I’m doing the photo copying the
barrowers documents, it is needed to make a copy because It needs to be divided into two and
give to the manager and to the head manager to check every list of paper. Then after that I need
to filling a new set of new barrower. And before I go to home I need to cut some CIF stickers to
stamp it to the folder, CIF sticker means that this is the sign that this folder contains with a paper
is already scanned.
Day 6
Day 6 May 4, 2023 hoping I have learn a lot today. Yesterday I cut some CIF sticker so
today I need to learn how they scan and update the client information. Using the computer kuya
Jp other OJT college guide me in scanning the client information and to update the information if
there is something wrong. It is basic and easy to learn because I easily adapt. After the scanning I
need to put a CIF sticker as a sign of its already active.
Day 7
Day 7 May 5, 2023 just like yesterday I do some scanning and putting a sticker. Kuya Jp,
ate Zia, ate Phoebe is other OJT in the RBSPI they guide me in my every day doing and help me
to increase my knowledge. They are all kind and teach me how to manage my time in college
and also guide me in my college journey because this three people is graduating after there OJT.
This day is make me feel comfortable to work them because they make me feel strong and brave.
Day 8
As of today May 8, 2023 assign me to filing another set of a new barrower and after that
is to put some stamping of signature verified. This stamping signature verified sign as the
verification of the client information. This work mark as done or mark as complete I guess. And
the next few hours ate Phoebe and I replacing the old folder to a new one so many of the folder t
are old and needed to be replaced.
Day 9
This is my second to the last day that I’m working to this company. May 9, 2023 its more
talking with my co-ojt and to the loan department talking for the journey for the past and also for
the present. After talking we start again with another task so I’m doing writing a borrower’s
record like I fill up again their information and writing a summary of their loan. I need to
summary the loan of barrowers to check the latest paid of them. And need to re-write
information of the client to separate the original paper to the photo copy only. I hope that even if
it's the last second day I want to learn a lot.
Day 10
This is my last day at the RBSPI. May 10 2023 before my last day ends I attach some
months remark to the paper like it’s a book mark. And also to photo copy the borrowers
documents. I hope that this will be a memorable day here in the company. The bonding of my
co-ojt and the other loan department is good, happy and memorable. Im thankful that I meet Ms.
Rio Sebastian that guide me and to calm with her command. And also to ate Phoebe that help me
in my every things doing. Im thankful to the staff, manager, guard and other employees here at
the RBSPI that has been my friend, bestfriend and been a family.

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