TASK 3 RS Task Sheet

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Research Skills 2021 Task 3 DRAFT


Stage 1 Research Skills 11 TBD Week 8 Term 1 2021 -


Literacy  Critical & Creative Thinking  Personal & Social ☐
Numeracy ☐ Ethical Understanding ☐ Intercultural Understanding ☐
Remember ☐ Understand ☐ Apply ☐ Analyse  Evaluate ☐ Create ☐

Consider the following: “just because we read something, does it mean it is true?”. How can we determine whether what we read or hear is likely to be accurate or whether someone we
speak to actually knows what they’re talking about?

Analysis of sources is important to help you determine what is a useful and reliable source and whether the information should be used to help you form an opinion, or whether you
should disregard it.
Key concepts for Analysis:
 Validity/relevance  Reliability  Credibility
 Currency  Usefulness  Limitations

In this task, you will be provided with 3 sources relevant to your class research question. You will analyse these sources using a range of analytical concepts (see table below) before
responding to questions designed to develop critical thinking.

You will be given a class time to complete the source response table & questions. Your teacher may decide to allow you to finish this task for homework if you have difficulty reading or
writing, or with English as a second language.


3 Source provided by Research Skills teacher which are linked to class research question links on Daymap
Research Skills 2021 Task 3 DRAFT


Knowledge & Understanding Development Analysis

A D1 Thorough development of specific research skills.
KU1 Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the A1 Critical consideration of the appropriateness,
purpose of research. uses, and limitations of specific sources.
KU2 Thorough knowledge and understanding of relevant A2 Insightful interpretation and analysis of
research approaches for a variety of purposes. information and data.
B D1 Effective development of specific research skills.
KU1 Detailed knowledge and understanding of the purpose A1 Some critical consideration of the
of research. appropriateness, uses, and limitations of specific
KU2 Detailed knowledge and understanding of relevant sources
research approaches for a purpose. A2 Effective interpretation and analysis of
information and data.
C D1 Satisfactory development of specific research skills.
KU1 Knowledge and understanding of the purpose of A1 Satisfactory consideration of the
research. appropriateness, uses, and limitations of specific
KU2 Knowledge and understanding of different research sources.
approaches. A2 Satisfactory interpretation and analysis of
information and data.
D D1 Partial development of specific research skills.
KU1 Superficial awareness of the purpose of research. A1 Superficial consideration of the
KU2 Some recognition and awareness of research appropriateness, uses, and limitations of one or
approaches. more specific sources.
A2 Some interpretation and attempted analysis of
information and data.
E D1 Attempted development of some research skills.
KU1 Basic identification of the purpose of research. A1 Basic attempt at consideration of the
KU2 Identification of a research approach. appropriateness, uses, and limitations of a specific
A2 Basic attempt at interpretation of information
and data.

Assessment Type Presentation Mode Weighting Research Skills

In class source analysis Written response 25% Interpretation & Analysis
Genre Focus Language Features Draft Due Date Final Due Date
Source Analysis Analytical language N/A -
Cause & Effect (Presenting evidence)
Research Skills 2021 Task 3 DRAFT

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

Source and date of source

Brief summary of information in source

Usefulness of the source – is it valid

and relevant information? Does the
source contain information that will
assist in answering your research
question? Does it directly relate to your

Likelihood of accuracy - how credible

is the source (consider credibility of
author, who publishes the source,
intended audience)? Is the author of
the source legitimate for the purpose of
answering your question?
Likelihood of accuracy - Does the
source provide reliable (the degree to
which identified research processes
have produced stable and consistent
results) information?

Limitations of the source- is the

source fact or opinion? What is the
purpose of the source – to inform,
persuade? Is it objective? Can you
identify a biased perspective? Is it
designed for a particular audience? Is it
relevant to the questions? Is the source
current? Are there omissions in the
information? Can it be verified?
Research Skills 2021 Task 3 DRAFT

With direct reference to the sources as evidence, respond to the follow questions:

1) Which source would be most useful and why?

2) Which is the best quality source? Why?

3) To what extent does source # support source #?

4) If this was your research project, what information would you still need to find to add depth to your research?
Research Skills 2021 Task 3 DRAFT

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