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Dear Students,

Answering investigation or planning questions requires practice before it becomes

easier. If you find yourself struggling with such exam questions, several practice

sessions will give you better results, so give yourself plenty of time to prepare for

these kinds of questions.

Several strategies can help you write better responses on investigation questions.

Before answering this part of the ATP exam, it is always a good idea to jot down some

notes. Use this booklet as a guide to structure your answers in the exam. Use bullet

points and include the main aspects of your investigation considering the following


 Apparatus and conditions needed

 Safety issues

 Amounts of substances, how to measure them, accuracy

 Relevant practical procedures, calculations

 Conclusion

Page 1 of 43
1. 0620/6 M/J/02 QN8 (5marks)


Electroplating is when a metal is coated with another metal using electricity. To
electroplate a metal a very clean surface is needed.
Describe an experiment to nickel plate a copper key. You are provided with the following
6 V bulb and holder
6 V battery and connecting wires 250 cm3 beaker
steel wool/sandpaper copper key
distilled water nickel rod
solid nickel(II) sulphate, NiSO4
You can use a labelled diagram to help you answer the question.
Circuit Set up [1]
Copper Key cleaned with sand paper/steel wool [1] Copper key is cathode [1]
Nickel key is anode [1]
Solution is nickel sulfate in beaker [1]
All marks can be obtained from a diagram. Max 5marks

2. 0620/06/M/J/03 QN6 (6marks)

Beach sand is a mixture of sand and broken shells (calcium carbonate). Calcium
carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form a solution of calcium chloride.
Plan an investigation to find out the percentage of shell material in a given sample of
beach sand. [6m]
Known mass of beach sand (1)
add excess (1) dilute hydrochloric acid (1) filter (1) wash (1) dry (1) residue
and weigh sand (1) working out result (1) max 6 of 8points mentioned

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3. 0620/06/M/J/04 QN8 (6marks)
Is manganese(IV) oxide a catalyst?
A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction and remains unchanged.
Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 breaks down to form oxygen. This reaction is very slow without a
catalyst. Describe an experiment to show that manganese(IV) oxide is a catalyst for this
You are provided with the following items. Hydrogen peroxide solution
Manganese(IV) oxide
Measuring cylinder Balance
Filtration apparatus Splints/Bunsen burner Distilled water

Add known mass of manganese oxide [1]
To (measured volume of) hydrogen peroxide [1] Bubbles[1]
Test gas with glowing splint [1] Result [1]
Filter [1]
Dry solid [1]
Reweigh and compare [1] -----→ (max 6)

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4. 0620/06/M/J/05 QN8 (6marks)

An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide decomposes very slowly to form oxygen. The
speed of decomposition can be increased by using a catalyst. Two possible catalysts are
the solids copper(II) oxide and chromium(III) oxide.
Plan an investigation to find out which of these two oxides is the better catalyst for this
The space below can be used for a diagram.
same amount/measured volume of peroxide (1) add known mass of metal oxide (1)
time (1) measure volume of oxygen (1)
repeat with other oxide (1) compare/conclusion (1) [6] method will not work = 0 [6m]

5. 0620/06/M/J/06 QN6 (6marks)

The diagram shows two bottles of liquid oven cleaner.

The oven cleaners contain sodium hydroxide solution. Plan an investigation to show which
oven cleaner contains the highest concentration of sodium hydroxide.
Measured volume of oven cleaner (1) Add indicator/named indicator (1)
Add named acid (1), from a burette/pipette (1)
Until colour change/end point (1), measure/record volume of acid (1) Repeat with other
cleaner (1), compare (1)

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6. 0620/06/M/J/07 QN 7 (4marks)
When cement powder is added to water a reaction takes place. Describe an experiment to
show that this reaction is exothermic. ANSWER
initial temperature of cold water or cement (1) add cement (1)
using thermometer / in beaker etc. (1) measure temperature (1)
temperature rise (2) max 4 NB
no water = 0 no cement = 0 use of heat = 0
wrong chemicals = 0 would not work = 0

7. 0620/06/M/J/09 QN6 (6marks)

Acid base indicators
Indicators are used to identify acids and bases. Indicators can be obtained from berries
and other fruits.
(a) Plan an experiment to obtain an aqueous solution of an indicator from some
berries. [3m]
ANS: add water (1) crush/mix/warm (1)
filter/decant or pipette off liquid/sieve (1)
(b) Plan an experiment to use the indicator solution to show that it is an effective
ANS: add indicator solution to acid (and note colour) (1)
add indicator solution to alkali or named alkali (and note colour) (1) not base
conclusion e.g. colours should be different owtte (1)

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8. 0620/61/M/J/10 QN 7 (6marks)
Malachite is a naturally occurring form of copper carbonate. Outline how a sample of
copper metal could be obtained from large lumps of malachite in the laboratory.
Copper is one of the least reactive metals.
Your answer should include any chemicals used and conditions.
crush malachite (1) using pestle/mortar (1) add named acid (1) solution formed
(1) add magnesium/zinc/iron (1) displacement (1)
obtain copper/filter (1) max [6] [6]
or first two steps (2) add carbon/reactive metal/hydrogen (1) heat (1) displace/redox
(1) until goes pink (1) obtain copper (1)
or first four steps (4) electrolyse solution (1) copper deposited at cathode (1) obtain
copper (1) NB If malachite anode used allow max 3 even if it would not work.

9. 0620/62/M/J/10 QN 7 (6marks)
Metal cooking containers, such as saucepans, can be made from copper or steel.
Outline experiments that could be carried out to show which of these metals would be
most suitable for a saucepan.
You are provided with pieces of copper and steel foil. Common laboratory chemicals and
apparatus are available. ANSWER
add (named) acid/water/salty water to piece of copper/steel (1) heat (1)
for specified/same time (1) observe reaction/effect (1) repeat with other metal (1) compare
metals (1) [6]
no reagents = 0 marks or heat metal (1)
repeat with other metal (1)
method for measuring conductivity (1) max [3]

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10. 0620/62/M/J/11 QN6 (6marks)
Petrol is a liquid fuel obtained from petroleum (crude oil).
Bioethanol is a liquid fuel made by the fermentation of
carbohydrates obtained from plants such as sugar cane.
Using the apparatus below, plan an experiment to investigate which
of these two fuels produces more energy.
You may use the space below to draw a diagram to help you answer the question.

known/fixed/same volume/same mass of water (1)
temperature taken at beginning and end or temperature change (1)
known mass/volume/change in mass of fuel (1) accept any measurement of
mass of fuel ignite/burn the fuel or heat the water (1) accept flame in
both fuels tested (1)
comparison (1) accept any attempt at comparison

11. 0620/61/M/J/12 QN 6 (7marks)

Solutions of chemicals known as corrosion inhibitors are added to the

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water in steel radiators to reduce rust.
You are provided with three different bottles of liquid corrosion
inhibitors, R, S and T, and some steel nails.
Plan an experiment to test if these inhibitors prevent the corrosion of
steel and which of these inhibitors is the most effective.

Page 8 of 43
steel nail(s) in test-
tube/suitable glass container
(1) x cm3 (1)
water (1) no water = max 3
known volume of inhibitor added (1)
observe effect after suitable time (1) note:
minimum time = 1 day repeat using other
inhibitors (1)
observe/comparison of results (1)

12. 0620/62/M/J/12 QN7 (7marks)

The bubbles in fizzy drinks are bubbles of carbon dioxide. The carbon
dioxide is dissolved in the drink under pressure.
When a bottle of fizzy drink is opened the gas escapes and
eventually the drink goes fl at. The gas is lost more quickly if the
fizzy drink is heated.
(a) How could the acidity of the fizzy drink be checked? [1m]
ANS: use Universal/pH indicator/pH meter (1) ignore: litmus/indicator [1]
(b) Plan an experiment to find the volume of gas
in a bottle of fizzy drink. You may use common
laboratory apparatus. [6m]
note: This can be
marked via three
routes. If they use a
full bottle:
use full bottle (1)
(air-tight) connections (1)
syringe/inverted measuring cylinder/graduated

Page 9 of 43
tube to collect gas (1) heat/shake (1)
until no more gas given off (1)
measure volume of gas (1) ----------------------------------------- →any 6
If they use a sample:
use measured volume (1) (air-tight) connections (1)
syringe/inverted measuring cylinder/graduated
tube to collect gas (1) heat/shake (1)

Page 10 of 43
until no more gas given off (1) measure volume of gas (1)
multiply to get full bottle value (1) ----------------- →max 6
If they do it by loss in mass:
weigh the bottle/sample (1) heat/shake (1)
until no more gas given off (1) reweigh bottle (1)
use density to calculate volume (1)--------- →max 5

13. 0620/61/M/J/13 QN6 (6marks)

Copper(II) oxide and carbon are both black solids. Copper(II) oxide
reacts with dilute sulfuric acid to form aqueous copper(II) sulfate.
Carbon does not react with dilute sulfuric acid.
You are given a mixture of copper(II) oxide and carbon and access
to dilute sulfuric acid. Plan an experiment to investigate the
percentage of copper(II) oxide in the mixture.
weigh mixture (1).
acid (1).
heat / stir
filter (1) wash (1) dry
(1) the carbon /
residue reweigh (1)
calculate percentage
(1) max 6 will not work

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ignore: details of evaporation of
copper sulfate solution note:
must have at least one weighing
for 6 marks

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14. 0620/62/M/J/13 QN6 (6marks)
Two metals, A and B, each react with dilute sulfuric acid to produce hydrogen.
Plan an investigation to show which metal, A or B, is the more
reactive metal. You may include a diagram in your answer.
You are provided with:
● standard laboratory equipment
● powdered metals A and B
● dilute sulfuric acid.
note: all methods can gain the first three marks but only methods that would
give usable results can gain the last three marks
known / same
mass / amount of
metal (1) known /
same volume /
amount of acid (1)
test both A and B
a method
results (1)
time or
run side
by side (1)
comparison of results (1)-------------- →max 6

15. 0620/6 Nov01 QN6 (9marks)

You are provided with cans of a fizzy drink – Koola cola.

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Plan tests to investigate the cola so that you can answer the following four questions.

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(a) What is the pH of the cola? [2m]

ANS: Universal Indicator solution / pH paper (1), read pH from

chart (1) / use a pH meter (2)[max 2]

(b) How many coloured pigments does the cola contain? [3m]

ANS: chromatography (1) paper (1)

apply cola (1) separation with solvent (1) [max 3]

(c)What volume of gas is released when a can of cola is opened?

[Note: The can will have to be opened under water. [2m]

ANS: can open under water to collect gas in

graduated tube / m. cylinder (1) filled with water (1),

syringe = 0 (would not work) [2]

(d) Is the gas released carbon dioxide? [2m]

ANS: limewater [1] turns milky [1]

not lighted splint

16. 0620/6 O/N/02 QN7 (6marks)

Fertilisers are used to increase the growth of plants. Fertilisers
have to dissolve in water if they are to be used by plants.
Plan an experiment to find the solubility, in g/100 cm3, of FASTGROW fertiliser at 30 °C.
Add known mass of fertilizer (1) Add
known volume of water (1) Warm to 300C
(1) Stir(1) and filter (1)/
evaporate to dryness

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Dry and weigh residue (1) Work out solubility (1) / conclusion max 6 marks

17. 0620/06 O/N/03 QN 6 (6marks)

Sulphur dioxide gas is a common pollutant formed when fossil fuels
burn in air. Sulphur dioxide can be detected by using an acidic
solution of potassium dichromate(VI). The dichromate solution
changes colour from orange to green when a certain amount of

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dioxide has reacted with it.
Plan an experiment to investigate which of three different samples
of coal produces most sulphur dioxide.
Weigh coal sample (1) same amount used for other
samples. Burn coal (1) Pass gas or diagram to show
(1) through acid/ dichromate (1)
Use timer (1) and record time for colour change (1)
Repeat and compare with other samples (1) ------→ Max 6marks

18. 0620/06/O/N/04 QN7 (6marks)

Forged Banknote
A fake banknote can be investigated by dissolving the ink off the paper.

You are provided with four different inks from four different

criminals. Describe an experiment to show which one of these

inks is the same as the ink from the banknote. You can use a

labelled diagram to help you answer the question.

chromatography (1) apply

inks/spots to paper (1)

organic solvent/water (1)

rises up paper (1)

check heights/positions of spots (1) compare to find ink from banknote (1) (6)

N.B. all marks can be obtained from a diagram

19. 0620/06/O/N/05 QN7 (7marks)

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Some plants do not grow well in acidic soil.

A farmer gives you a small sample of soil from a corner of one of his fields.

(a) Plan an investigation to find out the pH of the soil sample.

You are provided with Universal Indicator solution and common laboratory apparatus.

soil sample + water (1) stir/heat (1)

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filter (1)
add Universal Indicator (1) and compare with colour chart (1)
(b) Why would further experiments be necessary to inform the

farmer which plants should be grown in each of his fields?


ANS: more samples (1) different parts of field (1)

20. 0620/06/O/N/06 QN 6 (9marks)

You are provided with a pot of paint as shown below.

The paint is a mixture of a liquid and a solid.

The liquid can be dissolved in water. The solids are insoluble in

water but soluble in organic solvents.

(a) How can a sample of the solid be separated from the rest of the paint? [2m]

ANS: paint sample + water(1) filter(1) solid residue(1) max 2

(b) How would you determine the number of coloured

substances contained in the solid you separated in (a)?

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ANS: solid + organic solvent(1)

add to paper(1)

chromatography(1) use of

solvent(1) description of spots(1)

max 4 NB use of water = max 1

for chromatography

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(c) The label on the paint tin states

“Touch-dry in three hours”

(i) How could you check this value? [2m]

ANS: apply paint, start timer(1) method of

checking dry, note time(1) no painting = 0

(ii) Suggest how you could speed up this drying process.[1m]

ANS: correct method(1) e.g. hair drier/wind/fan/increase temperature.

NOT catalyst.

21. 0620/06/O/N/07 QN7 (6marks)

Diesel is a liquid fuel obtained from crude oil. Biodiesel is a fuel
made from oil obtained from the seeds of plants such as
Using the apparatus below plan an experiment to investigate
which of these two fuels produces more energy.

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same volume/mass of
fuel/idea of fair test (1)
initial temperature of
water (1)
burn/ignite fuel (1)
ure of
water (1)
compare e.g. greatest temperature rise in specified time shows better fuel (1) [6]

22. 0620/06/O/N/09 QN7 (7marks)

Leaves from trees contain a mixture of coloured pigments which are

not soluble in water. A student was given these two instructions to
investigate the pigments in the leaves.
1. Crush some leaves to extract the coloured pigments.
2. Use the liquid extract to find the number of coloured pigments in the leaves.

(a) What would the student need in order to effectively carry out instruction 1? [3m]
sand (any three)
ignore water and/or

(b) Describe an experiment to carry out instruction 2.

A space has been left below if you want to draw a diagram to help answer the

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question. [4m]
NB marks can be
obtained from a
chromatography or
chromatogram (1)
paper (1)
spot/extract to
paper (1)
description or
name of solvent
used (1)
and separation e.g. spots on paper (1) (max 4)

If water used as solvent (max 3)

If paper
dipped into
extract (max
3) If method
would not
work (max 2)

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23. 0620/61/O/N/10 QN 7 (7marks)

E numbers identify chemicals which are added to foods.

(a) E210 is benzoic acid. How could you show that a solution of
benzoic acid is a weak acid? [2m]
test . universal indicator /
pH paper (1) not litmus
result pH of 4–6 / yellow /
orange (1) not red.

.(b) E211 is sodium benzoate. Name a suitable substance that would

react with a solution of benzoic acid to form sodium benzoate.
ANS: sodium hydroxide / carbonate / oxide [1]

(c) E110 is Sunset yellow. Outline a method you could use to show the
presence of E110 in a food colouring.
A space has been left if you want to draw a diagram to help you answer the question.
ANS: marks can be obtained from diagram
chromatography (1) description of
applying E110 to paper (1) use of
solvent (1) results / number of spots (1)

24. 0620/62/O/N/10 QN7 (6marks)

Iron rusts when in contact with air and water.
You are provided with iron nails and three different samples of water: tap water,

sea water, distilled water.

Plan an investigation to fi nd out which sample of water causes iron to rust the fastest.

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number /
mass of nails
(1) add x
cm3 sample
of water (1)
in a test-tube / beaker (1)
leave until nails rust and note time (1)
not unrealistic time, must be at least one day

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repeat with other
water samples (1)
same volume
water / number of
nails (1) compare
/ describe results
(1) [max 6]

25. 0620/63/O/N/10 QN7 (6marks)

The label shows the substances present in a bottle of orange fruit drink.

(a) A piece of pH indicator paper was dipped in the drink.

(i) Predict
the pH
ANS: less
than 7 [1]
(ii) Why does the pH indicator paper give a more reliable result
than adding Universal Indicator solution to the drink?
ANS: colour of orange drink obscures indicator colour owtte [1]
(b) Describe an experiment you could carry out to show that
only natural colours were present in the drink.
A space has been left if you want to draw a diagram to help you answer the question.[4]
chromatography (1)

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drink to
(1) use
comparison of spot heights or Rf with E numbers and/or carotenes (1)

26. 0620/61/O/N/11 QN6 (6marks)

Seawater contains sodium chloride and other salts.
Plan an experiment to find the mass of
salts in 1dm3 of seawater. You will be
provided with a small bottle of seawater.
You should include details of the method
and any apparatus used. (1dm3 = 1000cm3)

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volume of
(1) using
cylinder (1)
ker (1)
evaporate/heat (1)
(1) re-
indication of
calculation method (1)
max [6] would not
work = max 0

27. 0620/62/O/N/11 QN6 (b) (5marks)

Kleen Up is a colourless liquid used to clean work surfaces

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and glass windows. Kleen Up contains ammonia solution,
which is a weak alkali.

Plan an experiment to determine the concentration of ammonia in Kleen Up.

You are provided with aqueous nitric acid of known concentration and
common laboratory apparatus. [5m]
25 cm3 of Kleen Up in
flask/beaker (1) not test-tube
nitric acid in burette (1)
add indicator (1) no indicator = max 2 add/titrate acid (1)
until neutral/owtte (1) note volume acid (1)
calculate concentration (1)

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28. 0620/63/O/N/11 QN6 (7marks)
The label on an aerosol can of Kleen Air air freshener is shown.

(a) What is meant by the term solvent?

ANS: substance/liquid that dissolves/owtte (1)
(b) What does the
hazard sign
indicate? ANS:
hes fire easily (1)
(c) What method could be used to obtain ethanol (boiling point
78 °C) from a mixture of ethanol and propanone (boiling point 56
ANS: fractional distillation (1)
(d) Describe an experiment to investigate the number of coloured
substances present in a sample of the lemon oil obtained from
Kleen Air. [4]
chromatography (1)
apply spot of oil to
paper (1) use of solvent
(1) description of
process (1) results (1)

29. 0620/61/O/N/12 QN6 (7marks)

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Which is the more pure - limestone or marble?
Calcium carbonate is found in limestone and in marble. All carbonates
react with hydrochloric acid to form chlorides. Calcium carbonate is
insoluble in water but calcium chloride is water soluble.
Most impurities in limestone and marble are insoluble.
Plan an experiment to fi nd out which of limestone and marble contain most
insoluble impurities. You are provided with common laboratory apparatus.

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any seven from:
equal weight/mass of
limestone and marble (1)
[7] crush (1)
add excess owtte
(1) hydrochloric
acid (1) stir (1)
filter mixture (1)
dry (1)
reweigh (1)
conclusion (1)

30. 0620/62/O/N/12 QN6(b) (6marks)

Coal is a fossil fuel. When heated strongly, sulfur dioxide gas
is one of the products formed.
Sulfur dioxide changes the colour of acidified potassium manganate(VII)
from purple to colourless.
Plan an investigation to show which of the two different types of
coal produces the most sulfur dioxide when heated. You are
provided with one lump of each type of coal.
any 6 from:
weigh coal/equal
amounts (1) crush (1)
heat (1)
in a fume cupboard (1)
pass through
manganate (1)

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time to
colourless (1)
repeat with other coal (1) compare/conclusion (1)

31. 0620/61/O/N/13 QN6 (6marks)

Old documents
Some documents are stored in containers with packets of silica gel
crystals. These crystals absorb water from air that enters the
container. Water could damage the documents.

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Anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride is added to the silica gel. As the crystals
absorb water they change colour from blue to pink. Heating the silica
gel in an oven removes the water from the crystals so that the crystals
can be reused.
Plan an experiment to fi nd the mass of water absorbed by a packet of silica gel crystals.
heat in oven > 100 °C (1)
for specified realistic
time / until turns blue
(1) reweigh (1) record
heat in oven again to check constant mass /
indication of colour change (1) calculation (1) max [6]

13 QN 6
Hair bleach
A solution of hydrogen peroxide can be used to bleach hair.
Hairdressers buy ‘20 volume’ hydrogen peroxide. One volume of this
solution breaks down to form 20 volumes of oxygen. For example
10cm3 of 20 volume hydrogen peroxide will break down to produce
200cm3 of oxygen.
Old solutions of hydrogen peroxide will produce less oxygen than expected.
Plan an experiment to find out which of two solutions of hydrogen
peroxide, H and J, is new and which is old. You are provided with
common laboratory apparatus and the catalyst manganese(IV) oxide
which speeds up the break down of hydrogen peroxide.
x cm3 of hydrogen

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peroxide / solution
H (1) add MnO2 (1)
method to collect gas that works (1)
measurement of (total) volume of gas produced / counting
bubbles in time interval (1) repeat using solution J (1)
comparison /
(1) max [5]
reference to
not: speed of relighting a glowing splint

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33. 0620/62/F/M/17 QN 4 (4marks)
When solid barium hydroxide is added to solid ammonium chloride
a reaction takes place. Describe an experiment to show that this
reaction is endothermic.

any 4 from:
M1 measure initial temperature of (solid) ammonium
chloride / barium hydroxide M2 add barium hydroxide /
ammonium chloride /other solid AND mix / stir
M3 use a thermometer
M4 measure the temperature of the
mixture / final temperature M5
temperature decreases /test-tube feels

34. 0620/61/M/J/17 QN 4
A sample of furniture cleaner contains aqueous sodium chloride, aqueous ammonia and
(a) Give a test to show the presence of
ammonia in the mixture. ANS: (red)
litmus turns blue [1]
(b) Plan an investigation to obtain a sample of
(i) pure
from the
[2] ANS:
heat /
boil the

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e the
(ii) pure
cant [1]
e (with
[1] dry

35. 0620/62/M/J/17 QN 4 (6marks)

Calcium carbonate and kaolinite are both white solids found in sedimentary rocks.
Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form aqueous
calcium chloride. Kaolinite does not react with dilute acids.
You are provided with a mixture of calcium carbonate and
kaolinite and access to dilute hydrochloric acid.
Plan an experiment to determine the percentage by mass of calcium carbonate in the

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the filtration method
any 6 from:
• weigh mixture (of calcium carbonate and kaolinite)
• add (dilute) hydrochloric acid
• in excess / continue adding until there is no more fizzing /add until no more gas is
• filter
• wash residue / kaolinite
• dry
• weigh residue / kaolinite
• (change in mass / initial mass) × 100 (%)

the gas collection/ loss of mass method
any 6 from:
• weigh mixture (of calcium carbonate and kaolinite)
• add (dilute) hydrochloric acid
• in excess / continue adding until there is no more fizzing /add until no more gas is
• collect gas in a syringe /measure final total mass
• measure volume of gas /mass loss
• calculate moles of CaCO3 /CO2
• calculate mass of CaCO3
• (mass of CaCO3 / initial mass) × 100 (%)

the calcium chloride method
any 4 from:
• weigh mixture (of calcium carbonate and kaolinite)
• add (dilute) hydrochloric acid

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• in excess / continue adding until there is no more fizzing /add until no more gas is
• filter

36. 0620/63/M/J/17 QN 4 (6marks)

Cassiterite is a naturally occurring form of tin oxide.

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Describe how you would
● obtain a sample of tin from a large lump of cassiterite in the laboratory,
● determine the percentage by mass of
tin present in cassiterite. Tin is similar in
reactivity to iron.
Your answer should include any apparatus and chemicals used and the conditions
any 6 from:
• crush lumps
• pestle and mortar
• weigh cassiterite
• heat /reduce
• with carbon /CO/ more reactive metal, e.g. Zn
• weigh tin
• (mass of tin/ initial mass) × 100 (%)

37. 0620/61/O/N/17 QN 4 (6marks)

Iron, tin and zinc all react with dilute hydrochloric acid
to produce hydrogen. Plan an experiment to
determine the order of reactivity of iron, tin and zinc.
You are provided with powdered samples of the metals and common laboratory
reaction with
acid method -
→max [6]: M1
fixed volume of
M2 to fixed mass of metal
M3 measure volume of gas

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/ temperature change M4
named apparatus for the
M5 after time
t with
s M7
are /
displacement method→ max [6]
M1 add each metal to
named tin salt solution
M2 observe if deposit
is formed
M3 results,
e.g. Zn and
Fe positive
M4 repeat
with named
iron salt

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38. 0620/62/O/N/17 QN 4 (6marks)

When iron nails rust, the mass of the nails increases.
Plan an experiment to investigate if iron nails rust more quickly in tap
water or in distilled water. You are provided with new iron nails and
common laboratory apparatus.
max [6]:
M1 weigh specified number of nail(s) /
specified number of nails M2 immerse in
same volume
M3 samples of tap water and distilled water (in two test-tubes) M4 for suitable time
M5 dry (in oven) M6 reweigh nails
M7 compare / conclusion

39. 0620/63/O/N/17 QN 4 (6marks)

Washing soda crystals are crystals of hydrated sodium carbonate,
Na2CO3.10H2O. When exposed
to the air, some of the water is lost from the crystals and a new substance
is formed. This process occurs faster in hotter climates.
Plan an experiment to determine the percentage of water by mass present

Page 42 of 43
in the new substance. You are provided with common laboratory
heating to dryness method --→max [6]:
M1 weigh (any)
sample of washing
soda M2 heat (to
remove water of
crystallisation) M3 in
named container
M4 cool
M5 reweigh
M6 repeat heating M7 to constant mass
M8 appropriate calculation suggested for the percentage of water

Page 43 of 43
mass of water method --→max [6]:
M1 weigh (any)
sample of washing
soda M2 heat to
remove water of
crystallisation M3 in
named container
M4 using apparatus capable of
collecting water (vapour) M5 cool
/ condense (water vapour)
until no
collects M7
weigh water
M8 appropriate calculation suggested for the percentage of water

40. 0620/62/O/N/18 QN 4 (6marks)

Magnesium reacts with dilute sulfuric acid at room temperature to form hydrogen gas.
Plan an experiment to find the rate of reaction between magnesium ribbon
and dilute sulfuric acid. In your answer:
● include a diagram
● indicate how you could use the results obtained to find the rate of reaction.
You are provided with common laboratory apparatus, magnesium ribbon and dilute sulfuric
ANSWER-→ any 6 from either method

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41. 0620/61/M/J/18 QN 4 (6marks)
Potassium chloride is a salt that dissolves in water.
The solubility of a salt is the mass in grams of the salt that dissolves in
100cm3 of water at a particular temperature.
Plan an investigation to determine the solubility of potassium
chloride in water at 40°C. You are provided with potassium
chloride and common laboratory apparatus.
Any 6 from one method:

• measured volume of water
• using measuring cylinder / pipette / burette
• heat to 40°C / heat to >40°C
• add KCl until no more dissolves / add excess KCl
• stir
• filter mixture (if heated to
°C then need to cool and filter)
• evaporate filtrate to dryness
• weigh solid

mass not used
• measured volume of water
• using measuring cylinder / pipette / burette
• heat to 40

• add KCl until no more dissolves

• stir

Page 46 of 43
• weigh KCl not added
• weigh KCl before adding any to water – only awarded if weighed mass not used after
• difference in mass of KCl is mass dissolved

Page 47 of 43
mass undissolved
• measured volume of water
• using measuring cylinder / pipette / burette
• heat to 40°C
• stir
• filter
• weigh residue (do not award if residue washed)
• add weighed (excess) KCl to water – only awarded if mass of residue measured
• mass KCl dissolved = initial mass – final mass

42. 0620/62/ M/J/18 QN 4 (6marks)

Aqueous solutions of barium hydroxide are alkaline.
Plan an investigation to find the concentration of an aqueous
solution of barium hydroxide. You are provided with an aqueous
solution of barium hydroxide, dilute hydrochloric acid of known
concentration and common laboratory apparatus.
Any 6 from:
• hydrochloric acid in burette / measuring cylinder (solutions can be reversed)
• measured volume of barium hydroxide solution (solutions can be reversed)
• in named container e.g. beaker / (conical) flask
• (named) indicator (ignore Universal Indicator) OR pH meter
• acid added gradually / slowly / dropwise / dripped
• until colour changes / endpoint / neutral / pH 7
• note volume added / initial and final volumes
• calculation (using volumes and concentration of the acid)

43. 0620/63/M/J//18 QN 4 (6marks)

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Some trees have purple leaves. The purple colour is a mixture of coloured pigments.
Plan an experiment to extract and separate the coloured pigments
present in the purple leaves. You are provided with some purple leaves,
sand, ethanol and common laboratory apparatus.

Page 49 of 43
You may draw a diagram to help you answer the question.
any 6 from:
• cut leaves into small pieces
• grind / crush with sand / ethanol
• using pestle/mortar
• decant / pour-off / filter liquid
• chromatography
• apply extract to paper (in correct location)
• description of separating colours
44. 0620/61/O/N/18 QN 4 (6marks)
Propanone and ethyl ethanoate are both solvents which can be used to remove paint.
Plan an investigation to determine which of these two solvents is better
to use to remove paint. You are provided with glass slides, paint, the two
solvents and common laboratory apparatus. ANSWER
Method 1
• Coat/paint glass slide(or any suitable inert material)
• With same amount / thickness of paint
• (leave to) dry
• Add controlled amount / drops of propanone
• Until paint / coating removed
• Count drops / measure volume
• Repeat with ethyl ethanoate
• Comparison / conclusion

Method 2
• Weigh slides
• Add equal mass of paint to both
• Leave to dry
• Immerse each slide in 2 containers with each of solvents

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• Fixed volume of solvent / excess solvent
• For set time interval / time
• Dry and reweigh slides / to dissolve

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• Conclusion e.g. solvent causing greater mass loss is better or shortest time to dissolve is
45. 0620/62/O/N/18 QN 4 (6marks)

When solid C and solid D separately react with dilute hydrochloric acid, one
reaction is exothermic and one reaction is endothermic.
Plan an investigation to determine:
● which reaction is exothermic and which reaction is endothermic
● which energy change is greater.
You are provided with solid C and solid D, dilute hydrochloric acid
and common laboratory apparatus.
Any 4 from
• Measured volume of dilute hydrochloric acid
• Use of suitable container (e.g. test tube / beaker / flask / plastic cup)
• Initial temperature of acid
• Add known mass of solid C
• Final temperature of mixture / Calculate temperature change
• Repeat with (same
mass / moles of) solid
D And
• Bigger temperature change is bigger energy change
• Temperature increase is exothermic / temperature decrease is endothermic process

46. 0620/63/O/N/18 QN 4 (6marks)

Use the information in the table to plan an experiment to obtain a sample
of each substance from a mixture of the three substances.

Page 52 of 43
You are provided with a mixture of the three substances and common laboratory

Page 53 of 43
marks may be awarded
from labelled diagrams
Ignore any process done
to single substances.
If candidates make the mixture up for themselves then carry on marking.

od 1--
ks] 1
2 using a Bunsen / electric heater / oil bath
3 in a suitable container (flask /
boiling tube / test-tube) 4
ethanol boils / evaporates first /
at 78 °C
5 limonene boils next / at 176 °C (and
collects / condenses ) 6 use of the
term (fractional) distillation
7 use of a condenser
8 sodium carbonate residue left

Method 2 (assuming sodium carbonate does not
dissolve ---→[max 5marks] 1 filter (to obtain sodium

Page 54 of 43
2 heat the filtrate
3 using a Bunsen / electric heater / oil bath
4 in a suitable container (flask /
boiling tube / test-tube) 5
ethanol boils / evaporates first /
at 78 °C
6 limonene boils next / at 176 °C (and collects /
condenses) / is the residue 7 use of the term
(fractional ) distillation
8 use of a condenser

Method 3 (assuming sodium carbonate does not dissolve and liquids do
not mix). -→[max 5marks]
1 filter (to
carbonate) 2
use of
3 run / let one liquid out 4 by opening the tap
5 leave other liquid in separating funnel

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47. 0620/62/F/M/19 QN 4 (6marks)
The rate of reaction between magnesium and dilute hydrochloric
acid can be followed by measuring
the volume of hydrogen produced.
Plan an experiment to investigate the effect of decreasing the
temperature on the rate of this reaction by measuring the volume of
hydrogen produced.
You are provided with magnesium ribbon, dilute hydrochloric acid
and common laboratory apparatus.
You are advised to draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus you
would use in the space provided.
6 from:
• Weighed amount / x gram of magnesium
• Add known volume of dilute hydrochloric acid
• gas syringe / measuring cylinder over water
• Use of stop-clock / timer
• Measure volume of hydrogen at fixed time or time for a fixed volume to be made
• Repeat using different temperatures
• Compare results / conclusion

48. 0620/61/M/J/19 QN 4 (6marks)

Steel nails rust in the presence of air and water. Plan an investigation to:
● show that coating steel nails with paint helps to protect the nails from rusting
● show that coating steel nails with zinc helps to protect the nails from rusting
● determine which coating is more effective at protecting steel nails from rusting.
You are provided with:
● uncoated steel nails
● steel nails coated with paint
● steel nails coated with zinc

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● common laboratory apparatus.
any six from:
• weigh nails / use set number of nails

Page 57 of 43
• place nails in a suitable container
• add water to nails
• leave in water for a suitable time (≥ 1 week)
• observe nails / compare / reweigh nails
• repeat with nail with other coverings
• nail with least rust / mass increase has best coating
49. 0620/62/M/J/19 QN 4 (6marks)
Azurite is an ore of copper which contains copper(II) carbonate. Azurite
contains no other metal ions.
Plan an experiment to show how a sample of copper could be
obtained from large lumps of azurite.
Your answer should include:
● descriptions of the reactions involved
● the expected observations.
You are provided with a large lump of azurite and common laboratory chemicals and

50. 0620/63/M/J/19 QN 4 (6marks)

Calcium carbonate, calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide can be used
to neutralise the acid in soil.

Page 58 of 43
Plan an investigation to find out which of these calcium
compounds neutralises acid most effectively.
You are provided with the three calcium compounds, dilute
hydrochloric acid and common laboratory apparatus and chemicals.

Page 59 of 43
any six from:
• measured volume (dilute) hydrochloric acid
• add named indicator
• add measured mass / weight of calcium compound
• stir / mix (acid and calcium compound)
• continue additions until colour changes
• repeat with other calcium compounds
• conclusion, e.g.: the calcium compound that needs the smallest
mass / weight / amount to neutralise the acid is most effective
• measured mass / weight of calcium compound
• add named indicator
• add (dilute) hydrochloric acid (gradually)
• stir / mix (acid and calcium compound)
• continue additions until colour changes
• repeat with other calcium compounds
• conclusion, e.g.: the calcium compound that neutralises the largest
volume / amount of(dilute) hydrochloric acid is the most effective

51. 0620/61/O/N/19 QN 4 (6marks)

Iodine dissolves in two different solvents: ethanol and hexane.
Plan an experiment to find out in which solvent iodine is the most
soluble at room temperature. You are provided with iodine, the two
solvents and common laboratory apparatus.
any 6 from:
• known volume of ethanol
• add known mass of iodine
• stir / shake

Page 60 of 43
• filter
• dry and weigh (undissolved) iodine
• repeat with hexane
• conclusion

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52. 0620/62/O/N/19 QN 4 (6marks)
The table gives some information about the properties of three
substances found in a hand cream.

Use the information in the table to plan an experiment to

obtain a pure, dry sample of polystyrene beads from this
mixture of substances.
You are provided with a mixture of the three substances and common laboratory
any six from:
• add dilute nitric acid to the mixture
• in named container
• stir
• until reaction stops / fizzing stops / excess acid
• filter
• wash residue with water
• dry residue between pressed filter papers / drier

53. 0620/63/O/N/19 QN 4 (6marks)

Potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride are two salts. The energy
change when they each dissolve in water is endothermic.
Plan an experiment to show which of these two salts produces the larger
endothermic energy change per gram.
Your answer should include:
● any measurements you would take and record

Page 62 of 43
● how the results could be used to draw a conclusion.
You are provided with potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride, distilled
water and common laboratory apparatus.

Page 63 of 43
any six from:
• known volume / amount of (distilled) water
• initial temperature (of water before solid is added)
• add measured mass / stated mass of potassium nitrate or ammonium chloride
• stir / mix / dissolve / swirl / shake
• final temperature of solution / temperature every 30 s
• repeat with (same mass of) other solid (and volume / amount of water)
OR measured mass of other solid
• greater temperature change / decrease OR lowest final temperature is
larger energy change / calculate energy change per gram

54. 0620/62/F/M/20 QN 4 (6marks)

A black dye can be obtained from some plant roots.
Plan an investigation to determine how many different coloured
substances are contained in a black dye obtained from plant roots.
You must include how the results you obtain will tell you how many
different coloured substances
are contained in the black dye.
You have access to plant roots and all normal laboratory apparatus.
Any 6 from:
• crush / grind root
• with pestle / mortar
• with water / solvent
• place (drop of) liquid / colour on paper
• conduct chromatography
• (bottom of) paper placed in a suitable solvent / water
• number of coloured substances= number of spots

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55. 0620/61/M/J/20 QN 4 (6marks)
Cobalt, manganese and nickel are metals. They react with dilute
hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen gas.
Plan an investigation to find the order of reactivity
of these three metals. You are provided with:
● samples of each metal
● dilute hydrochloric acid
● common laboratory apparatus.
Your plan must make it clear how your investigation will be a fair test and
how you will use your results to place the metals in order of reactivity.
add metals to HCl in a
beaker / flask / test-tube
fair test – max 4
• same volume HCl
• some concentration HCl
• same temperature acid
• same mass / moles / amount metals
• same
surface area
/ form of
• start timing when solid added
• stop timing when all solid gone / reaction to stopOR
• start timing when solid added
• stop timing when
collected set volume of
gas OR
• start timing when solid added
• measure volume

Page 65 of 43
of gas after a set
time OR
• measure temperature at start
• measure temperature after reaction OR
highest temperature reached conclusion
• shortest time is most reactive

Page 66 of 43
• biggest
volume of gas
most reactive
• biggest temperature change most reactive

56. 0620/62/M/J/20 QN 4 (6marks)

Many window-cleaning products contain aqueous ammonia. Aqueous
ammonia is an alkali that reacts with dilute acids.
Plan an investigation to find which of two window-cleaning
products contains the most concentrated
aqueous ammonia. Include in your plan:
● the method you will use
● how your results will be used to determine which window-cleaning
product contains the most concentrated aqueous ammonia.
You are provided with an aqueous solution of the two
window-cleaning products, dilute hydrochloric acid of known
concentration and common laboratory apparatus. ANSWER
Any six from:
• stated / equal volumes of each cleaner
• measured with pipette / measuring cylinder / burette into a beaker or flask
• named indicator added
• add hydrochloric acid
• from a burette
• until indicator changes colour
• record / calculate volume acid added
• biggest volume of acid is most concentrated

57. 0620/63/M/J/20 QN 4 (6marks)

Stayclean and Brightwhite are two brands of washing powder. Both contain sodium

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Sodium carbonate is soluble in water and reacts with dilute
sulfuric acid to produce carbon dioxide gas.
Plan an investigation to determine which of the two washing powders,
Stayclean or Brightwhite, contains the greatest percentage of sodium

Page 68 of 43
You are provided with samples of the two washing powders and
common laboratory apparatus and chemicals.
any six from:
gas volume method
• weigh both washing powders or equal masses of both washing powders
• place in suitable container (flask / boiling tube / test-tube)
• add acid
• to excess / until no more fizzing
• collect gas
• in gas syringe or by downward displacement in measuring cylinder
• measure volume of gas
• largest volume of gas has
most sodium carbonate (OR)
mass loss method
• weigh both washing powders or equal masses of both washing powders
• place in suitable container (flask / boiling tube / test-tube / beaker)
• add acid
• to excess / until no more fizzing
• weigh mixture once acid added
• weigh mixture at end
• calculate mass drop
• largest mass drop has
most sodium carbonate
titration method
• weigh both washing powders or equal masses of both washing powders
• place in suitable container (flask / beaker)
• dissolve in water
• add named indicator (not Universal Indicator)
• add acid from burette

Page 69 of 43
• stop when indicator changes colour
• record start and final reading on burette
• largest volume of acid used has most sodium carbonate

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58. 0620/61/O/N/20 QN 4 (6marks)
A mixture contains three solid compounds:
● copper(II) sulfate
● cetyl alcohol
● silicon dioxide.
The table gives some information on the solubility of these three solids.

Plan a method to obtain a pure sample of each of the three solids,

copper(II) sulfate, cetyl alcohol and silicon dioxide, from the mixture.
You have access to normal laboratory apparatus.
M1 whatever method is used, suitable apparatus – such as a flask or
beaker – has been used. Copper(II) sulfate first
M2 add water (to dissolve copper sulfate) and later adds propanone (to
dissolve cetyl alcohol) M3 stir / swirl / mix
M4 filter (to remove silicon dioxide and cetyl alcohol)
M5 evaporate solvent from filtrate or description. This must be done for
the solutions obtained using both solvents.
M6 filter and wash / rinse residue after
adding the second solvent M7 dry residue
(silicon dioxide)
cetyl alcohol first
M2 add propanone (to dissolve cetyl alcohol) and later adds water (to
dissolve copper(II) sulfate) M3 stir / swirl / mix
M4 filter (to remove silicon dioxide and copper(II) sulfate)

Page 71 of 43
M5 evaporate solvent from filtrate or description. This must be done for the
solutions obtained using both solvents.
M6 filter and wash residue after
adding the second solvent M7 dry
residue (silicon dioxide) --
→ max 6

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59. 0620/62/O/N/20 QN 4 (6marks)
Brass is a mixture of two metals, copper and zinc.
Copper does not react with dilute sulfuric acid. Zinc reacts with hot dilute
sulfuric acid to form the soluble salt zinc sulfate.
Plan an investigation to find the percentage by mass of zinc
in a sample of brass. In your answer you should include how
to calculate the percentage by mass of zinc. You have
access to normal laboratory apparatus.
Any 6 from:
• weigh brass / known mass of brass
• add (dilute) sulfuric acid and heat / hot / warm
• excess acid
• filter
• wash and dry residue / solid
• weigh (copper) residue / solid (copper)
• percentage zinc calculated correctly

60. 0620/63/O/N/20 QN 4 (6marks)

A toothpaste contains:
● sodium fluoride
● calcium carbonate
● silica
● mint flavouring.
Sodium fluoride and the mint
flavouring are soluble in water.
Calcium carbonate and silica are
insoluble in water.
Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form the
soluble salt calcium chloride. Plan an investigation to find the

Page 73 of 43
percentage by mass of silica in the toothpaste.
In your answer you should include how you will calculate the percentage
by mass of silica in the toothpaste.
You have access to normal laboratory apparatus.

Page 74 of 43
any 6 from:
• weigh toothpaste
• add (dilute) hydrochloric acid
• to excess / until no more fizzing
• filter
• wash residue / silica (with water) and dry
• weigh residue / silica
• (mass silica / initial mass)× 100(%)

61. 0620/06/SP/20 QN 4 (6marks)

E-numbers identify chemicals which are added to foods.
(a) E210 is benzoic acid. How could you show that a solution of
benzoic acid is a weak acid? [2m]
Test :Universal
indicator / pH
paper; [1] Result
: pH of 4–6 /
yellow / orange;
note: any suitable test with appropriate result

(b) E110 is Sunset Yellow.

Outline a method you could use to show the presence of
E110 in a food colouring. You may draw a diagram to help
answer the question.
Any four from:
description of applying
food colouring to paper;

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use of solvent;
results / number of spots;
compare results to known sample /
reference to Rf value; [4] marks can
be obtained from a labelled diagram

62. 0620/06/F/M/22 QN 4 (6marks)

Fizzy drinks contain carbon dioxide gas dissolved in a liquid. The
carbon dioxide gas can be removed from the fizzy drink by heating.
Plan an investigation to find the volume of carbon dioxide gas in 1 dm3 of a fizzy drink.
Include in your answer how you will calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas dissolved
in 1 dm3of a
fizzy drink.
You are provided with a small sample (less than 1 dm3) of the fizzy drink
and common laboratory apparatus.
(1 dm3 = 1000 cm3)
Measure volume of the sample using measuring cylinder and
transfer into a conical flask. Cover the flask using a bung attached
to a delivery tube connected to a gas syringe.
Heat the flask using Bunsen burner until
no more gas is evolved. Record the
volume of gas in the syringe.
Convert the volume of gas measured in cm3 to dm3 using the
conversion 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3 Use the formula to calculate the
volume of carbon dioxide in 1dm3

Page 76 of 78
Volume of carbondioxide in the sample
Volume of sample in dm3
volume of carbondi oxide gas in 1 dm3 =

The diagram shows some coffee beans.

Caffeine occurs naturally in coffee beans. Caffeine is a white crystalline solid.

It is very soluble in
hot water but much less soluble in cold water.
Plan an investigation to obtain a pure crystalline sample of caffeine from coffee beans.
Assume that all other soluble substances in coffee beans are very soluble
in both hot and cold water.
You are provided with coffee beans and common laboratory apparatus.

any 6 from:
• grind / crush / powder coffee beans
• using pestle / mortar
• add water and stir / mix
• heat / hot (water) (to dissolve)
• filter
• leave (filtrate) to cool or leave to form crystals • wash / rinse (crystals / residue / caffeine)

64. 0620/06/M/J/22 QN 4 (6marks)

Brass is a mixture of two metals, copper and zinc. Copper does not react with dilute
sulfuric acid. Zinc reacts with hot dilute sulfuric acid to form the soluble salt zinc sulfate.
Plan an investigation to find the percentage by mass of zinc in a sample of brass. In your
answer you should include how to calculate the percentage by mass of zinc. You have
access to normal laboratory apparatus.
Any 6 from:
• weigh brass / known mass of brass
• add (dilute) sulfuric acid and heat / hot / warm
• excess acid
• filter
• wash and dry residue / solid

Page 77 of 78
• weigh (copper) residue / solid (copper)
• percentage zinc calculated correctly
65. 0620/Y23//22 QN 4 (6marks)
The label on a bottle of orange drink states ‘contains no artificial colours’. A scientist thinks that
the orange colour in the drink is a mixture of two artificial colours:
• Sunset Yellow E110
• Allura Red E129. Plan an experiment to show that the orange colour in the drink does not
contain these two artificial colours.
Your plan should describe the use of common laboratory apparatus and samples of E110, E129
and the orange colouring from the drink. You may draw a diagram to help answer the question.


Any six from:

• chromatography
• pencil baseline / origin
• apply orange colour to paper
• and samples of both E110 and E129
• depth of solvent is below base line / spots on chromatogram
• allow the solvent to travel up the paper
• use a ruler to measure the distance / heights of spots of E-colours against orange drink
• conclusion based on height of spots / comparison to known Rf values

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