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Chapter 1
Song of the chapter - [Coming Home - Skyler Grey 💫]
Dad:" Will you be fine here with your aunt?" Rolling
my eyes I say
Me:"Yes dad I'm 16 not 6" seriously my dad is so over
protective of me that once that he saw me talking to a
boy and sprayed disinfectant on me. I don't know if he
thinks cooties are still a thing. He smiles and hugs me.
Dad:" I know Aya but you're still my little girl. I
swear if you didn't have school I'd take you with me."
Ever since mom died dad has been this way.
Smothering me it's even worse cause I'm an only child.
But I love my dad even though he's too over
Me:"Yeah yeah I know. But you've got a plane to catch
so let me go."
Dad:"Sure. I'd walk you out but my plane leaves in 25
minutes. So bye Angel be safe and be careful
remember-" I roll my eyes again.
Me:" Dad we went over this. I'd like to go please." He
kisses my forehead and I shuffle out of the car. I bid
my farewell to James my father's driver.
I take my bags and knock on the front door. A short
chubby woman opens the door. She pulls me in a bone
crushing hug. I awkwardly pat her back.
Agnes:" My idiotic brother finally let you visit. Oh
you've grown Ayanda you're a big girl now." I smile at
her and She leads me to the living room where her
neighbour who I remember as Andiswa( nosiest
woman in street that lady can gossip!). Next to
Andiswa is another lady who I don't know.
Agnes:" Andiswa you remember my niece Ayanda."
Andiswa:"How can I ever forget this pretty face." She
smiles warmly and pulls me in a hug too.
Agnes:"Ayanda do you remember this lady Zuki?" She
points to the other woman.
Me:"Uh no Aunty can't say I do."
Agnes:"This is Zukiswa marn Ayanda she was there
when your mother was giving birth to you." I blinked.
She doesn't really expect me to remember that does
she? How can I remember the day I was born when I
barely remember homework I was given two days ago.
I nod anyway cause I know there's no arguing with
Aunt Aggy. I go put my bags in the room I'll be sharing
with my cousin Natasha. I go back to the living room
for some scones my aunt baked and some tea. (Maybe
so of the hot gossip Andiswa is dishing out) I sip the
tea and munch on the muffins slowly.
"Isn't that my niece Ayanda?" I hear Uncle Steve's
voice coming from the kitchen. Wrong timing Steve
now I'll never know what Nozi did after finding out
her husband cheated on her with her younger sister
the stories Andiswa tells. She deserves a gossip
colomn on YOU magazine. I stand up to hug uncle
Steve and he picks me up and twirls me around I giggle
a bit. Steve was always my favourite out of the 3
siblings but don't tell the others that. I got the craziest
family for real like we need our own reality show
'Keeping Up With The Thwala's'

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Aunt Agnes is cooking super in the kitchen I asked her
if I could help and she said no I'm a visitor here we'll
see how long that'll last. Anywho I'm chilling in the
bedroom when the door bursts open and it's Natasha.
We both scream damn I've missed her and her
craziness. I hug her tightly she smells like weed and
perfume. This girl is addicted to weed.
Natasha:"Lil sis I've missed you." I roll my eyes.
Me:"Lil sis? Tasha please you're only a year older than
me." She giggles.
Her:"That's 12 months, 365 days. Anyway how has the
suburban life been treating you? Finally get a
boyfriend?" I laugh a bit.
Me:"Boyfriend? Me? Please." She covers her face with
her hands.
Her:"Don't tell me you're lesbian."
Me:"Geez Tasha I'm not. I just haven't found the one
yet" I shrug.
Her:"The one? Girl you're 16 you've still got time."
Me:"I know I don't just wanna date anyone you know?
I want someone I'll connect with you get me? A person
who'll understand me, I wanna have meaningful talks
with my person. Share our deepest secrets, tell each
other our dreams and the type of music we listen to. I
want a sensitive yet outspoken guy who'll not only be
my boyfriend but bestfriend as well." I finished with a
Tasha:"Honey in this generation guys like that don't
exist. All these niggas want is pussy as long as you
have that mindset you'll never get laid." I shove her
shoulder lightly while laughing.
Me:"And that's all you think about."
Her:" Whatever. Mom said I should call you super' s
ready." I quickly put on my shoes and head with Tasha
to the kitchen.
When we got they Aunt Aggy had set the table. The
food looked amazing and mouth watering. Uncle Steve
was already sitting.
Uncle:" Wow Aya if this is because of your visit, I think
you should visit every day!"
Tasha:"And we never use these glasses, wow Ma"
We sat down and ate nicely until Tasha accidentally
broke a glass.
Aunt:"You see why I never let you use my glasses huh?
Look at what you've done. Take them all break them.
That's all you're good for. You people in this house
never want me to have a beautiful thing nxa!"
Tasha:"Sorry ma"
Aunty:"Sorry my left foot. Get out of my sight I don't
have time for you"
I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing out loud but
uncle Steve beat me to it. He cackled out loud like a
hyena. Aunt Agnes smacked him on the head and
shook her head.
Me:"Aunty this taste divine thank you."
Aunt:"The only person here who appreciates my
cooking. Thank you Aya, but now I've gotta lay down
I'm very tired. Goodnight."
Me:"Sleep well"
After eating Tasha and I cleared the table and washed
the dishes.
Me:"Your mom is so extra." I said laughing at her.
Tasha:"You have no idea one day I broke her
Tupperware and she called a family meeting." She said
laughing too.
Me:"And when she was hitting Uncle Steve and he
tried blocking her she almost called a family meeting
saying he hit her" she shook her head fondly a small
smile gracing her lips
Tasha:"That's my mom for you."
After washing the dishes Tasha and I went to bed. It
was a long as day for me.
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The chapters will gradual get longer and I'll post and
much as I can. I guarantee you a chapter everyday no
matter how short it is I'll post it. I just need your
support and thank you for the support you gave me so
far I really appreciate it😭❤🙆

Chapter 2
I was woken up by someone shaking me I looked up
and blinked to adjust my vision. Aunt Aggy was
wearing smart clothes with a purse.
Aunty:"I'm going to work now Ayanda" I nod. And she
turns around and closes the soflty. I look over at
Natasha's side of the room. She's snoring with her
mouth open and there's drool coming out. I check the
time on my phone and it's 06:30 so I sleep some more.
Tasha and I woke up around 11 am hungry AF. It was
too late for breakfast so we made brunch. After eating
we tidied up the house after one we were done. I went
to the bathroom to take a bath. I wore black skinny
jeans and a dusty pink knitted jumper and only my bra
underneath. And being the nerd I am I brought myself
a book to read. As am reading my phone rings and it's
Dad:"Somebody missed me." I roll my eyes.
Me:"Of course I missed you. Didn't you miss me?"
Dad:"Honey I did-"
Me:"And you only called me now."
Dad:"I've been in back to back meetings since I got
Me:"It's okay dad"
Dad:"Alright sweetie I hope Aggy is treating you right."
Me:"She is I love it here" he laughs.
Dad:"Bye Sweetie I'll call you tonight duty calls"
Just as I put the phone down Tasha sits next to me.
And picks up the book.
Tasha:"Pride and Prejudice. Really? Are you sure
you're 16?" I pout.
Me:"Hey that's a nice book. Jane Austen is my favourite
author." Tasha shakes her head disapprovingly.
Tasha:"I need to get you a life urgently. Go with me to
the shop." I slip my Adidas trainers on and put the
book down sliding my phone in my pocket quickly. We
head out the front door. I see Andiswa on her front
yard doing laundry. She tries to get our attention .
Natasha keeps chanting next to me.
Tasha:"Don't turn around. Don't show her you can
hear her. Ignore her." I bring a hand to my lips to stop
a laugh from escaping. We continue walking down the
road ignoring Andiswa.
We finally arrive at the shop Tasha buys a 2L
cooldrink. I get myself some airtime just to buy data
and go into Instagram(even though I got like 3
followers My bestie-Tina, Some political party and an
Arabic dude my life sucks). Tasha also buys a cigarette.
She lights it up and starts smoking on our way back.
Tasha:"You want a drag?" She offers the cigarette. I
shake my head.
Tasha:"Goody two shoes" she blows a cloud of smoke
into my face.
Me:"Bitch." As we're walking all I can think is how
uncomfortable I am in one of the most scary townships
in South Africa. And not because of the gangs or crime
but because of the fake bitches everywhere. Those
girls are doggy. I can feel their judgemental eyes on me.
Do they think I'm their competition? Haha as if! We
pass a group of Nyaope boys and they whistle at us.
Those whistles have a way of boosting a girls
confidence.. just saying.
Anywho as we get closer home a group of guys are
outside seating on camp chairs drinking beer in a
cooler box. And Sister Bettina is blaring on the
speakers on a Polo GTI. Looks like a chillas session just
guys only. And fuck! They look hot looking all sexified
with their shades I think I just had an orgasm. So they
stop Tasha and I. This one guy with a white shirt on
speaks with Tasha. I can't hear what they are saying
but can you blame me these guys are fucken hot.
Mostly my dad never let me near the male species. He
sends me to a girls high school for fucksake that's how
serious his protective ish is.
Me:"Mhh. What?"
Tasha:" Zakes was asking if you're coming tonight"
Me:"Yeah sure." I said trying to sound cool I didn't
even hear her question. Tasha just smirked at me and
nodded. We then left.
What did I agree to?
Chapter 3
"Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die
- Ke$ha
I have made the biggest mistake of my life.
Natasha thinks I'm overreacting, but I ain't. She
expects me to be in a place full of those fake doggy
bitches for a full night. Nuh-uh I can't do that. But I
already agreed and apparently Unathi is looking
forward to meeting me. Who is Unathi? But the main
issue is how are we gonna sneak out the house
without Aunty Aggy noticing we're gone? But Tasha's
got that covered or so she says. As of now we're doing
the dishes and Aunty is with Uncle Steve watching TV.
Aunt Agnes is the oldest of the three siblings then
comes my dad with Uncle Steve as the youngest and
most spoilt. Cause he's unemployed and still living
with his sister.
Tasha makes tea and asks me to bring eye drop from
her room. After making the tea she puts 3 drops of eye
drop in the tea.
Me:"What's the eye drop for?"
Tasha:"It's to make her sleep. Here go give it to her."
Me:"Why can't you give it to her."
Tasha:"She'll suspect something is up if I do it." I sigh
and take the cup begrudgingly.
I give the tea to Aunt Aggy who has her focus on the TV.
She smiles.
Aunty:"Thank you Aya, you should teach your cousin."
I laugh and head back to the kitchen.
Me:"Now what?"
Tasha:"Now we wait. I'm giving her 15 minutes tops."
After about 10+ minutes aunt Aggy started yawning
and rubbing her eyes. She then stood up.
Aunt:"I'm heading to bed early today I feel tired."
Me:"Goodnight aunty"
Aunt:"Goodnight Aya" she went to her room. Now we
were only left with one problem. Uncle Steve.
We went to our room to pick out our outfits it was
currently 8:30 and Tasha's boyfriend is picking us up
at 9:30.
We put on a bit of make up and put on out clothes. I
went to check if Steve was still there, fortunately for us
he wasn't. So we sneaked out first checking if Aunty
was sleeping. Natasha got a text from her boyfriend
saying he was outside. We tiptoed out and as we were
about to open the door.
"Henina where do you think you're going?" All of the
oxygen was knocked out of my body. I turn around
slowly thank goodness it's only uncle Steve.
Steve:"I asked you a question" Tasha stared at the TV.
This bitch leaving me to answer.
Me:"Uh we were uh going... to uh water the plants-
mmh yeah water the plants." Tasha cracked up at my
side I swiftly elbowed her and she coughed.
Steve:"Water the plants? At nine thirty at night?"
Me:"Fine we were sneaking out but please don't say
Steve:"Okay but it's gonna cost you."
Me:"Ahh but uncle-"
Steve:"Not buts Aya. You're my favourite niece I'd to
expose you like that." He smiles. I dig out a R20 from
my pocket and hand it to him.
Steve:"Only R20! Heee Sisi! Agnes!!"
Me:"Okay okay!" I hand him another twenty rand. He
Steve:"Nice doing business with you."
Me:"Yeah yeah whatever." He opens the door for us
still smiling and waves. Stupid unemployed uncle
sucking money from a teenager.
A red GTI is parked in front of the house. Natasha
opens the front door of the car and I head to the back.
A guy is seated in front Natasha's boyfriend I guess.
They kiss until they start to make out and Tasha
moans and I feel sooo uncomfortable so I got no choice
but to clear my throat and remind I'm still here.
Natasha glares at me.
Tasha:"Cock block." She mutters under her breath but
I hear her.
Me:"Horny bastard." The guy in front laughs.
Him:"Babe aren't you gonna introduce me?"
Tasha:"Oh year right. Babe this is my annoying cousin
Ayanda. Ayanda this is my babe." She looks at him with
those gooey love struck eyes people make in the
movies and he looks at her with the same expression.
And I'm suddenly jealous I want someone to look at
me like that. Is that too much to ask for?
Me:"So babe has no name?" I ask interrupting them
again since they now just looked like they wanna fuck.
2 points Ayanda and 0 points Tasha.
Guy:"My bad names Calvin" I nod and he starts the car
driving away.
We arrived at our destination where the party was
supposed to take place. Tasha and I got out while
Calvin was looking for a nice parking spot. We went
inside the house. It looked elegant yet simple minus
the drunk people dancing. We were given ciders on
our way in. We sat down on the couch and stared
After about 3 ciders Natasha stood up.
Tasha:"You wanna dance?"
Me:"No thanks you go." I stood up heading to the
kitchen for some snacks. I'm sorry I love food too
much. So this short guy follows me to the kitchen. It's
less crowded there. I eat some of the Cheetos on a
bowl. This shortie keeps looking at me I feel a bit
uncomfortable. He makes his move.
Him:"I know I just met you but I think am in love with
you." I can't help but laugh at him. He's so cocky I
mean he practically looks like a matchstick with his all
white outfit and red cap.
Him:"Did I say something funny?" I answer him after
getting my laughed under control this alcohol must be
getting to me.
Me:"Nigga please just be straight up with me and tell
me you wanna fuck cause there's no way you fell in
love that quick." I say shoving past him. He barely
reaches my shoulder damn he's short I feel like
laughing again. I head back to the lounge where
everybody is chilling. I see Natasha and Calvin making
out on the couch - those two should get a room like
eww! My virgin eyes! I sit down and someone hands
me a can of opened Flying Fish I think nothing of it and
drink. It taste a bit funny than the last two I drank. My
taste buds must be drunk haha! As I'm about to finish
this drink I feel kinda dizzy and nauseous. Maybe
cause it's my first time drinking, but I've only had like
3 cans and I feel like I've drank an entire whiskey
bottle. I hurry upstairs looking for a bathroom. I open
the first I see I hear moans coming from that room.
Wrong room! wrong room!
I finally find the bathroom and I feel more dizzy but
less nauseous. I'm never drinking alcohol again. As am
about to step out the short guy comes in.
Me:"Excuse can't you see there's someone here" I slur
Him:"You think you're so pretty huh? Cheese girl are
we kasi guys not good enough for you?" My head is
spinning and I can barely open my eyes. How can I go
from sober to half head in a matter of minutes. He
steps closer.
Me:"What are you doing?" I say afraid. I want to
scream but my head is just no cooperating I feel heavy
and tired. He unbuckles his belt.
Me:"Please stop don't do this" I feel so powerless I
can't even push him off my arms feel like cooked
spaghetti. I scream at least that's what I think am
doing but it sounds more like panting.
Him:" I'm gonna teach you a lesson." Next thing I now
he's forcefully pulled off me. I hear a punch and a crack.
Someone being slammed to the wall. I can't open my
"I want you off my property you perv!" A guy says who
I'm guessing is my savior urgh his voice sound so sexy.
"Are you okay?" He says.
Me:"Can your voice have sex with me?" I ask the
stranger with the sexy voice.

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Chapter 4
I woke up with my head pounding, on the table next to
the bed was a box of asprin and a water bottle. I
popped the pill and drank the whole bottle. After a
while the pounding subdued. Which was then I
observed my surroundings. This was not aunt Aggy' s
house. I'm screwed. Where the fuck am I? And why
can't I remember anything from last night? What the
hell happened last night? And whose bed am I in?
What if it's a guys? My dad is gonna kill me! I'm gonna
die a virgin! Focus Ayanda there's no time to be
thinking about that now. I checked myself from under
the duvet - am still wearing the same clothes, what a
relief. But now am hungry and I don't know where I
am. A guy enters the room and he looks beautiful.
Beautiful is not a word I'd use to describe a guy but
dzamn this person is on fire.
Guy:"Hey are you awake?" And his voice damn it! It
just made me horny AF right now. I clear my throat
and look around the room not meeting his eyes.
Me:"Uh.. yeah. But I'd like to go home please."
Guy:"Oh yeah I'm sorry I'll take you home now let me
just go put on proper clothes." He disappears in the
walk- in closet. I stand up too and make the bed. He
came back a few minutes later wearing a grey tee and
stone wash jeans.
Him:"Would you like to freshen up before you leave?
There's new toiletry supplies on the bottom drawer in
bathroom. Trust me they're untouched." I nod and go
to the bathroom quickly. I look at the bottom drawer
and find the toiletry bag. I freshen up and head back to
the bedroom. The stranger with the 'Oh-fuck-me' is
holding my phone.
Him:"Your cousin, Natasha called. I think you should
call her right now" I nod again.
Him:"You can come down for breakfast" he leaves and
shuts the door. I sit on the bed and dial Tasha's
number. She picks up on the first ring.
Tasha:"Ayanda where the hell are you? I've been
worried sick, you went missing last night are you okay?
And lastly who was the guy that picked your phone
Me:"I'm fine, I'll tell you everything when I get back"
Tasha:"You better and don't worry about mom I
covered for you"
Me:"Thank you so much Tasha I owe you"
Tasha:"Damn right you do. Bye"
Me:"Bye" I hung up. I stepped out of the room and
followed the path I hope will lead me to the kitchen. I
passed by the lounge. I know this house I was here
yesterday. But what happened why can't I remember
I reach the kitchen and he sitting on those tall spinny
chairs I don't know what they I are called. I sit next to
him. I know what you're thinking. Why aren't you
running you're in a stranger's house? What if he's
dangerous? But for some odd reason I trust him(plus
he's hot so..)
Him:"I made fruit salad. Is it fine? If it's not I can make
you something else..." his voice trailed off.
Me:"No no it's fine thank you." I give him a small
Him:"You have a really beautiful voice" I feel like
snorting his voice makes me wanna make love to it
and he's talking about my squaky one? But I settle for;
Me:"Thank you" I don't know why I feel so shy. After
eating he washes the dishes.
Him:"I still don't know your name."
Him:"Okay Ayanda do you remember what happened
to you?"
Me:"No, I just remember getting here with my cousin
and her boyfriend. And I had a couple of ciders not
that much."
Him:"Oh... I found you in the bathroom"
Him:"Yeah I don't know how you'll react to this." Oh
my gosh! Don't tell me he found me masturbating in
the bathroom!
Me:"Is it bad?"
Me:"Please just tell me" I plead looking directly in his
Him:"There was a guy on top of you. Forcing himself to
you." My breath caught in my throat. Oh no!
Me:"Forcing himself to me? What do you mean?" I look
at him eyes glassy.
Him:"He tried to rape you Ayanda." Oh my Goodness!!
Me:"Tried? So he didn't succeed?"
Him:"Yeah I got there in time." I stay silent for a while
thinking. I remember now, everything is all coming
back to me. If he hasn't come in at that moment we
would be talking a different story right now.
Me:"No." I said quietly choking back a sob.
Him:"It's okay.. you're okay. He must have drugged
you. That's why you couldn't fight him off, don't blame
yourself" he rubs my back gently.
Him:"I'm sorry." I blink at him.
Me:"Why are you apologising?"
Him:" I shouldn't have let that happen to you under
my watch." I nod again my throat still closed up.
Me:"What happened to that guy?"
Him:"Don't worry yourself about him. He won't ever
bother you again."
Me:"Thank you for everything."
He takes his car keys and I follow him to the garage.
And I see 4 cars. Fuck! How rich is this guy? His house
is amazing and his cars! On another level damn.
Everything about
him is over the top. We get into a sleek black sports
car with leather seats. He revives the engine.
Him:"So where to?" My eyes widen, I don't know my
address. Way to make a fool of yourself Ayanda I
mentally face palmed myself.
Me:"I'm not sure about the address. I'm not from
around here. Let me check with my cousin" he
I quickly WhatsApp Tasha and she tells me the
Me:"You know where Usasaza Street is?"
Him:"Yeah I think so" he drives me.
When I see familiar houses he says.
Him:"So you wanna have sex with my voice?"
Me:"What? Oh my God I said that?" My face burns up. I
feel so embarrassed.
Him:" Apparently my voice gave you an orgasim" oh
kill me now! He stops in front of my house.
Me:"Thank you for the ride." I say quickly wanting to
get out of there, but I stop my self.
Me:"I don't know your name?"

Chapter 5
I got into the house and Natasha was behind the
curtain staring at Luyanda's car.
Me:"Where's Auntie?"
Tasha:"At church. Aya what are you doing with
Me:"Oh you know him. He's the guy that brought me
Tasha:"I know that. But are fucking with him?" I was
offended to say the least.
Me:"What? Tasha you know me I'd never do that!"
Tasha:"Look I'm sorry for assuming but that guy is bad
Me:"Don't be silly Tasha, Luyanda is harmless"
Tasha:"Don't say I didn't tell you."
Me:"Don't worry I'll prolly never see him again."
Tasha:"Anyway what happened last night? Girl you
just disappeared." We sat down and I told her what
happened and tried not to break down. At the end
Tasha was boiling with anger.
Tasha:"That little fucker I swear I'll kill him"
Me:"I don't want to talk about that now. You look
Her:"Hung over. And you are glowing. Are you sure
you didn't get some Luyanda dick? I mean he is hot AF
how can you resist that."
Me:"The devil shall not tempt me for the Lord is my
Shepard." I stood up and walked to the room.
Tasha:"Did you at least get his number you idiot!?" She
yelled from the living room.
I changed into black ripped jeans and a black
oversized t-shirt written 'I look better with this T-shirt
off' I tucked it in. I woke my black new school vans.
After reading a few chapters of Pride and Prejudice
and a long call from daddy dearest I started with
Lunch. Tasha was fast asleep on the couch.
▪Monday morning▪
I woke up at six am. Fuck it I hate Mondays! I bathed
then woke Tasha up. She was so drowsy. I wore my
uniform and put my navy blue blazer on. I tied my hair
and took my school bag. Aunt Agnes had already left.
Me:"Tasha I'm leaving." I yelled from the living room.
When I stepped outside, George , my driver was
already there. I entered the backsit.
Me:"Good morning George."
George:"Good morning 'mam" I played with my phone
for the duration of the car ride. We arrived at school
30 minutes later.
Me:"You don't need to fetch me after school anymore."
He nods and starts the car. I go into the school building
so not ready for the snobby bitches I call classmates. It
sucks going into a girls high school so I won't bore you
with the details. Aunt Agnes announced yesterday that
her and uncle Steve will be in Durban for 3 days. They
left today which means they'll be back on Thursday.
Since Tasha and I hate cooking I head to town for some
Mc Donalds.
I am at the bus stop now going back home from the
mall. Two school girls come and sit next to me at the
bus stop. I think nothing of it and just carry on stalking
people in social media. After a while I feel someone's
eyes on me. I look up and these two girls are staring at
me, I feel so uncomfortable. So I ask "What's up?" They
look at each other and am wondering if they
understand English.
Me:"Look if you ain't gonna say anything-"
Girl1:"You're Ayanda aren't you?"
Me:"Depends on who's asking."
Girl:"I got no time for your jokes you whore"
Me:"Excuse me! Did you just me a whore?"
Girl:"She's deaf too. Listen bitch if you know what's
good for you, you'll stay away from my man." She
Me:"Woah brika net daar, first of all who are you to tell
me that trash? And secondly don't you call me a whore
you nasty little bitch I will fuck you up"
Girl:"Heeee!" She claps "This girl clearly doesn't know
me. Listen here bitch I own these streets so don't you
Me:"I have no time for this, wena just tell YOUR man to
leave me alone. Whoever he is."
Girl2:"His name is Luyanda". Since my bus was almost
here I stood up and eyed the girl from top to bottom. I
shook my head slightly.
Me:"He can do better than this." I said and got into my
bus. These doggy kasi bitches.
Chapter 6
"Oh don't you dare look back just keep your eyes on
- WalkTheMoon
After dropping Ayanda home I go back to my crib. I
park my car in the garage and go inside the house. I
receive a call from my bro Neo saying he was pulling
15 mins later he arrived. I pulled out a six pack of
Heineken from the fridge and set them on the table.
We're gonna be watching soccer. Orlando Pirates and
Kaizer Chiefs. I was wearing my Orlando soccer Jersey
and he was wearing his Khosi jersey.
Neo:"Okay mfethu talk what's up with you?" His
question took me off guard.
Me:"Nah man I'm cool."
Neo:"Is it about that chick from last night?"
Me:"What chick?"
Neo:"I don't know her name bro, but I think she's
Natasha's cousin" I scratched my head.
Me:" Yeah man, there's something about her."
Neo:"She's that good in bed?" He smirks. I throw him
with pop corn I'm eating.
Neo:"What? You didn't fuck her?" I look straight ahead
staring at the TV it's almost half-time.
Neo:"You're such an idiot. Did you at least get her
number?" I shook my head. He face palms.
Neo:" It's like I never thought you anything"
Me:"Cocky bastard I'm the one who thought you
Neo:"Whatever. Trigger wants us to do a job for
Me:"That little fucker. I'm done doing jobs for him."
Neo:"Just this last one Luyanda and we're done. " I
agreed but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach
about this. While I was thinking about this I got a text
from this other bitch I fucked it read: *Luyanda when
will stop playing around and cuff me. I'm tired of being
disrespected by your hoes*
I respond:*First of all bitch we were just fucking stop
catching feelings*
Why do these girls catch feelings so fast?
Something went wrong, very wrong and it turns out
Trigger was only setting us up. When we got to the
warehouse his men were already there and they were
heavily armed. We were outnumbered , we had no
choice but to turn back. But I got shot in my shoulder
and I have no idea if Neo got away we were in separate
cars. I swear I'll fucken kill that Trigger freak. But as of
now I got no place to hide. Trigger's men have the safe
house surrounded and I won't make it back to mine in
time. So I have only one option. I leave my car a few
house away and I walk to her house. My arm is getting
heavier and this freaken bullet stings but it's not the
first time I've gotten shot this is just a minor set back I
will get my revenge. I jump over the gate and go
around the house looking for her room. The curtains
are slightly opened so I can see her peacefully sleeping
she looks like an angel. This girl is breath takingly
beautiful no jokes. I tap on the glass of the window.
I hear light tapping on the window but it sounds so far
away. I'm a very light sleeper unlike my cousin who is
sprawled on her bed like a jigsaw puzzle with dried up
drool on the side of her face. I wake up and turn on the
lights. I open the curtains slightly and I almost fell ass
first on floor with surprise. What is Luyanda doing at
my window at 11 pm?
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Chapter 7
I quickly motion for him to go around to the front door.
He does and I jump off the bed without even putting
my shoes on. I turn on the lights and open the door for
him. He's clutching his shoulder. At first am confused
and about to ask him what's he doing here at this time
when I see blood dripping on the floor. And then I
panic cause I can't see where he's bleeding since his
wearing all black. He looks at me and sees my
panicked state.
Luya:"Princess calm down. I need your help." I just
nod since I don't know what else to do. I help him to
the couch, careful not to let any blood drip on Aunt
Aggy's rug.
Me:"What can I do? Do you need an ambulance?"
Him:"No it's fine just get me a towel and some
bandages" I stand up and go to the bathroom and get a
towel and look for some bandages and detol and some
sanitizer wipes. I quickly set them on the dining room
table. I warm up some water and pour it in a bowl and
add some detol in it. I place it on top of the dining table
too. He takes out a twizzer pointy thingy from his
Him:"I'm gonna need you to take this bullet out before
the wound gets infected."
Me:"What? Me? But-"
Him:"Please Qhawekazi I need your help." He helped
me out big time so I guess it's time to repay the favour.
So I go on my knees ( Not for what you think you dirty
minded pervert) I help him take his shirt off. Trying
not to let my eyes wander down his perfect body and
toned abs.
The bullet wound isn't that big but it's still bleeding.
So I take the towel and wipe some of the blood. I take
the twizzer pointy thingy and close my eyes and try to
take the bullet out. He chuckles. Yhuu! This guy is
brave he has time to chuckle at a time like this.
Him:" Princess open your eyes so you can see what
you're doing"
Me:"I don't wanna hurt you"
Him:"You're not hurting me you're helping me." So try
again with my eyes open the time. And am making all
those pained sounds and he's just staring down at me,
it seems like it's not the first time he's done this. I
wonder how many times he's got shot. After taking
the pulled out I clean the wound with the detol water
and wipe it with the sanitizer wipes, And then wrap
the bandages around it.
"Ayanda?" I heard Tasha's voice.
Me:"In the living room."
Tasha:"What the hell!" She rubbed her eyes.
Luya:"Hi". Tasha looked from me to Luyanda then back
Tasha:"Tell me I'm dreaming."
Me:" No you're not."
Tasha:"What's he doing here?"
Me:"He's hurt Tasha."
Tasha:"I can see that Ayanda but since when are you
Me:"Tasha just go back to bed I'll tell you everything in
the morning."
Tasha:"I don't trust you with him." I roll my eyes.
Me:"Relax I won't touch him like that."
Luya:"I think she means me"
Me:"Oh" Tasha goes back to bed but not before casting
a suspicious look towards Luyanda. This girl.
Luya:"Thank you for this." I stand up.
Me:"I'm just repaying the favour." I smile at him.
Him:" You are really beautiful you know that?" Way to
make a girl blush Luyanda.
Me:"T-thank you" I stutter like the idiot I am. I don't
know how to take compliments especially from the
male specie. His left hand cups my cheek and he looks
into my eyes lowers his head down. Everything in me
is screaming 'What is he doing?'..'Aya move' but my
body stays glued on the stop. I don't want to move. I
don't wanna ruin this perfect moment. He kisses me.
His lips feel moist and soft against my own. I kiss him
back with everything in me closing the space between
us. At first he's slow kissing me leaving wet kisses
down my neck. Oh his good! My hands roam all over
his body careful not to hurt his injured side. And then
he finds my weak spot. My breath comes out in soft
pants. He sucks on it and I moan this feels so damn
good. He definitely left a hickey there. He stops and
moves back to my lips and kisses me softly. And then
he rests his forehead against mine and smiles at me.
Luya:"You are truly amazing." And then he leaves just
like that.
My head is spinning. I just had my first kiss in my
aunt's living room at midnight with the hottest guy
I've ever seen. How clichè is my life?
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Chapter 8
Next day I woke up feeling really tired. But I push
myself up and go bath. As am applying body lotion I
notice a hickey on my neck. I don't dwell on it for too
long I just wear my uniform and comb my hair. After
that I take my school bag and go to the kitchen. Tasha
is seating on the couch eating cereal. I make mine and
sit next to her. She isn't dressed for school.
Me:" Why are you still in you PJs?" She smiles.
Her:" Calvin's picking me up." I shake my head
Me:"You're bunking school for a guy?"
Her:"Chill Mom. Anyway what happened with
Luyanda?" My hand unconsciously moves to my neck.
Tasha looks at my neck.
Tasha:"Girl. I told him not to touch you and he leaves a
hickey on you! Wait are you blushing?"
Me:"No I'm not. You're seeing things."
Tasha:" Mkmk mk that guy is a fuck boy."
Me:" Don't you think I know that! I'm falling for him
Tasha and it's scaring me."
Tasha:"It's okay to fall in love Aya. But just think about
it first Okay?"
A week passed Aunt Agnes and Uncle Steve are back.
Saturday was my birthday and I turned 17. I don't feel
like anything changed at all. My dad called me at
midnight wishing me a happy birthday and he sent me
some money for Tasha and I to take ourselves out. And
Luyanda has gone off the radar since kissing me. I miss
him so bad. But maybe him kissing me doesn't mean
he likes that way right? I just don't understand guys. I
mean if he really did like me he would've found a way
to get to me right? Tasha says I'm over thinking it and
him kissing me obviously meant he felt something for
me. Anyway now I'm dressed to kill. Tasha and I are
going out celebrating my birthday- a year closer to
death that's what uncle Steve said.
We took a taxi to town. We just chilled there we
watched a movie and ate a bit. Later on Tasha received
a call from her boyfriend Calvin. Apparently There's a
small get together at his place.
Me:"In that case I'll be leaving. Calvin is fetching you
Tasha:"What? You coming with me sister"
Tasha:"Just loosen up a bit and live your life."
Me:"I did once and you remember what happened?"
Tasha:"I promise this time no BS it's only a few people
that are gonna be there"
Me:"I don't know Tasha."
Her:"Please I'd hate to go alone" I really didn't feel like
going but she's my cousin...
Me:"Okay fine." She jumps up to hug me, then text
Calvin where he should fetch us. And 40 minutes later
he's here.
We arrive at Calvin's crib and there quite a few cars
parked inside the yard. His house looks beautiful, he
says he shares it with two other guys his friends.
Anyway as we get in there are braai stands full of meat.
Girls and guys are wearing shorts, casual attire and
thank goodness Tasha and I fit right in. We get inside
the house, there are less people there. The first thing
we see is a girl on top of the kitchen counter and a guy
standing right between her legs, making out like
there's no tomorrow. This guy looks familiar but since
he has his back to me I couldn't see him. They stop for
a while when the guy is handed a can of beer he turns
around so I can see him clearly. My heart just
evaporated, how could he? Maybe I expected too much
from him.
Daliy new African novels download here

"I want you, I'll colour me blue anything it takes to

make you stay"
- Troye Sivan
Chapter 9
His eyes meet mine and for a second there I see shock
written all over them. Damn it Luyanda! I know I'm
bout to cry cause I feel my lip trembling. Tasha's hand
squeezes my own and she whispers to me.
Tasha:"You came here to have fun don't worry about
him. Ignore him." I nod but it's easier said than done.
So I excuse myself to the bathroom to compose myself
before I break down in front of everyone in here. Why
am I so weak? It's not like I'm dating the guy. He can
do whatever he pleases, he's not mine.
A girl I don't know shows me the bathroom. I thank
her and get in. I wash my hands and apply my maroon
lipstick again. Taking deep breaths trying not to cry I
don't wanna ruin my make up. After seeing that I'm
okay now I leave the bathroom. I see that Luyanda is
standing outside I roll my eyes then make a move to
pass him. But he just steps in front of me blocking
my path.
Me:"Can you please move."
Luya:"Look what you saw, it's not what you think it is."
I take a deep breath.
Me:"You don't have to explain yourself to me it's not
like we're dating."
Him:"I know but I just feel like I have to."
Me:"You don't. Now please move." I try to be polite. I
side step him when I see he ain't moving. He just grabs
my wrist and pulls me inside a bedroom and closes the
Me:"And then? "
Him:"I was dared to kiss her I don't even like that girl."
Me:"Okay" I reply calmly.
Him:"You are making this very difficult for me." He
says frustrated.
Me:"In what way?"
Him:"Stop acting like that Aya please." I chuckle
Me:"Acting like what? FYI you're the one that rocks up
in my house in the middle of the night bleeding to
death (okay maybe I was exaggerating he wasn't
bleeding to death) and asks me to help out with no
explanation what so ever. And not only do you do that
but you kiss me and then disappear. What's wrong
with you?" I say angrily.
Him:"Okay. You done now?" Now the roles have
reversed his calm and I'm pissed. I give him a once
over then turn to open the door. He blocks my path
again. I cross my arms and look at him.
Him:"Okay I admit I shouldn't have left you like that,
that was a stupid thing for me to do."
Him:"So are we cool now?" I nod and he breathes a
sigh of relief.
After my little 'confrontation' with Luyanda I joined
Tasha outside. She was seating with Calvin and I felt
like the third wheel, technically I was but whatever.
Tasha:"Aya can you get us more drinks?"
Me:"You're trying to get rid of me"
Tasha:"Just do it you cock blocker"
Me:"Fine, fine" I stand up holding my hands up to
It was getting quite late now and unlike Tasha I ain't
getting laid tonight, So I had to go home just to cover
for her while she's having the time of her life. But I had
no means to go home. Firstly I don't have a car and I
don't wanna ask Calvin cause Tasha will just go home
with me and I don't want that, let her have her fun. So I
had to go for second best - Luyanda since I don't know
anyone else here. I looked for him and found him in
the back. A girl sitting on his lap I just felt nauseous at
the sight. So that's how jealousy feels, the girl was
beautiful I had to give that to her. She looked about
18-20. I went over to them.
Me:"Uhm sorry can talk to Luyanda for a second?" She
just stood up and left. That was easy I thought to
myself cause I swear if I was in her shoes and a girl
wanted to talk to my man I would've ripped her apart.
But maybe they're not dating.
Me:"I need a ride home, I would've asked Calvin but I
don't wanna disturb them."
Luya:"Sure, let's go"
Me:"Thank you so much"
Luya:"No prob."
So he led me to his car, a different one this time. He
opens the front door and I hop in. After a while of
silence I find myself saying.
Me:"She's pretty." He glances at me.
Me:"That girl you were with."
Luya:"Oh." He looks taken back. After half an hour we
arrive at Aunt Agnes's house.
Me:"Thank you for the ride." I say and shift to open the
door. It's dark out now.
Luya:"Wait. Will I see you again?"
Me:"I don't think so." I open the door and leave.

Chapter 10
It's Sunday evening I'm busy washing dishes. Aunt
Aggy went to bed early today, Uncle Steve is at the
tarven I think. And Tasha is on the couch texting Calvin.
That girl is so in love but doesn't wanna admit it. After
doing the dishes, Tasha and I go into the bedroom. I
do my homework while Tasha is still texting Calvin
blushing I wonder what they're talking about. My
phone buzzes with a text but I ignore it. Few minutes
later it rings. It's an unknown number, I pick it up and
tap receive. I say nothing, it's an unknown number and
I ain't gon' talk first we just gonna have a breathing
competition till their airtime runs out.
Caller:"Ayanda?" I know that voice, Why would
Luyanda be calling me at this time. If he's in trouble
Me:"If you got shot again or stabbed find some other
place to die at please"
Luya:"It's not that, Can I see you?"
Me:"What? I'm busy so no"
Him:"Okay then I guess I'll walk up to your front door
and knock and we'll see what your aunt will say." My
eyes widen.
Me:"Alright. Fine I'm coming." I abort the call. I put on
my sleepers and gown.
Tasha:"Where are you going?"
Me:"Luyanda is outside, cover for me."
Tasha:"Sure but you owe me."
When I got outside Luyanda's car was right there. And
there were quite a few people outside in the street, I
hope Aunt Aggy never hears about this. He opens the
door for me.
Me:"What do you want?"
Him:"What a way to greet." He starts the car.
Me:"Where are you going?"
Him:"Relax I'm not gonna abduct you." I look at him.
Me:"Luyanda what do you want?"
Me:"What do you mean?"
Him:"I like you Princess what more do want me to
Me:"Stop calling me that."
Him:"What? Princess?"
I glared at him.
Him:"Fine I'll start calling you Shrek."
Me:"You're not funny."
Him:" I wasn't trying to be." I see that we are headed
down his house. He parks the car in the garage.
Me:" What are we doing here?"
Him:"Chill we're just gonna talk. Come" he said
standing up. I make no move to get out of the car or
follow him. He's crazy. Suddenly I felt car door being
opened. And he picked me up, he literally threw me
over his shoulder like I weight nothing.
Me:"Luyanda put me down."
Him:"I don't wanna."
Me:"Why are you so childish." He set me down on the
Me:"Why did you bring me here Luyanda?"
Him:"Cause I want us to talk."
Him:"Stop being difficult Aya you know I like you."
Me:"No I don't. How can I? You are hot and cold. It's
hard figuring what you're thinking cause I don't
understand you. So I think it's best you tell me cause
I'm not a Sangoma I'm not gonna sense how you feel."
Him:"Okay listen, what I'm trying to say is I've never
felt like this about anyone before. And it scared me
to say the least how your presence affected me. And
then being without is hell, I tried forgetting you but I
couldn't, that kiss is always replaying in my head. How
soft your skin is, they way you smile your voice and
they way you say my name when irritated. What I'm
trying to say is I want you to give us a chance. We
could make it work if you're willing." He finished with
a smile.
Me:" Okay."
Him:" Okay as in yes Luyanda I'll go out with you?"
Me:" Yes Luyanda." You might think I agreed way too
quickly. But I liked the guy and I don't wanna let this
go whatever it is we have. I wanna see where it leads
us you know.
Luya:"Thank you so much Princess." He kissed me all
over. I giggled.
Me:"Stop. But you have to know I'm selfish as in I don't
wanna share you with anyone else. I don't want any of
those doggy bitches touching you or even flirting with
you cause what's mine is mine and I have no plans of
sharing you. The minute you realize you don't want
me anymore, tell me don't let me make a fool of myself.
Sundenza weak kula mamedi alapha eKasi" He
Him:" I thought you only spoke English."
Me:"Since I'm dating a kasi guy I might as well
familiarise myself with the language." I smiled.
Him:"Aww it's not even been 10 mins and she's
already sacrificing her cheese girl status." He puts a
hand over his heart.
Me:"I'm not a cheese girl."
Him:"Yeah right babe." He rolls his eyes.
Me:"I'm not really."
Him:"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Chapter 11
Luyanda didn't want me to go home but I had to cause
I swear his kisses are so good that if I had spent
another minute there I'd have popped the cherry. He
took me home and I sneaked back in without anyone
In the morning I woke up with a smile, I was really
happy. I did my hygiene process and went to the
kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Tasha was
already there drinking coffee.
Tasha:" What's got you smiling so early in the
Me:" Luyanda. He asked me to be his girlfriend
Tasha:"And you agreed ?"
Me:"Yeah." I smile looking down at my cereal.
Tasha:"Don't give your heart to him. He's a fuck boy
and he only wants one thing. And once he's gotten it
he'll toss you away like a used condom. Just don't get
yourself attached?" After saying that she stood up and
took her bag not giving me a chance to respond. What
is Tasha's deal with Luyanda?
The week passed, daddy is coming back next week,
and the exams were starting in a week too. Luyanda
and I? We still at it. He's perfect, he's so easy to talk to
I really like him. We were getting closer and Tasha was
still giving me the cold shoulder regarding Yanda
every time I try to talk to her about him , her whole
mood darkens I don't know what is it that she has
against him but it's starting to annoy me. Today is
Saturday and Natasha asked me to accompany her to
the mall, she's getting her hair done. I was more than
willing cause I didn't wanna stay in the house with
Andiswa and Aunt Agnes, those women would ask me
to make tea for them everytime Andiswa has a new
rumour or gossip to spread. Which is always, some of
her stories are unbelievable though but Aunt Agnes
enjoys them.
As we are about to leave Aunt Aggy stops us.
Aunty:"If you came back at night don't bother coming
back at all."
Aunty:"Don't Ma me, I know you two" I just chucked.
Tasha and I caught the bus to the mall. We arrived at
the mall and went straight to ANDY'S SALON. She is
gonna be doing a bob. It took the hairdresser 4 and a
half hours to get done. I couldn't wait cause I was so
hungry my stomach was starting to digest itself.
We went to Spur after eating I thought we were going
home but no Tasha had other plans. Her boyfriend
Calvin came to pick us up. We went to his crib again.
When we arrived there was a lot of alcohol and some
people , I recognised others from last week's get
together. Do these guys party every weekend? I was so
bored that I was sitting on the couch playing candy
crush on my phone. Tasha was drinking like nobody's
business. I wonder how I'm gonna explain that to
Anyway as I'm sitting there this guy comes to sit next
to me.
Guy:" Hey I'm Ace"
Ace:"You must be really bored, who you with?"
Me:"My cousin." I looked around for Natasha.
Ace:"So um do you want a drink?" After what
happened the last time I drank, I don't think so."
Me:"Nah I'm good thank you" I offer him a smile. I hear
a person clapping, I turn my head and see Tasha
coming towards us.
Tasha:" Wow dear cousin you're good." She's really
Me:" Excuse me?"
Tasha:"I mean you're not even here two hours and
you've got a guy eating off the palm of your hand."
Me:" Tasha what are you talking about?" I ask
Tasha:"You can fool them all but not me, I see right
through you sister."
Me:"You're not making any sense who's them?"
Tasha:"Everyone, Luyanda. You pretend to be this
sweet innocent girl but you're just a whore!" She
yelled causing everyone to look at us. The music was
cut off and all eyes on us. I didn't like the attention. I
stand up and take her hand.
Me:" Lets go home, you're drunk." She slaps me so
hard that I stagger backwards and fall back on the
couch. Calvin comes out from nowhere.
Calvin:" Natasha what is wrong with you? Stop this
Tasha:"Heee! Now you even turned MY boyfriend
against me. Wow Ayanda wow you're good. Tell me
you fucking him too?"
Me:" Tasha what's this about?"
Tasha:" This is about you and your hypocrisy."
Me:"What have I done to you?"
Tasha:"You took Luyanda away from me!"
Me:"Luyanda is my boyfriend, I don't understand."
Tasha:" You're here for two weeks and you've got the
hottest guy ekasi trailing after you? What's so special
about you huh? Why did you have to come and ruin
my life? What's wrong with you? Luyanda was
supposed to be mine!" I stood up.
Me:" I won't stand for this. Now let me call MY
boyfriend Luyanda to come pick me up." I strutted
outside and dialed Luyanda's number.
"Am just some dumb kid trying to kid myself that I got
my shit together"
- Troye Sivan
.Chapter 12
Luyanda picked up almost immediately.
Me:"Can you come pick me up please I'm at Calvin's
Him:"Why? What happened?"
Me:"I'll tell you when you get here. Just please hurry." I
aborted the call and waited for him.
He arrived in record time. He got out of the car and
came to me. He noticed my bruised cheek and turned
my face so he can see. He then assessed my body for
more bruises.
Luya:" Who did this?" He looked calm but I could see
how tense his body was, he looked like he was about
to sprint inside the house and hurt someone. So I
hugged him trying to calm him.
Me:"It's fine I'm okay. It's fine just take me home
please." I said on the brink of tears hugging him tighter
and he hugged me back just as tight.
Him:"I don't want anyone to ever lay a hand on cause I
swear if this ever happens again I'll kill someone." I
pull his hand and we move towards the car and he
drives off. It's currently 4pm and I don't wanna go
home just yet so we go to his house instead.
We just chill and watch a movie for an hour. After the
movie is finished he turns to me.
Luya:" Now are you ready to tell me what's happened."
Me:"Tasha happened."
Luya:" What do you mean?"
Me:" She confessed Luyanda, she is in love with you."
He just sits there for a full minute staring at me.
Luya:" What do you mean she's in love with me?"
Me:"She has a massive crush on you."
Luya:"But why?" I laughed.
Me:"Babe have you checked the mirror lately."
Luya:" Well yeah I know I'm hot." He laughs and I poke
his chest.
Me:" Cocky aren't we today. Anyway she called me a
hypocrite and a whore and said that I'm prolly fucking
Luya:"She said that?" Luya looks stunned.
Me:"Duh But maybe it's cause she was drunk"
Luya:"No, drunk actions are sober thoughts. She's
been thinking it all along."
Me:"Which explains why her mood changes any time
I talk about you." He smirks.
Luya:"You talk about me huh? Let me guess you're
saying how hot I am, or how you wanna have sex with
my voice."
Me:"Excuse me you're not that hot, and I was drunk
when I said that last one."
Luya:"Drunk actions are sober thoughts."
Me:"You're annoying, please leave me alone." He
actually does stop talking, Why do guys do that? When
I say leave me alone I don't mean it most of the time
Me:"Come back I miss you." I kiss his jaw and he puts
his hands on my waist. Since he's sitting on the couch I
move over on top of him with each of my legs are on
the other side of him. I kiss him and he responds right
away, I giggle and pull away.
Me:"Lets go tiger I gotta get home." He pouts but
stands up anyway. He takes his car keys keys and I
follow him.
The ride home is silent, I think he's mad.
Me:"Haibo Luyanda yintoni?" He smiles.
Luya:"I love it when you speak xhosa"
Me:" So we cool now?"
Me:"Stop being dramatic, I'm not ready for that yet"
Luya:" Wait, don't tell me you're a virgin." I don't
respond to that.
Luya:" You are! Damn girl do people like you still
exist." He laughs.
Me:"I'm here aren't I?" He rolls his eyes.
Me:"I know this is gonna be too much to ask for, and
I'll understand if you'll leave me. But I'll need time, I'm
not ready for the next step yet really. So do you mind
waiting for me?"
Luya:"Now that I've finally gotten you, there's no way
I'm letting you go. I'm willing to wait for as long as you
need." I smile to myself. God how did I get so lucky?
Now I understand Tasha's obsession with my
Luya:" Lets get you back to your bitchy cousin."
Me:"I feel like blowing her brains out."
Luya:" I'll provide the gun."

"I can't outrun what's coming after me"

- Troye Sivan
.Chapter 13
I got home and Aunty was starting with super.
Me:" Let me do it aunty you can rest for a bit."
Aunty:" Thank you Ayanda. You just like your mother,
so considerate."
I smile I never really liked to talk about her, I never
healed from her passing.
Aunty:" Where's Natasha?"
Me:" She got held up somewhere, must be on her way
Aunty:" Well let me rest a bit, call me when supers
Me:" Okay Aunty." I resume with the cooking . I make
lamb stew and pap."
After 40 minutes I'm done I dish up and call Aunty,
Uncle Steve is already halfway through his plate. Aunty
and I sit down and eat while watching TV. A while later
Natasha comes in looking slightly drunk but not that
Aunty:" Nice of you to come home." She doesn't
respond but just walks to her room.
Aunty:"Aren't you gonna eat? Ayanda cooked us a
delicious meal." Tasha scoffed.
Tasha:" Knowing her , I wouldnt be surprised if she
poisoned me."
Aunty:" Natasha come back here and apologise to
Ayanda!" But Tasha ignored her and a minute later we
heard her bedroom door slamming.
Aunty:" I don't know what has gotten into her."
Me:" It's fine aunty, really."
I'm the last one to leave the dining room after washing
the dishes. I get into the room and change to my PJs,
Tasha is passed out on her bed. I quickly get under the
covers and sleep not before a long ass call from
Luyanda, which mainly consisted of him making fun of
A week later*
Today I'm leaving I've finished packing and daddy is
sending George to come pick me up. Tasha has been
cold towards me the whole week. I'm sure aunt Aggy
could sense the tension between us.
But what is so surprising about this whole situation is
how Tasha's the one who's mad. She has no right to be
mad, she insulted me then hit me. She has absolutely
no right to be mad. And I think what's also affecting
her mood is the fact that Calvin wants nothing to do
with her. Calvin called me on Wednesday and told me
that he asked Tasha if they could take a break. He
didn't dump her poor guy is inlove with her. But he's
second best to Tasha after Luyanda - my boyfriend.
She can be angry at me for her whole life I'm not
leaving my man cause of her jealous freaky ass and as
of now I'm dressing to go to my man's house to give
him a proper goodbye.
I was in my study when I heard someone screaming
my name from downstairs. Thinking it's my baby I
rush downstairs. I stop mid-step on the stairs when I
see Natasha. How did she even get in? She doesn't say
anything and I get a bit worried has something
happened to Ayanda? Her eyes are red has she been
crying? Oh no wait, she's high.
Me:"What do you want Natasha?"
Tasha:"I want you. Can't you see I'm in love with you! I
can see us getting married in the next five years. Have
two kids a boy and a girl. We'll name the boy after you-
a mini Luyanda running around and-"
Me:" Whatever ever you're smoking leave it. It's not
good for you. Does Ayanda even know you're here?"
Tasha:"Can't you just forget Ayanda. I'm the one who
loves you. Stop doing this please. She's a witch she
prolly gave you something. I can get rid of her for you."
In a split second I had her pressed against the wall.
Me:"Whuzet ngawe wena? Threaten my girls life again
and I'll have you beheaded. Do you hear me." She nods
vigorously and I let her go.
Me:" Ekse, vaya!" (Leave)
Her:" But Luyanda-"
Me:" I said out of my house." In a moment she jumps
on me a wrap legs around my waist and pushes her
face to mine roughly her nails digging into my skin. I
try to pull her off but she roughly shoves her tounge in
my mouth. Sloppiest , most disgusting kiss every she
stinks off weed and cigarettes.
"Luyanda?" I hear a soft voice say. Oh no!

" Wait can you turn around, just wait can we work this
- Maroon 5
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How could my
cousin stoop so low? Does she want Luya so bad that
she thought of betraying me and hurting me in the
process? My body just freezes.
Me:" Luyanda?" I say every emotion I was feeling
displayed in that one word. Hurt, betrayal and anger.
Tasha jumped off Luyanda in an instant. I couldn't see
anything, I was so angry I couldn't form any words.
Tasha:" We were busy Ayanda." She smirks, oh the
nerve of this bitch. I drop my purse and take 3 wide
steps to her. I grab her by the hair and pull her to the
Me:"Get out bitch!"
Tasha:" Ayanda! You're hurting me. Luyanda!"
Me:"That's the whole point. I don't ever want you near
him, I don't care even if you're family but after the shit
you just caused I'd love to kill you myself." I threw her
out and turned to Luyanda whose eyes were as wide
as Andiswa's fatcakes.
Me:"What the fuck just happened here?"
Luya:"Babe I can explain."
Me:"Start talking Luyanda I don't have time."
Luya:"She's the one that kissed me."
Me:" And you didn't stop her because?"
Luya:" I tried but she wouldn't budge."
Me:" Right so a guy as buff as you are with muscles
couldn't get a skinny prick like Natasha off you? Try
another one babe."
Luya:" Come on why would I lie to you."
Me:" How'd she even get in? Why did you let her in?"
Luya:" I didn't -" I picked up my purse and walled
away. He followed me out.
Luya:"We need to talk this out man, I ain't about to
lose you over this.

Chapter 14
Luya:" Come inside please." He held my hand.
Me:"Luyanda my driver arrives in an hour."
Luya:" Well you're not leaving here till we talk."
Me:" Fine, fine Luyanda" I follow him inside the house.
I sit next to him and he turns to face me.
Luya:"Listen I don't know how your cousin got in here,
I told her multiple times to leave. She was high on
weed. And she forced herself to me."
I look at him and he makes a face.
Luya:" I feel so dirty and used" I laugh.
Me:" Was it that bad?"
Luya:" Terrible, she bit me. Look" he pointed to his lip.
Me:" I'd kiss it better, but you have to go wash your
mouth I ain't about to kiss Tasha's STI, with the
amount of head she gives." He pouts.
Luya:" You never give me head"
Me:" Excuse me? Eew! Go wash your mouth please.
Use soap!" He stands up.
Luya:"Will you be here when I come back."
Me:" I'm not going anywhere, George will have to wait
a bit longer." I smile at him. And he does that thing,
where he gives half a smile - that cute Luya thingy and
it got my heart beating in different paces.
Luya:"So you've never had a boyfriend before?"
Me:" What? Uh- Luyanda you can't ask me that geez!" I
looked away horrified. He's gonna be the death of me.
Luya:" What? It's just a question. Was I your first kiss?"
How did we even get to this subject.
Me:" What's up with these questions?"
Luya:" I'm not gonna stop till you at least answer me."
Me:" Goodness. You are my first in everything." He
stops for a few seconds and looks deep in thought.
Luya:" So no nigga has ever done this to you?" He
slides his hand under my top and kisses my neck
Me:" Wha- what are you doing?"
Luya:"Shhh..." He continues kissing me, his hand still
under my top. Leaving warm wet kisses everywhere.
He slowly takes my top off. My mind is on over load
I'm not thinking straight. He leaves my jeans on and
kisses me all over leaving hickeys everywhere. I'm not
stopping him, I can't. He stops and looks at me and
does half smile Luya thingy. I close my eyes, damn he's
beautiful and he's mine. I lean in on him and kiss him
myself, my hands roaming all over his body. We are
disturbed by my phone ringing, I feel like throwing it
against the wall. I pick it up its George.
Me:"Yes George?" Luyanda kisses my neck cause me to
George: I'm at the gate 'mam" Luyanda keeps on
kissing on.
Me:" Stop it Luyanda. Sorry George what did you say?"
George:" I'm at the gate." I giggle again.
George:" Are you okay mam?"
Me:" Yeah I'm fine, I'll be right there." I dropped the
call and punched Luyanda.
Me:" Don't ever do that."
Luya:" Do what?" He asked innocently.
Me:" I hate you."
Luya:"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I roll my
Me:" Take me home you idiot." He grunts and groans
but takes me home anyway.
Me:" Don't worry babe I'll visit you as much as I can
okay? Now stop being like this you know it won't sit
well with me if I leave you like this."
Luya:" Just promise me you won't replace me."
Me:"Nigga are you sick? Which fucker can ever replace
Luya:"Good to know. Cause I swear I'd kill you and
that nigga same time." He kisses me.
Me:" For real now Luya George is getting impatient."
He kisses me one last time. And as am bout to leave he
pulls me in a for a hug. Mind you we are outside on the
street. Good thing aunty Agnes isn't here.
Luya:" Don't ever leave me Aya, you're my world. Even
if we fight a lot, I still want you in my life." He says so
still hugging me tight and I hug him tighter burrying
my face on his shoulder.
Me:"Baby I'm here and am not going no where, you'll
never be alone."

Chapter 15
When I arrive at home the house is empty to I know
daddy is in his study. I leave my bags on the floor and
run to his study upstairs.
I knock twice and then open the door and he's behind
his desk. Wearing his favorite charcoal black Armani
suit with the cufflinks l bought him on his birthday.
Me:" Daddy!" I run to hug him.
Dad:"Wow pickles you've grown." I roll my eyes.
Me:" You've only been away for 3 weeks dad don't
make it 3 years."
Dad:" Really, you're 17 now. I think it's time I get you a
car." I look at him hopeful.
Me:" Really?"
Dad:" No. Now Pickles ask Gloria to cook my favourite
meal." Gloria is our housekeeper.
Me:" But dad-"
Dad:"Just do it pickles we'll talk about the car later." I
jump of him and go downstairs to pick up my suitcases.
I pull them up to my room and go back downstairs to
ask Gloria if she can cook my dad's favourite meal.
After that I go back up stairs to my room so I can
So a week passed. I was done with my exams for the
term and I was purely ecstatic. On top of that daddy
bought me a car! I did my learners when I was 16 so
I'm sorted. But the only problem is George has to be
there when I drive, cause he's a got a licence, but j
don't see the point I mean I've been driving for over a
year now. But the law is the law. And now I wanna go
out to visit my man and there's no way I'm taking
George with me, sorry old man but you're sitting this
one out. I wore a high waisted Jean a black long
sleeved shirt and nude heels with a black and gold
clutch bag. I take my car keys, daddy dearest was out
so I'm good.
2 months has passed. Luya and and I were going
strong, if you can say that, cause he was an annoying
idiot but he was my idiot nonetheless. I think I'm
falling in love with him, I didn't wanna admit it but I
am and it's freaking me out. I haven't told him yet, I
guess I'm afraid but in due time I will.
After reading a bit of Emma by Jane Austen I went
downstairs for some snacks. When I get there Gloria
our housekeeper is cooking up a storm.
Me:" Hello mamGlo"
Gloria:" Yaya, should I dish up for you?"
Me:" Yes please." She dishes up and I eat while making
small talk with her. She knows about Luyanda, she's
like a mother figure in my life has been our
housekeeper since I was 6 years old. As we're talking
I get a text from Yanda. I smile instantly my heart
fluttering. Gloria guessed my the smile on my face.
Gloria:" Son-in-law?" I nod still smiling.
Gloria:" When am I gonna meet him hle?"
Me:"Soon Mam'Glo, I promise. But now I gotta go the
food was amazing as always." I wink at her and hurry
upstairs. I shower and wear a maroon jumper and
black skinny jeans and an ankle boot. I take my purse
and put in my wallet, phone and a small toiletry bag. I
also take my car keys. I head out of my room and
bump into dad in the hallway.
Me:" Hi, dad"
Dad:" And where do you think you're going?"
Me:"To Tiana's place."
Dad:" Forget it you're not going anywhere."
Me:" Please daddy"
Dad:" I'm not changing my mind Ayanda" I huff but
march back to my room anyway. What the hell is
wrong with this man? .
After an hour of aimlessly sitting around, I stand up
after hearing dad's car exit the driver. I wait a few
more minutes before I take my car keys as well and
leave. I'm meeting Tiana at the mall. We got lots to talk
When I come back home it's dark outside the sun had
already set. I park my car in the garage and go inside
the house, I close the door carefully not wanting dad to
know am here. He already arrived he's car is in the
garage. I tiptoe to my room up stairs.
"And where do you think you're going young lady?"
That's my dad's voice. I'm so screwed!
I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me"
- Mariah Carey
Chapter 16
My palms started sweating and I bit my lip, a nervous
habit of mine. I put my purse on the table.
Me:" Dad I can explain."
Dad:" Explain what? You disappointed me Ayanda"
Me:" I'm sorry dad."
Dad:" Give me the car keys"
Me:"But dad-"
Dad:" I'm not gonna argue with you young lady give
me the car keys." I took them out and gave them to
Dad:" Good, you're grounded. No phone, laptop or TV
for a week"
Me:" Seriously dad I'm 17"
Dad:" I'll make it a month if you don't watch your
mouth. Now go to your room." He took my phone,
laptop and car keys up stairs. Prolly to lock them out
in his safe. I ran up to my room, I was so pissed. I
slammed the door and threw myself on the back.
"You break it, you buy it" I heard my dad's voice yell
just because I banged the door. I layed in bed for a
while, I miss my boyfriend. I wore my pjs and went
downstairs for super. My dad was sitting at his usual
seat with my phone in front of him. He looked angry.
What did I do this time? I wonder. Mam'Glo dishes up
for us. Before I can eat my dad speaks.
Dad:" Who is Luyanda?" I choked on air, he waited for
me to calm down and repeated his question.
Me:" Dad have you been going through my phone?"
Dad:"Ayanda who is this boy?"
Me:" He's Luyanda dad what do you want me to say."
Dad:"I will not stand that attitude in my house, once
you feel you're woman enough to stand on your own.
You're free to go." I look down at my shoes and
mumble an apology.
Dad:"Is this Luyanda one of these township boys?"
Me:"No.-Yes uh I don't-"
Dad:" I sent you to your aunt's place for 3 weeks
Ayanda. Just 3 weeks! And you come back with a
boyfriend. I want you to break things off with him."
Wait what?
Me:" I think you're -"
Dad:" Don't backchat me and just do what I tell you
Me:" Dad please, don't make me do that please."
Dad:" Why not?"
Me:" I can't break up with him, I just can't." I love him.
Dad:"This for your own, what will you do with a guy
who won't be able to give you a future huh? A useless
township boy with no life." Right now I'm mad but I
don't want to blow up in his face so I try to restrain
Me:" Why are so against him so much, you don't even
know him."
Dad:" I don't need to know him to know he's not the
right person for my daughter. Ayanda I want you to
break up with that boy, end of discussion.No daughter
of mine will date a lowlife township thug" I stood up
and walked away.
Dad:" Aren't you gonna eat."
Me:" I'm hungry anymore." I said on the brink of tears.
My bottom lip trembled and my voice shook. I went to
my room and got under the covers. But I couldn't sleep,
how the hell am I supposed to break up with him. Gosh
I love him, I love him so much it hurts. I can't break up
with him I won't be able to.
The following day is Sunday and I wake up with puffy
red rimmed eyes. I get into the shower and stay there
for a while just silently crying. I got out and wrapped a
towel around my body.
After dressing up I ask George to take me my aunt's
place, cause there's no way he'll take me to Luyanda's
place. Anywho as we get closer to my aunt's place I ask
him to stop the car.
Me:" You can stop here thank you. I'll call you when I
need you to fetch me.
George:" Yes 'mam" I get out and instead of going to
my aunt's , I take a taxi to Luyanda's crib. It leaves me
at the gate. I open the gate, he gave me then pin a long
time ago. And as I get nearer to the door I feel a bit sick.
I open the door and get in, I call his name he must be
upstairs. He comes down wearing shorts and a simple
tee but they look good on him. And now that I'm here I
can't help but tear up. He looks concerned.
Me:" I'm fine, I'm fine." I say through tears.
Luya:" No baby you're not, what's wrong? What
happened?" He hugs me and his familiar cologne
invades my nostrils, it feels like home and I feel safe
with him holding me like that. By now tears are just
pooling out and I'm messing up his shirt but he doesn't
mind, he continues comforting me. And after I've
gotten my tears in control I tell him.
Me:" My dad, Luyanda he found out about you."
Luya:" So?"
Me:" He wants me to break up with you." He stays
silent for a while.
Luya:" Do you want to break up with me?"
I stay silent, I don't want to break up with. I swore I'd
never leave him. But on the other hand my dad, I've
never disobeyed him now I'm stuck between a rock
and a hard place. It's either I sacrife my happiness to
please my dad and be miserable or continue with
Luyanda and lose my dad's trust. I don't know
Luya:"Look at me please, whatever you decide as long
as it's best for you." I can see it pains him to say that.
And I won't hurt him like that, dad will forgive me but
I can't cause Luyanda this much pain, I love him too
much to do that to him. I can't be that selfish.
Me:"I told you I'd never leave you. Not now not ever.
You're stuck with me am not going anywhere. I care
about your dumbass a lot." I might have imagined it
but I think I saw glasses in his eyes. He blinked and
tears fell from his eyes. Someone must have hurt him,
for him to be like this. And I suddenly hate my dad for
asking me to do that to him. I'm not gonna be the one
to hurt him. I wanna work on building him and
growing our relationship. Daddy dearest will have to
Luya:" The thought of losing you terrifies me cause I
love you so much Ayanda."
It's the first time he told me he loves me.

"Where my boss bitches at?"

- Cardi B
Chapter 17
Me:" And I love you too. I know I'm too late to be your
first, but I'm prepared to be your last." He smiles at me.
That half smile he gives that Luyanda thingy. That gets
me all hot and bothered same time. I love this idiot of
I get home and my dad isn't back from wherever he is,
not that I mind. Anywho I go upstairs to my room and
change into sweat pants and a sweat shirt and some
thick Minnie Mouse socks. I take out my books and do
my homework and study a bit. September exams are
getting nearer. And me being the nerd I am study
every day. So that when I'm writting the exams I don't
have to stress myself out a lot. Plus I tutor some of the
grade 8s and 9s at my school a few subjects so I've got
to stay ahead of everyone. I feel a headache coming
along so I decide to take a break. I go downstairs and
make myself a snack and eat while watching TV. After
an hour I feel quite sleepy and this movie am watching
is pointless. I mean all horror movies are the same. For
example there's an axe murder (or The Grim Reaper)
inside the house, anyway he breaks into the house and
the main character instead of running up stairs and
locking themselves in the room and calling police.
They run outside to the woods and it's dark. The
freaking woods! Why?
Okay I'm sorry I know I went off topic there for a bit
but I tend to do that a lot. Anywho I go to my room and
read a novel. It's called Sense and Sensibility by Jane
I guess I must have fallen asleep cause when I woke up
it was dark outside. I stood up to close the curtains
which were slightly opened. But as I get back to bed I
hear footsteps. My heart rate picks up. Maybe it's
because of the horror movie I watched and my mind is
playing tricks on me. But me being the noisy head I am
goes to investigate. I pick up my hair dryer and tip toe
out of my room. I don't even know what I'm doing,
when I find a robber what I'm I gonna do? Blow dry
him to death? I'm sure everyone knows if you hear
strange noises in your kitchen in the middle of the
night you don't go investigate with a blow drier. But
I'm not most people. I reach the bottom of the stairs
and turn the lights on and my dad is sitting at the
kitchen on his laptop. He looks towards me.
Dad:" Go back to sleep sweetie it's kind 1 am" I nod
and go back to my room. I put the hair dryer down and
collapse on my bed.
I drag myself off the bed to the bathroom. I'm really
not a morning person. I do my daily hygiene process.
And wear my checkered summer dress uniform and
my navy blue blazer. I take my school bag and go
downstairs for breakfast. When I get there my dad is
already sitting eating breakfast while on his tabloid.
Me:" Morning"
Dad:" Morning, I haven't forgotten about that boy."
Suddenly I don't have appetite
So I leave and find George out side who takes me to
As I arrive at school I see my bestie Tatiana waiting for
me at the entrance. George opens the door for me and
I get out thanking him. Tatiana waves to me. I smile
and hurry over to her. We hug and walk to class
together. Mr. Davies our CAT passed us.
Tiana:" Mr Davies is seriously the hottest teacher in
this whole school don't ya think."
Me:"In my eyes my boyfriend is the hottest guy in the
world" she pushes my shoulder slightly. The bell rings
and she walks to her class and waves at me.
I walk to my class.
Interval comes around and Tiana and I are sitting on
one of the benches at school arguing over who's hotter
Leonardo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp. Anita the Queen
B-(bitch) of the school comes over with 2 minions -
who I haven't bothered to learn their names.
Anita:"I knew you were many things Ayanda, but I
never took you for a man stealing whore." She says
shaking her head with a disgusted expression on her
I just looked at her camly. Seriously? Doesn't she have
better things to do?
Anita:" Are you even listening to me?"
Me:"No, no I'm listening. It just takes a minute to
process so much stupid at once"
Anita:" Whatever. I'll make sure everyone at school
knows who you are and what you do. You gotta stop
acting so holy."
Me:" Oh so you're spreading rumours about me? It's
nice to know you have a hobby other than opening
your legs."
Anita:" Heee! Don't test me Ayanda cause I swear I'll
make you lose your good girl status in minutes."
Me:" You inspire my inner serial killer. "
"When I wake up, you're the first thing that comes to
mind, wanna see you like all the time"
- Becky G
Chapter 18
A month later and we are finished with our exams and
schools are closed for the term. And I passed! Well that
was expected since I spend half of my time in the
library, I'm such a nerd. I did great and daddy said he's
proud of me. Anywho I'm bored shitless today its the
day after the schools closed and my only friend Tiana
is on vacation with her parents in Hawaii. She was so
excited, been preparing for it 2 weeks earlier. I'm
happy for her but I miss her right now. I've been lying
in bed awake for 2 hours and its now 11:30. I wake up,
only because I'm hungry. I make my bed and splash
some water on mt face and brush my teeth. I walk out
of my room and down the stairs. When I reach the
kitchen, its empty. Mam'Glo is off today so I make my
own breakfast and tidy up the kitchen after eating. I
spend at least 3 minutes in the living room trying to
find something to watch on TV but nothing. TV is so
boring these days. So I take my phone from the
charger. I text Tiana first asking her if her flight
arrived safely. The I text my man, but as I'm about to
tap on the send button my screen lights up -an
incoming call from Luyanda.
Luya:" So that's how you answer your phone?" I roll
my eyes, he can be so petty sometimes.
Me:" Babakhe, my life, my future how are you?" I say
sarcastically. He chuckles.
Luya:"That's better. Don't you wanna come over and
maybe we'll go out some time later on?"
Me:"I'd love to." I smiled.
Luya:" Great. See you later then."
After dressing up I took my handbag and car keys and
left. It was exactly 1 o'clock. I haven't seen Luya for
two weeks cause I was busy with exams and tutorials
and damn I missed him. The drive to his house felt too
long, its like I can't function properly without him. Its
crazy, I know but hey the heart wants what it wants.
After what felr like an eternity I arrived at Luyanda's
house. I parked my car and rang the door bell. He
opened instantly. And I know I say this everytime, but
man he looked breath taking. He's gorgeous and he's
all mine. It took all I had not to do him right there on
his door step, I haven't seen him in so long.
Me:"Luya-" he stops me mid sentence with a kiss. He
smells so good and I lean into him, his warm engulfing
me, since its June and and its winter. I wrap my
hands around his neck and his slide around my waist,
making their down my ass and squeezing a bit making
me moan. I giggle into the kiss. This guy!
Luya:" Missed me that much?"
Me:" Don't be cocky." He pulls me inside the house.
And I see the table is layed out with all my favourite
snacks, a couple of movies and video games - Grand
Theft Auto. I smile a little to myself. This guy is too
Luya:" I figured we could spend the day indoors." I
look up at him and meet his eyes.
Me:"Its perfect" I peck his lips. Seriously what did I do
to deserve this? God must be on my side.
I went back home after our little 'session'. A lot more
happened but I won't go into the details. Because
hehehe. But I'm still sealed. Any who I want to ask my
dad if I can spend a few days at a friends house. I'll tell
him its Tiana even though she's in Hawaii. He
doesn't know that. But it's very difficult asking my dad
to go out, especially if its a sleep over. But Luya invited
me to his friend's birthday bash or something and I
really wanna go. But knowing my dad I'll prolly have
to wait 7 business days till he comes to a decision.
Provide a power point presentation as to why I want
to go out. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating, but its still
difficult. So imagine my surprise when he said 'yes'. I
had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I
ran around the house like a headless chicken, laughing
to myself and feeling like a badass. I lied to my dad for
the first time(maybe I shouldn't be proud of that) and
I'm sleeping over at bae's house. Whooop! Whooop!
Even my grumpy neigbour Mrs Ellias couldn't bring
me down. She's so grump and agro. No wonder she
doesn't have a husband, she prolly ate him. The way I
was so happy I even offered to go grocery shopping for
Mam'Glo -and I hate grocery shopping. Because I hate
being in a public space, I'm so uncomfortable and I
always end up making a face and appear as rude even
though I'm not. Anyway I was so happy that I didn't
even mind when our gardener flirted with me.

"Lately I've been giving no fucks, you love me but I'm

fucking with ya from afar"
- 6lack
Chapter 19
(4 months later )
Am already dressed in my pjs and ready to sleep when
my dad knocks on the door, I quickly open it. He looks
distressed, his shirt is wrinkled and not tucked it.
"Daddy is everything okay?" I furrow my eyebrows in
confussion. He leans an elbow on my door frame and
looks at me, his eyes are bloodshot red. Now I begin to
panic I've never seen my dad like this since my mom's
"It's your aunt, Agnes she's..." his voice breaks at the
end. It takes a second or two for my brain to register
what he just said.
"What's wrong with her?" I ask.
"She got shot on her way from work Ayanda... but she's
alive. I don't know if she'll make it Aya its bad really
bad." I back up and sit on top of my bed. Oh Lord!
"How is Natasha doing?" I ask still in shock.
"I left her at the hospital, she's not doing too good they
sedated her." He answers.
"Can you take me to the hospital please?" He rubs his
"Sure, let me just go shower first" I nod and he exits
my room closing the door behind him. Oh poor Aunt
Agnes, that woman has never done anything to anyone
I hope she recovers this would ruin my family, she's
the glue that holds us together. I change into a grey
tracksuit and some running shoes.
I wait for my dad downstairs, he comes down a while
later keys in hand. We get into his black SUV and he
drives off. The ride to the hospital is silent inside am
praying and pleading with God to help her, he can't
take her away from us he just can't our family would
deteriorate. And as much of a bitch Tasha is, I wouldn't
wish for her to experience the pain of losing her
mother. Especially since she has no father figure, Aunt
Agnes is her everything.
We arrive at the hospital and daddy talks to the
receptionist. I'm not paying attention I can't stop
thinking about Agnes. Dad takes my hand and leads
me to the Emergency section of the hospital, she's in
Intensive Care Unit. As we round the corner we see
Uncle Steve slouching on one of the benches at the
hospital. Daddy let's go of my hand to speak to the
"Uncle Steve are you okay?" He doesn't look at me but
stares straight ahead into nothingness chanting to
himself over and over again, "She'll pull through, she's
a strong woman she'll pull through." I decide to leave
him alone and eavesdrop on the conversation my dad
and the doctor are having in shushed whispers. Its no
use though cause it seems like they can sense me so
they lower their voices even more. I give up and look
around for Natasha. I find her 2 rooms ahead in ward
211B. She's lying on the bed with an IV attached to her
arm. It breaks me to see her like that. I slowly open the
door and she jumps. I mouth a sorry for scaring her.
She just looks at me her eyes dull and empty, my heart
goes out to her. I sit on the chair next to her bed and
take her cold hand in mine.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Did you see her Ayanda? All those machines and
needles hooked up to her?," she wipes some of her
tears "She's a good woman she doesn't deserve any of
this." I try to comfort her but am so awkward I suck
at trying to comfort anyone. I just keep my mouth shut
cause anything I say will either be stupid or insensitive
at this point. So I stand up to hug her and she sits up
and hugs me back. All I can do is awkwardly pat her
back. Gosh why am I so awkward?
After a while of sitting with Tasha and talking to her
trying to get her mind off things I go to the cafeteria to
get us both some coffee. I came back with the coffe
Tasha was asleep so I set hers on the table next to her
bed. I receive a text from dad saying he's at home so I
had to get an uber to take me home. I hated hospitals,
so I went to check on aunt Aggy before going home. I
couldn't really see her we weren't allowed inside her
While I outside waiting for the uber I got a call from
"Hello?" I said.
"What's going on between us?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"You've been distant Ayanda. I'm the one that has to
call you, I feel like am the only one trying to make this
relationship work. In order for a relationship to work
both of us should be willing to compromise and I feel
like that's am the only one doing that."
I keep quiet, I don't know how to respond to that.
Luyanda is so insecure he's too much really. He wants
me treat him like he's the only person in my life. Am a
person too, i have other priorities other than him. I've
got a life to live and I can't do that if I have to report to
him everything. I just can't I need my space this
relationship is suffocating me.
"Ayanda what are we? Am not sure about this
relationship anymore." He says his voice lowering at
the last sentence.
"We are people Luyanda haibo." I hang up when my
uber pulls up.
When I got home I immediately went up to my dad's
office. When I opened the door I was greeted by a
stench I knew too well. He's gone back to drinking
again like he had when my mother passed away. He
can't go back to that life. It'll break us.

"Are you crazy you could have it all don't settle for me.
You doing good you should keep going don't back
pedal for me"
- 6lack
Chapter 21
"I don't know if I should care if you can say those
words" he says looking down at his hands.
"All am saying is getting half of you just ain't enough.
I've given all I can but all you ever do mess it up
everytime. Am done Ayanda. I'm done trying for
someone who doesn't even care. Am not gonna stick
around for you to finally get your mind right. I've got
nothing else to give." He says and I stand up without a
word to him and leave.
Days turn into weeks and I haven't heard from
Luyanda. Well it's not like am trying to contact him but
still. Aunt Aggy is slowly recovering , she's out of the
danger zone. My relationship with Tasha is still rocky
but we're trying. It's been 2 months since Luyanda and
I ended our relationship of 8 months. I won't lie, I miss
him, I miss us and the way we used to be. I can't help
but feel like it was all my fault. And I hate that I can't
forget about him. But how can I? He was my first in
everything, he taught me how to love and its too bad I
let all that slip away. But I know nobody will have him
like I did. If he ever wants me back then he must be
breaking down. Because I admit it I'm the one that
hurt him, I refused to communicate with him that
alone ruined my relationship. I suck at being girlfriend,
people like me are better at being alone.
I sat on the balcony with my book 'Persuasion' by my
favourite author Jane Austen. I just stared at the book,
the words not making sense in my head. I couldn't
focus on anything for a long time lately. My head was
just all over the place. I get annoyed easily, am cranky,
moody and broody. I hate feeling like this, i feel so
hopeless its like something died inside me. I feel like
crying all the time. Everyone around me has noticed.
Am done with my final exams as it's already nearing
the end of November- the start of the festive season
which am not looking forwad to even a little bit. Aunt
Agnes is being discharged in tomorrow so that's
something to atleast be joyful about.
My dad is seeing a therapist for his alcohol addicton
but he hasn't txouched a bottle since that incident. I
just hope he doesn't go back he's stronger than that.
I decide to take a shower. After showering I wrap a
towel around my body and go back into the room to
look for clothes to wear in closet. Checking my phone
in the process I see I have a missed call from Tatiana. I
dial her number while rummaging in my closet looking
for clothes. The ones I have barely fit me am gaining
weight I need a new wardrobe. Tatiana picks up.
"Heyyy!" She screams into the cell. I pull it away from
my ear.
"You want to burst my eardrum woman?" I say.
"Ugh whatever I was just making sure you were awake,
you sleep too much these days."
"That's because I have nothing to do." I roll my eyes.
"You're depressed "
"For the last time, am not depressed Tatiana Peskov" II
retort. I can imagine her rolling her eyes. 66
"I just wanted to call to make sure you're okay. I don't
know whyyou can't just swallow your pride and talk
to him you and I both know you miss him." She says
her voice sincere.
"I don't miss him Tiana let it go" even to my own ears I
don't sound convincing.
"Stop it! Stop doing this to yourself Aya. I will seriously
book a ticket to come to South Africa just to kick your
ass. You love him, stop pretending you don't you're
killing yourself." She says.
"I know Tee I'm afraid. What if- what if he's already
moved on?"
"Look Aya you'll never forgive yourself if you don't at
least try to reach out to him." She says her voice

No matter what I do all I think about is you, boy you

know am crazy about you"
- Kelly
Chapter 22
When I woke up in the morning I wasn't feeling quite
well, I must be coming down with flu or a stomach bug
or something. I got out of bed and went to the
bathroom, did my business and brushed my teeth. I
took a long bath.
After getting dressed I packed my overnight bag and
got out of the house. My driver James was outside
already. I hurried to the car.
After an hour and a half of driving we finally arrived at
Aunt Aggy's house. I was quite happy she's finally been
discharged. I thanked James and got out of the car.
I knock on the wooden door of my Aunt's house. After
a few pauses uncle Steve opens the door for me.
"My favourite niece!" He exclaims with his mouth full
eating who knows what. He leaned in for a hug I
hugged him back hearing my aunt's voice in the living
"Ayanda is that you?" She yells.
"Yes aunty it's me" I say waking to the living room. I
see her on the couch with a cup of coffee next to her
-and it's like 30°C outside. But black parents and coffe
yey! I quickly hug her. I notice Andiswa(the nosy
neighbour) sitting in the corner.
"Afternoon Mam'Andi" I say with a smile.
"Afternoon Ayanda. Heee you've grown can you see
that Agnes she's even glowing. You are beautiful my
child." She says. And as I am about to thank her Aunt
Agnes cuts in.
"You know beauty is in the genes in our family, you
remember back in the day the boys were all over me."
she laughs and shakes her head. "Mmh those were the
"Let me go put this bag in the room" i say.
"And make us another round of tea when you come
back will you sweetheart Andiswa baked me lovely
fatcakes." Aunty Aggy says. I nod and head to the
After making them tea, I sit down and enjoy Andiswa's
delicious fatcakes. Her fatcakes have so much cooking
oil that I can feel the kilograms am putting on with
each bite. That woman can cook no wonder her family
is so fat. They are all like big round teddy bears.
"They will never succeed Andiswa! Never! Aunt Agnes
says and claps once. "They've been trying but believe
me I worship a living God am telling you. These
demon's will never get me. Not today Satan!" Aunt
Agnes says and laughs. The way she's so hyper you
wouldn't believe she was just discharged a few days
ago. I excuse myself from the living room. I got into the
room am sharing with Tasha for the duration of my
visit. I lay on the bed and take out my phone.
I wake up, I must have fallen asleep. I got to the
bathroom to wash my face and then join the rest of the
family in the living room.
"So mama you think I took it?" Natasha says.
"I didn't say it was you, but Ayanda wouldn't take it."
Aunty responds.
"What's going on?" I say rubbing the sleep from my
"Mama's R20 is missing now she thinks I took it."
Tasha answers obviously annoyed.
"Have you asked uncle Steve?" I say sitting down on
the couch. Uncle Steve comes in at that moment and
we all turn to look at him.
"Hayi!" he exclaims "why is everyone looking at me
like there's a missing R20?" Natasha laughs and pulls
me up with her.
"Let's go to the shop you don't wanna be here when
mama 'deals' with him" she whispers to me. I laugh
and allow her to lead me to the door.
"I don't feel like cooking today" Tasha says.
"Yeah, me neither." I pipe in.
"Let's just buy braai meat at Nandi's I think I've got
enough money on me." She says. We go buy the meat.
"Look the line is too long, how about while am still
here waiting for the meat you go buy bread and
cooldrink I'll meet you there" Tasha says. I nod and go
to the shop. I've got a R50 note on me so that should
be enough for a 2 litre cooldrink and a loaf of bread. I
cross the street and go buy the things.
"Ayanda! Natasha! Wake up we're going to church."
I groan. Natasha is swearing under her breath but
shuffles to the bathroom anyway. I seriously don't feel
like going to church so I think of an excuse.
"Um ...Aunty I didn't bring any dresses." I say.
"What about that beautiful dress I bought you a few
months ago?"
What she means is that hideous piece of cloth she
bought me, I wouldn't dare wear that anywhere. Not
only is it two sizes bigger but the colour is just so out
of the picture.
"That dress is too long aunty."
"I see nothing wrong with that dress. You just wanna
wear short things like these unlawful township girls.
Why do you always want to follow others Ayanda huh?
Why can't you pave your own path and let them follow
you" she drones on. Ei I should've just worn the dress
cause know she's giving me a life lesson.
I end up going to church anyway to avoid being the
centre of discussion between Aunty Aggy and her
friends after church. I borrow one of Tasha's skirts and
pair it off with my own top, a denim jacket and nude
high heels.
After church Tasha and I walk home, Aunt Agnes
having gotten a lift with one of our neighbours.
"Aya can you come with me, I want to go check
something out at Calvin's place." Tasha asks.
"Oh you guys ars cool now?" I ask.
"Nah... but we're getting there." She says. In a few
minutes arrive at Calvin's. Tasha just opens the door
like she owns the place. I follow her in. When we get in
Calvin is playing video games with a couple of other
guys I haven't seen before.
"Can I talk to you." Tasha says to Calvin "In private"
she adds. He greets me and then leads Tasha to the
backyard. Am still standing in the kitchen and damnnn!
These heels are killing me I've been standing the
whole freakin day.
"Ayanda?" Someone says from behind me. Oh gosh I
know that voice. I turn around slowly. And then I see
him, standing there. He looks so effortlessly sexy. I
can't find my voice. It feels like am in a dream, like it's
not really him am seeing. How could I ever have let
him slip out of my fingers? I can't see anyone else right
now only him and I exist in this room right now. And it
feels like am spinning, suddenly am out of breath and
feeling a little lightheaded.
"Ayanda -your nose is bleeding." He says his face full of
concern. And it's only then that I feel the warm gush of
liquid dripping into my mouth.

'I can show you something, my loving never ends'

- 6lack
Chapter 23
I reach for a tissue in my purse to wipe the blood off.
"Luyanda can you show me the bathroom please." He
"Sure just follow me." I follow him still holding the
tissue to my nose. We reach a white door and he opens
it for me.
"I'll.. um wait outside." I nod and go inside closing the
door behind me. I throw away the tissue and wash my
hands. I take a facial wipe in my purse and wipe off the
bit of blood. After I see that I look fine, I take a deep
breath. Luyanda is outside waiting for me, through
that door. It feels like my knees are gonna give in, he
still has that effect on me. I don't think he'll ever stop
affecting me like this. He's my first in everything -first
kiss and my virgin breaker.He taught me so many
things. With him I learned to give chances. I learned to
forgive. I learnt to smile. I learned to laugh. I learned to
say sorry and above all, I learned how to love. I still
love him and I really miss him.
I take another breath and open the door my hands
shaking a bit. I get out and close it again and he's
leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.
He smiles at me my heart clenches reminding me of
how things used to be between us. I can't even fake a
smile I just stare at him and he frowns.
"Are you okay?" He asks his voice concerned I feel like
bursting into tears but I nod anyway a lump forming in
my throat.
"No you're not," he states and takes a step towards me.
And I instinctively take one back. He looks hurt but
stops moving towards me. And we are just standing
there in the hallway just staring at each other no one
says a thing.
"Ayanda." He starts.
"Mmhh?" I say looking anywhere but his eyes.
"What's going with you?"
"Me? Nothing pssht am cool. HA! You can see am fine
mos? Am good." Way to play it cool Ayanda. I mentally
face palm, now he'll think you're going crazy.
"Are you? Really?" He says not convinced.
"Am fine Luyanda really." I don't sound convincing
even to my own ears. He's staring at me and I twirl the
hem of my top, a nervous habit of mine.
"Okay just say it and quit staring at me like that." I say.
"I miss you," he blurts out and my eyes widen.
"I miss you too." I admit. "These past two months were
hell without you. I don't know how I survived." I say.
"Ayanda this isn't the time or place for this."
"What do you mean this isn'the time Luyanda you're
the one-" he cutts me off.
"There you go again, always blaming. It's always me
Ayanda it's never you, am always wrong not you!" He
says his voice rising.
"Calm down Luyanda we can talk this later." I say
turning. He grabs my wrist, not hard enough to bruise
but hard enough that I can't move.
"No let's talk about it now."
"Not here." I say.
"Let's go to my place then." He says. And I follow him.
We get into his car and I leave Tasha a text that I've
left. In a few minutes we arrive, he opens the door for
me and we walk side by side to his house.
He opens the door. Everything still looks the same, I
smile to myself we've got a lot of crazy moments in
this house.
He pours a glass of water for me. And then stares at
"What's up with you and the staring hao?" He smiles
his cheeks dimpling like he didn't just blow a fuse a
moment ago.
"You're beautiful." I literally feel my body heat rising
his compliments always have me blushing.
"Come on we came here to talk." I say.
"I don't know what you want me to say. I tried all I
could with you, I know it's hard cause we young and
we still leaning how to love." He says rubbing his
temples. "But am human too and I get tired." He says.
"I've never stopped loving you. I still do." He adds.
"I still love you." I say.
"Then why can't we get back together? Try one more
time? I've been miserable without you." He says.
"Luyanda you could do so much better than me. Am
not good for you, yes I love you but that won't be
enough. I keep hurting Luyanda and I can't, I can't let
you go through that again. It makes feel like horrible
person." I say and then burst into tears.
He comes over and hugs me and I just cry some more,
till I have hiccups.
"Shh.. stop crying it breaks me to see you like this."
"It's lonely without you here, its not the same Ayanda
everything in here reminds me of you and I don't
wanna sleep without here babe."
"Can I leave?" I ask. He hesitates but agrees anyway.
"Sure I'll take you home" he sighs.
Getting home I notice Aunt Agnes and uncle Steve in
the living room.
"Steve can you make me a cup of tea tuu." Aunt Agnes
says. Uncle Steve stands up to plug in the kettle in the
"Ahh weh sisi did you notice that the kettle is not
working?" He shouts from the kitchen.
"Why are you surprised gore it’s not working, you
should be happy because at least you have a friend
who is also not working" she responds.
I stiffle a laughter.

My youth is the foundation of me'

- Khalid
Chapter 23 part 2
*short, short, short. lol you guys I've got a major
writer's block. but no writer's block formed against me
shall prosper I'll work something out at*
"Wake up you lazy asses!," Aunty Aggy walks inside
the room not even bothering to knock. She opens the
curtains and the sun shines through. "Wake up nina
we are going to see the family back at the village its
best you hurry up." I groan and look at the time.
"Mara Aunty its like 5am." I respond sleepily.
"Nywe nywe nywe. Waks up man this is my house,"
she bits back. "And wake this good for nothing cousin
of yours after you done bathing, I aready ran you a
bath." I comply and head to the bathroom.
7 hours later and we are still on the road. We are
prolly gonna arrive in the afternoon. Natasha is
sleeping with her head pressed against the car
window. We enter the village hours later, the dusty old
road brings back a lot of nostalgic memories. The car
bounces on the dusty road full of potholes and in a
distance I can see one of granny's huts. I smile to
myself. In a few minutes we are parked in front of
Gran's gate. Tasha and I get out helping uncle Steve
with the bags. We get inside the huge rondavel and
granny is standing next to the pots. She sees us and
smiles a big smile that warms up my heart. Her face
wrinkling and cheeks dimpling. Oh my God I love this
"Ayanda? Oh my child come here," I rush to hug her.
She smells of flowers and sunshine a nice combination.
"I've missed mntanam, (my child ) where is Agnes and
her noisy daughter." I laugh.
"They are on the way granny." I say. And just then
Tasha and Aunt Agnes come in biting each other's
heads off. Ayy these two.
"...ever talk to me like that again child I swear I
brought into this word and I can easily take you out.
Just like that," she snaps her fingers. I hide a smile and
Tasha rolls her eyes.
We sit and catch up on the stoep outside, Aunty and
Gran drinking a cup of tea.
"Have some fatcakes," gran offers to me
"No, thank you granny am good." I say politely.
"I wasn't asking you little shit eat the fatcake. You are
skin and bones," She says.
Ahh! I take the fatcake and stuff it in my mouth, and
OMG! They are even more delicious than Andiswa's
After a while Tasha and I excuse ourselves to go sleep
since it's getting quite late.
When we're inside our room I hear Tasha scream in
the corner, thinking something's up I grab a broom.
"What's wrong?" I ask when I see she's unharmed.
"There's no network here!" She says breathless. I roll
my eyes.
"Really Tasha? That's what you screamed for?"
"Wake up you little witches! Where do you think you
are? A holiday resort?" Gran goes to opens the curtains
and I flinch when the sun hits my eyes.
"Hayibo Gogo," Tasha whines.
"Shut up wena this is my house, and in this house you
wake up in the morning this is not the suburbs." She
says. "Tshin you are still sleeping? Heee! Ndiyalingwa
apha( you are testing me)
Like mother, like daughter Aunt Agnes x2

"I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up my friend." -

John Green, The Fault In Our Stars
Chapter 23
We are now sitting in the rondavel gran uses for the
kitchen having breakfast. Gran cooked an amazing soft
" So girls how's school?" Gran inquires and I see
Tasha rolling her eyes from the corner of my eye.
"School's okay gran, am doing quite well." I say.
"Mmh you were always a hard worker Ayanda. What
about you Marsha?"
"It's Natasha gogo." She explains annoyed.
"I don't care." Gogo dismisses her.
"Oho that one if failing ma, especially maths. Waste of
school fees nje." Aunt Agnes says.
"I don't understand how you can fail maths natasha
when you have a calculator." Uncle Steve butts in and
Tasha gives him a cold glare.
"Oh shuttup you idiot, yoy didn't even finish high
school." Gran retorts and uncle Steve instantly shuts
up. "Pass me the sugar Marsha dear." Grans says and
Tasha passes it to her. "At least there's something that
you can pass." Gran mutters under her breathe but
we all heard her. Uncle Steve begins to laugh but gran
glares at him and he chokes on his spit.
After that lovely( note the sarcasm) family breakfast
we continue with the chores, by one we are done and
am so tired. So I take a blanket and go lie down under
the tree in the shade. I receive a call from Tiana.
"Hello?" I say.
"Heyy girl. How's you?"
"I'm good..."
"I take it you didn't patch things up with Luyanda?"
"No, but we did talk and we came to the conclusion
that we can't be together anymore." I say sadly.
"But Aya you love him right?"
I sigh. "Tiana you have no idea, every minute apart
with him is torture. I love him so much it hurts just
thinking about it." I see a figure hovering above me,
and when I look up it's my gran wearing a scowl on
her face with her arms crossed. Am in deep shit.
"Tiana I gotta go bye." I quickly end the call.
"Heeee Ayanda," claps once "uyajola ngoku?"( You are
dating now?)
"No gran.. um you miss understood" i trie to explain.
"Miss understood my left foot, Ayanda I might be old
but am not deaf."
"Ayi sorry gran" I say.
"Nyorry! How old are you Ayanda?"
"I'm 17 gogo," i answer.
"And now you wanna get pregnant and throw away
your future?" She shouts. Uncle Steve emerges from
behind the house.
"Ayanda is pregnant? Yhu yaz I thought that
skhebereshe niece of mine would be the first to get
pregnant. But hey congrats Aya. Who's the father?" He
"Oh shut up wena you don't even know how to
impregnate a woman!" Oh burn I laugh at uncle Steve
before granny shuts me up with a cold glare.
"I need to meet this young man." She says, my eyes
"Yes, I need to know what his intentions with you are. I
can't have you associating yourself with people with
no future." She says sternly.
"Ahha gogo you can't meet him."
"What? Is he ugly? Don't worry I won't judge. If he's
better than Steve here am content" she presses.
I strech my neck. This woman will be the death of me

Cause when you look like that I've never ever wanted
to be so bad"
- Troye Sivan
Chapter 24
After two weeks we finally left granny, outside I
looked sad but on tbe inside my heart was doing vosho,
that woman is too much.
Tasha:" Whooo! Am so happy to be home." Tasha said
as she walks inside the house throwing her bags on
the floor.
Aunty:" If you don't pick those bags up right now I'll
send you back."
She quickly picked them up shuffling to her bedroom, I
followed behind her.
Tasha:" It's a nice day out why don't we go out?"
Me:"Tasha am tired I need to take a nap."
Her:"You've got the whole of December to do that, now
freshen up and let's go."
Me:"I hate you." She flashes me a dazzling smile as I
shuffle to the bathroom.
After freshening up I join Tasha in the bedroom. She's
taking out some money in Aunt Aggy's purse. I roll my
Me:" Tasha you don't have to do that, I've got a credit
card and you know Aunt Aggy will have your head if
she finds out."
Her:"Rich girl let's go then." I take my handbag and we
leave, aunt Aggy is in her room napping and uncle
Steve is probably in the tavern or something, that man
and alcohol.
We take a taxi to the mall. After an hour of aimlessly
wondering around, we finally sit at Ella Cafè my
favourite coffe place.
We take a window table and order. Few minutes later
our order arrives and my mouth waters, i was so
hungry my stomach was starting to digest itself. As am
about to finish I see Anita my school mate coming in
with her minions. I pray she doesn't see me. She looks
around the cafè for a table, then her eyes meey mine.
She smirks and I groan internally, I don't have the
energy to deal with her annoying ass today. She struts
over to our table, Tasha oblivious to what am feeling
carries on her chattering. Anita stops right next to me
her minions behind her. I glare at her.
Anita:"Hey!" She claps her hands "long time no see!"
Me:"What do you want?"
Anita:"Nothing,nothing was just coming over to say
Me:" Okay you've said it now bye."
Anita:" Ayanda, ever so rude."
Me:"Mxm I don't time for this, Tasha can we go." Tasha
obliges and I take my handbag taking out some money
and put it on the table. I stand and as I get out of my
chair Anita steps in front of me.
Her:"Sit back down bitch I ain't done with you."
Tasha:" What did you just call her?"
Anita:"Shut up you ghetto hoe this is not about you."
Tasha is so angry her veins are popping out.
Something inside me tells me to let Tasha beat some
sense into her, but being the good Samaritan i am-
Me:"No Tasha leave her she's not worth it."
Tasha:"Fine. I can't stand stuck up hoes anyway."
I look at Anita tiredly.
Me:"Get out my of way before I make you."
Anita:"How? The way you made your boyfriend
Me:"What did you just say?"
Her:" Oh great now she's deaf."
Me:"No please, repeat that."
Her:" After am done with him he won't even
remember your name. Am taking what's rightfully
mine back." She laughs.
Me:"What's rightfully yours? Bitch you can have him.
Now get out of my face." She pushes me back and I fall
back to my seat.
Me:" Oh no you didn't, you nasty little whore!" I give
her a hot slap. She's so thin that she moves back with
the impact.
Anita:" I'm gonna tell Luyanda this, and he told me
how inexperienced you are in bed. He says you're so
stiff that he literally has to tell you what to do. Okay
now that did. I dived at her and beat her ass. And no
one was stopping me. I practically threw her against
the table spluttering insults at the same time.
Me:"You remind me of an unflushed toilet, you're so
full of shit." I continue beating her ass till strong arms
pull me away from her. I look at her and smile at my
work, her lip is busted, her nose is bleeding and a
bruise is forming against her cheek. And her braids?
They are just all over the place.
"Ayanda what the hell is wrong with you?" I turn
around and see that the man holding me back is
Me:" Luyanda?"
Anita:" She's crazy babe, she needs a mental hospital.
Look what she did to me"
Me:" Want some more" i step towards her and she
takes a step back in fear. I smile, good fear me bitch.
Luya:"You're coming with me," he pulls my by the
wrist. I don't fight him, I don't have the energy to.
We walk to the parking lot and we get into his car, he
drives off really fast, damn he tryna kill me?
We reach his house in record time and he throws the
door open. I follow him in and close the dooe behind
Luya:" What the hell were you thinking?" He shouts.
Me:"She provoked me, she said some really hurtful
Luya:" I don't care what she said, but really? Hurting
her like that."
Me:" I could've done worse had you not stopped me,
that girl takes me for a poes." He rubs his temples.
Luya:"Seriously Ayanda, you're not even sorry?"
Me:" I want to give another beating before am satisfied,
these hoes should stop testing me"
Luya:"You wanna go to Juvenile? Huh? Cause that's
what will happen if she presses assault charges against
you." I bite my lip. I really didn't think about that. But I
needed to teach her a lesson, am tired of her bullshit. I
don't answer and Luyanda sighs.
Luya:" I've gotta make some calls. Stay here."
I nod.
I get into my study and take out my phone and dial a
number, I gotta get Aya out of this she won't last a day
in Juvi. She instantly picks up the call.
Anita:" Oh my God Luyanda am so glad you called, that
girl is crazy but don't worry am on my way to the
police station. She'll get what she deserves."
Me:" If you know what's good for you, you won't press
any charges."
Her:" But Luyanda you saw what she did to me."
Me:" Am not gonna argue with you on this one, but if
you don't do as I say, they'll be hell to pay."
I drop the call and go downstairs to check on this crazy
girl that am head over heels in love with. Why did my
heart have to choose a lunatic? I sigh.

'I bet you love me more after that first f*ck'

- Jhene Aiko
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Chapter 25
As am going downstairs Ayanda passes by me.
Me:" And then where are you going?"
Her:" Bathroom."
Me:" To do what?"
Her:" Drown myself in the bathtub." She carries on
walking. This girl!
I get downstairs and warm up some frozen pizza I took
from the freezer. While am waiting for it to warm up
Ayanda comes back downstairs and seats on the couch.
Glaring daggers at the TV. I shake my head, she's
Me:" Want some food?"
Her:"No" she says not even looking at me.
Me:"Suit yourself."
After several minutes of uncomfortable silence I crack.
Me:"Okay why are angry at me? All I did was stop a
Her:" I'm fine."
I just stare at her unconvinced.
Her:" Know what scratch that, am furious. You are
taking me for a fool Luyanda." She stands up, her face
slightly pink looking angry. She takes steps towards
me, so small and so cute. She opens the cupboard
drawer and takes out a butter knife and points it at me.
My eyes widen. Not cute! Not cute!
Me:" Aya just put the knife down." She chuckles. Anita
was right this girl is a psychopath.
Her:" You know what I hate more than nasty little
whores?" She doesn't wait for my answer but
continues "lying men, if you want to fuck with Anita
then by all means do and leave me out of it."
Me:" What are you talking about?" I say calmly, but am
everything but calm this girl is unstable oh my God I
can already see the news headline 'Notorious
Gangleader murdered by 17- year- old girlfriend with
a butter knife' what an embarrassing way to die. I
thought I'd die in one of those cool ways. Like fist
fighting a crocodile or something.
Her:" Are you even listening to me?" She seethes
Me:"Yes, yes I am. You can't believe everything
everyone tells you about me you'll go crazy."
Her:" Even after insulting my sex game you're calling
me crazy. Do you wanna die?"
Me:"Come Ayanda you're being unreasonable, that girl
was only trying to rile you up I'd never say that about
you, worst of all to her eeew!"
She laughs I smile, I missed her laugh.
Her:" She's so thirsty that she's even making up stories
to get with you."
Me:" Come on do you blame her, honey am flames."
Her:"Oh please the only thing you can turn on is a
Me:"really now?" I took a step closer to her and
caressed her neck. She swallowed and I smirk. I wrap
my hands around her waist and pull her closer to me, I
lift her face up with my thumb and start kissing her.
Slowly, placing wet kisses on her neck surely leaving a
hickey. I move back to her mouth and squeeze her butt,
she moans against my lips, grinding on junior making
me hard. I lift her up effortlessly and she wraps her
hands around my waist. I climb the stairs to my room
and she's unbuttoning my belt not breaking, this horny
little devil. I lay her down gently on the bed and she
takes off my shirt and throws it on the floor, hers is
long gone, then her jeans follow. She looks amazing. I
pull away and smirk when she whines.
Her:" And then?"
Me:" Was just trying to prove a point."
Her:" You've proven it come back." I laugh and shake
my head amused, damn she's horny.
Her:"Don't make me beg you,"
Me:"Actually I like that idea better," she groans and
pulls the covers over her.
Her:"Why are you being like this," she looks like she's
about to cry and I cave in, her tears are always my
He crawls into the bed and kisses me on my neck, he
goes down slowly placing wet kisses all over over my
breasts, stomach. I sigh it feels like heaven, damn its
been so long I prolly have spiderwebs down there. He
inserts a finger and I flinch, then another one and
starts going in circles and am moaning so loud the
neighbours surely can hear me. He then penetrated me
and I screamed, felt like breaking my virginity all over
again. He muffled my screams with his mouth. After
the first round we just lay there my head on his chest
and he was busy playing with my hair. I was falling
Luya:"You know I love you right?"
Me:"Mmh I love you too" I yawn. He kissed the side of
my head and I fall asleep.

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'I've never fell in love, I save those feelings for you'
- Khalid
Chapter 26
I woke up to my phone ringing. I groan and pick it up.
Me:" Hello." I say sleepily.
Caller:"Yhee sisi when are you thinking of coming
home?" I rub my eyes and sit up, I wince cause my
lower body is sore.
Her:" Nyatasha! Come home wena mama will be
Me:"Aunty can cut me some slack am with my
Her:" Come say that to her yourself."
Me:" Just tell her am sleeping over at a friend's house
or something."
Her:" Haibo! You're spending the night there?"
Me:" Yeah It's already 8pm anyway."
Her:" My mom will castrate you, you know that."
Me:" I'll text her. Now bye." She laughs.
Her:" This muti Luyanda is using is strong eeh. Bye, be
safe." I laugh
Me:" Bye" after that I hang up.
Luya:" You spending the night?" I scream and fall off
the bed, landing butt first on the carpet. I put a hand
on top of my heart.
Me:" Don't scare me like that, I thought you were
sleeping." He laughs at me.
Luya:" Sorry." I roll my eyes.
Me:" Food, I want food."
Him:" Go make it yourself."
Me:" I asked you for food and you're gonna make me
food." I stand up wincing as I do my face contouring
into a pained expression.
Luya:" Rough sex?" He smirks.
Me:"Piss off you sex crazed maniac."
Luya:"Heyy you asked for it."
Me:" Mxm go make me food I need a shower."
Luya:" You're such a bully. Want me to come rub your
back?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
Me:"You are disgusting, what ever did I see in you!"
Luya:" What? I was only making a suggestion. It's not
my fault you have a dirty mind."
Me:" Yeah right you and your suggestions. Next thing
you'll be telling me about whips, chains and candle
Luya:" Mmh. Kinky I like, that could work. Some
blindfold too."
Me:"Yhuu! Go away oh my goodness my virgin ears."
Luya:" Hey you started it."
Me:"I didn't start anything you pervert am sure you
fantasize about having sex in the mortuary."
Luya:" Wow you're crazy freaky today, must be really
hungry. Besides the weirdest place I've gotten laid in
was in the Burger King bathroom dry humping to the
old nusery rhyme - 'Mary had a little lamb or
Me:"Yhuu! Go away!" I threw him with a pillow and he
ran out laughing. This guy mara! I walk slowly to the
bathroom, and take a long shower. After showering I
dress in of Luyanda's t-shirts, it's a black Tommy
Hilfiger t-shirt and it reaches mid-thigh. I tie my faux
locks into a messy bun and then climb down the stairs
after making the bed.
Luyanda is wearing shorts and no shirt and he's on his
laptop. I hug him from behind.
Me:"Where's my food?"
Luya:"In the microwave." I take it and sit on top of the
counter next to him and eat.
His cellphone rings. He looks at me as if telling me
leave, I just concentrate on my food and don't even
look at him.
Luya:"What's the update on the job?"
Luya:" I ask you to do one simple thing Bonga and you
fail. Seriously what am I paying you for."
Luya:"You keep saying that and am losing money.
Know what I'll be right there." He hangs up and looks
at me, am already staring at him. He stands up from
his chair moves my legs apart and stands in between
them. He kisses me and before ut gets intense he pulls
Luya:"Sorry babe but I gotta go."
Me:"Go where at this time?"
Luya:"Work. The club is in a bit of a crisis I have to sort
out somethings."
Me:"But I don't want you to leave me here," i sniff.
Him:"I know I'll be back as soon as I can I promise."
Me:"If you'll find me here." I cross my arms.
Luya:" Of course I'll find you here you ain't going no
Me:"Yehake says who?"
Luya:"Says me, now be a good girl and stop this
childish thing of yours before I chain you up."
Me:"You won't do that."
Luya:"You wanna find out baby girl?" I look away
angrily knowing Luyanda he'd really chain me up.
Luya:" Thought so. Now let me go change."
I jump off the counter, am dating a psycho.

"My freakness is on the loose and running all over

- Kehlani
Chapter 27
I gave up on waiting for Luyanda so I went to bed. I
was woken up Luya wrapping his arms around my
waist. I didn't have to turn around to know its him
cause I know his cologne. He wraps his arms around
my waist.
Me:"Untangle yourself from me."
Luya:" And then?"
Me:"I said move human I don't wanna see your face
right now."
Luya:"When are you ever gonna stop childish." I sit up.
Me:"That's it Mr you need some time out quiet corner
you go." I point to the couch.
Luya:" I'm not sleeping on the couch."
Me:" Well I ain't either, I don't care what you do am
just mad at you and I don't feel like feeling your body
next to mine the whole night, I might just murder you."
Luya:"You're sick." He grumbles standing up to get a
blanket and a pillow from his walk in closet. I pull the
covers over my head. After what felt like an eternity
am still not able to sleep. So I crawl off the bed and
walk over to the couch on the other side of the room. I
shake Luyanda awake.
Me:"Come back I can't sleep."
Me:" I'm sorry about my mini tantrum I threw earlier,
but you just make so mad sometimes I just wanna slap
Luya:"What a weird apology. But I'll accept it." He sits
up and pecks my lips, and I smile at him and his hand
leading him to the bed. We get under the covers and he
puts his arms around me again pulling me close to his
chest, I smile discreetly to myself. Now that he's here,
sleep quickly envelops me.
The following day we make breakfast together and at
12 he takes me home.
When I get home, I see no sign of Aunt Aggy I feel
relieved. Tasha is watching SpongeBob. She looks at
me and smirks.
Tasha:" Ayy the prodigal daughter returns" I roll my
Me:" Where's Aunty?"
Tasha:" Stokvel meeting." I yawn and nod.
Tasha:"Rough night?" I laugh.
Me:" Oh shut up."
Tasha:"What were you doing the whole night? Just
staring at each other and professing your love?"
Me:"No, we held an all night prayer meeting." I
quickly dash to the bedroom avoiding more of her
questions. I change clothes and then take my phone.
Me:" I'm going to buy some bread, should I get you
Tasha:"2 vetkoeks with liver."
Me:" Fatass" i mumble.
Tasha:"What did you say?"
Me:"Nothing." I exit the house.
I arrive at the shop and get bread and a 2l cooldrink,
I'll buy Tasha's vetkoeks on my way back. As I turn
around the corner, my phone beeps. I take it out and
it's a text from an unsaved number. I don't open it
thinking its from one of those insurance companies, I
put it back in my pocket. It beeps again from the same
number. I open it now. It's two short text one reads.
'So he lets his plaything walk alone, in the streets of
Alex unguarded. Not a good move Luyanda'
And then the second one:
'Its not polite to ignore your text cupcake'
My heart speeds up and I look around paranoid that
someone is watching me. I quicken my pace anxious to
get home. One of those Nyaope boys crosses my
Guy:" Hey baby girl, can I walk you home?"
Me:"No thank you am fine."
Guy:" Hawu Mabebeza let me walk you home, it's not
safe for a pretty thing like you out here."
Me:"Leave me alone please!"
Guy:"Chilli sauce yaka, let me walk you home."
Me:"Are you fucken retarded! I said leave me alone!" I
shout earning some stares on the streets. But I
couldn't careless right now I should focus on getting
home, someone is watching me.
Me:"When I say leave me alone, I mean leave me alone!
Am not playing hard to get buti, I really am not
interested in you or what you have to say. So get lost!
Phuma kimi and get back to whatever shithole you
come from and leave me the fuck alone!" I yell.
Guy:" Mxm, get lost naw you whore!"
Me:"Tell that to your mom!" I walk faster and feel
grateful when I near my street.
I get inside the yard and sprint to the door.
Tasha:" And then where are my vetkoeks? Wena you
look like you've seen a ghost"
Me:"Natasha I think somebody's following me."
Tasha:"Really? Luyanda went overboard with the
security measures didn't he." She laughs.
Me:"I'm serious, damn it Natasha!"

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Chapter 28
I haven't seen Luyanda in days! And God knows how
much I miss him. He's been way too busy these days.
He texted me earlier
"Come over." It said and I nearly fell over. After getting
dressed I took a taxi to his house. I let myself in. He
was sitting on the couch watching TV. I ran to him and
threw myself on top of him. I hugged him tightly. The
familiar cologne invading my nostrils
Me:"I missed you." He laughs and his chest vibrates.
Luu:"Of course you did" he rolls his eyes.
Me:"Hey! You're supposed to say 'I missed you too
babe wanna go upstairs?'"
Luu:"Why would I want to go upstairs?" He asks and I
give him a blank stare.
Him:"Oh... oooh. Damn you nasty." He smirks and as I
was gonna answer him, his phone rang. He answered
it, after ending the call he turned to me.
Him:"Uh babe I gotta go..." I sat up on the couch and
folded my arms in front of my stomach.
Me:"Awuyi lapho." (You're not going anywhere)
Me:"No. No shut up and listen to me. I sacrificed my
Sunday for you, do you know how delicious Andiswa's
fatcakes are at church? I risked my ass getting
whooped by Aunt Aggie and wena you wanna leave me
here? Cabanga. Wahlanya awuyi ndawo" (you're crazy
you're not going anywhere)
Him:"I need to be on-"
Me:"And I need you on me." He laughs.
Him:"There's no winning against you is there?" I laugh
and kiss him.
Me:"Nuh-uh" i shook my head pulling his shirt over his
head. I giggled when he lifted me up and attemped to
climb the stairs with me.
When we got to his room I noticed a pair of handcuffs
on his dresser. I picked them up.
Me:"Mmmh... kinky. Can I tie you up and use candle
wax on you?"
Him:"Why are you saying 'what'?"
Me:"Cause you said 'what' and saying what 'what'. Oh
my God let's stop talking."
After our 'mini-session', Luyanda and make lunch.
Well he makes lunch and just sitting there enjoying
watching him slave away in the kitchen. After a few
minutes he shoves a plate in my face, how romantic I
roll my eyes. I take the fork beginning to eat. And
suddenly I feel nauseous.
Me:"Oh my God. What the hell did you put in here?" He
looks dumbfounded.
Him:"Uhh, I make that for you all the time Ayanda you
never had a problem with it." I pinched the bridge of
my nose breathing in through the nose trying calm
Me:"You can see that I cleary do have a problem with it
now." I say through clenched teeth, am super annoyed
with him right now. And the sick feeling at the pit of
my stomach isn't helping either. I stand up so fast that
my head spins for a moment, I run to the bathroom. I
reach the bathroom and lock the door behind me and
vomit all my stomach's contents. I then stand up still
shaking and rinse my mouth. I serioulsy hate vomiting.
Luyanda is knocking lighty on the door.
Him:"Babe are you okay?"
I don't respond.
Him:"Ayanda let me in."
I still don't say a word.
Him:"What's going in there, baby you're scaring me." I
take shaky steps to the door and open it for him. He
steps aside and I go sit on the bed. He comes over to
me and attempts to comfort me, but his mere presence
irritates me now.
Me:"Get away from me!" He looks hurt but am not
having it. My phone beeps alerting me of a message. I
take it from nightstand, hyper aware of Luyanda
watching me. I read the text, but I don't finish it. This
person is threatening me again. I toss it across the
room and scream. Luyanda is by my side in an instant
but am pushing him away.
Me:"Don't touch me." Tears are just pooling out, why
can't this person just leave me alone? I am so
frustrated and by now am sobbing in Luyanda's chest
and he comforts me still confused. I couldn't careless
how he was feeling because am battling with myself
over here. My chest just feels so heavy and I know it's
not just about the text.
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Chapter 29
Me:"I want to go home."
Me:"I'm tired, I just wanna go home and lay down."
Him:"No, first you tell me what's up."
Me:"What do you want me to say?"
Him:"What's bothering you."
I shrug.
Him:"Why do you push anyone who cares about you
Me:"I don't know."
Him:"Well figure it out, cause am not gonna stick
around if you keep this shit up."
Typical, as soon as the going gets tough he bails.
Me:" I am going home." I took my clothes and went to
the bathroom to change. When I came back Luyanda
had my phone in his hand. His facial expression was
Him:"When were you gonna tell about this?"
I didn't respond.
Him:"How long have you been getting these texts?"
I didn't answer him just continued folding his shirt,
humming a song cause I know it'll piss him off. Why I
was doing it is beyond me.
Him:"Ayanda am speaking to you."
Me:"I don't want to speak bathong! Leave me alone."
He pulled my wrist and made me face him.
Him:"Jonga ke sisi this is my house, you are gonna
leave your bloody moods outside. And when I ask a
question I expect an answer cause I swear to God I'll
chop those little fingers one by one till you're ready to
talk. Are we clear?"
I nodded vigorously, he was scaring me. He smiled in a
sadistic way, creeper alert.
Him:"Now let's try this again. How long have you been
getting those messages."
Me:"its been 3 weeks"
He nodded.
Him:"Has the person sending them made any direct
contact with you?"
I shook my head no.
Him:"Who have you told about this?"
Me:"No one, I didn't take them seriously at first. But
the person started doing things..."
Him:"Things? What things?"
Me:"He sent me black roses and a picture of a
tombstone with my name and everything. I thought it
was some sick joke."
Him:"All this was happening to you and you never said
anything! When were you gonna tell me? When you're
Me:"Come on Luyanda you're overreacting."
Him:"Shut up okay? Just keep your mouth shut. I need
to think."
He rubbed his temples glaring daggers at my phone.
Him:"And you are not going anywhere, call home and
make some type of excuse I need to deal with this
shit." He walked out and I sat there on his bed feeling
unbelievably stupid and afraid. I should have said
something sooner. I called Aunt Aggie, my dad still
thinks am with staying at her place.
Aggie:"Hello sisi, Natasha told me about your friend. I
hope she gets well soon."
Oh so that's the excuse Natasha used.
Me:"Hello aunty, am not sure when I'll be back. She's
gotten worse and I don't want to leave her, I don't
know when I'll be back."
Her:"No sweety you can take as long as you want, just
be strong for her."
Me:"I'll try, bye aunt. "
Her:"goodbye sweety"
I ended the call and laid down on the bed, I don't
know how much trouble am in. But Luyanda looked
quite shaken up. I don't know what to do right now. I
should stop taking everything so lightly. Luyanda
entered the room, I sat up on the bed.
Me:"Is everything okay?"
He didn't say anything and that was scaring me even
Me:"I'm sorry." Tears started falling and wiped them
away vigorously. He sat next to me on the bed and
hugged me.
Him:"It's okay, I'll keep you safe." I felt nauseous and
my body temperature was rising. I ran to the
bathroom and puked my lungs out for the second time
that day. I hated feeling this way.
"Are you okay?" Luyanda was leaning against the
doorway. I rinsed my mouth
Me:"I don't know, I just need to lie down." I headed for
the bed.
I was woken up by the immense cold feeling I was
getting. Luyanda was curled up next to me. He woke
when I sat up.
Him:"what's wrong?"
Me:"Nothing am just really cold." He touched my arm,
and then proceeded to feel my forehead.
Him:"You're burning."
Me:"maybe am coming down with a fever, can you
bring me some water."
Him:"Sure." He went downstairs and came back with a
glass of water. I took it gratefully. I used the back of my
hand to wipe what I thought was a runny nose.
Him:"Your nose is bleeding." I looked at my hand and
there was blood, I ran to the bathroom.
Him:"I think I should take you to the hospital." I didn't
even argue with him like I normally would've.
We arrived at the hospital. After examining me the
doctor then did some blood test. Right now we were
seated in her office. She had a couple of papers in her
hand. She smiled and looked at us.
Her:"Miss Thwala, I've got your blood tests with me.
You're okay, except for a minor flu but I'll give you
medication that wont harm the baby."
Me:"Baby? What baby?"
Her:"Miss Thwala you're pregnant."
Luyanda looked at me, then back at the doctor who
looked flustered.
The doctors cleared her throat.
Her:"Umh.. it says here you're five months pregnant."
And I fainted.
I woke up in a hospital bed and Luyanda was sitting
next to me in a chair. I sat up.
Me:"I just had a nightmare. I dreamt that I was-"
Him:"Five months pregnant?"
Me:"Yes. How did you know?" I gaped at him,
completely surprised.
Him:"It wasn't a dream sweetheart."

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Chapter 30
Me:"Doctor how is that possible? Am not pregnant?"
Her:"Well pregnancy occurs when a couple
Me:"I know how a person gets pregnant!" I snapped
and Luyanda chuckled besides me.
Me:"I just don't understand how I can go five months
without knowing."
Her:"Although that's unusual it does happen. Some
women don't even have any symptoms till they give
Luu:"I'm worried she hasn't had any prenatal care at
all, won't that affect the pregnancy?"
Her:"I can't be completely sure. But I'd like to have a
CAT scan."
Her:"Yes if that's okay with you?"
Me:"Uuh yeah sure."
The doctor did the scan. Luyanda was so excited and
honestly I felt nothing. I didn't feel that awe that you
feel when you hear your baby's heartbeat for the first
time. It didn't even feel like I was carrying my baby. It
felt like some type of alien life form that doesn't
belong in my body. A parasite of some sort.
We were in the car on our way back to his house, Luu
stopped at a Burger King drive thru. He turned to me.
Luu:" Should I get you anything?"
Luu:"You sure?"
I nodded.
We arrived at his house. I headed straight for his room,
he took my wrist before I could climb the stairs.
Him:"What's wrong you've been quiet the whole time
in the car."
Him:"I know it's about the pregnancy, we'll figure it
out don't worry."
Me:"I can't not worry about it Luyanda. I don't think
I'll even keep it."
Him:"Don't be ridiculous Ayanda, you're not aborting
my baby."
Me:"Am not aborting your- heee! Do you know that I
have my dad to think about? The person who despises
you and everything you stand for. How do you think
he'll react when he hears you knocked me up? Do you
wanna lose your balls cause he'll make sure you never
make any babies ever again."
Me:"Am not done. I have people stalking me, following
me everywhere, watching my every move. People who
are threatening my life. I am eighteen years old
Luyanda I don't have anything figured out yet, nothing
is going my way. And you... you're a freakin gangster
Luyanda. You kill for a living and you think am gonna
bring a baby into this? You want me to be more of a
target than I already am? I am not having a baby with a
man that is still busy chasing the high life. Grow up
first Luyanda and then you can talk to me about a
family. This is not an ideal environment for a child.
How could have I been so careless? You're not ready."
Him:"You're being selfish Ayanda. You're not
considering my feelings at all in this."
Me:"What's there to consider? I'm not having a baby
with you. I am a doing the right thing by putting this
fetus first."
Him:"How? When you're not even trying to give it a
chance at life."
Me:"What kind of life is that? Hiding from daddy's
enemies? No man!" I pulled away from him.
Him:"Come here."
I shook my head.
Him:"I said come here."
He took my hand again forcefully grabbing my wrist. I
didn't try to fight him off, I wouldn't win anyway.
Luyanda looked furious and for a minute there I was
scared shitless. I pushed him too far and when
Luyanda is mad he can make impulsive decisions. But
am not gonna apologize for speaking the truth, though
I could've worded it differently.
Him:"First of all little girl you will not speak to me like
that, ever. You will not make me sound like a man who
cannot protect his own. You will stay here and rethink
your decision cause I swear to God Ayanda if you kill
this baby, I'll be arrested for murder."
Me:"Oh so now you're threatening me? You're forcing
me to keep a baby I don't want? I will hate it Luyanda
if I you make me keep it you'll lose me."

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