Virtual Private Network As A Service A Need For Discrete Cloud Architecture PDF

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Virtual Private Network as a Service- A Need for

Discrete Cloud Architecture

Anjum Zameer Bhat1, Dalal Khalfan Al Shuaibi2, Ajay Vikram Singh3
Department of ComputerScience Middle East College, Knowledge Oasis Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Department of Post Graduate Studies Middle East College, Knowledge Oasis Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Department of ComputerScience MiddleEast College Knowledge Oasis Muscat SultanateofOman

Abstract: Cloud Computing in recent years has become a buzz tenants are required that enhances the agility of business
word in the world of information technology. Cloud computing process.
also referred as on demand computing has been extensively
adapted by various organization irrespective of their scale and The delivery of services can be simplified in cloud computing
nature of work, essentially because of kind of flexibility, ease, by using “Virtualization Technology” [2]. This technology
scalability, less overhead and cost benefits that cloud computing
contributes in making the cloud cost effective by supporting
provides. In recent years we have seen discrete and unique cloud
implementations resulting in automation of complicated resource scalability and building a layer of abstraction to hide
business processes at a never imaginable cost. Cloud computing the complexity of underlying hardware, and segregating the
provides three basic architecture to cater the needs of different software and hardware [3]. In fact, cloud computing has three
users i.e. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform major virtualization characteristics; partitioning, isolation and
as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). As the encapsulation. The effective utilization of hardware resources
implementation of cloud computing is exponentially broadening can be achieved by delegating them as virtual machines with
and it is being implemented in newer and newer fields, need is help of Hypervisors, which are the core components of
being felt by cloud implementers to have unique service Virtualization. Enhance security, simplify management and
architectures for a specific implementation. In other words a
cost saving can be achieved with help of Virtual Private
unique cloud service architecture e.g. for Educational
Establishments or e.g. a discrete service architecture for Virtual Network (VPN).
Private Network (VPN) if it is to be deployed through cloud. As
Virtual Private Networks are a part of most of the network Most of enterprises accept placing their important data in the
deployments all over the world connecting branches, business cloud whenever the cloud service provider ensures the
partners and outlets and providing seamless connectivity availability of encryption and cryptographic protocols to
especially for SME’s (Small-Medium sized Enterprises). Most of provide the confidentiality, integrity and authentication. Cloud
the organizations with VPN deployments want to reduce the VMs could connect to the enterprise network through VPN.
operational cost, implementation cost and overhead associated This will allow transmission data over the Internet by using
with VPN’s. This research paper is mere effort to study the need encrypted protocols. Typically, cloud is managed by an entity
for discrete cloud architecture for the implementation of VPN or provider outside the enterprise control which lead many
service through cloud computing. This research paper introduces
a unique cloud architecture VPNaaS (Virtual Private Network as
enterprises to not very confident or accept placing their
a Service). confidential data into public cloud. One circumstance help
enterprises to adopt public cloud is by connecting cloud VMs
Keywords: Cloud VPN; VPN as a Service; Cloud and Virtual to enterprise network with help of VPN. The most commonly
Private Networks; Cloud Architecture used VPN protocols are Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Internet
Protocol Security (IPsec), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
I. INTRODUCTION (PPTP) and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) which are used
over unreliable public Internet to secure data communication.
Cloud Computing is a new virtualization technology that
shares computing resources (e.g. hardware, software, storage Despite of cloud computing benefits, there are security
space, operating systems and infrastructure), through Internet. breaches in term of data loss, data breaching and traffic
Nowadays, Cloud Computing as service is considered a major hijacking. Thus, there is a need of effective VPN solution in
nerve of modern information technology world similar to cloud. The connectivity to tenant networks can be provided by
electricity and water in urban areas [1].Different cloud Virtual Private Networking as a Service (VPNaaS). The data
computing services can be utilized without worrying about the protection and confidentiality of sensitive information in cloud
complexity of technology and infrastructure architecture. These environment is assured by deploying encryption, which can be
computing services are available and scalable whenever cloud achieved by setting up VPN services in cloud.

978-1-5090-1489-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 526

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2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 7-9, 2016,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

Cloud computing is a new technology that offers the delivery advisory in information security and network fields have been
of on-demand services (e.g. hardware, software, storage space, defined the VPN are National Institute of Standards and
operating systems and infrastructure) for enterprises through a Technology (NIST) and Gartner.
shared network. This allows Small- Medium sized Enterprises
(SMEs) to contribute towards reducing their capital and NIST has defined VPN as “a virtual network that is built on
operational expenses. Moreover, cloud computing uses “pay- top of existing physical networks to provide a secure
per-usage” model to match the needs\demands of their communications mechanism for transmitted data and other
customers. This allows enterprises to deploy world-class information in between networks” [4].
infrastructure with dynamic facility to allocate and/or release
compute resources on the fly and at a marginal cost. Most of Gartner has described VPN as “a system that delivers
Cloud Service Providers have built their data centers enterprise-focused communication services on a shared public
interconnected via high-speed Internet links and distributed network infrastructure to provide customized operating
them in different geographic locations. characteristics uniformly and universally across an
enterprise” [5].
Considering a scenario wherein different cloud tenants are
sharing the same infrastructure in the cloud service models. VPN DEPLOYMENT
While data traversing in cloud, tenants do not want their There are two types of VPN connections: Remote Access VPN
confidential information to be compromised or altered by any and Site-to-Site VPN [6]. Remote Access VPN connects the
third parties without detection. Data encryption considers as an employees to their company’s intranet from home or anywhere.
extremely helpful method to assure the protection of data within SSL, IPsec, PPTP and L2TP are the most widely used VPN
cloud environments. Currently, cloud service provider requires protocols in “Remote Access VPN”. SSL VPN: It provides
enhancing the security provided to their cloud tenants. This will remote access connectivity through the web browser’s native
ensure the confidentiality and data protection of sensitive SSL encryption and a standard web browser [7]. IPsec VPN:
information. Thus, there is a requirement to deploy VPN as It’s another type of remote access VPN which supports all
cloud based service model to interconnect networks over public IP-based applications and connects only devices with specific
network infrastructures and secure the data transmission across configurations [7].
the private subnets.
In contrast, Site-to-Site VPN connects the company’s intranet
The research concentrates on establishing a virtualized based to their business partner’s intranet and may also connect
environment to facilitate communication between Cloud geographically spaced out company intranets. It uses IPsec,
Service Provider (CSP) across geographically different Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and Multi- Protocol
locations by using VPN solution. Furthermore, a detailed study Label Switching (MPLS) as VPN tunneling protocols [7].
was conducted to address the currently used VPN solutions by Intranet VPN: It’s a type of Site-to-Site VPN that allows
SMEs, to comparatively analysis different architectural designs connectivity between sites of a single enterprise [8]. It uses to
for building traditional VPN and to examine the performance connect small number of remote offices together into single
and the implications while extending VPN to cloud. There is network. Extranet VPN: It’s another type of Site-to-Site VPN
also a proposal for new architecture to build VPN as cloud that allows connectivity between enterprises (e.g. business
based service model. partners, supplier or customer) [9]. It uses to connect
enterprise’s LAN with another enterprise’s LAN in order to
II. RELATED WORK share environment with controlled and secured network access
There are rapid changes in technology and business
requirements to continue cost saving, many enterprises are VPN TUNNELING TECHNOLOGIES
being asked to explore alternative solutions to traditional
Tunnel is established through public network to secure
network connectivity as a way of minimizing their operating
communication. This tunnel is created with help of widespread
expenses. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is designed to gain
VPN tunneling technologies (e.g. IPsec, L2TP and PPTP) [11].
secure access into an enterprise’s private network as well
These technologies are used to secure data tunnels over an
reduce costs and increase performance. VPN is a term used
insecure network, which is VPN. Tunneling technologies are
generically to describe a communication network. It uses a
rely on both open source implementations and commercial
combination of strong encryption and tunneling technologies to
secure a tunneled connection through untrusted or unsecured products[12].
network (e.g. Internet). This allows enterprises to transport IPsec is one of the most complete secured accessible standards
their private data\network services by using public based on developed protocols uses to transport the data. It’s a
infrastructure networks. There is no standard interpretation for collection of security protocols allows the system to select the
VPN term. The networking specialists and enterprises may proper security protocols while transmitting the data.
understanding VPN in different ways. There are different Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload
institutes and advisories have tried to define the VPN (ESP) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) are three primary
terminology. The two major broadly known institute and protocols uses by IPsec to establish connection and transmit

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2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 7-9, 2016,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

data in a secured manner. IPsec runs in two operations modes: (Gupta, P. & Verma, A) have introduced virtual private
Transport and Tunnel. network service based on “Software as a Service” model [14].
This service is fully dedicated to the SME companies. This
L2TP is one of tunneling protocol uses to transmit the data model was designed only to show the concept of elastic VPN
between the communicating systems. It uses by Frame Relay, in cloud computing and require more researches to improve
X.25 networks and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). It is topology design. The VPN service model is built purely based
capable to transmit non-IP protocols over an IP network and on cloud service by using simple techniques (e.g. load
encapsulates data in PPP frames. The PPP connections use balancing algorithm and topology).The purpose of using load-
authentication mechanisms, which are also use by L2TP balancing algorithm to adjust the computing resources
connections (e.g. EAP, MSCHAP and CHAP). L2TP uses in consumed by the VPN service in a specific VPN block then it
conjunction with IPsec and called “L2TP/IPsec” as L2TP does was distribute the workload of each operation unit within VPN
not provide the data confidentially. block dynamically.

PPTP is an extension to point-to-point protocol (PPP). It VPN CHALLENGES

creates a virtual network for each remote client to connect to
VPN became a common method of linking private networks
the target network. It uses various authentication protocols such
together across the Internet. VPN challenges typically fall into
as Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), Shiva Password
the following:
Authentication Protocol (SPAP), Microsoft Challenge-
Handshake Authentication Protocol (MCHAP), and Password 1) Cost: There are hidden costs of deploying VPNs which
Authentication Protocol (PAP). PPTP tunneling has multiple are not as attractive as the cost reductions advertised for
levels to encapsulate the data packet. VPNs. For instance, implement and manage encryption
algorithms are very compute intensive and expensive. In
addition, the enterprises may need to employ additional
(Arshad, F., Howard, G. & Bagchi, G.)have conducted an
network specialists to configure and administrate
experiment to investigate the migration of IT services to a cloud
different VPN devices\solutions which make the VPN
computing [13]. Virtual Private Network (VPN) service was
solution more costly. It might be an additional cost of
used to enable secure access to sensitive resources and protect
deploying VPN solution when the service provider offers
the critical resources without administering the service. They
some Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to implement
selected two competitive options to protecting access to IT
and maintain the VPN service.
resources of National Science Foundation (NSF) center. These
two options are an open-source software-only VPN (pfSense) 2) Complexity: The VPN solutions and products that are
and a commercial appliance, i.e., an integrated hardware- offered by various vendors can have incompatibility
software solution (Cisco ASA 5520 Appliance). The first option issues with some VPN connections because of VPN
is managed in-house by NSF center team while the latter option technology standards. In most scenarios to establish a
is outsourced to an external entity provides VPN as service to single VPN tunnel may require to use multiple network
multiple enterprises. For those solutions offered by Cisco ASA topologies, protocols, network devices and service
providers [15]. This can have the effect of making VPN
5520 (cloud-based) and pfSense (in-house), they evaluated
service more robust. At the same time to get several
VPN performance, user management and client configurability.
network devices work well together can create complexity
Moreover, they conducted a post deployment survey to
especially if these devices are not designed to work
understand the success of the deployed VPN service. The
together [15]. In addition, the enterprises may need to
experiment had shown the following outcomes:
employ additional network engineers to configure and
administrate these VPN devices\solutions which make the
x The performance of CISCO VPN cloud- based solution
VPN solution more costly to implement and maintain.
gave a throughput (around 73 Mbps) that is sufficient for
VPN connectivity thus it was chosen as the final VPN 3) Administration: The implementation and administration
service to be used in production. of virtual private networks require dedicated network
x The post deployment survey conducted on using CISCO administrators who know how a VPN works and how it
VPN cloud- based solution. It revealed that VPN cloud- fits with the enterprise's networking needs. The network
based is a successful solution and users are able to have administrators should have special skills in implementing
VPN connectivity without any considerable issues. and administering the virtual private networks. They
x CISCO VPN cloud- based solution had easier and minimal should be responsible for ongoing administration and
client configurability and compatibility for all operating support such as configuring the private network,
systems (e.g. Windows, Linux, and Mac). troubleshooting it, stabilizing it, and documenting
changes [16]. The main anxiety for most enterprises is to
x The client configurability for CISCO VPN cloud- based
find the competent network administrators who are
was straightforward as opposed pfSense VPN (in-house)
capable to administering their VPNs with no need to get
the required support from third party specialists. In

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2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 7-9, 2016,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

today’s market, the skilled network administrators are got mixed responses about the size of the enterprises.
usually expensive. (41%) of enterprises have 100-500 employees (belongs
to medium-sized enterprises), (7.5 %) have 50-100
4) Quality of Service (QoS): It’s a key component of any employees which are belong to small enterprises,
VPN service. It ensures that all applications can coexist followed by those with (10.1%) belong to micro-
and function at acceptable levels of performance. The enterprises.
VPN requires a certain quality of service (QoS) (e.g.
minimum guaranteed bandwidth) for the connections
between VPN sites. VPN uses a shared network
infrastructure (e.g. Internet) and service provider cannot
provide service level guarantee for QoS. In the typical
internet connected environment, there are some
challenges related to QoS such as prioritize the mission
critical traffic through the VPN. The clients have no
control to prioritize the traffic once it leaves their network
as the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may remark or
discard the traffic that has priority queuing markings [17].

III. SURVEY RESULTS Fig. 1. Size of participating enterprises

The web-based questionnaire survey is conducted from 2. Usage of VPN solution to provide connectivity to remote
selected respondents from different enterprises to know their offices:
expectations on VPN as cloud-based service model and current The results showed that all respondents (100%) used VPN
problems faced by them in current VPN solution. The solution to connect their remote offices. Most enterprises
respondents sample has been selected based on a probability used VPN connectivity to extend the workplace beyond the
approach. It means that the sample has been elected via “Simple physical offices thus increasing their employees’ productivity
Random Sampling” to obtain an acceptable accurate through workplace flexibility.
information; therefore, some enterprises are more expected to
be selected instead of others [18]. The enterprises selected for
the research are the results of local contacts working with
different local SMEs. The survey was conducted among the
SMEs’ users of the VPN service to answer the research

1. What are the major benefits for SMEs if they adapt VPN
cloud based service model?

2. What are the requirements to enhance VPN service in

cloud environment?

A. Understanding the SMEs Business

Fig. 2. Usage of VPN solution to provide connectivity to remote
1. Size of participating enterprises: The survey was offices
targeted IT professionals at SMEs. The survey involved
201 enterprises from different industry sectors. SMEs are B. VPN Solution
independent firms and non-subsidiary, which
1. VPN solution associated challenges: As (Figure 3)
employ lesser than a designated number of employees. illustrates the majority of challenges associated with
This number differs across countries. The usual
VPN solution in SMEs are related to additional capital
definition of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
and operational expenses (97.8%) as well (85.4%) are
is any enterprise with no more than 500 employees [19].
related to hiring network specialists due to solution
In addition, the micro- enterprises are generally those
complexity. Thus, SMEs no longer need to put a lot of
with fewer than 10 employees while small enterprises
money to build and maintain VPN infrastructure or hire
have at least 50 employees. Furthermore, medium sized
network specialists when migrating VPN service to
enterprises are employed less than 250. The size of SMEs
cloud. The remaining percentages are divided between
in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region is almost
other challenges including administration overhead,
similar as it is defined by European Union [20].The
performance and efficiency issues, network reliability,
survey shows that the vast majority of participated
quality of service and compatibility and interoperability
enterprises (41.4%) employed no more than 500
employees (belonging to the category of SMEs). It was

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2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 7-9, 2016,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

C. VPN as Cloud Based Service

1- VPN as cloud service model: The vast majority of
respondents (100%) are vary between strongly agree and agree
to provide VPN service as cloud service model.

Fig. 3. VPN solution associated challenges

Fig. 6. VPN as cloud service model
2. Administration/troubleshooting V P N connectivity:
Maintaining the smooth operations is the main goal for 2- Cloud computing provide a reliable alternative to current
IT department in any enterprise. This achieves by having VPN services: As VPN cloud-based service might solve all
a specialized onsite staffing which will optimize the associated challenges being faced with current VPN solution,
performance, deliver operational excellence and focus on thus majority of respondents (100%) are vary between strongly
business objectives. The administration and agree and agree that cloud option can provide a reliable
troubleshooting VPN connectivity can be achieved either alternative to VPN services being offered currently.
by onsite resources or escalate to third party or both
options. The results showed identical percentages (20.9%
and 29.1%) for all suggested responses. The data
collected showed that enterprise onsite resources and
outsource third party team ranked the highest percentage
(29.1%). Moreover, (20.9%) answered that the
administration and troubleshooting VPN is normally
done through either VPN vendor or enterprise onsite
resources and outsource third party team. Fig. 7. Cloud computing provide a reliable alternative to current
VPN services

3- Critical objectives to implement VPN cloud service:

(36.2%) of respondents believed that cost, complexity,
administration and Quality of Service (QoS) are the most
critical objective to their enterprises. Followed by (32.1%) are
believed that Quality of Service (QoS), costs, complexity and
administration are the suitable objective to their enterprises. In
short, there is no common critical objectives suited all
enterprises as each enterprise has their own vision and criteria.
Fig. 4. Administration/troubleshooting VPN connectivity

3. Budget for VPN solution: The results showed that

(27.2%) of respondents were allocated between USD
13,000-26,000 of their budget for VPN solution. In
contrast, over (72.8%) of respondents were allocated
below USD 13,000 only.

Fig. 8. Critical objectives to implement VPN cloud service

4- Main reasons for VPN cloud migration: There are variety

of reasons in any decision regarding changes and cloud-
computing adaption is no exception. As shown in (Figure 9),
cost reduction, simpler administration and maintenance, avoid
capital expenditure and increased flexibility and elasticity were
Fig. 5. Budget for VPN solution the main reasons that got the highest percentages by
respondents to shift VPN into cloud. Minor, but also valuable

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2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 7-9, 2016,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

reason is improved performance and efficiency that had there is a requirement for discrete and unique service
response percentage of (41.8%). architecture however a specific architecture is not proposed
which will result in VPN being provided as a cloud service. The
future work in this area would be to compare the current service
architectures and missing features and components that are
required for leveraging VPN as a cloud service. Moreover, there
is a need for designing discrete service architecture in cloud
computing for VPN so as to successfully offer VPN as a service.


I am thankful to almighty Allah for granting me knowledge to

write this research paper. I am sincerely thankful to the
Department of Post Graduate Studies at Middle East College,
Fig. 9. Main reasons for VPN cloud migration Sultanate of Oman, for their encouraging attitude and support
for researchers. I thank my academic supervisors in Department
5- Reasons to use VPN as cloud service: There are numerous
of Computer Science at Middle East College, Mr. Anjum and
of benefits the enterprise expects to obtain from VPN cloud
Dr. Ajay, for their continued support and assistance. I am
based service. (Figure 10) illustrates that most of respondents
express my sincere gratitude to all enterprises participated in the
are perceived that the main reasons to use VPN as cloud service
survey. I am very thankful to all my colleagues who supported
are cost reduction of deployment (96.3%), ease of
and encouraged me every time. I am greatly thankful to my
implementation (84.3%) and pay per use (81.7%). In
family members especially my mother, my sisters and brothers
contrast, the lower percentages are goes to other reasons such
for their inspiration, support and guidance.
as no administration overhead (76.1%), easy management and
flexibility (65.7%), improved mobility (38.4%) and robust
architecture and scalability (24.3%).
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