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Q.1] Fill in the blanks

1. ………………… is a red coloured pigment present on the surface of RBC.

2. Haemoglobin below normal range indicates ………………….
3. Aplastic anaemia is caused due to …………………………….
4. Malignancy of Leukocytes is termed as ……………………...
5. ……………………………… is the length of time required for blood to stop
6. ……………………………. is the length of time required for blood to form a
fibrin clot.
7. In von Willebrand’s disease, …………………… is high with a normal
8. The normal range of bleeding time is ………………………
9. The normal range of clotting time is ………………………...
10. In Sickle cell anaemia, the RBCs have ………………………
11. …………………….. anticoagulant tube is used for collecting sample for
blood glucose estimation.
12. …………………… anticoagulant tube is used for PT, APTT test.
13. The normal lifespan of RBC is…………………….
14. The normal life span of platelets is ………………………………
15. Total RBC count is ………………………….
16. Total WBC count is………………………….
17. Total platelet count is …………………
18. The Romanowsky principle states that blood cells can be stained using
……………………… and …………. stain.
19. ……………………… is a staining method used for staining blood smear.
20. Blood smear are stained to study ………………………… and ……………….
21. Cell counter is used for ………………
22. The oval shaped RBCs are known as ………………….
23. Purple staining thread like filament in the shape of ring in Red Blood Cell is
known as ……………….
24. Hypersegmentation refers to ……………………….
25. Megaloblastic anaemia can be identified by ………. and ………… deficiency
Q.2] Short Answer Questions
1. What is blood? State the functions of blood.
2. Write a note on Erythropoiesis.
3. Draw neat and labelled diagrams of Granulocytes and Agranulocytes.
4. State the functions of platelets.
5. Explain the meaning of following terms:
i. Polycythaemia
ii. Neutrophilia
iii. Leucopenia
iv. Anaemia
v. Leucocytosis.
vi. Thrombopoiesis
vii. Thrombocytopenia
6. What is prick method? Enlist different test done by prick method.
7. How will you prepare thin blood smear?
8. What is DLC?
9. Write a note on Field staining.
10. What is blood clotting?
11. List the coagulation factors
12. What is PT?
13. What is the clinical significance of ESR.
14. Draw a flowchart on different blood components.
15. State the principles of cell counter.
16. Make a list of various tests under haematology.
17. Draw Neubauer’s chamber.

Q.3] Long Answer Questions

1. Explain in detail the components and functions of formed elements of blood.

2. Explain the method of venepuncture in detail.
3. What is CBC? Explain all parameters calculation in detail.
4. Write a note on ESR.
5. Write a note on Bleeding time and Clotting time.
6. State the advantages of Vacutainer for blood collection.
7. What is Haemostasis? Give blood clotting mechanism.
8. What is haemoglobin? What are the clinical conditions associated with
increased and decreased in Hb?
9. Write a short note on Neubauer’s chamber.
10. What is anaemia? What are the different causes of anaemia?
11. What is Leukaemia? Give the classification of leukaemia.
12. How will you determine PCV by Wintrobe method?
13. Define anticoagulants. Enlist any two types of anticoagulants used in the
laboratory with the help of mode of action & use.

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