Microbiology-Seroloy Question Bank

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Q.1. What is Microbiology?

Q.2. How are microorganisms classified?

Q.3. Name any two differential staining technique

Q.4. State the principle and Procedure of Gram staining

Q.5. What is ZN staining. Which bacilli are known as Acid Fast bacilli?

Q.6. Name any 4 gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.

Q.7. List the glasswares used in microbiological analysis.

Q.8. What is Media?

Q.9. What is virology?

Q.10. State the properties of viruses.

Q.11. Give examples of DNA virus and RNA virus

Q.12. Name any 3 diseases caused by virus

Q.13. Classify the methods of sterilisation

Q.14. What is nosocomial infection?

Q.15. Differentiate between sterilisation and disinfection

Q.16. List the various test performed in serology.

Q.17. What is Rheumatoid factor?

Q.18. What is Immunology?

Q.19. What is serology?

Q.20. What is the clinical significance of :

a. Widal Test

b. ASO test

Q.21. What is window period?

Q22. What is the principle of Hepatitis B card test?

Q.23. What is barrier immunity?

Q.24. What is innate immunity?

Q.25. What is acquired immunity?

Q.26. Name the cells responsible for innate immunity?

Q.27. Name the cells responsible for acquired immunity?

Q.28. Classify acquired immunity.

Q.29. What is syphilis? Name the etiological agent of Syphilis infection

Q.30 Which test is used for diagnosis of syphilis infection?

Long answers

Q.1. State the contribution of Louis Pasteur in the field of microbiology.

Q.2. How will you test motility of an organism?

Q.3. Differentiate between Nutrient agar and Blood agar.

Q.4. How is bacteria isolated?

Q.5. How is AST done?

Q.6. With the help of a flow chart, explain lifecycle of malarial parasites.

Q.7. State difference between protozoa and metazoa.

Q.8. Write a note on ASO Test?

Q.9. Write a note on RA Test

Q.10. Write a note on HIV Rapid Card Test

Q.11. Write a note on Hepatitis B Card Test

Q.12. Write a note on Widal test – Qualitative and Quantitative.

Q.13. Which staining techniques are used for malarial parasites. Explain any one in
Q.14. Differentiate between

a. Amoebic dysentry and Bacillary dysentry.

b. Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum.

Q.15. Explain in your own words (Draw diagrams also)

a. Antigen antibody reaction

b. Agglutination

c. Precipitation

d. Neutralization

e. Phagocytosis

f. Flocculation

g. Epitope

h. Paratope

Q.16. Write a note on autoclaving

Q.17. Describe bacterial structure in detail?

Q.18. Describe the stages of HIV progression.

Q.19. Describe the stages of syphilis infection.

Q.20. State the Precautionary measures you would take for Seropositive sample?

Q.21. Explain the structure of Antibody in detail.

Q.22. Write a note on IgM

Q.23. Write a note on IgG

Q.24. Write a note on IgE.

Q.25. Write a note on IgA

Q.1. Match the following.

1. Phagocytosis a. Enhancing a reaction

2. Opsonization b. Engulfing foreign particle

3. Agglutination c. Set of proteins activated which mark antigen


4. Complement d. Many antigen-antibody interact to form a complex

5. Antibody e. Secreted by body in response to antigen

6. Antigen f. Poisonous substance/particle/molecule

7. Toxin g. Foreign substance entering body.

Q.2. Match the following :-

1. RA Test a, Inflammation

2. ASO Test b. Rheumatoid factor

3. Widal Test c. Syphilis

4. RPR Test d. Typhoid

5. CRP Test e. Streptococcal infections

Q.3. Fill in the blanks

1. Study of viruses is known as …………………….

2. Study of parasites is known as ……………………

3. Serology is study of …………………..

4. Lowenstein Jensen Medium is used for cultivation of ………………….

5. Cary Blair media is used for …………………………

5. Use of phenyl for cleaning floor is a ……………….. method of disinfection.

6. Autoclaving is a ………………… method of disinfection.

7. Trichomonas vaginalis causes …………………………….

8. RA Test kit contains …………………………, Positive control, Negative control.

9. RPR is done for …………………… infection.

10. For diagnosis of typhoid ………………. Test is done

11. The period during which HIV infection remains undetected by card test is known
as ………………………….

12. Hepatitis B infection causes ……………… of liver.

13. ASO test is done for ……………………. Infections

14. The full form of HCV is …………………………………..

15. The full form of HIV is …………………………………….

16. The full form of AIDS is ……………………………………..

17. Syphilis is caused by ………………………………………

18. Hepatitis is caused by ………………………………………

19. Chocolate agar is a ………………….media.

20. Mac Conkey agar is a ………………. And ………………. Media.

Q.4. Draw labelled diagram of :

1. HIV

2. Gram positive organism

3. Gram negative organism

4. Acid fast bacilli seen under AFB staining

5. Corynebacterium diphtheria in Albert staining

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