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Equipment is on tower. Site is active.

See note from Tx Planning:

DN073701-DN017723 is an E-Band Link carrying RAN traffic of DN073 only.

I spoke to Gavin Byrne on this and SIAE would like to investigate why the DN017723 end of this link
is out of comms. They have requested the log files for DN017723 so that they can investigate. I have
attached a MOP on how the Field Engineer on site can log into DN017723 to retrieve these files.

If the Field Engineer is unable to log into DN017723 using the MOP, he may need to perform a hard
reset on DN017723 but as the Radio is on the tower he will only be able to do this by switching off
and on the breaker which should be labelled in the cabin. This will be service affecting. This may
restore comms to the Radio while also making it possible to retrieve the log files so that SIAE can
investigate why this issue occurred.

Logging Into E-Band Radio on Site

1. FE on site should be able to access both ends of the full outdoor link by connecting his laptop with a
LAN cable into the IDU (LAN1 of DN017701), and enabling this port.
2. In order to do that it is required to change the IP address of the Ethernet card adapter of the laptop to
an IP belonging to the same subnet of the ALFOplus80HD link (ensuring to use an IP different from the
ODUs IP and defualt gateway).
3. If all configurations have been properly performed the FE should be able to ping both ends of the link,
open a web browser page (recommended IE9) and type in the IP address of the two ODUs in order to
display the WebLCT GUI (while access to the IDU would still be via management port).


Free DCN IP Addresses for logging into E-Band Radio highlighted in green in below excel file:

        Find attached swop procedure for the new E-Band MW Links

        It should be noted that you will require a Consol Cable to login to
the ALFOplus80HD via the management port at ground level. Part code is F03616.

        This part code has been included in M5X but there are only 4 available
at present.

        As these links are now installed in CK, DN, GY, KY, LK & TY could the
follow ( M O'Shea, K Nolan, D Bourke & J Donohue ) call down the Consol cables
first. More are on order!

        The ODU's are listed in the IDU section of the attached SIAE Inventory
and are all GBxxxxx rather than the usual GExxxxx

        Wrt management, no DCN cables are not necessarily run. In band
management is used and you will use the locally connected IDU to login to the

        It is envisaged that the rigging PICW will take over the ODU/IDU
configuration from the FST rather than having the FST on site with the riggers

. Username and Password is admin and admin

. The parts are now available on M5X
. We would need a DC Plug SIAE Part Code P04185 in order to be able to power a
replacement ODU on the ground to configure before installing on the mast.
. as well as the Console cable, Part code is F03616 we would need a DC Plug SIAE
Part Code P04185 to allow is to power up the ODU on the ground.


As discussed, when the teams are installing and commissioning an ALFOPlus80HD, in order for the
NMS to remote manage the Network Element, the commissioning team must configure the NMS5UX
User in the Group/User Management Window as below.

Username: SYSTEM

Password: SIAEMICR

This extra step has never previously been required for the ALCPlus2/ALCPLus2E’s, which
automatically added this user to the user groups. If this very small step is missed, we will be able to
ping the node, but will not be able to connect the NE on the NMS.


Gavin Byrne BE, MSc, MIEI

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