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S T E P H A N I E N I C H O L E I A N A . C A S E M ( S T E M 1 1 M E R C U R Y )

How useful is ICT in the new normal education?

-Because of the pandemic the students are not allowed to attend school, instead

they are required to learn through online.ICT is very useful in the new normal

education being aware of and exposed to ICT helps us in this new normal trend of

schooling. When it comes to answering our modules, we rely heavily on the internet.

In order to participate in online classes, you must also understand how to utilize

technology and the internet properly. All of these abilities are part of the ICT.ICT

enhances engagement and knowledge retention in education. When ICT is

integrated into lessons, students become more involved in their work. This is due to

the fact that technology allows for numerous approaches to make teaching the

same subjects more entertaining and pleasant, also ICT naturally draws student

together to communicate and discuss what they are doing for work, which opens up

avenues for communication and leads to language development.

As a 21st century learner , how can you improve your ICT skills?

-As a 21st century learner, the things that I would do to improve my ICT skills are to

learn the basics about ICT, to search online for what I would do if ever I encounter

confusion on how to operate or use such ICT tools, and to allocate time to learn

everything about ICT so that I can improve my skills and knowledge. I can also seek

help from those who are skilled about ICT.I will also practice the things that I know

about ICT or how to use ICT tools, regular practice is an excellent way to improve

your present ICT abilities. The more you utilize what you already know, the easier it

is to accomplish these tasks often. Once you’ve become more confident in these

current skills, learning new skills will become easier and less intimidating.

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