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Đỗ Hải Hà 207140231060

Phạm Thị Mai Anh

Ha Noi, tháng 2 năm 2023

Write a research proposal of no longer than 2000 words (excluding
references), explaining the significance and design of your proposed research

Purpose: To undertake an in-depth research of a specific topic in language studies

(it may be connected to the literature review you have already undertaken for your
Annotated Bibliography assessment) and to propose a novel and original project
which contributes to and/or extends this topic.

Your task is to write a proposal consisting of the following sections:

1. Introduction clearly stating the research topic and establishing the relevance of
the research. This is also the section which clearly outlines the organization of your

2. Literature Review of the topic under discussion. Its structure should be apparent
and appropriate for the material. Transitions between different themes, points, and
sections should be smooth and clearly indicated. Literature Review should
demonstrate student's mastery of relevant theories and concepts and understanding
of previous findings, covered in sufficient detail.

3. A clear and specific statement of the Research Question, motivated by the

literature review.

4. Method should be clear and appropriate for the research question. Information
about the context of the research, participants, data collection method, instruments
used for data collection and data analysis should be given in detail.

5. Conclusion should present critical evaluation of the proposed study, including its
potential contributions to the relevant field of study and its limitations.

6. References in APA format.

7. Written research proposal will need to be submitted with a record of Turnitin

checking from the university library


Speaking skills are an important part of each person's ability to master a language. Programme
General education shows a certain interest in the comprehensive development of speech-activity
skills for people learning, including speaking skills. Three factors are learning motivation,
learning attitude and learning strategy that affect learning practice as well as practice speaking
skills of students in high school. From the study of the nature and elements of speaking skills, the
article proposes a process of practicing speaking skills in teaching in order to develop speaking
ability for students in high school.

Keyword: Speaking skills; speaking ability; communicate.


Speaking skills are assessed as an important part in the formation and development of each
person's ability to communicate in a language. The lack of speaking skills in communication
activities will be a huge obstacle for each person in society.
Speaking is the ability to express speech in the form of sound, reflected in the speaker's use of
oral language to convey information, express thoughts and feelings accurately, vividly and
convincingly. Mastering speaking skills will help speakers create good relationships in
communication, assert themselves and be a tool to influence others. It has been proven that
effective verbal communicators are more likely to succeed in school and in other fields of life.
Especially use speaking skills in English.
Even so, at present, a part of high school students is still weak in speaking skills. There are
many reasons for this situation. It is most obvious that students are afraid to speak in class, have
a shy, reserved mentality for fear of saying the wrong thing, do not have enough information to
express, only focus on practicing English Grammar... exchange, discussion, speech, eloquence,
etc. are few and difficult to organize, so students do not have many conditions to practice their
English speaking ability. The number of students in each class is quite large, so the practice of
speaking skills for each student is still limited. There is no suitable method in teaching and
creativity to encourage, facilitate and develop students' speaking ability.
The need for international communication and communication is growing, in which the English
language in the information age has led many people to take language courses. The general
education program shows some interest in the comprehensive development of students'
language-active skills. Therefore, satisfactory recognition and practical research are needed to
find ways to teach oral skills and improve effective foreign language communication
This article studies the issue of promoting English speaking skills for high school students in
communication and how to learn effectively by themselves.
Speaking skill is the skill of using sound to express one's thoughts, opinions and words for the
purpose of expressing opinions, conversing and communicating with listeners. Through the
conversation, the speaker and the listener exchange information. According to Bygate (2018),
speaking skill is one of the reflexive skills, helping learners to use foreign languages to express
opinions, views, thoughts and feelings to the opposite person, listener [1]. Speaking is
considered an important skill to master language in communication. According to Baker and
Westrup (2003), those who learn to speak English very well may have better opportunities to
study, find good jobs and get promoted [2]. Therefore, it can be affirmed that it is speaking
skills that help the English language perform its own communication function. Moreover ,
speaking skills also contribute to strengthening learners' listening skills, helping to increase
vocabulary and practice related skills. Therefore, many Vietnamese students, when learning
English, want to study and practice a lot to improve their speaking skills, helping them to study
and work in the future.
Learning English speaking skills depends on many different factors. In which, the following
three factors are evaluated as the most important: learning motivation, learning attitude and
learning strategy.
* Learning motivation: When it comes to learner motivation, Cole and Chan (1994) mention
two main motivations: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation refers
to factors outside the classroom. The factors outside the classroom are the attraction and
absorption of the culture of the community using that language. Learners want to learn about
that culture and integrate into that culture. Factors outside the classroom are also the need to use
a foreign language as a second language to achieve a specific goal such as applying for a job,
salary increase, promotion,...[3]. Unlike extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation is closely
related to the factors that take place inside the classroom. According to authors Cole and Chan
(1994), this motivation plays an important role in determining students' learning attitude. A
student without external motivation can still have a positive attitude to study and achieve good
results in study [3].
* Learning attitude: The learner's learning attitude is a factor that has a great influence on the
student's own success . According to Gardner and Lambert (1972), attitude is the persistence
that learners swear to pursue in pursuit of a goal [4]. According to Brown (1980), attitudes are
learners' beliefs about the language community and their culture. Learning attitude and learning
motivation are closely related . Attitude towards learning a foreign language is a factor that
motivates learners to try their best to achieve their goals. In contrast, motivation affects learners'
attitudes. We can clearly see that learners with good extrinsic or intrinsic motivation will have a
positive learning attitude.than those who are not motivated or who see learning as an imperative
task [5].
* Learning strategy: Good students are often able to self-study foreign languages very well, they
always actively plan specific learning for themselves and confidently participate in learning
activities. The weak students mainly depend on the teacher and can barely manage themselves,
and at the same time, the self-discipline in learning is not high, and there is a lack of diligence.
According to Oxford (1990), learning strategies are specific actions that learners take to make
their learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more effective, and can be easily adapted to
different situations [6]. Any student who wants to achieve good results in study, that student
must not only have the right learning motivation and positive learning attitude that they need to
have the right learning strategy as well. This is also the reason why many students love English,
invest a lot of time in learning English, but it is still not effective and achieve the desired results.


Qualitative research is used for the study's data analysis. With the help of the qualitative data, it
was possible to analyze and explain how students use and improve their speaking skills through
conversations. Students from the second semester of the English Education study program at
Xuan Hoa High School took part in the study. The researchers distributed a questionnaire to 100
students who had taken speaking lessons. The schemes that emerged in the focus group
interviews and the student project feedback forms were coded into the data. Greater
comprehension of the participants' responses to the projects, as well as various categories for

The study of this topic may help students become more fluent speakers and inspire them to be
more confident, assertive, active, and proactive when expressing themselves and understanding
course material. The following are the questions that the research in this article is meant to

1. What are students' linguistic gains in doing communicative task?

2. What are students' reactions in doing communicative task to improve speaking
3. What recommendations do learners make in improving the design of the task in
order to better fit the particular teaching and learning speaking skill context?

Speaking is one of the most important language skills and quite difficult for students. Students
may experience some difficulties regarding the lack of participation, inability to express
opinions, and low motivation in speaking.
Based on the 2013 curriculum, the main aim of teaching English is to gain communicative
competence. The result is, because students in the early stages will be able to speak and
communicate on a daily basis life using English language. The communication task can be used
as a pedagogical tool for teaching activities to stimulate students to be active in the game and
learn unconsciously through communication.

[1] Bygate (2018), Speaking, Oxford University Press.

[2] Baker, J., & Westrup, H. (2003), Essential Speaking Skills: A Handbook for English
Language Teachers. London: Continium.
[3] Cole P.G. & Chan L. (1994), Teaching Priciples and Practice, Prentice Hall of Australia
[4] Gardner, R., Lambert W . (1972), “ Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning
’’. Newbury House Publisher, Inc.
[5] Brown, H.D. (1994), Principles of Language Learning and Teachin, Englewood Cliffs, NJ :
Prentice Hall, 1980.
[6] Oxford, R.L. (1990), Language Learning Strategies, Newbury Publishers.

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