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1.Is there a ‘center’ or a central theme in your timeline and life?If you will give a title for your timeline
what would it be and why?
-Yes,there is a central theme in my timeline where it focused more on my personality along with how
would I act upon a situation or a problem.I will then put “See How I Grew” as it’s title.

2.Identify the turning points in your timeline.What are the thoughts,feelings and actions that you
*Entering teenage life - Confusion
*When I won a gold medal in CAVRAA 2015 wherein I lucky to be included in Palarong Pambansa
held on Legazpi Albay,it was one of the happiest moment days of my life.
*When I realized that as the time goes by I keep growing,growing as a better person and a better
version of myself,it was one of the proudest moments in my life.
*When I started to gain confidence on the things that I love to do,I started to believe in my own
abilities,it is also one of the best thing that happens to me.
*When I started to control my emotions,see things in a positive way and erasing negativity through
my system,it is one of the proudest moments in my life ,I feel like I can do anything,I feel like a strong
person that can handle everything that the world has to offer,because of my supportive
parents,caring friends and relatives. I believe that I can do anything.

3.Who are /were the most significant person in your life?How did they influence you?
-The most significant people in my life are my parents who continuous to support me and my dreams
in life.They influenced me by raising me up as a good person who know what is right from wrong and
knows how to help,share, and care for other people.They also guide me in times of hardships in my
life and decisions I make, they never give up on me ,instead they are continuously supporting me
along with their overflowing love,I love my family so much there is nothing in this world that can
match the love of my family towards me,I will never trade them for anything.

4.What would you change or add,if you could?How would each of these changes or additions affect
your life ,or even change its present course?
-To be honest, I am completely content with my life. It may be far from being perfect, but no one
leads a perfect journey. I would not change anything in the past, as it would completely alter who,
what, and where I am today.Everything that has happen in the past is a big part of the process
wherein I was able to develop my personality,it gives me a chance to see my own mistakes and it
helps me to come up with a solution. A tiny little change in one’s past would have a sweeping effect
on his or her present. I am happy, and even though I may be in a better situation or not , I am willing
to live with the fact and learn from them, carrying on with my life towards the future.

5.Where do you want to be in a year,5 years,and 10 years?What do you expect your future timeline will be?
-In a year:I want to continue my studies and still get high grades.I also wish to learn more and
expand my knowledge.
-In 5 years:I want to have a college diploma with my parents receiving it with me and having a job after I
-In 10 years:I want to already have a successful career in my chosen field of expertise along with a huge
income that fulfilled my dreams for my family and be able to support them.With all these,I am expecting for my
future timeline to have both success and challenges in it where I will be able to learn and continue to grow in
life and to grow as a better person.

1.Has someone ever asked you a question that you really didn’t want to answer?How
did you respond?

-Yes,I just pretended that I was interested with his/her question and tried to answer it
as sincere as I could to avoid being rude and give the wrong impression,and
sometimes I tried to divert the topic by finding a loop hole in her question and
attracting her interest to a different stuff.

2.Have you ever gotten (or given)a ‘compliment’ that really wasn’t a compliment?How
did you feel afterwards?

-I have received a “compliment” that really wasn’t a compliment.It’s never a good

feeling when someone underestimates your capabilities.I felt a little bit awkward and
somehow offended.

3.Did you ever do something to be helpful that turned out badly?What

happened?What do you wish had happened?

-Yes,and it turned out the opposite of what I expected.I made him feel bad and he got
mad about it.I regret trying to help them fix things out because it definitely complicate
things more.

4.Have you ever caught someone cheating(either on a test or on a

boyfriend/girlfriend)?Did you say anything?Why or why not?

-Yes, but I did not do anything because I have learned not to mind other people’s
businesses,I don’t want to be involved in any troubles,and also they might misinterpret
my intention.I just let it pass and waited for her to realized that what she did was
definitely wrong.

5.Have you ever gotten in trouble because someone caught you cheating (or thought
you were cheating)?What happened?What do you wish had happened?

-I have never been in that particular situation.

6.In what other situations have you seen someone T.H.I.N.K (or not) before speaking?
What happened?

-There’s this one time when one of my cousins accidentally talked about our birthday
surprise to the actual celebrant.In that case,my cousin forgot to T.H.I.N.K. before
speaking.Although she spoiled the surprise,everyone was still able to enjoy and have
fun that day including the birthday celebrant.

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